Top 49 Games Apps Like BD vs GM Sniper Shooting Game 2017 - Best Alternatives

BD vs GM Sniper Shooting Game 2017 Alternatives

Do you want to find the best BD vs GM Sniper Shooting Game 2017 alternatives for iOS? We have listed 49 Games apps that are similar to BD vs GM Sniper Shooting Game 2017. Pick one from this list to be your new BD vs GM Sniper Shooting Game 2017 app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to BD vs GM Sniper Shooting Game 2017 on your iOS devices.

Top 49 Games Like BD vs GM Sniper Shooting Game 2017 - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid BD vs GM Sniper Shooting Game 2017 alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 49 similar games like BD vs GM Sniper Shooting Game 2017 2025.

Physics Simulation BD

Physics Simulation BD

Hit a ball and destroy a cylindrical building and the building only for pillars which piled up a block. Just destroy it.

Price: Free Developer: yoshihisa yamane
100 мнений: викторина на двоих

100 мнений: викторина на двоих

Телепередача “Сто к одному” в вашем телефоне! Играйте со случайными противниками в режиме PvP и со своими друзьями. Отгадывайте популярные ответы других людей на вопросы. Здесь нет неправильных ответов, но надо угадать, как отвечало большинство! Идеально, чтобы скоротать время...

Price: Free Developer: Roman Kochkin


■機種について バーチャルホール「グリパチ」に、パチンコ最大手の三洋物産がついに参画!大人気海シリーズ最新作、『CRスーパー海物語IN沖縄4』がアプリとなってグリパチに登場です! ■今すぐ遊ぶ 実機を忠実に再現した圧倒的クオリティーのパチスロアプリを楽しもう! ※50回転回すとスタート画面に戻りますが、50回転を区切り(1セット)として繰り返し何度でも遊ぶことができます。 プレイ開始時は、上部にデータカウンターが表示されています。下部にメニューが表示されています。 上部のデータカウンターをタップすると、2つとも表示が消えます。 再び画面上部をタップすると、2つとも再表示されます。 このアプリケーションには、(株)CRI・ミドルウェアの「CRIWARE mobile (TM)」が使用されています。

Price: Free Developer: CommSeed Corporation


At the day racing games flying everywhere, do you have some numbness to the straight race track? Do you feel the passion is being away from you? Don't worry; this will give you the second real fun of driving! KEY...

Price: Free Developer: free games
Cubes - онлайн сражение

Cubes - онлайн сражение

Стратегическая игра на двух игроков. Никакой случайности, только твой чистый разум против чистого разума оппонента. По специальному полю перемещаются и сражаются игровые фишки - шестигранные кубики. Цель проста: победить оппонента. PS: С правилами можно ознакомится в нашей группе -

Price: Free Developer: Apnet


这是一个精品汽车停车游戏。真实模拟现实停车的一款停车游戏!不仅可以帮助在考驾照的人提升自己的开车、停车技术,让驾照考试边得更简单。还可以让上班族、学生党在空闲无聊的时候增加更多的乐趣!是一款非常好的休闲小游戏! 游戏玩法:驾驶汽车在停车场区域内,通过停车场出现的所有蓝色光束,最后找到停车位,在不碰撞到停车位旁边的障碍的情况下,将车停入停车位。游戏就通关!注意:D R 是切换倒车或前进。(玩法可参照第3张宣传图顺序) 游戏特点: 游戏丰富。100多个游戏关卡等你来挑战! 操控方式,真实模拟现实汽车驾驶!

Price: Free Developer: Jiemei Lee


这么良心的赛车游戏你见过吗? 游戏内所有赛车全部免费获得,所有金币闯关获得;1至99倍金币暴击让你瞬间成为高富帅,走向人生巅峰! 游戏首创转弯模式实时切换 遇到急转弯这么办,游戏中实时切换转弯模式让你赛车的转弯效率大幅增加! 多样的赛车属性增加你的游戏乐趣 告白单一的贵车就是好车玩法,在3D赛车达人中,每辆赛车都有其擅长的赛道,因此你需要根据不同赛道来出战不同的赛车

