Top 39 Music Apps Like Feito A Man 2018 - Best Alternatives

Feito A Man 2018 Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Feito A Man 2018 alternatives for iOS? We have listed 39 Music apps that are similar to Feito A Man 2018. Pick one from this list to be your new Feito A Man 2018 app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Feito A Man 2018 on your iOS devices.

Top 39 Apps Like Feito A Man 2018 - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Feito A Man 2018 alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 39 similar apps like Feito A Man 2018 2025.



Esta é a versão livre. Este é um aplicativo que ajuda você a conhecer a leitura musical e a percepção musical de forma fácil e divertida. Ele contém três Seções Principais: - Notação musical em Clave de Sol - Sistema americano, também chamado:...

Price: Free Developer: Pablo Prieto


Esta é a versão livre de anúncios. Este é um aplicativo que ajuda você a conhecer a leitura musical e a percepção musical de forma fácil e divertida. Ele contém três Seções Principais: - Notação musical em Clave de Sol - Sistema americano,...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Pablo Prieto


Maritaca é um aplicativo de podcast voltado para criança e seus pais, tios e avós. Seu conteúdo traz: - histórias contadas por contadores profissionais - histórias de infância contada por adultos - músicas brasileiras e internacionais - brincadeiras - dicas de livros, cds infantis e culturais Por ser...

Price: Free Developer: Mariana Piza
Hip Hop Radio PT

Hip Hop Radio PT

Chama-se precisamente Hip Hop Radio e a emissão online começou esta terça-feira de Carnaval, 28 de Fevereiro, pelas 15 horas: é a primeira rádio portuguesa exclusivamente dedicada ao hip hop e está baseada na cidade do Porto, num espaço...

Price: Free Developer: Ricardo Pereira
Radio Biss FM

Radio Biss FM

A Rádio Biss Fm – Aqui é tudo de bom! Do grupo Velvet Biss Produções. Trás uma programação diferenciada, sempre atualizando os ouvintes com lançamentos de músicas e informações. Agradando principalmente o público jovem. Fazendo o mais moderno meio de...

Price: Free Developer: Williarts Comercio em Internet Ltda.
Radio Unoesc

Radio Unoesc

Através de uma programação ousada tocando música e informação, a Rádio Educativa Universitária Unoesc 106,7 FM constrói a cada dia umaprogramação voltada para seus ouvintes. Durante 24 horas a emissora fala com você sobre os mais diversos assuntos, são enquetes,...

Price: Free Developer: Eduardo Rocha
Rádio 104 FM - 104.1 FM

Rádio 104 FM - 104.1 FM

O Rio Grande é feito de Pampa. A Rádio 104 FM é a emissora líder no segmento mais cobiçado pelos anunciantes: público adulto com poder de consumo. Sempre ouvida em locais de grande circulação como bares, restaurantes e lojas, a 104...

Price: Free Developer: Rede Pampa de Comunicação
Rádio Gazeta 670 AM | FM 100.3 | Rio Grande do Sul | Brasil

Rádio Gazeta 670 AM | FM 100.3 | Rio Grande do Sul | Brasil

No ano de 1982 surgia a Rádio Gazeta AM graças ao arrojo, esforço, determinação e pioneirismo de Iron Albuquerque. A sua empresa Rádio e Televisão Gazeta de Carazinho Ltda. já mantinha em atividade a Rádio Gazeta FM hoje 100.3,...

Price: Free Developer: Cesar Khouri
Rádio Planalto de Vilhena

Rádio Planalto de Vilhena

Fundada em 19 de Setembro de 1990, conta hoje com mais de duas décadas de inestimáveis serviços voltados a comunidade. São horas de programação musical e jornalística dedicadas a informação, entretenimento, divertimento e cultura dos nossos ouvintes. Desde sua inauguração...

Price: Free Developer: Edmauro Novais
A.P.S. Music Tools

A.P.S. Music Tools

Summary: A.P.S. Music Tools includes a PDF Viewer & Annotator, Chromatic Tuner with Pitch Pipe, Audio Recorder & Player, Metronome, Timer/Stopwatch, Instrumental/Vocal Ranges & Transpositions, Common Guitar Chords, Fingering Charts, Musical Terms & Translations, PDF viewer with markup...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: A.P.S. Development LLC


Welcome to A-ccompany. Discover how our app and music library can enhance the way you practice and perform music! About the App The multi-channel practice mode allows you to: • Isolate your part and be mentored by a variety of highly revered musicians. • Mute...

Price: Free Developer: A-ccompany, L.L.C.
A.P.S. Ear Pitch Tuner

A.P.S. Ear Pitch Tuner

The A.P.S. Ear Trainer is unique app that approaches ear-training from a completely neglected angle -properly tuning an instrument or note by training your ear to hear pitch variances better! And, it DELIVERS almost IMMEDIATE results! What if you could...

