Top 39 Education Apps Like Bogga Les - Lær å lese - Best Alternatives

Bogga Les - Lær å lese Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Bogga Les - Lær å lese alternatives for iOS? We have listed 39 Education apps that are similar to Bogga Les - Lær å lese. Pick one from this list to be your new Bogga Les - Lær å lese app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Bogga Les - Lær å lese on your iOS devices.

Top 39 Apps Like Bogga Les - Lær å lese - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Bogga Les - Lær å lese alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 39 similar apps like Bogga Les - Lær å lese 2025.

Bogga Alfabet norsk

Bogga Alfabet norsk

Lær barna det NORSKE alfabetet med denne kitikerroste appen! Perfekt for barnehage og 1. og 2. klasse, for kreativ lek med bokstavene. Anbefalt av,,, og "Enkel, morsom og lett forståelig innføring i alfabetet." "Morsomt og...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Boggatap
Bogga Alfabet dansk

Bogga Alfabet dansk

Lær det DANSKE alfabetet med denne anmelderroste app'en! "En super fin app hvor barnet kan lære alfabetet igennem leg, og det er både de store og de små bogstaver, samt vokaler og konsonanter." - godeappstilbø Perfekt for børnehave og 1. og...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Boggatap
Bogga Alphabet

Bogga Alphabet

Explore the English alphabet with this critically acclaimed kids app for learning letters and sounds now! Fun, bright and intuive! "What a great way to learn the alphabet!" "Children are naturally curious, and Bogga Alphabet is a great way...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Boggatap
Bogga Alphabet British English

Bogga Alphabet British English

Explore the English alphabet with the British version of this critically acclaimed kids app for learning letters and sounds now! Fun, bright and intuive! "Children are naturally curious, and Bogga Alphabet is a great way to let them discover...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Boggatap
Bogga Jewel

Bogga Jewel

Join us on an adventure to clean the ocean, and fish for gold and gems while you're at it! "Bogga Jewel is the latest installment in the Bogga game series and quite possibly the best one yet." - You...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Boggatap
Bogga Magic Lite

Bogga Magic Lite

Hocus pocus! Make an amazing magic show, with help from your lovely assistent - a ticklish teddy bear! Give your kids a touch of magic and appetite for wonder! Magic tricks are not only fun - they also spark creativity:...

Price: Free Developer: Boggatap
Bogga Alfabet SVENSKA

Bogga Alfabet SVENSKA

Låt barnen utforska det svenska alfabetet med denna kritikerrosade barnappen för att lära sig bokstäver och deras ljud! Kul, färgrik och intutiv! "Ett väldigt enkelt men ändå kul alfabetsspel för de yngsta nybörjarna." - Bli förtrogen med alfabetet genom att...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Boggatap
Bogga Magic - play a magician, for kids

Bogga Magic - play a magician, for kids

Create your very own magic show, with the assitance of a teddy bear! * Winner of Digital Ehon Award (Tokyo 2015) * FWA Mobile Of The Day (MOTD) Award - * Editor's Choice Badge - Give your kids a touch...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Boggatap
Bogga Christmas Tree

Bogga Christmas Tree

"A simple yet polished, colorful and thoughtfully stylized holiday app." - "One of the most appealing holiday apps." - Have fun decorating your own, unique Christmas tree! Be creative and create bulbs with the camera, or simply choose between a large...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Boggatap
Les Sherpas

Les Sherpas

L'app Les Sherpas est un outil de messagerie qui te permet d'avoir toujours tes professeurs ou tes élèves dans ta poche. Vous pourrez discuter et prévoir vos prochains cours en ligne, le tout au même endroit ! Il n'y a...

Price: Free Developer: Les Sherpas
Ciutat de les Arts i les Ciències OFICIAL

Ciutat de les Arts i les Ciències OFICIAL

Plan and make the most of your visit to Valencia’s Ciutat de les Arts i les Ciències by downloading the official APP. Come and discover a place where art, science, and nature come together in a very special,...

Price: Free Developer: Ciutat de les Arts i les Ciències
Les Francs Bourgeois

Les Francs Bourgeois

Bienvenue sur l'application de l'école des Francs Bourgeois - La Salle Retrouvez toutes les informations de notre quotidien dans votre poche et ne ratez rien grâce aux notifications !   L'application est disponible pour toute la communauté éducative ainsi que pour les...