Price: Free Developer: Jie Xu


曾获得AppStore精品游戏推荐!(益智类) 暴力摩托手机版正式登陆苹果商城! 飙车技巧 对于仅想夺冠第一的朋友 1、夺取第一 好车不能没有 若从第一级开始玩,到第二级剩一个赛道时,再跑几遍跑“已经取得胜利”的赛道,把钱攒到17000+,买运动型摩托车里16875的那一辆。 四级剩一个赛道时,再跑几遍跑“已经取得胜利”的赛道,把钱攒到40000+,买Diablo,在5级就很轻松了。 2、应付急弯的方法 (1)左倾斜+左转=左急转;(不要按得太长,容易把自己甩出去) (2)右倾斜+右转=右急转;(不要按得太长,容易把自己甩出去) (3)对于太急的弯,可以先刹车或预先转弯; (4)利用高空,落下时按方向键把车倾斜一定角度,弹跳转弯(不推荐新手用)。 3、何时启用急加速 一般是摔倒后起来,或冲刺时,按一下就松手。 4、最安全的跑法 轧着黄线走,要提防正前方的警察; 不要逆行。 5、较快的跑法 对于小弯,完全可以不理会,程序会自动帮玩家转过去。 6、警察出现在附近时应谨慎以免功亏一篑。 7、不推荐撞行人和路障:行为很恶劣,而且会导致车速减慢,撞路障之后极易翻车。 8、远离护栏:过分亲密,会把玩家的车挂在杆上而把玩家甩出很远。 9、注意车的耐久度 在名次的正下放有一个进度条显示当前车的耐久度。为0时退出比赛。 10、注意十字路口的车辆 11、防止超车 对手要超越玩家时,应左右急转向别住对手。 12、关注与对手的车距 绿字表示对手落后与玩家的距离,红字表示玩家落后对手的距离。单位:千米。 13、适当地干扰对手: (1)拳脚太暴力了,可以对对手用急转向,或在转弯时和对手靠近,对手就不会转弯了,对手撞倒后就闪; (2)当从高坡飞下,对准目标按相应方向键,就会弹出去把敌人撞飞,效果一般强于脚; (3)当确定目标从玩家正后方追来时,可以急刹车把对手怼翻。 14、从高坡飞下时,新手切记不要按左右方向键,否则会翻车。此时要小心警察。 对于想把对手拽下车的朋友 1、知己知彼,才能够每战皆有把握。应先摸清每个对手的行为(攻击型、防御型、待激活型、沉默型),不同人物属性不一。 2、武器的选择:鞭子是最安全的,掌握好距离一般都能取胜; 棍子是打人最快的,推荐新手使用,容易被抢走; 拳法是最难练成的,实用性最强。 3、基本搏斗技巧: (1)应用好连击.在3级以上的比赛,将会出现连击以对敌人造成更大伤害(重击效果最明显)。棍子为最,拳次之,鞭没有。处于平行或略前位置容易造成连击,转弯情况同。 (2)保持距离.使用长武器可以尝试与对手保持一定距离增加各种安全系数。 (3)先下手为强.对手进入攻击范围后应抢先出手,在敌人还击前干掉对手。 (4)掌握好自己的体力值.体力值位于姓名右上方,不够时可先停下来,按D跳下车再上去,把体力补满。 (5)脚——最快的解决办法.在与对手平行方向贴近用脚/从后方超越到平行位置用脚效果较佳。 (6)抢夺武器.若反应很快,在对手举手的一瞬间按轻击或重击可以100%抢过来。激烈打斗中要抢得看人品了。一般抢夺目标是警察。 (7)把棍子送人.按住重击键直到对手出手把玩家的棍子抢走(一定)。 (8)被夹击或打不过的情况.刹车暂避风头是首选,其次用脚。 (9)识别对手的攻击意图:在玩家前方的车手若向正前方靠拢,则说明对手有攻击意图。 (10)损血严重时见好就收,下车补好血。 (11)对手从后方追来可攻击算计对手。 4、武器使用技巧: (1)鞭子:按轻击比重击效果好多了,保持距离,一招打遍天下。注意,鞭子不会自己改变攻击方向。 (2)棍子:从后方打一般用轻击,平行或略前位置用重击,掌握好节奏。 (3)拳:从后方打一般用轻击,平行或略前位置用重击,掌握好节奏——最高境界是拳头粘在对手身上,1秒内结束战斗。 一定要先发制人(由于有效距离最短),被棍子打中是很被动的。 对于既想夺冠又想打架的朋友 这么玩太累了,自己选择平衡点。 其他内容 1、损血.损血是指在A打中B(无论强度)之后,B的最大血量下降并损失攻击力的现象,符合实际。损血XX%指损失的最大血量/最大血量。所有车手最大损血量在55%左右。如果对手被打到这么惨,对手的攻击力将下降到1/3~1/5的水平。 2、激活某车手:将对手打得损血严重后用脚踹,或一直用脚踹,对手就会主动跟玩家打。

Price: Free Developer: Xuehui Jiang
7명의 서방님들과 뒤죽박죽 계약동거! 무료 연애게임

7명의 서방님들과 뒤죽박죽 계약동거! 무료 연애게임

7명의 꽃미남들! 그들은 모두 재벌2세, IT기업 사장, 젊은 의사, 락커, 영화감독, 헐리우드 스타, 수상한 변호사! 당신을 갑작스레 그들과 "계약 동거"를 시작하게 되는데...!! 【스토리】 별똥별이 떨어진 밤, 그리고 다음날 아침 눈을 떠보니 벌거벗은 꽃미남 옆에서 자고 있던 당신! 그곳은 처음 보는 호화로운 대...

