Top 20 Health & Fitness Apps Like Vô Vi - Best Alternatives

Vô Vi Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Vô Vi alternatives for iOS? We have listed 20 Health & Fitness apps that are similar to Vô Vi. Pick one from this list to be your new Vô Vi app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Vô Vi on your iOS devices.

Top 20 Apps Like Vô Vi - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Vô Vi alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 20 similar apps like Vô Vi 2025.

Calorie V

Calorie V

A nice looking calorie counter application, with which you can measure your calorie intake for a day, and create a diary of what you eat. You can browse trough more than 100 consumable items, which are present in the application,...

Price: Free Developer: Kevin Varga
Prvá pomoc pre všetkých

Prvá pomoc pre všetkých

11 minút vie rozhodnúť o živote či smrti. 11 minút trvá v priemere záchrannej zdravotnej službe, kým príde na miesto určenia. Čas tesne po nehode či úraze je kľúčový pre záchranu života. Nespoliehajte sa len na núdzové čísla a...

Price: Free Developer: Michaela Benedigova
My Siguldas Sports App

My Siguldas Sports App

With the My Siguldas Sports App, all members can directly retrieve information about the timetable, fitness programs, courses and subscriptions. In our app you will find all sorts of tips and information. Overviews of: - Current timetable with...

Price: Free Developer: Delcom Productions b.v.


Die App der Evangelischen Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Soldatenbetreuung (EAS) wurde speziell für die Menschen in der Bundeswehr entwickelt. Sie bietet folgende Funktionen: AUSZEIT ENTSPANNUNGSÜBUNGEN Die speziell für die Menschen in der Bundeswehr und deren Angehörige entwickelten Entspannungs- und Stabilisierungsübungen unterstützen bei der...

Price: Free Developer: Evangelische Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Soldatenbetreuung e.V.
My USC Leiden sports app

My USC Leiden sports app

Use the app for: Current sport schedule Register for courses Renew your subscription Reservations/Bookings Personal fitness programs Own profile and statistics Contact information You can have a training program, from our extensive exercises database, added by one of fitness instructors. A very handy app for...

Price: Free Developer: Delcom Productions b.v.


Die DZG-App – Sicher, seriös und sorgenfrei glutenfrei Die DZG-App bietet Sicherheit: Grundlage der App sind die tagesaktuell gepflegten Datenbanken der Deutschen Zöliakie-Gesellschaft e.V. (DZG). Diese werden ständig aktualisiert und überprüft, sodass die Daten immer auf dem neuesten Stand sind....

Price: Free Developer: Deutsche Zöliakie-Gesellschaft e.V.


This software is an acoustic dictionary that consolidated all the words to cheer you up in Japanese. Please be aware before you make a purchase that notation and audio are only available in Japanese. We all have time that we...

Price: Free Developer: Toshihide Shimada
Mẹo hay cho bà bầu - bí quyết làm đẹp và giảm cân sau sinh

Mẹo hay cho bà bầu - bí quyết làm đẹp và giảm cân sau sinh

Ứng dụng bao gồm: Bà bầu cần biết, Bà bầu làm đẹp, bà bầu thể dục, chuẩn bị mang thai, dấu hiệu có thai, dinh dưỡng cho bà bầu, giảm cân sau sinh, mẹo hay sau sinh, sự phát triển...

Price: Free Developer: Tran Anh
Dewi Online

Dewi Online

App voor het ledenportaal van Dewi Online.

Price: Free Developer: DEWI Software B.V.
EasyFit Premium Rotterdam

EasyFit Premium Rotterdam

App voor het ledenportaal van EasyFit Premium Rotterdam. Als lid van EasyFit kun je je account gebruiken om in te loggen en vervolgens je vorderingen, reserveringen en openstaand tegoed bekijken. Daarnaast kun je actuele informatie van EasyFit Premium Rotterdam...

Price: Free Developer: DEWI Software B.V.
Thẩm Mỹ Viện Anh Thư

Thẩm Mỹ Viện Anh Thư

“Anh Thu – Spa” là trung tâm thẩm mỹ và chăm sóc sắc đẹp hiện đại, cung cấp các dịch vụ chăm sóc sắc đẹp hàng đầu. Lấy chất lượng dịch vụ làm mục tiêu cốt lõi, “Anh Thu...

Kickboxing Fitness Trainer

Kickboxing Fitness Trainer

Fasting, high-intensity exercise is often called a rapid weight loss method. These methods are really effective but also make your health, your body go down, even extremely dangerous effects. So, if you want to lose weight fast, find another...

Price: Free Developer: Son Phi
myDNA Pro

myDNA Pro

myDNA Pro is a holistic health platform designed to be your DNA-based health navigator. Gain access to your DNA information and use it to become healthier with support from your own health coach! myDNA Pro is a tool that...

Price: Free Developer: Prenetics Limited
8fit Workouts & Meal Planner

8fit Workouts & Meal Planner

8fit helps you become healthier and happier by putting fitness and nutrition experts in your pocket. Get customized workout and meal plans to help you reach your wellness goals. *Rated 5 Stars by thousands of users * The 8fit app...

Price: Free Developer: Urbanite Inc.
myDNA Vietnam

myDNA Vietnam

myDNA Vietnam là ứng dụng chăm sóc sức khỏe hàng đầu về Gene Dinh Dưỡng. Bạn có thể: -Xem báo cáo myDNA của bạn cùng những lời khuyên thiết thực -Theo dõi chế độ dinh dưỡng qua từng bữa ăn bằng...

Price: Free Developer: Prenetics Limited


MapDiet er et nyt koncept til at finde vej i fødevarejunglen og få sammensat en ernæringsrigtig kostplan, der lever op til officielle anbefalinger. DIN SIKKERHED FOR EN SUND LIVSSTILSÆNDRING ELLER VÆGTTAB Teamet bag MapDiet, Stine Junge Albrechtsen og Anne...

Price: Free Developer: MapDiet IVS
Cravings – Meet daily calorie goal with Weight watchers, Calorie Counter & Diet Tracker

Cravings – Meet daily calorie goal with Weight watchers, Calorie Counter & Diet Tracker

Lots of Apps can help you track your calorie intake, but can they also suggest what to eat for breakfast, lunch or dinner to meet your daily calorie goals? Can they tell you what your best or worst cravings...

Price: Free Developer: Blue Eyes Innovation LLC
Thuốc Cổ Truyền

Thuốc Cổ Truyền

Ngay từ thuở nguyên sơ, khi còn ở thời đại đồ đá, trong quá trình đấu tranh với thiên nhiên, bệnh tật bảo vệ cuộc sống, người xưa đã biết dùng cây cỏ quanh mình để làm thuốc và...

Price: Free Developer: Dung Ngan Viet


Är du redo att anta utmaningen i Mindfulnessresan? 
Vi gör det enkelt och roligt för dig att meditera! Det enda som behövs är fem minuter om dagen!

 Luta dig tillbaka, klicka på ladda ner och välj din avatar så...

Price: Free Developer: Modern Mindfulness Sweden AB

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