Top 46 Entertainment Apps Like PJ Masks: Time To Be A Hero - Best Alternatives

PJ Masks: Time To Be A Hero Alternatives

Do you want to find the best PJ Masks: Time To Be A Hero alternatives for iOS? We have listed 46 Entertainment apps that are similar to PJ Masks: Time To Be A Hero. Pick one from this list to be your new PJ Masks: Time To Be A Hero app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to PJ Masks: Time To Be A Hero on your iOS devices.

Top 46 Apps Like PJ Masks: Time To Be A Hero - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid PJ Masks: Time To Be A Hero alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 46 similar apps like PJ Masks: Time To Be A Hero 2025.

PJ Masks: Super City Run

PJ Masks: Super City Run

Those pesky villains have been up to mischief again and have stolen lots of things from around the city. Choose your favorite hero and start your adventure through the PJ Masks maze style city. Catch the villains and collect...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Entertainment One
PJ Masks: Moonlight Heroes

PJ Masks: Moonlight Heroes

Catboy, Gekko and Owlette are on a night-time adventure in this PJ Masks game app. Choose your favorite hero character to play with and journey across the moonlit rooftops, and through the night, collecting as many orbs as you...

Price: Free Developer: Entertainment One
PJ Gifted

PJ Gifted

The official PJ Gifted app for original and exclusive content, interactive community, videos, early access to music, merchandise, tours, events and much more! Features include... * Social Feeds * Tour Info * Photo Filters * Music * Messages * Behind-The-Scenes Content

Price: Free Developer: Buzznog
Jokespedia App

Jokespedia App

Jokespedia App! a new emerging Jokes App for that natural laughter, that is hard to earn naturally. Husband Wife jokes to see that smile of your love, Trending Now Jokes to remain stress free from the latest buzz, Santa...

Price: Free Developer: Ishrat Akhter


Are you the collector for rental property? Do you handle collections for a group lottery? Need a little help keeping track of the participants and if they have paid? If you answered yes to any of the above then gLotto...

Price: Free Developer: PJ Greenwell
GooMe -VTuber配信・視聴アプリ-

GooMe -VTuber配信・視聴アプリ-

GooMe フルリニューアル! かわいいキャラとインテリアでバーチャルカフェ型ライブ配信! GooMeは自分だけのバーチャルカフェで、お客様たちとのコミュニケーションを楽しむことができるアプリです。 スマホ1つで「簡単」に顔の表情や身体の動きのモーションがキャプチャーできるので、バーチャル店長としてカフェをオープンしてみよう! ***************************************************************** 「配信機能の対応機種」 iOS 11.2以上 iPhone X、iPhoneⅩS、iPhoneⅩS Max、iPhoneⅩR iPhone SE、iPhone 6s、iPhone 6s Plus、iPhone 7、iPhone 7 Plus、iPhone 8、iPhone 8 Plus iPad pro、iPad(第5世代以上)、iPad mini(第5世代以上)、iPad Air(第3世代以上)、iPod touch(第7世代以上) ***************************************************************** 【 バーチャルカフェ型ライブ配信 】って? 1.「自分だけのコンセプトカフェをつくろう」 いろんな世界観をもったカフェインテリアやBGMを組み合わせてあなただけのカフェをつくっちゃおう! 人気カフェには特別なアイテムがもらえたり 2.「可愛いキャラクターをコーディネート」 自分の分身となってカフェでおもてなしをするキャラクターを可愛く着飾ろう! 着せ替えのパーツはどんどん追加されるよ 3.「好きなこと、好きなお客様と。気軽にコミュニケーション」 バーチャルカフェをオープンするとお客様とライブ配信機能を使ってリアルタイムでコミュニケーションが楽しめます! おしゃべりやリアクションはもちろん、お客様からの注文で料理を提供したり、盛り上がってプレゼントを送ったり! プレゼントされたアイテムは棚に飾ったりしてお店をどんどん賑やかにしよう! 4.「お客様からの注文やプレゼントはポイントに変換可能」 注文の料理を提供したり、プレゼントを貰ったりして応援されると、量に応じてポイントに変換されるよ! 公式ホームページ : GooMe公式Twitterアカウント: 対応機種/OS: 【配信機能】 iOS 11.2以上 かつ iPhone6s、iPhoneSE、iPad Pro(第1世代)、iPad(第5世代)、iPad mini(第5世代)、iPad Air(第3世代)、iPodtouch(第7世代)以上の端末(A9チップ以降) 【視聴機能】 iOS 11.2以上 ※本アプリ内で開催されるキャンペーン・イベント・コンテスト等にアップル社は一切関係ありません。

Price: Free Developer: TriFort Inc.


