Top 50 Education Apps Like 26 Listening For TOEIC® 2020 - Best Alternatives

26 Listening For TOEIC® 2020 Alternatives

Do you want to find the best 26 Listening For TOEIC® 2020 alternatives for iOS? We have listed 50 Education apps that are similar to 26 Listening For TOEIC® 2020. Pick one from this list to be your new 26 Listening For TOEIC® 2020 app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to 26 Listening For TOEIC® 2020 on your iOS devices.

Top 50 Apps Like 26 Listening For TOEIC® 2020 - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid 26 Listening For TOEIC® 2020 alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 50 similar apps like 26 Listening For TOEIC® 2020 2025.

Cary School District 26

Cary School District 26

The official Cary School District 26 app gives you a personalized window into what is happening at the district and schools. Get the news and information that you care about and get involved. Anyone can: -View District and school news -Use the...

Price: Free Developer: Cary Community Consolidated School District 26
26 Letters

26 Letters

The 26 Letters method was developed by an Adult Literacy volunteer tutor to help beginner readers quickly learn the alphabet letter shapes and their main sounds. While it was created to serve adults, 26 Letters is visually-designed for...

Price: Free Developer: Penny Sidik
ABC Phonics & Alphabet Songs

ABC Phonics & Alphabet Songs

FREE GAMES ! ABC Alphabets Sound for toddlers and kids. Babies will enjoy ABC songs. HOW TO PLAY In applications with a button and a Alphabet English. 26 letters from A to Z, when pressed, it 26 sounds with the English alphabet....

Price: Free Developer: Nattagrit Ridtikhab
26 английских времен

26 английских времен

Программа "26 английских времен" поможет разобраться с самой сложной темой грамматики английского языка - "английские времена"! - Все 26 времён (временных форм) английского языка! (Past Simple (Active/ Passive) ; Present Simple (Active/ Passive) ; Future Simple (Active/ Passive) ;...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Maxim Morozov
26 millió angol mondat

26 millió angol mondat

A HVG egykori kedvence, a 26 ezer angol szó most új formában tér vissza. Dinamikus példamondatok millióival teszi könnyeddé az angoltanulást. Tényleg 26 millió mondat van benne? - Valójában több mint 16 milliárd. De ezzel a névvel tiszteleg az App nagysikerű elődje...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Attila Varga


26国学网是国内首家专注于国学移动社交O2O以及国学云大数据建设的平台。 国学移动社交: 随时随地轻轻松松与国学同仁互动。 国学问答学习: 学国学碰到任何问题不用再发愁了,即时问答。精编国学文章满足您深度学习需求。 国学O2O: 为广大国学修习者提供线上线下活动互动。 国学云大数据 : 可以实现任何人、任何时间、任何地点、可以通过此APP连接到26国学网国学云大数据平台,享受最充分的优质国学资源服务。 精准版块分类方便您快速找到你所需的内容: 公务员 企业家 校园 学术 公众

Price: Free Developer: YumLive
Core Java

Core Java

Object-Oriented Programming is a methodology to design a program using classes and objects. It simplifies the software development by providing some concepts: 1. Object 2. Class 3. Inheritance 4. Polymorphism 5. Abstraction 6. Encapsulation Advantage of OOPs over Procedure-oriented programming language 1)OOPs makes development and maintenance...

Price: Free Developer: Two Minds Technology Pvt. Ltd.
Hello Jadoo season1 by ToMoKiDS

Hello Jadoo season1 by ToMoKiDS

Tooniverse popular animation 'Hello Jadoo' season 1 OPEN!!(Korean animation) Opening Event Don’t miss a chance to get FREE opening & ending + 4 episodes~!! + Season 1 contains complete episodes! (40 episodes + Special 4 episodes) + Most loved animation from...

Price: Free Developer: UANGEL Corp.