Price: USD 5.99 Developer: A.P.S. Development LLC
A+ Classical Music: Hits - Classical Music Radio

A+ Classical Music: Hits - Classical Music Radio

Would you like to hear the best classical music? You want to have access to the best classical music of the moment? .... This APP is for you !! BENEFITS: - You can access free to download classical music enjoying it falls immediately...

Price: Free Developer: Jorge Olvera
A+ Country Radios - Country Music Radio

A+ Country Radios - Country Music Radio

Would you like to hear the best country music? You want to have access to the best free country music in Spanish the moment? .... This APP is for you !! BENEFITS: - You can access country music radio without enjoying it immediately...

Price: Free Developer: Jorge Olvera
A+ Uk Radio Live

A+ Uk Radio Live

UK Music App, United Kingdom Radio Download and listen now UK Music App, United Kingdom Radio Are you looking for good music to be with you at all times? No problem… Here we bring you the best with UK Music App Why should you...

Price: Free Developer: Jose Tmx
Raaga - A World of Music

Raaga - A World of Music - Hindi,Tamil and Telugu songs FREE Unlimited FREE songs! All the latest music. The largest archive of Indian music in over 18 languages including Bollywood, Tamil, Telugu, Bengali, Bhangra and many more Listen absolutely free with ads, or get Raaga...

Price: Free Developer:
Music Lifeboat Play Like A Prodigy: Learn Clarinet

Music Lifeboat Play Like A Prodigy: Learn Clarinet

Take Clarinet Lessons with Virtuoso Musician Benjamin Lulich, principle clarinetist in The Seattle Symphony. Here are over 20 video lessons that will teach you how to play the clarinet today! The curriculum was created by some of the leading...

Price: Free Developer: Music Lifeboat
Music Lifeboat Presents Play Like A Prodigy: Flute

Music Lifeboat Presents Play Like A Prodigy: Flute

Take Flute Lessons with Virtuoso Musician Elise Shope, flautist in The Los Angeles Philharmonic. Here are over 20 video lessons that will teach you how to play the flute today! The curriculum was created by some of the leading...

Price: Free Developer: Music Lifeboat
Music Lifeboat Presents Play Like A Prodigy: Learn Alto Sax

Music Lifeboat Presents Play Like A Prodigy: Learn Alto Sax

Take Alto Saxophone Lessons with Virtuoso Musician David Sills, LA jazz and studio musician known for his work with artists like David Benoit, Dianne Schuur, and Steve Tyrell. Here are over 20 video lessons that will teach you how...

Price: Free Developer: Music Lifeboat
Third Man Records Vault

Third Man Records Vault

Any Third Man Records fan with a registered account on can sign in to the app, while Third Man Records' Platinum Vault members can access exclusive news, playlists, comments, chat and more.

Price: Free Developer: Third Man Records
Voice Changer - Change the pitch of your Music and talk like a man or woman

Voice Changer - Change the pitch of your Music and talk like a man or woman

Change the pitch and speed of your voice recordings or any song in your music library. Make your voice sound like a monster, zombie, man or a woman. There is also a function to make your voice...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Awesome Apps, LLC
Drum Man - Play Drums, Tap Beats & Make Cool Music

Drum Man - Play Drums, Tap Beats & Make Cool Music

Drum Man is a portable drum set that you can take with you anywhere you go. Whether you know how to play the drums or not, everybody can enjoy this app. Features: • 4 different drum sets to choose from: ->...

Price: Free Developer: Ichiban Mobile
BComposer Scales Lite

BComposer Scales Lite

Play and learn music composition with BComposer! BComposer Scales Lite is a basic tool that allows you to create songs since the melody to the harmony and is addressed to anyone interested in the music creation since amateurs to pros....

Price: Free Developer: ONE MAN BAND STUDIOS SAS
BComposer Metronome

BComposer Metronome

BComposer Metronome is a free application designed with an intuitive graphical representation. Regularly produces a signal and noise, which allows a musician to maintain a constant time. visual indicator of the signature, you can use this feature to keep...

Price: Free Developer: ONE MAN BAND STUDIOS SAS
Die Toten Hosen Songbook App

Die Toten Hosen Songbook App

Liebe Brüder und Schwestern, vor euch habt ihr die App zu unserem Songbook „Bis zum bitteren Ende“, alle von uns jemals geschriebenen Lieder, von den Anfängen in grauer Vorzeit bis heute. Mit der Zeit hat sich da so einiges angesammelt....

Price: USD 8.99 Developer: Bosworth Music GmbH


Change the pitch and speed of your voice recordings or any song in your music library. Make your voice sound like a man, zombie or monster. There is also a function to make your voice or music...

Price: Free Developer: Awesome Apps, LLC


We are a brand new local live music app - Please do not give us bad reviews YET until we populate the app with live gigs in your town. Finding local live music has always been a lot harder...

