Top 30 Education Apps Like Next 2.0 Edelvives - Best Alternatives

Next 2.0 Edelvives Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Next 2.0 Edelvives alternatives for iOS? We have listed 30 Education apps that are similar to Next 2.0 Edelvives. Pick one from this list to be your new Next 2.0 Edelvives app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Next 2.0 Edelvives on your iOS devices.

Top 30 Apps Like Next 2.0 Edelvives - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Next 2.0 Edelvives alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 30 similar apps like Next 2.0 Edelvives 2025.

Concours Next

Concours Next

L’évolution rapide du marché du travail nécessite des connaissances nouvelles. Le concours Next a pour vocation de regrouper des écoles à la pointe des compétences émergentes. De cursus techniques, artistiques, ou de management, les écoles du concours Next sont...

Price: Free Developer: Edwin Education


Bienvenue sur l'application mobile du groupe NEXT-U. Vous êtes étudiants inscrits dans l'un des Campus ou simple visiteur ? Cette application vous permettra de comprendre comment NEXT-U gère les compétences que vous allez acquérir. Vous trouverez les programmes...

Price: Free Developer: Edwin Education
NEXT Christian Community

NEXT Christian Community

A hub for the NEXT Christian Community members and attendees.

Price: Free Developer: NEXT Christian Community
Next Dollar Up

Next Dollar Up

GREAT IDEA! This app is a great way to teach practical money skills. It is a great price for educators and parents. Selected as Finalist in 2013 Readers' Choice Award for Favorite Special Needs App Featured by Special Education Advisor...

Price: USD 5.99 Developer: Limited Cue LLC
Next Learning Platform

Next Learning Platform

Next Learning Platform is a fast and secure cloud-based application for school management, developed by Next Education India Pvt. Ltd. There is something for everyone here from receiving notifications for parents, marking of attendance for teachers to ease of...

Price: Free Developer: NextEducation India Pvt Ltd
Now and Next

Now and Next

Now and Next cards, sometimes referred to as “First - Then”, are a visual communication tool that allow you to articulate a current activity - “now” and the one following it - “next”. This enables and supports communication at...

Price: USD 6.99 Developer: Peter Stanley
Biodiversity_Next Conference

Biodiversity_Next Conference

Welcome to Biodiversity_Next!By commission of the Netherlands Ministry of Education, Culture and Science, Naturalis Biodiversity Center in collaboration with the Netherlands Biodiversity Information Facility are hosting Biodiversity_Next. Biodiversity_Next is a joint conference by The Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF),...

Price: Free Developer: Naturalis Biodiversity Center
Next Generation Ministries

Next Generation Ministries

Welcome to the official Next Gen Ministries app. NGM serves as a relational network hub to strengthen and extend the next generation of local churches & credential holders through the power of the Holy Spirit to reach the 1,200,000...

Price: Free Developer: Subsplash Inc
Next Move Quiz

Next Move Quiz

Expand Knowledge! Practice English! Make it Fun! Solo play, or compete against friends in the Game Center. - Improve English and show-off your world knowledge - Features Next Move section with Pearson course material - Next Move, on the move - a world to be...

Price: Free Developer: Pearson Education
ActiVise What's Next

ActiVise What's Next

ActiVise What’s Next is an app alternative to laminated picture cards for visual timetables, social stories, patient journeys, independent living sequences or any sequence that you need to read, follow or memorise. Users can create their own sequences or download...

Price: Free Developer: Acognia Ltd
Kid's Playroom - 20 learning activities for toddlers and preschooler

Kid's Playroom - 20 learning activities for toddlers and preschooler

“Kid’s Playroom” invites children to learn new skills through a huge collection of fun activities. Each activity is designed to discover and train a specific ability, like spelling, counting, patterns matching, phonics, colors etc. This allows children to use...

Price: Free Developer: INBAL Tal
Beecher City CUSD #20, IL

Beecher City CUSD #20, IL

The official app for Beecher City CUSD #20, IL allows users direct access to the most recent news, announcements and event calendars. Customize the app to display information relevant to a specific campus and to receive important notifications from...

Price: Free Developer: Beecher City Community Unit School District 20
Lawrence County CUSD 20

Lawrence County CUSD 20

The official app for Lawrence County CUSD 20 allows users direct access to the most recent news, announcements and event calendars. Customize the app to display information relevant to a specific campus and to receive important notifications from the...

Eggy Add to 20

Eggy Add to 20

Eggy Add to 20 is a fun and motivational app that teaches children aged 4–7 the addition skills needed for success with mathematics. The app builds addition to 20 skills using 6 highly interactive games that make learning and...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Blake eLearning
Eggy Subtract to 20

Eggy Subtract to 20

Eggy Subtract to 20 is a fun and motivational app that teaches children aged 4–7 the subtraction skills needed for success with mathematics. The app builds subtraction to 20 skills using 6 highly interactive games that make learning and...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Blake eLearning
Only 20 Chords

Only 20 Chords

The Only 20 Chords make music chords learning more efficient. ■ Concept of Only 20 Chords A song is established even with only 20 music chords. By merely continuing to learn 20 music chords, it will become possible to make songs someday. ■...