【课程介绍】 课程针对没有任何程序设计基础的初学者,全面介绍C语言及利用C语言进行程序设计的方法。课程注重知识的传授,更关注学习者能够通过实践的方式,真正学会利用C语言解决问题,奠定程序设计的基础。为此,专门设计了实践方案,指导学习者在听讲的同时,有效完成实践。讲课中还适时穿插进行学习指导,帮助初学者尽快掌握程序设计的学习方法。 【课程目标】 课程主要针对无任何编程经历的初学者,利用主讲者多年来教授大一学生的教学经验,准确把握知识点掌握中的难点,在和视频配套的实践方案配合下,帮助初学者顺利掌握知识,获得学习中的自信。 【课程计划】 本课以系列课程的形式开出,供学习者渐次深入,掌握C语言及程序设计的方法。 课程目录 一 1人人学点程序设计 2 程序设计语言 3 搭建C语言的运行平台 4 C语言程序初体验 5 本课的学习策略建议 6 让代码积累“看得见” 7 分支结构程序体验 8 数值数据类型及表示 9 变量 10 标识符及其命名 二 11 算术运算符与算术表达式 12 自增与自减 13 数值型数据的存储 14 指针及其运算 15 数据的输入 16 数据的输出 17 赋值运算符与赋值表达式 18 逗号运算符与逗号表达式 19 字符数据及字符类型 20 表达“条件”——条件表达式 21 将条件“组合”起来——逻辑表达式 22 控制结构与流程图 23 用if语句实现分支结构 三 24 if语句的嵌套 25 用switch语句实现多分支结构 26 利用switch语句解决问题 27 条件运算符和条件表达式 28 编程学习中常见障碍的克服 29 调试利器——程序的单步执行 30...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Wang Lingling
Die 26 Kantone der Schweiz - Kennst du sie ?

Die 26 Kantone der Schweiz - Kennst du sie ?

Die 26 Kantone der Schweiz - Kennst du sie ?  Zürich  Bern  Luzern  Uri  Schwyz  Obwalden  Nidwalden  Glarus  Zug  Freiburg  Solothurn  Basel-Stadt  Basel-Landschaft  Schaffhausen  Appenzell Ausserrhoden  Appenzell Innerrhoden  St. Gallen  Graubünden  Aargau  Thurgau  Tessin  Waadt  Wallis  Neuenburg  Genf  Jura

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Julien Bourgouint
Functional Listening

Functional Listening

Functional Listening app includes listening exercises with everyday messages that might be heard throughout the day at different settings such as store, doctor’s office, school, etc. Functional listening can be used in speech therapy with individuals, who...

Price: USD 14.99 Developer: Virtual Speech Center Inc.
IELTS Listening Practice Tests

IELTS Listening Practice Tests

ielts listening practice tests app covered complete Listening Section with 4 types of sub section. It provides model Practice tests papers with detailed Solution. Listening Practice Test Sections The Listening test is 30 minutes long (plus 10 minutes transfer...

Price: Free Developer: devang patel
IELTS Vocabulary Listening

IELTS Vocabulary Listening

Learning by Listening! With "IELTS Vocabulary Listening" app you can read and write, listen, pass tests and learn faster, in result you will get fun and obtain more knowledge! Application "IELTS Vocabulary Listening" include next themes and works offline: Topic 1. Work...

Price: Free Developer: Yaroslav Palamar
IELTS Test Listening Offline

IELTS Test Listening Offline

Learning by Listening! With "IELTS Test Listening Offline" app you can read and write, listen, pass tests and learn faster, in result you will get fun and obtain more knowledge! Application "IELTS Test Listening Offline" include next themes and works offline: Topic...

Price: Free Developer: Yaroslav Palamar
Business English Listening

Business English Listening

Learning by Listening! With "Business English Listening" app you can read and write, listen, pass tests and learn faster, in result you will get fun and obtain more knowledge! Application "Business English Listening" include next themes and works offline: Topic 1. Advertising...

Price: Free Developer: Yaroslav Palamar
TOEFL Vocabulary Listening

TOEFL Vocabulary Listening

Learning by Listening! With "TOEFL Vocabulary Listening" app you can read and write, listen, pass tests and learn faster, in result you will get fun and obtain more knowledge! Application "TOEFL Vocabulary Listening" include next themes and works offline: Topic 1. Student...

