Top 50 Games Apps Like AI Wars - automatic shooting game - - Best Alternatives

AI Wars - automatic shooting game - Alternatives

Do you want to find the best AI Wars - automatic shooting game - alternatives for iOS? We have listed 50 Games apps that are similar to AI Wars - automatic shooting game -. Pick one from this list to be your new AI Wars - automatic shooting game - app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to AI Wars - automatic shooting game - on your iOS devices.

Top 50 Games Like AI Wars - automatic shooting game - - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid AI Wars - automatic shooting game - alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 50 similar games like AI Wars - automatic shooting game - 2025.

Minesweeper - AI Robot

Minesweeper - AI Robot

Touch the AI Robot, play together. Game rules are classic Minesweeper. If you can not find the bomb, please touch the AI robot. 【How to Play】 1. Start the game. Open the square. 2. If you can not open a square any more. 3. Touch...

Price: Free Developer: Shigeo Mimura
AI Toe - AI Learns Tic Tac Toe

AI Toe - AI Learns Tic Tac Toe

* AI can Learn how to play Tic Tac Toe (Noughts and Crosses). * Create AI creatures, and let them play Tic Tac Toe. * AI learns Tic Tac Toe automatically while playing. * Compete your AI against other AI creatures online. *...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: WonderStar Games
Tic Tac Toe with Learning AI

Tic Tac Toe with Learning AI

Play Tic Tac Toe with an AI agent that uses Reinforcement Learning techniques to get stronger. The agent learns while you play it, so the more you play the more it learns. See the progress in which an AI...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Palo Alto Insight
HuaRongDo AI

HuaRongDo AI

HuaRongDo AI HuaRongDo a.k.a. Klotski comes from Polish klocki—wooden blocks game. It is a sliding block puzzle and move the specific (2X2) block to predefined bottom location. The name of HuaRongDo is referred from the chapter name in Chinese Novel, Three...

Price: Free Developer: Chia-Cheng Chen
Tic Tac Toe - With The Best AI

Tic Tac Toe - With The Best AI

The Best!! The Greatest!!! Tic! Tac! Toe! Game! EVERRR! Can you beat all six computer AI on the quest to be the best Tic Tac Toe player ever! Has Incredible AI for all players - Random Robbert for those who...

Price: Free Developer: Cameron Monks
2048X AI - 2048 with AI solver

2048X AI - 2048 with AI solver

Feel bored with 4*4 board size? Want to see an AI solves 2048 in action? Try 2048X AI Swipe to move all tiles and get to 2048 tile. Features: - AI (artificial intelligence), run 2048 game automatically and see AI in action. (Four different...

Price: Free Developer: Honghao Zhang
Chess Kingdom AI

Chess Kingdom AI

Chess Kingdom AI is the best Chess game on IOS and the game has AI technology application. Chess is 2 player strategy board games played on a chessboard, a checkered game board with 64 squares arranged in an 8×8 grid. With...