Price: Free Developer: Les Francs Bourgeois - La Salle
Les défis du Professeur Muchi

Les défis du Professeur Muchi

Ce cahier de vacances entièrement gratuit a été conçu sous forme d’un jeu afin d’aborder par un autre biais, plus ludique, les leçons de l’année scolaire terminée ! Le professeur Muchi met à la disposition de votre enfant différents jeux...

Price: Free Developer: France Télévisions
Les Roches SOS

Les Roches SOS

Les Roches SOS is an essential tool to enhance your safety at Les Roches International School of Hotel Management. The app will send you important safety alerts and provide instant access to campus safety resources. Les Roches SOS is...

Price: Free Developer: Les Roches
les Maths en Tongs

les Maths en Tongs

T'es au collège ou au lycée et tu galères en Maths ? Cette app est pour toi ! Non ! Elle ne fait pas tes exos à ta place. Non ! Ce n'est pas une pilule magique non plus... Par contre, si...

Price: Free Developer: les Maths en Tongs
ADIS - CSC les Amandiers

ADIS - CSC les Amandiers

L'Association entend être un foyer d’initiatives porté par des habitants associés appuyés par des professionnels capable de définir et de mettre en œuvre un projet de développement social pour l’ensemble de la population du Jas de Bouffan. But : Le...

Price: Free Developer: ADIS - CSC les Amandiers
Les Petits Mandarins

Les Petits Mandarins

Points forts : 1 - Une méthode complète et ludique pour apprendre le chinois grâce à plus de 40 jeux. 2 - Débloquez les niveaux de jeux pour un apprentissage en moyenne 5 fois plus rapide qu'avec une méthode classique. 3 -...

Price: Free Developer: Les petits mandarins
Les Cheneaux Comm SD

Les Cheneaux Comm SD

With the Les Cheneaux Comm SD mobile app, your school district comes alive with the touch of a button. Easily navigate through current news and events or check out the latest updates with social media. Quickly retrieve contact information,...

Price: Free Developer: Les Cheneaux Comm Schools
Les Virtuels par UnitedFamily

Les Virtuels par UnitedFamily

L’application mobile éducative des Virtuels utilise la réalité augmentée pour donner vie à une équipe de super-héros qui inspirent les enfants à donner le meilleur d’eux-mêmes. Voir la vidéo (en anglais) : Tout en étant émerveillés et...

Price: Free Developer: Juan Carlos Pizarro Ribera
LR ImageView

LR ImageView

LR ImageView is the feature-rich companion app for the Lunchbox 1080p Zoom Microscope by Lake Region Optics. With LR ImageView, you can see the microscope image, calibrate and measure, save images, and switch smoothly between microscope and Internet networks. The Lunchbox...

Price: Free Developer: Lake Region Optics
BASIC LR for Nurses - Provider

BASIC LR for Nurses - Provider

This app is designed to support nurses registered on the BASIC LR for Nurses course

Price: Free Developer: The Chinese University of Hong Kong
BASIC LR Instructor

BASIC LR Instructor

This Apps provides reference material and bedside aids for BASIC DHS course participants.

Price: Free Developer: The Chinese University of Hong Kong
BASIC LR Provider

BASIC LR Provider

This Apps provides reference material and bedside aids for BASIC DHS course participants.

Price: Free Developer: The Chinese University of Hong Kong
LR Power-Up English

LR Power-Up English

Do you have trouble with the “L” and “R” sounds in English? Master them with these daily 5-minute lessons & reviews! A personal review program to suit your pace. Try out the full functionality with the free lesson. All words with...

Price: Free Developer: Brett Chandler
Liebherr AR Experience

Liebherr AR Experience

Who hasn’t dreamt of this as a child? Hours and hours on countless childhood days were spent drilling holes in the sand, lifting loads with cranes and carrying out heavy work with diggers. The jobsites came to life in...

Price: Free Developer: Liebherr


The myLosRios mobile app provides you easy access to take care of your college business (at ARC, CRC, FLC and SCC) from your mobile device or smartphone: • Check your class schedule, order from the bookstore and find your way...



