Top 20 Education Apps Like Hugo Box - Best Alternatives

Hugo Box Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Hugo Box alternatives for iOS? We have listed 20 Education apps that are similar to Hugo Box. Pick one from this list to be your new Hugo Box app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Hugo Box on your iOS devices.

Top 20 Apps Like Hugo Box - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Hugo Box alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 20 similar apps like Hugo Box 2025.

Connaître Victor Hugo

Connaître Victor Hugo

Cette application pédagogique permet de découvrir, seul ou à plusieurs, les collections permanentes de la maison Victor Hugo située place des Vosges. Parcours dans les collections : Grâce à des jeux de glisser-déposer, des éléments à retrouver ou à replacer dans...

Price: Free Developer: Paris Musées
Hugo app

Hugo app

Ben jij een ouder, leerling of medewerker van het OSG Hugo de Groot? Download dan nu de Hugo app en log in met de gegevens die je via mail hebt ontvangen. Geen uitnodiging gehad, maar wel altijd het laatste...

Price: Free Developer: Hoy B.V.
V. Hugo LSF

V. Hugo LSF

Guide en LSF de la Maison Victor Hugo. Visitez l’appartement de Victor Hugo, découvrez sa vie et des extraits de ses œuvres. Présentés sous forme de courts films par une interprète et un comédien, la vie, les idées, les combats et...

Price: Free Developer: Sycomore
Hand Talk

Hand Talk

Liderada por um simpático intérprete 3D, o Hugo, o aplicativo Hand Talk faz a tradução automática de texto e voz para Língua Brasileira de Sinais (Libras). São mais de 360 milhões de pessoas com deficiência auditiva no mundo, segundo a...

Price: Free Developer: Hand Talk Servicos Ltda
WW1:Fromelles and Pozieres

WW1:Fromelles and Pozieres

Experience ANZAC History brought to life! – It’s World War 1, and the battles of Fromelles and Pozieres, major battles in the Somme offensive, are raging. Hear the story of these battles narrated by Hugo Weaving while you explore...

Price: Free Developer: Australian Broadcasting Corporation
Little Donkey Burrito Sabanero

Little Donkey Burrito Sabanero

Little Donkey/Mi Burrito Sabanero is a bilingual (English & Spanish) holiday app based on one of the most popular Christmas carols in Spanish: “Mi Burrito Sabanero” (The Little Donkey from the Savannah), which tells the tale of a journey...

Price: Free Developer: Encantos Media Studios, Inc.
Orthographe avec Frantastique

Orthographe avec Frantastique

Progresser en français avec Frantastique : orthographe, grammaire, conjugaison, syntaxe et expression écrite. Chaque jour, une leçon avec les aventures de Victor Hugo explorant l'univers de la francophonie... Testez Frantastique et recevez gratuitement une évaluation de votre niveau d'orthographe ! •...

Price: Free Developer: GymGlish A9
Read With Me

Read With Me

My name is Lisa VanDamme and I am the founder of VanDamme Academy, a small private school in Southern California with big ambitions to provide students with an exceptional education and a joyful learning experience. The single, animating element of...

Price: Free Developer: Joseph Tabenkin
Best Of AudioBooks

Best Of AudioBooks

Best Of AudioBooks This free audiobook app has a library of 300+ free public domain audiobooks in every genre including: fiction, romance, business, sci-fi, mystery and children’s. Download an audio book to your phone and start listening to a great story...

Price: Free Developer: Nguyen Thi Dieu Lien
T-Box App

T-Box App

Por medio de T-Box App las instituciones educativas pueden compartir de forma sencilla e inmediata información de interés para los miembros de su comunidad, principalmente con los padres y madres de familia. ¿Hay una noticia que compartir con toda...

Price: Free Developer: TECHNOLOGY BOX, INC.
Box of Books

Box of Books

Box of Books Reader is a free app by the industry-leading eBook provider for Australian Schools. Store and read all your Box of Books digital texts, hassle-free on your iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch. 
 Aussie students, parents and...

Price: Free Developer: Box of Books Pty Limited
Torah-Box entre Femmes

Torah-Box entre Femmes

Torah-Box est l'association de diffusion du Judaïsme pour les francophones dans le monde, créée sous l'impulsion du tsadik Rabbi David ABIH'SSIRA et du Grand-Rabbin Yossef-Haim SITRUK. L'objectif : donner accès à l'étude et à la pratique du Judaïsme en tout...

Price: Free Developer: TOV LI
AppyKids Toy Box

AppyKids Toy Box

AppyKids Toy Box - Fun little digital toys Designed by our award winning team, created for your children, our fun Digital Toy Box takes the best parts of our apps, from music to colours, stickers and puzzles, and places them...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Growl Media Limited
Box Elder Public Schools, MT

Box Elder Public Schools, MT

The official app for Box Elder Public Schools, MT allows users direct access to the most recent news, announcements and event calendars. Customize the app to display information relevant to a specific campus and to receive important notifications from...

Price: Free Developer: Box Elder Public Schools
Parent Box

Parent Box

Is your child above 8 yrs? Do you love giving gifts to your child? Do you want to build patience in your child? Do you want to teach them a message from real life? Do you want to play...

Price: Free Developer: Anish N R K
Baby Sleep:Twinkle MUSIC BOX

Baby Sleep:Twinkle MUSIC BOX

An intellectual learning experience on your smartphone! You can use the gentle music box game as an app for enjoyably developing children's sensitivity and ear for music, and also as a tool for lulling him or her to...

Price: Free Developer: Faith, Inc.
Jack In The Box - Cause and Effect Infant Game

Jack In The Box - Cause and Effect Infant Game

Absolutely no advertising or in-app purchases. Jack In The Box is a baby-proof game that can be played anywhere and requires no adult intervention. Explore cause-and-effect and have fun with colorful, silly animals popping out of the box! Jack In...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Xiaoxi Ip
Ladybug's Box: Early Childhood Mathematics

Ladybug's Box: Early Childhood Mathematics

Ladybug's Box is an award winning video game designed to teach math to every child in the world! Ladybug's Box teaches mathematics to kids of the kindergarten and first classes of primary school. Through Ladybug's Box, children are introduced to...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Lazaros Vrysis


Predictable, a multi- award winning app, gives a voice to people! Designed for literate individuals who have lost the ability to speak; possible due to cerebral palsy, MND, a laryngectomy, stroke, apraxia or brain injury. Using the latest word prediction technology...

Price: USD 159.99 Developer: Therapy Box Limited

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