Top 19 Productivity Apps Like TW Saúde BI - Best Alternatives

TW Saúde BI Alternatives

Do you want to find the best TW Saúde BI alternatives for iOS? We have listed 19 Productivity apps that are similar to TW Saúde BI. Pick one from this list to be your new TW Saúde BI app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to TW Saúde BI on your iOS devices.

Top 19 Apps Like TW Saúde BI - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid TW Saúde BI alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 19 similar apps like TW Saúde BI 2025.



私人訊息用LINE或FB,工作訊息就交給LinkWork吧!專為台灣職場設計的即時通訊app,公私分明的訊息管理讓日常溝通效率大幅提昇,快揪同事老闆一起使用,從此再也不用把私人的LINE或臉書帳號告訴同事囉!! 完全免費的LinkWork結合即時通訊與臉書式工作社群討論,加上「可回報進度的工作指派」與「可預約發訊的企業公告」等貼心功能,以及TLS高安全等級加密技術,任何類型的工作團隊都能安心運用LinkWork大幅提升溝通協作力。 【即時通訊:專為工作情境設計】 -可一對一或群組交談 -可傳送文字、圖片、影片、文件、位置、錄音 -提供「已讀/未讀名單」資訊,掌握精準狀態 -中途加入交談者,均可看見先前交談內容,快速進入狀況 -專為日常工作溝通設計的表情貼圖 【企業通訊錄:只限工作夥伴,公私才分明】 -以公司Email註冊,就能自動將同事們聚在一起,邀請超方便! -通訊錄可分部門,方便查找 -可設定常用聯絡人與群組名單 【團隊社群:討論聚焦,溝通有效率】 -可依部門、專案、話題或社團,建立團隊互動社群 -每個團隊皆有專屬的臉書式討論區、文件區及工作事項區 -每則討論貼文均可附加照片、影片、錄音、檔案、位置 -發佈貼文可選擇同步發送email 【工作管理:條理分明,易於掌握】 -重要的工作指示從此不再被淹沒在龐大對話泡泡中 -獨立的工作專區,快速掌握指派與待辦的工作狀態 -隨時可回報工作進度與互動溝通,管理有效率 【企業公告:可預約排程的廣播系統】 -可建立多個公告頻道,如總經理公告或部門公告 -每組公告頻道均可自訂訊息接收名單 -支援預約排程與區域位置設定,可於指定時間與地理區域發送訊息 LinkWork註冊使用完全免費,只要具備企業網域之email就可以註冊喔! 想瞭解LinkWork更多功能或要使用網頁版,請至LinkWork網站

Price: Free Developer: Asia Pacific Telecom Co.,Ltd


This App only support Mail2000 V6 SP1 or above. The customer of must migrate to version 6.0 to continue settings: Server: Account: Enter the email address You can apply migrating to Mail2000 V6 in Or contact to Mail2000 customer...

Price: Free Developer: Openfind Inc.



Price: Free Developer: MPFdrive


All new NewType oneAPP Enterprise Management all-in-one oneAPP >> Integrated NewType full range of product APP features, including: FlowMaster BPM WebISO, WebPMIS, WebEIP, etc. >>GPS location report : It is convenient to report your work place, work schedule check-in... and other work...

Price: Free Developer: NewType Software Systems Co., Ltd.
ProtoSketch – Graphic Design

ProtoSketch – Graphic Design

Quite simply, the finest Desktop-Class design software ever released. Make slick designs in minutes! You are a designer, a marketer or just want to sketch something, you want to make a logo or a new landing page for your...

Price: USD 8.99 Developer: Codemotion


功能與效益: 1. 登入帳號連結客戶出貨與保固期限 2. 報修履歷雙向溝通, 提供推播/郵件/對話討論 3. 完整服務履歷查詢 4. 自動產生服務單, 服務人員與到場服務時間回推. 5. 提供中繁/中簡/日/英 四國語言 6. 行動效率高, 免費提供ServiceSky搭配使用.