Price: Free Developer: Yaroslav Palamar
Learn English - By Listening

Learn English - By Listening

Learn English By Listening – an amazing tool for anyone trying to learn English as their second language - helps you master the English language, and increase your English esl listening skills in a systematic manner. Learn English By Listening...

Price: Free Developer: Thanh Vu Truong
English Listening A-Z

English Listening A-Z

English Conversation Listening - an amazing English learning app for your device – is a ultimate tool for rapidly increasing your English conversation listening skills and familiarizing yourself with advanced English phrases. If you are learning English as a second...

Price: Free Developer: Trinh Van Quan
English Listening Master Pro

English Listening Master Pro

English Listening Master will help you understand English better, improve your English language skills and help you learn real English spoken in everyday situations. English Listening Master is the first application of its kind to make a game out...

Price: USD 11.99 Developer: MasterKey Games
IELTS Listening Section Test Samples Tricks Skils

IELTS Listening Section Test Samples Tricks Skils

- Did you find difficulty on Listening Section? - You want to find some materials on IELTS Listening Section? - Wanna be prepared on IELTS Listening tests? - Wanna master or get high score on Listening Section? This app is designed...

Price: Free Developer: Dien Le
iDo Chores – Daily activities and routine tasks for kids with special needs (Full version)

iDo Chores – Daily activities and routine tasks for kids with special needs (Full version)

*** iDo Chores is an innovative and comprehensive application for learning to take care of the house. (Sweeping, straightening the room, washing dished etc.) *** "This is the most comprehensive and professional application for special education I have...

iDo Getting Dressed – Learn the Routine of wearing clothes, for individuals with special needs. (Full version)

iDo Getting Dressed – Learn the Routine of wearing clothes, for individuals with special needs. (Full version)

***full version of the app – no further purchase required*** Learn the routine of wearing clothes with video modeling and task sequence via fun games, for individuals with Autism and other disabilities. iDo Getting Dressed is an innovative and comprehensive...

iDo Hygiene –Daily life skills activities, for individuals with special needs (full version)

iDo Hygiene –Daily life skills activities, for individuals with special needs (full version)

***full version of the app – no further purchase required*** Learn daily life skills with video modeling and fun games, for individuals with Autism, Asperger and other special needs. IMPORTANT: *** THIS IS ESSENTIALLY THE SAME APP AS *iDO HYGIENE*, WITHOUT...

Youth for Human Rights

Youth for Human Rights

The path toward the goal of a world where people treat each other with respect and dignity is through effective education. Many human rights organizations focus on research and advocacy for the victims of abuse. Youth for Human Rights...

Price: Free Developer: United for Human Rights International
Baby games for 2,3,4 year olds

Baby games for 2,3,4 year olds

- Educational games for toddlers and kids of 2 – 4 years old - Games for kids on sorting and classifying objects by shape, size, color and quantity - Games for girls and boys that were developed in close cooperation...

Price: Free Developer: Bimi Boo Kids - Games for boys and girls LLC
Baby learning games for kids 2

Baby learning games for kids 2

Educational kids games for preschoolers. The app has 56 activities for toddlers that will help your baby develop basic skills like hand eye coordination, fine motor, logical thinking and visual perception. These games are suitable for both girls and...

Price: Free Developer: Bimi Boo Kids - Games for boys and girls LLC
Car games for kids & toddlers

Car games for kids & toddlers

Car games for toddlers is not just another racing game for kids. Designed for children ages 1 to 5, this amazing learning game will definitely be enjoyed by kindergarten and preschool children. Explore different locations and collect puzzle fragments. Combine...

Price: Free Developer: Bimi Boo Kids - Games for boys and girls LLC
Curriculum For The Future

Curriculum For The Future

Why have the kids abandoned school and taken to the streets? It’s obvious! They want a new curriculum for their future, and now they need your help to convince everyone else. So, do you think an artificial intelligence could...