Price: Free Developer: Tuan Tran
AI Shogi - ZERO

AI Shogi - ZERO

将棋アプリなら完全無料の「AI将棋 ZERO」! 移動時間や暇な時間に気軽に遊べるアプリです。 シンプルに将棋で遊ぶことだけを追い求めています。 将棋は思考のトレーニングや発想力の強化にもつながりますので、ぜひ遊んでみてください。 ◆主な特徴◆ ・AIとの対戦機能 独自開発のAIを搭載しています。 5段階のレベルをご用意しました。 初心者~中級者向けに強さを設定しています。 将棋を始めたい方やルールは知ってるけど・・・といった方にフィットするかと思います。 ・2人対戦機能 AIではなく知人や恋人等、実際の人と対戦することができます。 ・棋譜の保存機能 対戦後に棋譜を保存することが出来ます。 対戦を見直して、ご自身の上達に役立ててください。 ・戦績記録機能 各レベルとの対戦成績が自動で記録され、勝率を計算してくれます。 各レベルで100勝を目指しましょう! ・オーソドックスなゲームを手軽に 簡単操作なので誰でも気軽に楽しめます。 ◆将棋ZEROはこんな人にオススメです◆ ・初心者なので弱いAIと対戦したい ・暇な時間に将棋を楽しみたい ・友達や家族と将棋を対戦したい ・将棋を始めてみたいけど、ルールがわからない ・将棋のルールは知っているけどやりこんでいないため、もう少し上達したい ・集中して将棋を取り組みたい ・定石の確認や練習をしたい ・棋譜を見返して、上達したい ・最近流行っているのでやってみたい ・対戦成績が記録されると燃える ・小さいころに将棋をやったきりだけど、懐かしいので遊んでみたい ・子供が将棋を覚えてやりたがっているので、ちょうどいい難易度の将棋ゲームを探している ・将棋盤は場所を取るためアプリで代替したい ・将棋アプリを一通りためしてみたけど、しっくりくるものが無かった ・かっこいいデザインの将棋アプリで遊びたい ・これからは将棋の時代だと思っている ・囲碁派だけど将棋も気になる ・詰め将棋が好きで、本を買って時間のあるときに楽しんでいる ・将棋の奥深さに惚れ込んでいる ・AIと対戦できて、1人プレイでも飽きない暇つぶしゲームを探している ・オフラインでできる対戦ゲームを欲しい ・仕事や勉強の気分転換用に、ちょうどよいアプリを探している ・ボードゲームが好きで、オセロやチェスなどのアプリでよく遊んでいる ・マインスイーパーやナンプレなど、パズル要素と理詰め要素のあるゲームが好き ・ゲームアプリでも、ソーシャルゲーム等の課金モノではなく定番ゲームが好き

Price: Free Developer: Releasebase, Inc.
Ai Là Triệu Phú 2017

Ai Là Triệu Phú 2017

Ai là triệu phú 2017 là phiên bản mới nhất mô phỏng theo Game Show Ai Là Triệu Phú của Đài truyền hình Việt Nam. Với phiên bản Ai là triệu phú 2017 bạn sẽ được thử sức mình với...

Price: Free Developer: Dai Nguyen
Ai Là Triệu Phú 2015 HD

Ai Là Triệu Phú 2015 HD

Ai là triệu phú là một game mô phỏng Gameshow Ai là triệu phú do VTV3 thực hiện. **************** GIỚI THIỆU **************** "Ai là triệu phú" với âm thanh sống động và được lồng tiếng của MC nổi tiếng Lại Văn...

Price: Free Developer: NGHIEM DINH TUAN
AR Tank Wars

AR Tank Wars

AR Tank Wars is the most addictive Augmented Reality War game ever. Turn your living room into a battlefield and start battling enemy tanks. Thanks to the latest ARKit technologies this game makes the best AR experience possible! The goal...

Price: Free Developer: Frank Slofstra
LEGO® Star Wars™: TCS

LEGO® Star Wars™: TCS

LEGO® Star Wars™: The Complete Saga is available on iOS for the first time! ***Episode I Story Mode is FREE for a limited time.*** **Episodes II – VI and other content available via in-app purchases.** Experience the entire collection that...

Price: Free Developer: Warner Bros.
Mushroom Wars: Space!

Mushroom Wars: Space!

Battle with friends in Pact Matches on many new multiplayer maps! Exchange gifts with other players and use Stars to acquire new rewards, including your own Spaceship upgrades! Update now and explore these and many other new features for...