CATAbility is an Online Preparation & Practice Platform that assists Management Aspirants in Entrance Exams like CAT, SNAP, XAT, IIFT, CMAT, MAT, NMAT, IBSAT, IRMA, MICAT and other state and university level Management Entrance Exams. The app offers Daily...

Price: Free Developer: Boston Adaptive Learning Systems LLP
Glaube an Dich

Glaube an Dich

Du bist neu im LR Geschäft? Dann bietet Dir die Glaube an Dich App alles, was Du wissen musst. Trainings zum Geschäft und zu den Produkten, wichtige Dokumente und eine Menge Motivation. Alles was Du brauchst hast Du ab...

Price: Free Developer: Lisa Arlt
Logical Reasoning  Questions

Logical Reasoning Questions

Crack your competitive exam just like that with our Logical Reasoning Questions App. Logical Reasoning is an all in one app for Logical reasoning preparation and practice. Do you want to master in 'Logical Reasoning'? Here is the right app...

Price: Free Developer: Shivansh Savaliya
Lær å lese med Lola

Lær å lese med Lola

Gode lese- og skriveferdigheter gir barn de beste mulighetene for all læring i de årene de går på skolen. Lær å lese med Lola er den tiende Lola Panda-læringsapplikasjonen. De fleste førskolebarn synes det er gøy å leke med ord...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: BeiZ
Lær å lese med Lola ENKELT

Lær å lese med Lola ENKELT

Gode lese- og skriveferdigheter gir barn de beste mulighetene for all læring i de årene de går på skolen. Lær å lese med Lola er den tiende Lola Panda-læringsapplikasjonen. De fleste førskolebarn synes det er gøy å leke med ord...

Price: Free Developer: BeiZ
Bokbussen – alt i ett

Bokbussen – alt i ett

BOKBUSSEN – ALT I ETT Bokbussen – alt i ett benytter seg ikke av in-app-purchase, men gir tilgang til alle de 48 bøkene straks kjøpet er gjennomført. Den er derfor velegnet for utdanningsinstitusjoner som benytter Apples VPP-program (voluminnkjøpsordning). En pedagogisk app...

Price: USD 36.99 Developer: Aschehoug Forlag
Lesen lernen 2

Lesen lernen 2

- von Lehrern entwickelt und empfohlen - übersichtlich und einfach zu bedienen - klarer Aufbau, entspricht dem Lehrplan - für Kinder zu Hause zur Förderung oder im Klassensatz in der Schule - entsprechen den Lese - und Schreibheften vom Sternchenverlag - 12 Level für drei Kinder mit 150 Wörtern - ansteigende Lese...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Kai Langhans


Hurtigleseren er en veldig god app hvor man øver på å lese og gjenkjenne de 100 mest høyfrekvente norske ordene. Appen har 6 nivåer med forskjellig tidsintervall. Når man klarer å lese minimum 5 ord innen 15 sekund, så...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Leap Learning AS


Gi inspirasjon til taleøvelser! Målet med Pratboble er å øve seg på ulike språklyder og samtidig inspirere til å finne på ordleker og historier. Pratboble er til litt større barn som kan lese. Appen passer også til litt eldre...

Price: USD 13.99 Developer: Vizuelle Software Stockholm AB
Rom og begreper

Rom og begreper

"Rom og begreper" er en app som er god for barn som nettopp har knekt lesekoden. I appen skal barnet lese et ord og finne det igjen i bildet. Bildet er i gråtoner, men når spilleren finner gjenstanden i...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Leap Learning AS
Bokbussen FAKTA

Bokbussen FAKTA

FLERSPRÅKLIG Appen kan benyttes av alle elever, men er svært velegnet til morsmålsundervisning. Den gir elever av ulik språklig bakgrunn en unik mulighet til å lese den samme litteraturen. Bøkene er fordelt på to nivåer og er innlest på bokmål, nynorsk,...

Price: USD 36.99 Developer: Aschehoug Forlag
FES Soziale Demokratie

FES Soziale Demokratie

Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung: Hörbücher, Lesebücher, Lehrfilme, Seminare und News Laden Sie sich morgens Ihre 30min Soziale Demokratie aufs Handy und hören Sie in ein Politikfeld Ihrer Wahl – beim Joggen, auf dem Weg zur Arbeit oder wo immer Sie wollen. Hören Sie in...

Price: Free Developer: Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung

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