Price: Free Developer: New Zealand Council for Educational Research
Me & My Body – Know your body, for kids and teens with special needs

Me & My Body – Know your body, for kids and teens with special needs

"Me & My Body" is an app that explores issues related to the body, encouraging self-expression and acquisition of basic concepts about one’s body. "Me & My Body" includes play activities that help Special Education children to make personal...

Me & Myself - Learn to express yourself, for kids and teens with special needs.

Me & Myself - Learn to express yourself, for kids and teens with special needs.

Me & MySelf is an interactive album that stimulates the user to present himself, his hobbies and his preferences, through various enjoyable activities. The application will help kids and teens with special needs to express themselves, formulate their own...

Enny Toeic:Toeic practice test

Enny Toeic:Toeic practice test

Enny TOEIC -Quick Toeic exam preparation for beginners. Enny TOEIC - A free Toeic English preparation learning app for anyone who is studying Toeic. Enny will help you get the highest score in the Toeic exam. You can prepare for Toeic...

Price: Free Developer: Ghi Nguyen
TOEIC® Test Pro

TOEIC® Test Pro

With TOEIC® Test Pro, you can study for FREE with our questions, practice tests, flashcards, and score reports with detailed analytics. Best of all, you can access these features anywhere and anytime when you download our app. This app helps...

Price: Free Developer: Hung Nguyen
Reading for the TOEIC ® Test

Reading for the TOEIC ® Test

It's really not easy to get a high score on TOEIC Reading test if you have not practiced your reading skills carefully. "Practice makes perfect". You have no choice to practice and practice and practice your TOEIC reading skills...

Price: Free Developer: AppFx Design


※ 오류 발생 시, 기존 어플을 삭제하고 재설치 부탁드립니다. ※ 어플 및 어플 내 자료 다운로드 시, 와이파이 및 데이터의 원활한 연결을 체크해주십시오. ※ 다운로드가 원활하지 못할 시에, 앱스토어 계정 로그아웃하시고 폰 재부팅해서 로그인후 다운로드 시도를 부탁드립니다. ※ 앱 실행시 데이터...

Price: Free Developer: YBM NET, Inc.
Listening for the TOEIC ® Test

Listening for the TOEIC ® Test

It's not easy to get a high score on TOEIC Listening test if you have not practiced your listening skills. "Practice makes perfect". You have no choice to practice your TOEIC listening skill before taking your actual test with...

Price: Free Developer: AppFx Design


The TOEIC Exam Preparation application structures a new format with real questions. Full, clear, accurate, effective and definitely useful for you when entering the TOEIC exam! TOEIC Test New Format is intelligently designed with a variety of questions to practice...

Price: Free Developer: Ngoc Thanh Pham
TOEIC Listening Test by Eslhub

TOEIC Listening Test by Eslhub

Listening test is the most difficult part in the exam for every TOEIC taker. In order to get a high score you need to practice listening daily or whenever you have free time. This app is a great tool...

Price: Free Developer: Duyen Nguyen Cao Ky
Từ Vựng Toeic: 600 Toeic Words and Toeic Grammar

Từ Vựng Toeic: 600 Toeic Words and Toeic Grammar

"TỪ VỰNG TOEIC" là ứng dụng hoàn toàn miễn phí. Giúp bạn đạt điểm cao nhất trong kỳ thi toeic - Tổng hợp 600 từ vựng được chia thành các chủ đề khác nhau thường hay xuất hiện trong các...

Price: Free Developer: Tin Dang
TOEIC® Test-Improve your score

TOEIC® Test-Improve your score

TOEIC is a user-friendly app designed to help you study, practice and prepare for your official TOEIC Test, or simply to improve your English skills. Once you start practicing on this app, we help track your performance to let...

Price: Free Developer: Nikmesoft Company, Ltd.


CM TOEIC® MASTER is an application for TOEIC® testers who desire to prepare for taking TOEIC® test. It is also good for those who wish to practice and improve their English. The contents in this app have been created...

