Top 15 Education Apps Like Corletta J Vaughn - Best Alternatives

Corletta J Vaughn Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Corletta J Vaughn alternatives for iOS? We have listed 15 Education apps that are similar to Corletta J Vaughn. Pick one from this list to be your new Corletta J Vaughn app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Corletta J Vaughn on your iOS devices.

Top 15 Apps Like Corletta J Vaughn - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Corletta J Vaughn alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 15 similar apps like Corletta J Vaughn 2025.

J. Piaget Completo

J. Piaget Completo

O J. Piaget, empresa que oferece um Sistema de Ensino de qualidade para todo o Brasil, foi fundado em 2000, em plena era digital, a partir do desejo de produzir manuais educacionais que fossem congruentes com a nova realidade...

Price: Free Developer: J. Piaget - Sistema de Ensino Multimídia


地震ハザードステーションJ-SHISの公式アプリケーションです。 J-SHISは全国地震動予測地図を表示するiPhone/iPad/iPod touch用公式アプリケーションです。J-SHISを手軽にスマートフォンで見ることができます。 ○全国地震動予測地図※の表示○ 現在公開している最新の全国地震動予測地図を表示することができます。地図は拡大・縮小、移動、透過率の変更を行うことができます。 ・確率論的地震動予測地図(30年震度6強以上となる確率) ・確率論的地震動予測地図(30年震度6弱以上となる確率) ・確率論的地震動予測地図(30年震度5強以上となる確率) ・確率論的地震動予測地図(30年震度5弱以上となる確率) ・長期間平均ハザード(再現期間10万年相当) ・表層地盤地図 ・深部地盤地図 ・想定地震地図 ※「全国地震動予測地図」は、将来日本で発生する恐れのある地震による強い揺れを予測し、予測結果を地図として表したものです。 ○GPSを利用した現在位置周辺の表示○ 地図表示範囲をGPSを利用して現在位置周辺にすることができます。 ○地点情報の表示○ 指定した地点で30年間に震度6弱以上の揺れに見舞われる確率や、表層地盤増幅率、地震ハザードカルテを表示することができます。 ○震源断層の位置と地震活動モデルの表示○ 地図上に主要活断層帯の位置・形状を表示することができます。震源断層をタップすると地震活動モデル(平均ケース)を表示します。

Price: Free Developer: National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Prevention
G+J e|MS Innovation Campus

G+J e|MS Innovation Campus

Dies ist die offizielle Veranstaltungs-App des G+J e|MS Innovation Campus - dem praxisorientierten Trainings- und Veranstaltungsprogramm für Media- und Marketingentscheider von G+J e|MS. Nutzen Sie die App vor, während und nach dem jeweiligen Event und profitieren Sie von folgenden Features: -...

Price: Free Developer: G+J Electronic Media Sales GmbH
J. Sterling Morton HSD 201

J. Sterling Morton HSD 201

The official J. Sterling Morton HSD 201 app gives you a personalized window into what is happening at the district and schools. Get the news and information that you care about and get involved.             Anyone...

Price: Free Developer: J. Sterling Morton High School District 201
J programming language

J programming language

J is a general purpose, high-level programming language. J is particularly strong in the mathematical, statistical, and logical analysis of data and visualization of your data is at your fingertips. If you are new to J and want to be...

Price: Free Developer: Jsoftware Inc
Articulate Sh,Ch,J

Articulate Sh,Ch,J

This application is a great clinical tool for a speech therapist, but it can also be used by parents to help their children practice the Sh, Ch and J sounds. These are also known as the “palatal” phonemes,...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: BeeMoo, LLC
J-SEMS mobile

J-SEMS mobile

本アプリは、J-SEMS PROで作成された検査(一対比較法、採点法、順位法、SD法)の実施を、iPhoneを使って行うものです。 J-SEMS PROで作成された検査画面をQRコードで読み込み、検査を実施し、親機に転送します。 本アプリには、検査画面作成機能は含まれていません。検査画面はJ-SEMS PRO(iPadアプリ)をご利用ください。 手順1:J-SEMS PROで作成したQRコードを読み込みます。 手順2:検査を実施します。 手順3:結果をJ-SEMS PROに送信します。

Price: Free Developer: RYOHEI KOMATSUBARA
Alpha Fun: Play from A to J

Alpha Fun: Play from A to J

Alpha Fun (Vol.1) “Let’s play from A to J” Play along and explore ten fun activities. Beautiful artwork and delightful sounds encourage children to explore from A to J. A digital toy for boys and girls ages 2 and up. Ten age appropriate...

Price: Free Developer: KrakenEight LLC
J! Trivia

J! Trivia

With J! Trivia you get almost 6,000 games, 40,000 categories, and over 350,000 clues. Games span back to Alex's first season in 1984. Curated from games in J! Archive. Archivists include champions like Ken Jennings, and other previous contestants. Play by...

Price: Free Developer: Kayla Martin
J-ENesis Japanese/English Dictionary

J-ENesis Japanese/English Dictionary

J-ENesis is now free for a limited time! J-ENesis Japanese/English Dictionary contains thousands of translations for words and phrases. Beginners and advanced speakers alike will find that J-Enesis is all you need to quickly find the words you need on...

Price: Free Developer: Juan Walker
AU Vetmed Open House

AU Vetmed Open House

Open House is an event that highlights all Auburn University College of Veterinary Medicine has to offer our community in areas of veterinary medicine, research, and education. The event is held on College of Veterinary Medicine campus, located at...

Price: Free Developer: Auburn University
Names Ninja

Names Ninja

Names Ninja utilizes the fastest and easiest method ever developed to remember names - developed by the world’s leading publisher of applied memory systems for education and business. If the ability to remember names is important to you, watch the...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Dean Vaughn Learning Systems, Inc.
Calc For Financial Ratio

Calc For Financial Ratio

This App Covers calculation for below topics: Fixed Asset Turnover Ratio Sales to Revenue per Employee Ratio Operating Cash Flow to Sales Ratio Cash Flow Coverage Ratio Dividend Payout Ratio ROCE (Return on Capital Employed) ROE (Return on Equity) EV (Enterprise Value Multiple) Dividend Yield Ratio and many...

Price: Free Developer: Vaughn Guenther
Persian Buddy

Persian Buddy

This app helps you learn Persian by going through over 20 lessons about the Persian alphabet, verb conjugation, and more! Words are divided by category, but you can also use the powerful search feature to look for words using...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Nathan Vaughn

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