Price: Free Developer: Daisuke Furuyama
Counting to 20

Counting to 20

Learn to count to twenty with this parent/teacher guided education lesson for toddlers. Students will: • Hear and see numbers to twenty • Hear, count and move objects • Sing and read along to an original Counting to 20 song •...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Kerrie Gallagher
20/20 Rationalize Radicals

20/20 Rationalize Radicals

A power learning aid combining Guide and Coaching Calculators to help students master the rationalizing of radicals in algebraic fraction denominators. rationalizing algebraic fractions : - 8/√20 - 6/(5√20) - 6/(4 − √2) - 10/(2 √50 + 5) - 3/(4√3 − 3√2) - 12/(4√18 − 3√48) Examples...

Price: Free Developer: Walter Kissach
20以内加减法口算 -乐乐学数学系列之学前数学教育

20以内加减法口算 -乐乐学数学系列之学前数学教育

口算在学习数学中有着举足轻重的作用,3-7岁是打好口算基础的重要时期,它将直接影响着学生今后的计算能力。而学前班的小朋友由于年龄小,心理发展还不成熟,因此,在计算练习中出现错误是常有的事,并且用科学的方法提高小朋友的口算能力,因此本应用覆盖了20以内的加法、20以内减法,20以内加减法口算,20以内加减法混合运算,为此,本应用通过游戏方式让孩子在游戏中自己学习,快乐玩游戏,轻松学数学,并且有不同难度哦! 主要功能: *真人语音提示。 *练习模式,不限时间且有答案提示。 *测试模式,有限时间内答对的题越多得分越高。 *有可爱的摇一摇功能哦,让孩子在玩游戏同时爱上学习。

Price: Free Developer: MiracleStudio
Bé Học Toán - Học Số Từ 0 - 20

Bé Học Toán - Học Số Từ 0 - 20

Ứng dụng học số dành cho bé. Là ứng dụng dạy cho bé học, viết, đếm, cộng, trừ, so sánh các số trong phạm vi từ 0 đến 20. Các Tính Năng Chính: - Học các số từ 0 -> 20 có...

Price: Free Developer: RELIA Ltd.
Interioridad Edelvives

Interioridad Edelvives

Interioridad Edelvives es una aplicación que permite desarrollar ámbitos de aprendizaje esenciales para alcanzar una experiencia de interioridad. La interioridad hace referencia a la dimensión más profunda del ser humano, que da sentido a su vida y, por tanto, está...

Price: Free Developer: Grupo Edelvives
Grupo Edelvives Texto

Grupo Edelvives Texto

Grupo Edelvives_texto es una aplicación que permite descargarse los libros de texto de primaria, ESO y Bachillerato en versión digital de los sellos editoriales de Edelvives, Baula, Tambre e Ibaizabal. Con esta propuesta, los alumnos dispondrán de sus materiales escolares...

Price: Free Developer: Grupo Edelvives
CroquetApp Edelvives

CroquetApp Edelvives

Esta aplicación forma parte del ecosistema digital de Croqueta, proyecto educativo destinado a la etapa infantil del Grupo Edelvives. Permite dinamizar el trabajo de aula porque ayuda a combinar el desarrollo de contenidos con herramientas de gamificación y de...

Price: Free Developer: Grupo Edelvives
Chessapp Edelvives

Chessapp Edelvives

Aplicación de ajedrez creada para que niños y niñas puedan iniciarse en este milenario juego de forma muy divertida y llegar hasta ser expertos. • Crea perfiles de usuario personalizables y reporte de progreso. • Señala los posibles movimientos de cada pieza...

Price: Free Developer: Grupo Edelvives
Nextapp Edelvives

Nextapp Edelvives

¡Conoce a Next y acompáñalo en sus aventuras! Esta aplicación permite practicar secuencias de programación, el razonamiento espacial y la percepción del espacio. Cada recorrido de Next es un reto a resolver. A medida que avanza el juego, propone...

Price: Free Developer: Grupo Edelvives


#Notecalles es una app que ofrece a los niños, niñas y adolescentes herramientas para protegerse de los abusos sexuales e indicaciones claras para sepan dónde pedir ayuda en caso de necesitarla. Con la lectura del cuento descubrirán la historia de...

Price: Free Developer: Grupo Edelvives
ByME Digital

ByME Digital

ByME is a project created by Macmillan and Edelvives in order to improve the quality of teaching materials for bilingual schools in Spain.

Price: Free Developer: Ediciones Bilingües S.L.


Compra online los libros de texto y otros materiales, únicamente leyendo el código de lista proporcionado por los centros escolares adheridos.

Price: Free Developer: Grupo Edelvives
In&Out Pastoral

In&Out Pastoral

IN&OUT es una app que ofrece a docentes, agentes de pastoral, catequistas contenidos para dinamizar tanto las clases de la asignatura ERE como las actividades pastorales que se desarrollan en centros educativos y parroquias (celebraciones, oraciones, formaciones, reflexiones, convivencias)...

Price: Free Developer: Grupo Edelvives

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