Price: Free Developer: CodeMobiles (Thailand) Company Limited
2019年の時事問題 2020年度の受験や面接に

2019年の時事問題 2020年度の受験や面接に

【時間のないあなたへ】 時事問題の勉強は、「ニュースを見たり、新聞を読めばいい。」とよく聞きますね。 でも、ニュースや新聞を読んでも、どの時事問題が出るのかわからないなんてことはありませんか? 毎日流れてくるニュースを全部を覚えることはできないし、 受験勉強の時間を時事問題の勉強に使いたくない!などと感じたことはありませんか? 【時事問題は何がでるの?】 最近の新聞やテレビのニュース 延々と繰り返される、一つのトピック それは時事問題としてテストに出るのでしょうか? 何がテストに出るのかわからない。 だから、もう全部覚えるしかないなんて思っていませんか? でも、受験生や就活生には全部覚える時間なんてないですよね。 スキマ時間に時事問題をサクッと勉強できたらどんなにいいでしょう! 【3つのステップで時事問題を攻略しよう!】 1. スキマ時間に最新の時事問題解説を読む 2. 関連学習・キーワードについて知る 3. テスト前に、クイズで確認する この3つができる時事問題アプリだから、時事問題が通学や休み時間などのスキマ時間で身につきます。 【時事問題解説】(無料) よく出る時事問題を予測して掲載! このページでは、時事問題の簡単な解説を掲載しています。 毎月15件程度の時事問題を掲載します。早めの更新を心がけていますので、テスト前などに確認してみてください。 時事問題は、問題の範囲が広いので出来事と地理や歴史などを関連付けて覚えるのが効果的です。 このアプリでは、関連した学習ができるように「関連学習 キーワード解説」という項目を設けていますので参考にしてください。 【Quiz Free】(無料) 時事問題解説に掲載されている話題の○×クイズです。直近の4ヶ月分のクイズを掲載しています。 毎月初旬に前月のクイズを掲載します。学習の確認にお使いください。 【時事用語クイズ100】(有料) 2019年の時事用語クイズを100問掲載しています。 テスト前の確認などのご利用ください 【Plus】(有料) Plusは、下記の5つのクイズが入っているお得なセットです。 <月別クイズ2019> 「時事問題解説」に掲載されている話題の○×クイズです。 1月から現在までのクイズ(各10問)に挑戦できます。中間・期末テストなど試験前の確認にはもちろん、入試や就職の試験前の確認にも使えます。 <テーマ別クイズ2019> 時事問題解説と関連学習に掲載されている話題の3択クイズです。 現在掲載しているクイズは下記のとおりです。 国際の時事問題1 国際の時事問題2 国内の時事問題1 国内の時事問題2 選挙の時事問題 世界遺産の時事問題1 世界遺産の時事問題2 スポーツ・文化 日本国憲法1 日本国憲法2 自然災害 周年問題 <時事略語クイズ> 時事問題で出題されやすい略語のクイズです。3択問題と入力問題に分かれています。 <月別クイズ2018> 「時事問題解説」に掲載されている話題の○×クイズです。 2018年1月から2018年12月までのクイズ(各10問)に挑戦できます。 <テーマ別クイズ2018> テーマ別クイズは時事問題解説と関連学習に掲載されている話題の3択クイズです。 2018年は「世界情勢」「国内情勢」「日本国憲法」「自然災害」「世界遺産」「スポーツ」「その他」の問題を掲載しています。 ※それぞれのクイズは単独で購入も可能です。詳しくはナビゲーションの追加機能をご確認ください。 【時事問題のノート】(有料) <時事問題のノート2019> 2019年の時事問題で出題が予想される15のテーマについての詳しい解説を記載しています。 1)新しい元号が令和に 2)天皇陛下の退位までの経緯と象徴天皇 3)天皇退位・天皇即位に関する儀式と休日 4)198通常国会で成立した法案のまとめ 5)2019年の選挙・統一地方選挙と参議院選挙 6)世界遺産:百舌鳥・古市古墳群 -古代日本の墳墓群 7)日本の世界遺産と海外の世界遺産 8)イギリスのEU離脱(BREXIT)1 9)イギリスのEU離脱(BREXIT)2(2020年1月以降に掲載) 10)日本国憲法と時事問題1 11)日本国憲法と時事問題2 12)国際に関する時事問題(11月以降に掲載) 13)消費税に関する時事問題(11月以降に掲載) 14)周年問題(11月以降に掲載) 15)スポーツ・文化に関する時事問題 <時事問題のノート2018> 2019年の時事問題で出題が予想されるテーマについての詳しい解説を記載しています。 【広告の非表示】(有料) ポップアップ広告の表示を外す機能です。「時事問題解説」内の広告は引き続き表示されますのでご了承ください。 ーこんな方におすすめですー 中間・期末テストのために時事問題を学習したい方 2020年の中学・高校入試のために時事問題を勉強したい方 2020年の受験の面接のために時事問題を勉強したい方 2020年の就活の面接対策をしたい方 時事ネタを探している方 ニュースがわりに