Price: Free Developer: Donald Bakewell
UND Wue 2019

UND Wue 2019

UND WUE 2019 ist der digitale Programmführer auf dem iPhone / iPod Touch / iPad für das “Umsonst & Draussen” Festival in Würzburg. Das eintrittsfreie Festival zählt zu den größten Festivals in Deutschland und findet nun schon zum 32....

Price: Free Developer: Martin Suda
Karaoke 2018 - Sing & Record

Karaoke 2018 - Sing & Record

Lets you sing karaoke directly from YouTube. Search for any karaoke songs, artists, tracks, albums, mixtapes… Feature Highlights: ● Seamless singing to millions of free songs. ● Quick Youtube Search - suggest keywords while searching. ● Mark songs as favorite very quickly. ● Watch...

Price: Free Developer: Ly Tran
Sasquatch! Festival 2018

Sasquatch! Festival 2018

Welcome to the official Sasquatch! 2018 app! Get ready for Sasquatch! with the official app and prepare yourself for three spectacular days of music and unforgettable views of The Gorge! Check out your full Sasquatch! line-up, listen to the artists and...

Price: Free Developer: Greencopper
Carnaval 2018

Carnaval 2018

Carnaval - temos que concordar que é a melhor época do ano, certo? Além dos bloquinhos, da folia e da azaração, é nessa época que lançamentos musicais caem no gosto da galera e acabam se tornando grandes hits. Quer...

Price: Free Developer: Weslley A. Harakawa


8/4・5、11・12に茨城県ひたちなか市で開催される、ROCK IN JAPAN FESTIVAL 2018 公式アプリです。 出演アーティスト、飲食出店、オフィシャルグッズの情報に加え、自分だけのタイムテーブルを作る「マイタイムテーブル機能」搭載! さらにROCK IN JAPAN FESTIVAL 2018オリジナルフレームで写真撮影ができる「フォトフレーム機能」も! 【主な機能】 ・マイタイムテーブル 自分だけのタイムテーブルを作成できます。 ・フォトフレーム ROCK IN JAPAN FESTIVAL 2018オリジナルフレームで写真を撮影することができます。 ・シェア 作ったマイタイムテーブルを画像にして、SNSアプリで共有できます。(LINE・Twitter等のアプリをインストールしてご利用ください) ・メモ マイタイムテーブルに「19:00 ごはん」などメモを自由に追加できます。 ・アラーム アーティストの出演開始前に通知を受けとることができます。 ・NOWボタン マイタイムテーブルとタイムテーブルの画面で、NOWボタンを押すと現在時刻の位置を表示できます。 ・出演アーティスト 全出演アーティストの出演ステージ、出演時間を見ることができます。 ・飲食出店 会場で食べることのできるフェス飯をチェックできます。 ・オフィシャルグッズ オフィシャルグッズを見ることができます。 ・エリアマップ エリアマップを見ることができます。 ※アプリ内にデータを取り込む為、メモリ容量に余裕を持ってご利用ください。 ※古いバージョンでは動作が重くなります。OSバージョンを9以上にアップデートしてのご利用をおすすめしています。

Price: Free Developer: rockin'on holdings inc.
Shut up Sounds 2018

Shut up Sounds 2018

You Ever wanted to scream this people to annoying People? All funny and crazy Shut Up Button 2018 are here to Shut Up to those people who bother you Ever Download Shut Up Button 2018 and...

Price: Free Developer: Zahid Hussain
Meme Soundboard 2018

Meme Soundboard 2018

Welcome to MEMES SOUNDS ENTERTAINMENT. Here you will find the best sounds of viral internet mim-memes. Meme soundboard 2018, it's the best meme soundboard Troll sounds for jokes, boobies, laughs, beats, gestures, the best application you can find of meme...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Zahid Hussain
Wanee Music Festival 2018

Wanee Music Festival 2018

Official app for the 2018 Wanee Music Festival, held on April 19-21 at The Spirit of the Suwannee Music Park in Live Oak, Florida.

Price: Free Developer: Live Nation Entertainment
Country Stampede 2018

Country Stampede 2018

Welcome to the 23rd Annual Kicker Country Stampede! Kicker Country Stampede has been part of summer fun for thousands of people for over twenty years. It’s the punch of adrenaline when the gates open and people rush in with...

Price: Free Developer: Country Stampede, LLC
2018 القرأن الكريم

2018 القرأن الكريم

القرآن الكريم كامل: مسموع mp3 بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم والصلاة والسلام على معلم البشرية سيدنا ونبينا محمد وعلى آله وصحبه وسلم. القرأن الكريم كامل بصوت أفضل المقرئين, قراءة جميلة ونقية يشمل التطبيق الجديد الذي بين ايديكم على القرأن الكريم كامل بجودة عالية

Price: Free Developer: Mustapha El Omari
Community 2018

Community 2018

Get ready for Community Festival with our official app. Find out who's playing, favourite artists you want to see and get notified before they come onstage. The app will feature stage listings, set times, a site map and more...

Price: Free Developer: Festival Republic

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