Top 29 Business Apps Like Man-i-fest - Best Alternatives

Man-i-fest Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Man-i-fest alternatives for iOS? We have listed 29 Business apps that are similar to Man-i-fest. Pick one from this list to be your new Man-i-fest app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Man-i-fest on your iOS devices.

Top 29 Apps Like Man-i-fest - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Man-i-fest alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 29 similar apps like Man-i-fest 2025.

MAN Diesel & Turbo Engine Programme

MAN Diesel & Turbo Engine Programme

This app offers easy access to the complete marine engine and power plant programmes of the MAN Diesel & Turbo group, i.e. low speed and medium speed engines as well as complete power plant solutions. About MAN Diesel & Turbo MAN...

Price: Free Developer: MAN Energy Solutions SE
MAN Diesel & Turbo DieselFacts

MAN Diesel & Turbo DieselFacts

DieselFacts is MAN Diesel & Turbo’s technical customer magazine. Issued four times annually, it gathers together the most recent news from the world of large-bore diesel engines and turbomachinery, along with the latest technical papers, and carries in-depth features...

Price: Free Developer: MAN Energy Solutions SE
Remy Man

Remy Man

This is an app showcasing Remy Man Products, as well as the- Remy Man official app. It has social interaction, galleries, video content, and everything anyone needs to know about the Remy Man experience. The Remy Man app is...

Price: Free Developer: Remy Man Products
MAN TGE Virtual Reality

MAN TGE Virtual Reality

Experience the highlights of the breathtaking MAN TGE from different perspectives: either directly on your mobile device or via VR glasses as an entertaining 360º experience. Switch between the different vehicle types, change the colors and the rims or...

Price: Free Developer: MAN Truck & Bus AG
MAN-ES Online Service

MAN-ES Online Service

The MAN Energy Solutions Online Service app enables you to monitor your MAN Energy Solutions engine data. Get access to your engine data from all over the world and see the most important values in nearly real time. Before...

Price: Free Developer: MAN Energy Solutions SE
Dan The Tire Man

Dan The Tire Man

We offer a No Credit Needed lease-to-own program through Progressive Leasing for tires, wheels and automotive accessories. For only $49 out of pocked followed by low payments based on your paydays, you will receive most products on your doorstep...

Price: Free Developer: Dan The Tire Man
Man Telematics

Man Telematics

MAN Automotive SA, mobile fleet management application, provides our existing fleet customers with the means to monitor fleet vehicles from any location, at any time. The application forms part of the MAN Automotive R&M comprehensive fleet management offering. MAN clients...

Price: Free Developer: Cartrack
Black Man With A Gun

Black Man With A Gun

Rev. Kenn Blanchard, aka the Black Man With A Gun, pastor of patriots, paladins and pistoleros one stop shop app for listening to the Black Man With A Gun podcast, receiving notifications about news and events, and for connecting...

Price: Free Developer: Lona Lewis
Canugo Man And Van App

Canugo Man And Van App

Canugo - London's On-Demand Man With Van App * Track & Call Your Drivers At Anytime During The Job. * All Drivers Are Verified By Canugo & Rated By You! --- Hire Bike To Van Couriers By The Hour Rubbish Removal...

Price: Free Developer:


i-Asigurare powered by Vodafone ****************************** i-Asigurare este singura aplicatie completa de asigurari din Romania. Cu i-Asigurare inchei direct de pe telefonul mobil asigurari auto (RCA), asigurari travel, pentru locuinta sau bicicleta. Setezi alerte si primesti notificari auto (expirare asigurare RCA, expirare...

Price: Free Developer: i-Tom Solutions
sales-i Go

sales-i Go

sales-i Go takes everything you love about sales-i and makes it faster, simpler and perfect for salespeople on the go. Designed specifically for iOS, sales-i Go puts all the information needed to complete a successful sales call in the...

Price: Free Developer: sales-i Inc.
i-snapshot 10

i-snapshot 10

This application is fully supported for iOS versions between 8 and 12. i-snapshot is a sales management tool to improve sales performance, it aids the sales managers and their team by focusing them on the data to optimise their...

Price: Free Developer: i-snapshot
i-snapshot 10 for iPad

i-snapshot 10 for iPad

This application is fully supported for iOS versions between 8 and 12. i-snapshot is a sales management tool to improve sales performance, it aids the sales managers and their team by focusing them on the data to optimise their...

Price: Free Developer: i-snapshot
i-snapshot Terms

i-snapshot Terms

This application is fully supported for iOS versions between 8 and 12. i-snapshot is a sales management tool to improve sales performance, it aids the sales managers and their team by focusing them on the data to optimise their choices...

Price: Free Developer: i-snapshot
i-snapshot Terms for iPhone

i-snapshot Terms for iPhone

This application is fully supported for iOS versions between 8 and 12. i-snapshot is a sales management tool to improve sales performance, it aids the sales managers and their team by focusing them on the data to optimise their...