Price: Free Developer: Zillion Whales
Cartoon Wars

Cartoon Wars

Cartoon Wars is an arcade war game which combines the formulas of defense and real-time strategy games. ───────────────────── SCENARIO Two tribes existed in the Cartoon World; the vicious, Color Tribe and the slaves, Black and White Cartoon Tribe. For generations, the Color Tribe...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: BLUE
Cartoon Wars Lite

Cartoon Wars Lite

Cartoon Wars is an arcade war game which combines the formulas of defense and real-time strategy games. ───────────────────── SCENARIO Two tribes existed in the Cartoon World; the vicious, Color Tribe and the slaves, Black and White Cartoon Tribe. For generations, the Color Tribe...

Price: Free Developer: BLUE
Cartoon Wars: Gunner

Cartoon Wars: Gunner

Cartoon Wars Gunner is a side scrolling, action-packed game incorporating elements from RPG and adventure genre. ───────────────────── SCENARIO In the midst of war in the Cartoon World, a king devised a deadly plan to slay the much-praised Captain J, as his...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: BLUE GNC
Cartoon Wars: Gunner Lite

Cartoon Wars: Gunner Lite

Cartoon Wars Gunner is a side scrolling, action-packed game incorporating elements from RPG and adventure genre. ───────────────────── SCENARIO In the midst of war in the Cartoon World, a king devised a deadly plan to slay the much-praised Captain J, as his...

Price: Free Developer: BLUE GNC
Heavy Armor Battalion: Tank Wars

Heavy Armor Battalion: Tank Wars

War waging on ! Between the Federation and the Brotherhood, the struggle for resources finally drives the two factions from small skirmishes to total war. The future of humanity hangs in the balance. ... "Heavy Armor Battalion: Tank Wars" is an arcade tank...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Liyuan Zhang
Avenger X™ Hero Wars

Avenger X™ Hero Wars

How to play: • Avenger X™ Hero Wars is an exciting and fast paced speed runner. • You must race through the levels collecting items. • Defeating cunning enemies. • Solving puzzles map before the clock runs out. •...

Price: Free Developer: Naomicsoft
Star Wars™ Dice

Star Wars™ Dice

Launch your Star Wars (TM) gaming experience into hyperdrive! The Star Wars Dice app is the ultimate accessory for Fantasy Flight Games' Star Wars games, supporting Star Wars: Armada, Star Wars: Imperial Assault, Star Wars: Legion, Star Wars: Rebellion, the...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Fantasy Flight Games
SPAS-12: Special Purpose Automatic Shotgun, Shoot to Kill - Lord of War

SPAS-12: Special Purpose Automatic Shotgun, Shoot to Kill - Lord of War

If you are interested in weapons and want to make YOUR OWN GUN, then DON'T pass by! Here is a game about the most famous Shotgun in the world: Special Purpose Automatic Shotgun.In this game you will have a...

Price: Free Developer: Zhenyu Zhang
Automatic RPG

Automatic RPG

Automatic RPG is the RPG where you can let your Heroes do their own thing. Why? Well, because in this game, Heroes level up and earn EXP all by themselves! All you have to do is spurn them along...

Price: Free Developer: Ryogo Oka


Find the trailer here: Free for a limited time only! Semi-Automatic throws you into the cockpit of a fabulously expensive war machine and trains you for the trials and tribulations of the inevitable robot uprising. Plow through the ever-growing mechanized...

Price: Free Developer: Sirvo LLC
QBZ-95: Automatic Rifle, Simulator, Trivia Shooting Game - Lord of War

QBZ-95: Automatic Rifle, Simulator, Trivia Shooting Game - Lord of War

If you are interested in weapons and want to make YOUR OWN GUN, then DON'T pass by! Here is a game about the most famous AR in the world: QBZ-95. In this game you will have a chance to...

Price: Free Developer: Zhenyu Zhang
iCroises crosswords

iCroises crosswords

This highly effective application is designed for easy use and offers you a whole new crossword solving experience. Thanks to the dictionaries and help section included, beginners can enjoy all levels of crosswords, while experts can finish off those puzzles...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Archisoft


- 10x free Pack for the first time now available Action online RPG with ultimate graphics -------------------------------------------- AVABEL ONLINE is a 3D-MMORPG that delivers the best in smartphone graphics. Users can enjoy the games exhilarating features, such as smooth combo...