Price: Free Developer: Arithmetic
Lamebo VS. Zombies

Lamebo VS. Zombies

Lamebo VS Zombies is an addictively fast and furious zombie blasting game! You will control the mutated lamb called Lamebo and defend yourself against a multitude of strange zombified creatures such as half-bodied crawling zombies, zombified chickens who lay...

Price: Free Developer: Swag Soft LLP
Lamebo VS. Zombies HD

Lamebo VS. Zombies HD

Lamebo VS Zombies is an addictively fast and furious zombie blasting game! You will control the mutated lamb called Lamebo and defend yourself against a multitude of strange zombified creatures such as half-bodied crawling zombies, zombified chickens who lay...

Price: Free Developer: Swag Soft LLP
Baseball Vs Zombies Returns

Baseball Vs Zombies Returns

Yet again the undead will rise! A sequel for the Baseball Vs Zombies! Baseball team has to fight against zombies and stop them from entering inside the stadium. This is a war against zombies with bats and balls not with...

Price: Free Developer: AppOn
Legend vs Zombies

Legend vs Zombies

Get ready to defend your kingdom against the army of Zombies, Legend vs Zombies features zombies with their own special skills, so you'll need to think fast and plan your strategy ahead of time to combat the forces of...

Price: Free Developer: AppOn
Survival: Man vs. Wild

Survival: Man vs. Wild

Wilderness survival challenge starts. What Bear Grylls did in "Man vs. Wild", you will do the same in this text-adventure game! This is an uninhabited wilderness. You drift to it, need to survive, explore, finally escape from here and return...

Price: Free Developer: juan yang
Survival: Man vs. Wild-Escape

Survival: Man vs. Wild-Escape

Wilderness survival challenge starts. What Bear Grylls did in "Man vs. Wild", you will do the same in this text-adventure game! This is an uninhabited wilderness. You drift to it, need to survive, explore, finally escape from here and return...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: juan yang
Jack Vs Ninjas

Jack Vs Ninjas

Jack Vs Ninjas is a stunning action shooting game that’s easy to play with superb graphics and is currently FREE … karate chop! ... oh yeah, did we mention the Giant Panda? Jack is a 10 year old boy...

Price: Free Developer: Wales Interactive Ltd.
Super Mega Worm Vs Santa

Super Mega Worm Vs Santa

Save Mother Earth! Guess who has been a naughty boy this Christmas? Santa and his little helpers have crossed the line and now they must pay. Join Wojira, The Great Mega Worm, as it returns in this all new adventure...

Price: Free Developer: Deceased Pixel LLC
Ninja Dude vs Zombies - endless tap 'n' slash zombie arcade game

Ninja Dude vs Zombies - endless tap 'n' slash zombie arcade game

This endless clicker game got Apple’s love! Featured on the homepage in ‘New Games We Love’! Tap 'n' slash as many zombies as you can using ninja shurikens and survive a zombie invasion! Prove you’re a true DUDE! "Adore Studio...

Price: Free Developer: AdoreStudio Ltd.
Pizza Vs. Skeletons

Pizza Vs. Skeletons

40% OFF to celebrate the launch of our latest game, MUL.MASH.TAB.BA.GAL.GAL, for a very limited time!!! You are BIG. You are TASTY. You are kicking some brittle undead @$$! Top 10 iOS games of 2012  "Ridiculous yet Amazing" -USA Today  "Best Casual...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Riverman Media LLC
MLB 9 Innings GM

MLB 9 Innings GM

OFFICIALLY LICENSED BY MLB # Major 2019 season opening update applied! MANAGE YOUR TEAM TO VICTORY - League/Ladder Mode: Take on the role of a GM and lead your team to become World Series Champions. - Tournament: Compete against users from around the globe...