Price: Free Developer: i-snapshot


iPad受付システム「I-FACE」がついにAppStoreに登場しました!! iPadの画面説明に沿ってタッチパネルを操作するだけで 担当者呼び出しを可能にするシステムです。 スタイリッシュな受付空間を演出します。 現在、I-FACEは「全国400社以上」の導入実績が御座います。 I-FACE最大の特徴は、国内外のPBX(電話交換機)と「電話線接続」が可能なことです。 そのため、受付に無人で設置するiPadは固定電話機 同様(オフライン)で利用できるため、 「セキュリティー」懸念が御座いません。

Price: Free Developer: i-enter


iPad受付システム「I-FACE」がついにAppStoreに登場しました!! ●○●○●○●○●○●○●○●○●○●○●○●○●○●○ 「iPad受付システム 導入実績No.1」 ●○●○●○●○●○●○●○●○●○●○●○●○●○●○ iPadの画面説明に沿ってタッチパネルを操作するだけで 担当者呼び出しを可能にするシステムです。 スタイリッシュな受付空間を演出します。 <効果、メリット> ●PBXの置き換え不要でコスト安導入可能 ●自社ブランディング(イメージアップ・話題性) ●待機時はデジタルサイネージとして、自社カラーの打ち出しをスライドで披露(動画・画像) ●自社で運用が完結(iPadアプリ内の管理画面、CSVインポート) ●担当者内線に直接コールするため、いち担当者の受付対応工数を削減 <実績・導入数> 約100社 <付属情報> ●既存のビジネスフォンやPBX(交換機)に接続可能 ビジネスフォンや既存のPBXをリプレイスする必要はありません。 ●コンセントだけあれば配線不要 Wi-Fi接続となりますので、設置場所までの配線工事が必要ありません。 ●担当者、部署登録はCSVでインポート 担当者の登録は設定画面より直接入力を行うことも可能ですが、 CSVファイルを一括でインポートすることも可能です。 <ご利用方法> ・インストール後に管理画面が起動しますので、「アカウント設定」にてご利用中PBXのSIPアカウント情報を設定して下さい。 ・「所属データ」または「社員データ」に社内電話機の内線番号を設定して下さい。 ※SIPアカウントを持たないPBXをご利用中の場合、別途I-FACEアダプターが必要となります。サポートURLのサイトからお問合せ下さい。 ※設置環境によって、音質が異なる場合があります。 ※通話転送などはご利用環境によって、利用できない場合があります。 ※メニュー画面にありますロゴをタップすることで、設定画面が開きます。

Price: Free Developer: i-enter
I-JET | Private Jet Travel

I-JET | Private Jet Travel

Search, view and request private jet charters directly from your iPhone or iPad. Whether you prefer the comfort and practicality of ImperialJet’s Learjet fleet, the multi-zone cabin of the Challenger 850 or the ultra long-range performance of the Global...

Price: Free Developer: I-JET


Aplikacja mobilna umożliwiająca monitorowanie wyników sprzedaży systemu i-sklep.

Price: Free Developer: i-systems
Turing Fest 2019

Turing Fest 2019

Your essential companion for 2019's top cross-functional tech conference. Connect with attendees, speakers and partners, build your personalised schedule and stay in the loop on everything that's happening at Turing Fest 2019.

Price: Free Developer: Turing Fest
Leopolis Jazz Fest

Leopolis Jazz Fest

Leopolis Jazz Fest – International jazz festival, which is annually held in Lviv on the last weekend of June. In the app, you will find: - Leopolis Jazz Fest news - program and concerts schedule - information about musicians and stages of Leopolis...

Price: Free Developer: LEOPOLIS DZHAZ, TOV
Fest Decore

Fest Decore

Você sonha...e nós realizamos!!! Há 8 anos no mercado, a Fest Decore Buffet está presente em momentos especiais, sempre aprimorando na arte de servir e transformar sonhos em realidades. Ao longo dessa trajetória cuidamos de cada evento como momentos únicos,...

Price: Free Developer: Alef Goes Pires
New Year's Fest

New Year's Fest

Get all the info about Kalamazoo's New Year's Fest in the palm of your hand. This app provides all the information you will need to know about New Year's Fest in downtown Kalamazoo. Use this app to see all...

Price: Free Developer: Deborah Droppers
ULTRA Fit Fest

ULTRA Fit Fest

ULTRA Fit Fest is a first-of-its-kind desert getaway for people who live fit and live fun. Where fitness revolutionaries lead you in the workouts they created. Where you can put in the work and revel in the rewards. The...

Price: Free Developer: AB InBev
Curiosity Fest

Curiosity Fest

The Curiosity Fest app is the best way to stay up-to-date on what's happening at Oklahoma's one and only humanities festival. In the app you will find a schedule of events, maps, presenter information, and more! Download the Curiosity...

Price: Free Developer: Oklahoma Humanities
Do-Fest 2018

Do-Fest 2018

Do-Fest is an intimate, invitation-only gathering of extraordinary Doers. Together we will creatively and courageously chart new solutions and accelerate our plans to address systemic challenges afflicting nature, our communities, and our climate. Do-Fest is a private gathering independent...

Price: Free Developer: Emerson Collective
Futures Fest

Futures Fest

Futures Fest is an ed tech event, founded by The Futures Institute, focusing on artificial intelligence in education. The Fu­tures In­sti­tute is a non-par­ti­san or­ga­ni­za­tion ded­i­cated to sup­port­ing lead­ers in value-based de­ci­sion-mak­ing that will shape poli­cies, prac­tices, prod­ucts,...

Price: Free Developer: The Futures Institute
Gaz Fest

Gaz Fest

Мобильное приложение «Gaz fest» – навигатор по IX Фестивалю профессионального мастерства. Приложение предназначено для создания единого информационного пространства для всех участников и гостей Фестиваля. Возможности приложения: Навигация по Фестивалю профессионального мастерства: – общая программа Фестиваля – программа по каждому конкурсу профессионального мастерства для...

Price: Free Developer: Leonid Potapov

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