Do you want to find the best My SDL Trados alternatives for iOS? We have listed 12 Productivity apps that are similar to My SDL Trados. Pick one from this list to be your new My SDL Trados app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to My SDL Trados on your iOS devices.
The best free and paid My SDL Trados alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 12 similar apps like My SDL Trados 2025.
Note: the free version allows you a maximum of 14 days (timesheets). If you like the app you can unlock this limitation by making a purchase within the app. Details of all items that can be purchased are described...
Your team values recreation over responsibility, but you still have a business to run. Keep your business operating at 100% by allowing employees to request or claim shift coverage on the fly through the use of the free Take...
** Over 3,600,000 phone calls made as of January 2018 ** Do you ever struggle to remember the long telephone numbers and conference codes needed to dial into teleconference meetings? You may frustratingly flip back and forth between screens...
Do you ever pull your hair out when frustrated that you cannot forward a meeting in your calendar! You scurry to find a PC, or you give up completely!! These days of grunting under your breath are...
Serv is a platform to bring the mechanic (Serv Partner) to the customer for a fast and reliable car service. Skip the service center and service your car with Serv instead. Every booking comes with free 22 inspection points!...
My Food Program was designed from the ground-up to be an intuitive and easy software solution for managing the USDA Child and Adult Care Food Program. The intuitive interface reduces the chances for mistakes and fraud. Below are some...
My Food Program was designed from the ground-up to be an intuitive and easy software solution for managing the USDA Child and Adult Care Food Program. The intuitive interface reduces the chances for mistakes and fraud. Below are some...
There is no greater feeling in fundraising than getting a Major Gift! Fundraising success doesn’t just happen, it requires having a plan. My Major GiftGetter helps you plan, action and manage your major gift activities. And My Major...
My Notes is designed to work with standard applications of HCL Notes (formerly IBM Notes and Lotus Notes). NOTE: My Notes Dekstop application should be always up and running on your workstation with HCL/IBM/Lotus Notes client installed. No server-side manipulations, configuration...
Allow Grafio to become an extension of your fingertip. Draw a rectangle, circle or an ellipse and watch Grafio recognize and replace it with a perfectly looking shape for your diagram or schematic. Grafio has been around for 9...
Advanced & Best Technologies is a HR & Payroll specialist providing a suite of HR applications. SMEPayroll mobile app provides an interface for leave & Pay Slip Management. SMEPayroll app provides the following features: 01. Apply leave 02. Check Leave status 03. Check...
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