Price: Free Developer: Com2uS Corp.
Banksia - Chess GM database

Banksia - Chess GM database

Banksia - Chess GM Database Description This is a chess database viewer, including a large database of Grand Masters (over 700 thousand games) and a large database of puzzles (mate in 1 and 2). Experience the world of chess games like never...

Price: Free Developer: Nguyen Pham


This APP function: 1.Remote control the four axis aircraft( Model airplane) by the IOS machine(iPhone/iPad). 2.Display the real-time video which taken by the camera on the aircraft, video data transmitted via 2.4G WiFi protocol. 3.Take the photo and video...

Price: Free Developer: Top Sunshine Technology Co.,Ltd.


HIARCS is a multiple World Championship winning chess program and the only handheld chess program in the world which has won matches and tournaments with Grandmasters. It twice won the Mercusor Cup in Buenos Aires, Argentina ahead of Grandmasters...

Price: USD 9.99 Developer: Applied Computer Concepts Ltd.
HIARCS Chess for iPad

HIARCS Chess for iPad

HIARCS is a multiple World Championship winning chess program and the only handheld chess program which has won matches and tournaments with Grandmasters. It twice won the Mercusor Cup tournament in Buenos Aires, Argentina ahead of Grandmasters, the last...

Price: USD 9.99 Developer: Applied Computer Concepts Ltd.
I Love Fashion Global

I Love Fashion Global

Do you just go shopping? From now on, the owner of the fashion shop! Set up your own fashion shop to satisfy a variety of customers! Enjoy communication with GM, which is completely different from other games! The secret guerrilla event and...

Price: Free Developer: hyunsun choi
Chess U

Chess U

Top chess app! Chess U's faculty of Grandmasters bring you over 90 animated courses. Taught by experts. Quickly master bulletproof openings. Middlegame tactics. Turn endgame losses into wins. Learn chess secrets directly from top world players. Try it now! •...

Price: Free Developer: Mark Ginsburg Chess LLC
Chess Middlegame V

Chess Middlegame V

Chess Middlegame V course composed by GM Alexander Kalinin is aimed at teaching a student much of the middlegame methods and intricacies through a theoretical section which includes over 500 games/lectures each of them illustrating typical plans and methods...

Price: Free Developer: Chess King
Basketball Fantasy Manager NBA

Basketball Fantasy Manager NBA

Are you a fan of the basketball game? It’s time to drive your favorite team during the Season. Manage your franchise, lead and coach a professional basketball team. Build the best 5-men unit lineups ever! Sign guards, centers and forwards,...

Price: Free Developer: From The Bench, SL
Sniper Ops 3D Shooter

Sniper Ops 3D Shooter

Load, aim and fire! Become the deadliest Sniper in Sniper Ops 3D! Upgrade your weapons and hunt down the enemies in over 200 levels! Sniper Ops 3D is the best of the sniper games available! It’s fun and free app...

Price: Free Developer: Modern Alchemists
Ace Sniper Lite

Ace Sniper Lite

Ace Sniper Lite is a fun sniper game, you need kill all enemy to reach target score in limited time. Game feature: - easy tap&tilt control;

Price: Free Developer: MystoneGame Inc
Sniper 3D: Bullet Strike PvP

Sniper 3D: Bullet Strike PvP

Get ready for an epic multiplayer SNIPER 3D free shooting game! Unlock a variety of modern sniper guns with dozen of attachments! Defeat other sniper warriors and reach the top of the leaderboards! Welcome to Bullet Strike, a free shooter...

Price: Free Developer: Horus
Commando The Sniper

Commando The Sniper

Yes, I Am Back to stop and kill the evil insurgent enemies, assaulted my homeland army basecamp, death is their destiny. Commando The Sniper is a frontline FPS shooting game with vivid graphics and amazing smooth control in...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Salman Qaiser
Martial Aim Of Gangster Wipeout Sniper

Martial Aim Of Gangster Wipeout Sniper

Play as a secret agent who has been hired on a covert mission to carry out a sniper rescue duty task to exterminate crimes of the city. This game involves secret agent missions, all about precision sniper shooting and...

Price: Free Developer: Haxon Studios
World War 2 Frontline Sniper

World War 2 Frontline Sniper

Calling out to frontline commando sniper gun modern warfare fans of sniper 3d shoot to kill fps games. Offering you call of war commando sniper game with rifle guns swat sniper hunting games & desert sniper shooter in sniper...

Price: Free Developer: Ahmed Kamal Pasha
American Sniper US Army FPS

American Sniper US Army FPS

Best shooting game of the week is here, having American sniper with a flavor of best fps games. The special forces games having an elite sniper commando and options of multiple weapons for sniper shooter is now available on...