「KING OF PRISM -Shiny Seven Stars-」の公式アラームアプリです。 ■概要 新規録り下ろしのボイスが200以上! 目覚ましや、時間のお知らせ、疲れているとき・癒やされたいときに楽しめるアラームアプリです。 ◆多彩なボイスパックで楽しめる! 一条シンの24時間分の時報ボイスや、KING OF PRISMを楽しむために使える「基本パック」 おはよう、お昼の休憩、おやすみ、目標時間通知、乗り過ごし防止など、日常的に使える「日常アラームパック」 プリズムジャンプボイスと、疲れたあなたを励ましたり、癒やしちゃう「応援ボイスパック」 いつでも側に居てくれる事を実感できる、誕生日やホワイトデー、クリスマスなどのイベント用ボイスや、側に居るからこそ聞けるボイスまで収録した「いつでも一緒パック」 など、様々なボイスパックが登場。 ◆ボイスを組み合わせてオリジナルアラームを作れる! それぞれのボイスパックのボイスを3つ組み合わせて、自分だけのオリジナルアラームを作れます。 一条シン「8時です!」「おはようございます!今日もいいお天気ですね!早くミナトさんのご飯が食べたいなぁ〜!」 ◆インストール後にすぐ楽しめるボイスも収録! 朝起こしてくれる、ボイス。 一条シン「おっはよーうございまーーっす!」「さあ、起きてください!今日も世界は輝いていますよー!」「お仕事、頑張ってくださいね!」 アニメ放送時刻のお知らせに使えるボイス。 一条シン「そろそろ始まります!」「ちょっと照れちゃうけど……一緒に観ましょう!」 映画がある日の目覚ましに使えるボイス。 一条シン「もうすぐ劇場で逢えますね!」「客席にいるあなたの姿、捜しますね!だから応援してください!」 最新情報は、Twitterアカウント「アラームプロジェクト」( @alarm_pj )をフォロー! ■動作環境 iOS10以上 ©T-ARTS / syn Sophia / エイベックス・ピクチャーズ / タツノコプロ / キングオブプリズムSSS製作委員会

Price: Free Developer: NTT Resonant Inc.


Once upon a time, rape was a taboo subject, discussed only in the secrecy of bedrooms and closed doors, perpetuated by the powerful and influential whilst victims were left hopeless and helpless. Today, Mirabel Radio, Nigeria’s first advocacy radio station...

Price: Free Developer: Kayode Olowoyeye
MLK Ski Weekend

MLK Ski Weekend

Welcome to the largest Urban Professional ski event in the world! Operating since 1996, MLK Ski Weekend attracts over 2,000 participants throughout the world!!! PASSPORTS ARE REQUIRED!!! This event covers 4 days and 3 exciting nights at Blue...

Price: Free Developer: BLACK SKI WEEKEND, LLC
Quiver Masks

Quiver Masks

QuiverVision has taken the augmented reality coloring experience that you know and love, and introduced new elements of fun and play in Quiver Masks. Print the free pages from our website, color them in, then bring them to life...

Price: Free Developer: QuiverVision Limited
Carnival masks to paint - coloring book to draw

Carnival masks to paint - coloring book to draw

App free for a limited time! Take advantage and download it now! With this application you can paint the workpeople, we have over 60 fantastic masks for coloring and drawing. You can print these masks to your room is much more...

Price: Free Developer: Mireia Lluch Ortola
Animal Masks

Animal Masks

Animal Masks Put Fun Masks to your photos, And add text or emojis. How to use: - Select the photo from the gallery. - Choose the masks that you like. - Pinch with two fingers to grind or reduce, also rotate. - Write or add emojis...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Ivan Romero
Animal Masks in your photos

Animal Masks in your photos

Animal Masks Put Fun Masks to your photos, And add text or emojis. How to use: - Select the photo from the gallery. - Choose the masks that you like. - Pinch with two fingers to grind or reduce, also rotate. - Write or add emojis...

Price: Free Developer: Ivan Romero
Masks for MSQRD

Masks for MSQRD

For a trendy and modern people looking for cool masks. The app allows you to select a lot of favorite masks. Hurry up to grab some free masks!

Price: Free Developer: Ivan Dobrynin
3D Monster Masks

3D Monster Masks

Welcome to 3D Monster Masks The ultimate in virtual reality monster masks, simply start the app and point your device at one of the 2D monster mask to see it magically come to life in amazing animated 3D, The 3D monsters...