Price: Free Developer: Tomoko Hashiguchi
Révision Bac 2020

Révision Bac 2020

Réviser ton BAC 2020 gratuitement et en t’amusant c’est possible !! Découvrir plus de 7500 quizz et corrections détaillées conçus par des spécialistes des matières de ton choix ! Study Quizz t’accompagne pour apprendre et réussir le BAC 2020 sur...

Price: Free Developer: Study Quizz
2020 Driving Theory Test

2020 Driving Theory Test

2020 Driving Theory Test app includes all the latest revision questions and answers for 2020, licensed by DVSA. Contains everything you need to get ready and make sure you’ll pass your test on the first try. Revise all the materials...

Price: Free Developer: Sky Unlimited
Bac ES, S, L 2020

Bac ES, S, L 2020

Notre app Bac 2020, réalisée avec des professeurs certifiés est conforme à la réforme du lycée (on prépare activement le Bac 2021 !). Dès la seconde, prépare ton examen du baccalauréat avec nos cours du programme officiel, classés par chapitres...

Price: Free Developer: digiSchool
TEAS Exam Prep 2020

TEAS Exam Prep 2020

New 2020 questions, full exams and vocabulary flashcards ACE the TEAS Exam The features of this app include 1. Practice TEAS Exams- 2. Vocabulary Flashcards In the information age of today education, learning and teaching is changing fast. The technology that is...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Feraco media Inc.
Code de la route 2020

Code de la route 2020

- Plus de 7 000 questions officielles - Plus de 250 cours GRATUIT rédigés par des professionnels - Des vidéos de cours avec notre monitrice - Des séries regroupées par thématiques (circulation routière, premiers secours, environnement …) - Une réservation en ligne...

Price: Free Developer: digiSchool
Экзамен и ПДД Казахстан 2020

Экзамен и ПДД Казахстан 2020

Всё необходимое для автолюбителя: - Самый удобный в использовании тест Правил Дорожного Движения Республики Казахстан, Знаки и дорожная разметка - Экзамен на права - пройдите тестирование для проверки ваших знаний и тренировки перед сдачей в УДП, используя актуальные билеты. - Пройдя тесты,...

Price: Free Developer: Crystal Spring LLP
UK 2020 Driving Theory Test FV

UK 2020 Driving Theory Test FV

Pass your UK Driving Theory Test with this app. The app contains the Driver & Vehicle Standards Agency (DVSA) question bank practise questions. The questions are fully up to date for UK Car Theory Tests in 2020. The app includes...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Sureware Ltd.
US Citizenship Test 2020 Audio

US Citizenship Test 2020 Audio

If you are considering applying for your US Citizenship, then an important part of the procedure will be the Citizenship Test administered during your interview. You'll be asked up to 10 questions from a preset list of 100 questions...

Price: Free Developer: Creator Factory LLC
US Citizenship Test App 2020

US Citizenship Test App 2020

If you are considering applying for your US Citizenship, then an important part of the procedure will be the Citizenship Test administered during your interview. You'll be asked up to 10 questions from a preset list of 100 questions...

Price: Free Developer: Creator Factory LLC

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