Price: Free Developer: Muhammad Umer Malik
Army Sniper Elite Force - Commando Assassin War

Army Sniper Elite Force - Commando Assassin War

Army Sniper Elite Force - Commando Assassin War 2017 ,time to get ready to join the police, commando and army FPS bravo sniper shooting squad. Play this Modern Army Sniper Elite Force - Commando Assassin War Assassin shooting 3d...

Price: Free Developer: Muhammad Ijaz
City Sniper Shooter 2018

City Sniper Shooter 2018

Become the best Sniper Shooter and Download newest Sniper 3D game. You are the City savior, some odd people like Gangsters, criminals, and terrorist are trying to destroy the peace of city, and you need to kill them before...

Price: Free Developer: Sajid Hussain
Commando Sniper Assassin Shooter - Kill Terrorist

Commando Sniper Assassin Shooter - Kill Terrorist

Commando Sniper Assassin Shooter - Kill Terrorist 2017 ,time to get ready to join the police, commando and army FPS bravo sniper shooting squad. Play this Modern Commando Elite Sniper Assassin shooting 3d game and become a real...

Price: Free Developer: Muhammad Ijaz
3D Pro Shooting Lite

3D Pro Shooting Lite

*** Top Free Shooting game in many Countries. Play for your country and win medals. *** Realistic shooting game simulating real shooting events using your iPhone/iPod/iPad motion sensors with online competition and addictive gameplay. *** Please note, initially gun control may...

Price: Free Developer: iGold Technologies
FPS Sniper Shooting Drive

FPS Sniper Shooting Drive

'Drive by Shooting' is a form of hit-and-run tactic 3d shooting game, a personal attack carried out by an individual from a moving vehicle, often without use of headlights to avoid being noticed. It often results in bystanders being...

Price: Free Developer: Top Free 3D Car / Bike Racing and Shooting Game / Games
Pets Sniper Shooting Pixel Gun

Pets Sniper Shooting Pixel Gun

Funny Pet Characters in Dead Serious Shooting and Survival game that makes this game very very unique. Unlimited fun and Unlimited Adventure. Pet Fun Adventure shooting and Survival games like no other on the App Store. Top Shooting games for kids and...

Price: Free Developer: Top Free 3D Car / Bike Racing and Shooting Game / Games


Jet ski Racing & Shooting Games - Tears waves through different dangerous yet beautiful raceways. Features like Ability to select new Jet-skies and customise, Beautiful Graphics, Pick Up and Play,High Speed,Risk,Obstacles and kicking out death-defying tricks makes this game...

Fun Shooting Lite

Fun Shooting Lite

Fun filled shooting game with vast variety of targets like balloons, birds, Animals, Balls & Discs. *** Please note, initially gun control may seem difficult, but after playing few times, you will be hitting targets easily. *** *** Avoid playing in...

Price: Free Developer: iGold Technologies
Mouse Mayhem Shooting & Racing

Mouse Mayhem Shooting & Racing

Top Fun Shooting & Racing Game On Appstore!! Help the cute little mouse 'SUEAKY'as he race, shooting and destroying enemies and overcomes hurdles with nothing to lose! Don't be fooled by his small size, he may be small and cute but...

Price: Free Developer: Top Free 3D Car / Bike Racing and Shooting Game / Games
Sniper Shooting Duck Fps Games

Sniper Shooting Duck Fps Games

One of the Most addictive sniper Shooting game on AppStore! How fast your fingers are? Check it using this entertaining game! The game is really simple: you'll go level by level shooting ducks to earn points, until you lose. It's that...



Let's dance in beautiful DANMAKU! Can you pass many difficult stages? Let's train cute dragons of partner and try it. The enemies are strong, but the dragons they brought up firmly are stronger! - Swipe only for operation. You can play freely with...

Price: Free Developer: qnote,Inc
Little Rambo Shooting & Racing

Little Rambo Shooting & Racing

'Little Rambo' is an action game starring the lovable hero Little Rambo as he runs, shooting and destroying enemies and hurdles with nothing to lose! Travel through portals to visit exotic world locations, battling Enemies. Instantly playable and...

Price: Free Developer: Top Free 3D Car / Bike Racing and Shooting Game / Games
Bottle Shooting Expert 3D

Bottle Shooting Expert 3D

Fanatic of bottle shoot games and bottle flip games? Try our newest bottle shooter game that unleashes the idea of target bottle shot. Come now and join a thrilling shooting contest in pistol shooting games just for fun! Forget...

Price: Free Developer: Muhammad Khan

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