Price: Free Developer: Duncan Cuthbertson
Face Masks Cats, Dog Swap Filters & Stickers

Face Masks Cats, Dog Swap Filters & Stickers

"This app is not sponsored or endorsed by, or affiliated with, Snap Inc." You get millions of followers through masks and stickers Face Cats! Do fantastically amusing and funny photos, choose the themes and effects to suit all tastes! To make a...

Price: Free Developer: Anton Pankrashin
Fight Time

Fight Time

Descarga la app gratuita y podrás ver en directo y al instante el único canal de televisión dedicado al Fitness, Artes Marciales y Deportes de Superación. ¿Qué te ofrece Fight Time? -Rutinas de Cardio, Yoga y Tai Chi para...

Price: Free Developer: FRANCISCO ALCALDE
Time Trainer

Time Trainer

How accurate is your sense of elapsed time? Time Trainer is a fun game that will train and test your ability to judge short intervals of time correctly. Challenge your friends to see who has the best...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Time Trainer
Personality Quiz for Once Upon A Time

Personality Quiz for Once Upon A Time

Are you are true Once Upon A Time fan? DOWNLOAD this FREE personality quiz app and enjoy everything about OUAT and other general, funny questions. You can even share your results on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter....DOWNLOAD NOW and enjoy!...

Price: Free Developer: Andrew Tedesco


Challenge yourself and your friends with more than 200 Movie Quizzes. Play it offline or play it 1vs1 in an epic online Movie Quiz Battle using a real time, multiplayer gaming-system. Earn the highest amount of popcorn to become...

Price: Free Developer: David Buhauer
The Time Detectives

The Time Detectives

***EARLY RELEASE VERSION*** The Time Detectives is a new unique puzzle game where you sort events into the correct order against the clock. The faster you can sort and move the events into the right order the more points...

Price: Free Developer: The Time Detectives
Lights Out Old Time Radio Show

Lights Out Old Time Radio Show

This App allow you to stream 86 episodes of the old time radio's most famous program of the weird and the supernatural, Lights Outs. Lights Out debuted in 1934 and was radio's premier horror series created by...

Price: Free Developer: Marisa Singhnarinaath
Old Time Radio Horror Shows

Old Time Radio Horror Shows

Welcome to the Old Time Radio Horror Shows app. If you are a true horror fan then you will enjoy our vast collections of radio horror shows in this app which include: 1. Quiet Please (91 episodes)-Dark fantasy w/ Ernest...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Marisa Singhnarinaath
Stream Time - Watch Live Video

Stream Time - Watch Live Video

The ultimate discovery app for live streaming. Find upcoming & Live Now content across Facebook Live, Periscope, YouTube, Twitch, Mixer, and many more. No more missed streams or tiresome browsing for something interesting to watch. We aggregate the best into Stream...

Price: Free Developer: Stream Time
DeLoraen Time Circuit

DeLoraen Time Circuit

This application emulates the Time Circuit Panel, similar to installed into the DeLorean Time Machine, an invention of Doc Brown, the key character of one of the best movies of 80th (you know, which one - "Back To The...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Atoll Ordenadores
Sense Of Time - Time Perception Test

Sense Of Time - Time Perception Test

Is your time perception accurate? Check your sense of time by this app! - Normal mode Touch stopwatch button when you think the time passed at 6, 10, 14, 17 and 20 seconds.that's all! you can easily check your...

Price: Free Developer: Masaki Kanno
Listen to Sudan

Listen to Sudan

رغبه منا ومساهمه في جسر هوه التواصل بين سوداني المهجر والوطن الام يسعدنا ان نقدم لكم التطبيق الاول من راديو السودان من خلال التطبيق البسيط نهدف لربط سوداني المهجر بالداخل عبر المشاركه ومتابعه البرامج الاذاعيه المختلفه وذلك عبر جمع كل...

Price: Free Developer: Aboud Elzbeer
Days to Christmas Lite

Days to Christmas Lite

We're excited that Christmas is around the corner and we're sure that you are too. To make sure you can count down those days with ease, why not try this beautiful application that quickly and easily shows you...

Price: Free Developer: Software101
Days to Easter Lite

Days to Easter Lite

We're excited that Easter is just around the corner and we're sure that you are too. To make sure you can count down those days with ease, why not try this beautiful application that quickly and easily shows you...