Price: Free Developer: ASOBIMO,Inc.
FreeCell Solitaire Card Game

FreeCell Solitaire Card Game

Play the BEST FreeCell Solitaire game on your Apple device, made by MobilityWare -- the #1 Solitaire developer! FreeCell has goal progressions and updated scoring, including your personal best score! Each day you will receive new goals to tackle. Complete...

Price: Free Developer: MobilityWare
Card Three Kingdoms

Card Three Kingdoms

Is the game Three Kingdoms too difficult? Not any more~ Meet the game, "Card Three Kingdoms." Card Three Kingdoms is a strategy card game made of intuitive user interface and automatic turn battle methods. * Simple hero card- You...

Price: Free Developer: manastone inc.
Crazy Pigs conquering Space Game

Crazy Pigs conquering Space Game

Angry Pigs Conquering Space Game Saga Angry Pigs have discovered interstellar travel and have gone totally crazy since then. They travel the galactic space causing fear and danger because they do not pay attention to anything. Lots of collisions have...

Price: Free Developer: Johannes Lauer
3D Pro Shooting Lite

3D Pro Shooting Lite

*** Top Free Shooting game in many Countries. Play for your country and win medals. *** Realistic shooting game simulating real shooting events using your iPhone/iPod/iPad motion sensors with online competition and addictive gameplay. *** Please note, initially gun control may...

Price: Free Developer: iGold Technologies
FPS Sniper Shooting Drive

FPS Sniper Shooting Drive

'Drive by Shooting' is a form of hit-and-run tactic 3d shooting game, a personal attack carried out by an individual from a moving vehicle, often without use of headlights to avoid being noticed. It often results in bystanders being...

Price: Free Developer: Top Free 3D Car / Bike Racing and Shooting Game / Games
Pets Sniper Shooting Pixel Gun

Pets Sniper Shooting Pixel Gun

Funny Pet Characters in Dead Serious Shooting and Survival game that makes this game very very unique. Unlimited fun and Unlimited Adventure. Pet Fun Adventure shooting and Survival games like no other on the App Store. Top Shooting games for kids and...

Price: Free Developer: Top Free 3D Car / Bike Racing and Shooting Game / Games


Jet ski Racing & Shooting Games - Tears waves through different dangerous yet beautiful raceways. Features like Ability to select new Jet-skies and customise, Beautiful Graphics, Pick Up and Play,High Speed,Risk,Obstacles and kicking out death-defying tricks makes this game...

Fun Shooting Lite

Fun Shooting Lite

Fun filled shooting game with vast variety of targets like balloons, birds, Animals, Balls & Discs. *** Please note, initially gun control may seem difficult, but after playing few times, you will be hitting targets easily. *** *** Avoid playing in...

Price: Free Developer: iGold Technologies
Mouse Mayhem Shooting & Racing

Mouse Mayhem Shooting & Racing

Top Fun Shooting & Racing Game On Appstore!! Help the cute little mouse 'SUEAKY'as he race, shooting and destroying enemies and overcomes hurdles with nothing to lose! Don't be fooled by his small size, he may be small and cute but...

Price: Free Developer: Top Free 3D Car / Bike Racing and Shooting Game / Games
Sniper Shooting Duck Fps Games

Sniper Shooting Duck Fps Games

One of the Most addictive sniper Shooting game on AppStore! How fast your fingers are? Check it using this entertaining game! The game is really simple: you'll go level by level shooting ducks to earn points, until you lose. It's that...



Let's dance in beautiful DANMAKU! Can you pass many difficult stages? Let's train cute dragons of partner and try it. The enemies are strong, but the dragons they brought up firmly are stronger! - Swipe only for operation. You can play freely with...