Price: Free Developer: D.O. Information Technology Corp.
Brainstorm - Creative Idea Generator

Brainstorm - Creative Idea Generator

How to think faster, better and creatively? Unleash your creativity with Brainstorm app. Explore tons of ideas in one awesome map! More knowledge channel: Unique data visualization map. Brainstorm app offers 81 must-know innovative thinking methods and techniques for product planning and...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Jun-Wei Su
ProtoSketch Lite

ProtoSketch Lite

Get the finest Desktop-Class design software ever released for FREE!!! Fully functional alternative to PhotoShop, Illustrator or Sketch on your iPad! Make slick designs in minutes! You are a designer, a marketer or just want to sketch something, you want to...

Price: Free Developer: Codemotion
Translate 92 Languages

Translate 92 Languages

Free Language Translation Text and voice translation app, easy to use and fast. Suitable for mobile phone or tablet. The application is translated to and from over 92 different languages, and pronounce the words written to better understand it. Please enter the...

Price: Free Developer: Ghi Nguyen
Radinfo BI

Radinfo BI

Seja Bem Vindo ao Aplicativo RADInfo BI, este aplicativo é gratuito para quem possui o ERP RADinfo e NÃO FUNCIONA DE FORMA INDEPENDENTE, é necessário que o usuário esteja devidamente cadastrado no ERP RADinfo. O aplicativo é de fácil...

Price: Free Developer: Rad informatica consultoria e Assessoria LTDA


Deze BI-RADS App is gebaseerd op de Nederlandse bewerking van de ACR BI-RADS Atlas 2013 (1). De app is bedoeld als hulpmiddel bij de verslaglegging van Mammografie, Echografie en MRI. Alle descriptoren die nodig zijn voor een gestandaardiseerd en...

Price: Free Developer: AppMKB B.V.
Infarma BI

Infarma BI

Com o Infarma Bi você pode analisar toda a sua empresa com as seguintes opções: - Perfil; - Vendas; - Compras; - Estoque; - Logística; - Entre outros.

Price: Free Developer: Infarma Sistemas
Zong GCSS BI Dashboard

Zong GCSS BI Dashboard

Zong GCSS BI Dashboard App provides interactive and automated performance visibility reports to regions across all the levels of regional teams. Performance reports include summary of various KPIs aggregated in cascaded manner, where each regional resource can view the...

Price: Free Developer: Zong China Mobile Company Pakistan


MetricsBI es una potente app de BI que le proporciona la información relevante y los indicadores clave de su negocio al momento, permitiendo de forma sencilla y rápida supervisar y controlar su negocio en cualquier momento y lugar. Con MetricsBI...

Price: Free Developer: Clave Informatica S.L.
Nuoi tom - Nuôi tôm chuẩn ERP

Nuoi tom - Nuôi tôm chuẩn ERP

Hỗ trợ người nuôi tôm theo dõi chi phí và thu hoạch, ghi nhật ký nuôi trồng và các chỉ số môi trường, ứng dụng các thiết bị thông minh vào ao nuôi. Bao gồm: - Ghi nhận các diễn...

Price: Free Developer: Chau Nguyen


SMR8 offer a fast and powerful way to undertake complex surveys and gather market intelligence from the field. SMR8 features extensive configuration options to suit many project requirements and delivers high quality PDF reports, dashboard portals, alerts and third party...

Price: Free Developer: Sync International Pty. Ltd.
Trong Cay -ERP cho nông nghiệp

Trong Cay -ERP cho nông nghiệp

Hỗ trợ chủ trang trại theo dõi chi phí, thu hoạch, ghi nhật ký canh tác và ứng dụng thiết bị thông minh vào nông nghiệp. Bao gồm: - Ghi nhận các diễn biến trong quá trình canh tác theo...

Price: Free Developer: Chau Nguyen
eContact Collect

eContact Collect

Collect contact information such as name, address, email, etc without the bother of using paper forms and attempting to read poor handwriting. This App is targeted for use by charities, non-profits, churches, amateur and child sports teams, small...

Price: Free Developer: Mike Maschino

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