Price: Free Developer: Software101


FTC To Go is the app for the Fredericksburg Theater Company, the finest live theater in the Texas Hill County. Get all the information about upcoming shows, events, and behind-the-scenes details. Order tickets and products, read our blog and...

Price: Free Developer: Fredericksburg Theater Company, Inc.
Introduction to Screenwriting For Final Draft

Introduction to Screenwriting For Final Draft

Writing scripts requires a unique mix of creativity, skill and technique. Watch this course to learn both screenwriting and master Final Draft skills at the same time. Take your scriptwriting to a whole new level! App Features: • 56 minutes of...

Price: USD 6.99 Developer: ASK Video
Where To Jo

Where To Jo

If you don't know where to go, we'll show you Where To Jo! Welcome to the all in one entertainment guide for everything fun to do in Jordan, whether you're bored, don't know where to go, or you just can't...

Price: Free Developer: Where To Jo
Read to me

Read to me

Read your child their Favorite bedtime story, recording your voice and taking pictures. This will be saved in the app as a story and when you are not able to be home, your child can listen to your voice...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Read to me
Chuggington Ready to Build – Train Play

Chuggington Ready to Build – Train Play

Budge Studios™ presents Chuggington™ Ready to Build! Join Zack and the Chuggineers in this virtual train set for preschoolers. Use traintastic tools to fix tracks, repair bridges, drill tunnels, and more! Help fix problems with the Chuggineer team and...

Price: Free Developer: Budge Studios
Days to Easter

Days to Easter

We're excited that Easter is just around the corner and we're sure that you are too. To make sure you can count down those days with ease, why not try this beautiful application that quickly and easily shows you...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Software101
Events To City

Events To City

Eventstocity will encourage your interests knowing all the events and Tours near from your location. You can enjoy a selection of activities according to your preferences also acquire your tickets immediately. This app is designed for those who are...

Price: Free Developer: Events to city, LLC
Be-be-bears - Creative world

Be-be-bears - Creative world

We are delighted to present the second free Bjorn & Bucky game, based on the popular cartoon series. Once again, girls and boys will be able to enjoy exciting and educational adventures with their favorite little bears. There’s something...

Price: Free Developer: Interactive Moolt DTv
Roulette BE – Roulette En Ligne, Jeux de Casino

Roulette BE – Roulette En Ligne, Jeux de Casino

L’application mobile Roulette.BE, disponible sous iOS, s’adresse à toutes les personnes vivant en Belgique ayant un point commun : le secteur du jeu de casino, qu’ils s’agissent de machines à sous, de jeux de roulette ou de paris sportifs...

Price: Free Developer: Cosmo Gaming
Be Heart of it

Be Heart of it

The "Be Heart of it" app is the ultimate opportunity for true fans to take part in their favorite Artist's projects by posting their own photo into a mosaic made of fans' pictures, that will recreate their idol's face...

Price: Free Developer: Be Heart Of It, LLC
How will be my baby?

How will be my baby?

How will be my baby? is the best app to play joke with your partner or your boyfriend or girlfriend. This app is the best prank application. Download this app for free. This application is very easy to use you only have...

Price: Free Developer: zaai developer


Vous qui êtes un spectateur assidu de la ligue, n'avez-vous pas rêvé de connaitre à l'avance les sélections des différents matchs, de comprendre la signification des différentes fautes et catégories, ou encore de suivre en direct les coulisses...

Price: Free Developer: PoutchApp
Programmes TV Belgique live BE

Programmes TV Belgique live BE

Le meilleur de la télé belge dans un bouquet de chaînes télévisées complet dans une app incroyable (BE) ! L’ensemble des programmes TV Belgique du jour et du lendemain pour ne manquer aucune de vos séries préférées. Notre app 100% gratuite...

Price: Free Developer: French Kiss Apps
That Can Be My Next Tweet

That Can Be My Next Tweet

That Can Be My Next Tweet generates your future tweets based on the DNA of your existing messages. NEW: combine your future tweets together with someone else to create bizarre mix-ups and profoundly strange combinations! Featured on Gizmodo, Huffington Post, Gawker,...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Monokai


Many fun and surprising events with the beloved characters await your child! Explore the colorful world of the game for boys and girls alike! Travel through a three-dimensional interactive enchanted forest where captivating entertainment awaits your child at every turn....

Price: Free Developer: Interactive Moolt DTv


Many fun and surprising events with the beloved characters await your child! Explore the colorful world of the game for boys and girls alike! Travel through a three-dimensional interactive enchanted forest where captivating entertainment awaits your child at every turn....

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Interactive Moolt DTv

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