Price: Free Developer: qnote,Inc
Little Rambo Shooting & Racing

Little Rambo Shooting & Racing

'Little Rambo' is an action game starring the lovable hero Little Rambo as he runs, shooting and destroying enemies and hurdles with nothing to lose! Travel through portals to visit exotic world locations, battling Enemies. Instantly playable and...

Price: Free Developer: Top Free 3D Car / Bike Racing and Shooting Game / Games
Bottle Shooting Expert 3D

Bottle Shooting Expert 3D

Fanatic of bottle shoot games and bottle flip games? Try our newest bottle shooter game that unleashes the idea of target bottle shot. Come now and join a thrilling shooting contest in pistol shooting games just for fun! Forget...

Price: Free Developer: Muhammad Khan
Big Business: Economic & Strategy Game

Big Business: Economic & Strategy Game

The amazing next-gen economic strategy game for true-born businessmen! Have you ever dreamed of becoming a business tycoon? Big Business Deluxe gives you a chance to turn this dream into reality! Build a modern metropolis, set up your own business...

Price: Free Developer: Game Insight
Quiz Game Land Lite

Quiz Game Land Lite

PRESS QUOTES 4/4 (Must Have) "Quiz Game Land is a top notch trivia game with a terrific sense of humor, and the whole thing is presented in a charming retro style" 9/10 "Quiz Game Land as mentioned is by far the...

Price: Free Developer: Undercoders
Kids 123 ABC Puzzle Game

Kids 123 ABC Puzzle Game

Kids educational puzzle game for toddlers and preschoolers to learn abc(alphabets), 123, fruits name, birds name etc. Easy and simple 123 ABC matching game flow for 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9, 10 years old kids. This game is a collection of fun and...

Price: Free Developer: Bhavesh Korat
Game of Kings - Online Chess

Game of Kings - Online Chess

Play chess online for free with a simple, beautiful interface. • Play up to 30 games at a time, FREE • Challenge friends, or find random opponents • Play at your pace, from 2 minutes to 7 days per move • Make your...

Price: Free Developer: PixelatedBytes, LLC
Kids University - Kindergarten Educational Learning Game

Kids University - Kindergarten Educational Learning Game

Kids University Learning Game; it is not only unique, exciting game for a toddler but it is also an addictive, educational, funny and challenging game that helps your child to improve the knowledge of the alphabet, numbers, insects, and...

Price: Free Developer: Bhavesh Korat
King of Booze 2 Drinking Game

King of Booze 2 Drinking Game

The only drinking game you need is here. King of Booze 2 the drinking game is a perfect combination of fun challenges, sexy dares and drinking. It combines all of your favourite drinking games such as Never Have I...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Boris Mikic
BaliFied - Word Game

BaliFied - Word Game

"If you're a fan of word-based digital entertainment especially there's an awful lot to enjoy..." - Pocket Gamer "From something that evolved from a card game in the 1950’s, this game is a hit in this millennium." - Pocket Full...

Price: Free Developer: Dragon Game Studio
Beach Food Truck -Cooking Game

Beach Food Truck -Cooking Game

Have you ever dreamt of becoming the world best cooking chef by playing one of the top chef games or fun restaurant chef games? Than welcome to crazy cooking madness world, since we bring a world of flavors into...

Price: Free Developer: The Game Storm Studios
English Learning Kids Game

English Learning Kids Game

A free spelling learning game for kids(Preschoolers). This english practice app will help your child to improve spellings of fruits, animals, vegetables and sports items. Amazing sound and high quality photos of each object's add more fun. Kids Spelling Learning...

Price: Free Developer: Bhavesh Korat
Game Show Studio

Game Show Studio

Game Show Studio lets you host your own trivia game show in your home, classroom, or workplace. It provides everything you need to put on a stunning and interactive show, including sound effects, graphics that can be displayed on...

Price: Free Developer: Game Show Studio, LLC

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