Top 21 Health & Fitness Apps Like Dr. Rafael Bruno do Amaral - Best Alternatives

Dr. Rafael Bruno do Amaral Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Dr. Rafael Bruno do Amaral alternatives for iOS? We have listed 21 Health & Fitness apps that are similar to Dr. Rafael Bruno do Amaral. Pick one from this list to be your new Dr. Rafael Bruno do Amaral app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Dr. Rafael Bruno do Amaral on your iOS devices.

Top 21 Apps Like Dr. Rafael Bruno do Amaral - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Dr. Rafael Bruno do Amaral alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 21 similar apps like Dr. Rafael Bruno do Amaral 2025.

Dr Homecare

Dr Homecare

Com o Dr. Homecare, você pode: - Manter a agenda de atendimentos em dia. - Verificar os valores a serem recebidos por atendimento. - Emitir relatórios de pacientes - Atualizar informações importantes sobre seus atendimentos.

Price: Free Developer: Dr. Home Care Desenvolvimento de Sistemas LTDA
Dr. Greger's Daily Dozen

Dr. Greger's Daily Dozen

Keep track of the foods recommended by Dr. Greger in his New York Times Bestselling book, How Not to Die, and now his new book, How Not to Diet. In the years of research required to create the more than...

Price: Free Developer:
Dr. Reggie Melrose

Dr. Reggie Melrose

This app gives you access, right in your pocket, wherever you go, to a guided sensory toolkit for developing greater self-regulation. These are the companion audio files to both The 60 Seconds Fix and Brain Charge: The K-12 Curriculum...

Price: USD 5.99 Developer: Regalena Melrose
Dr.sen Doctor

Dr.sen Doctor

يسمح تطبيق الدكتور سن لطلاب طب الأسنان بإدارة مواعيد حجز المرضى الخاصة بهم، ويمكنك عرض ملفات المرضى والتقييم بعد الانتهاء من جلسة العلاج ، الدكتور سن يجمع أيضا العروض والخصومات لعيادات الأسنان ويسهل التواصل معهم The application of Dr. Sen allows...

Price: Free Developer: WaslTec
Dr.C.Klaus-Internistin Berlin

Dr.C.Klaus-Internistin Berlin

Mit der offiziellen mobilen App der hausärztlich internistischen Arztpraxis Dr. med. Cathrin Klaus in Berlin-Charlottenburg bleiben Sie immer auf dem Laufenden. Navigation, aktuelle medizinische Informationen als Push-Nachricht, Terminvereinbarung oder Notfallanmeldung mit einem Klick, Anmeldung zur Impfung, zur Ernährungsberatung oder...

Price: Free Developer: AppConfector UG (haftungsbeschraenkt)
Dr. Vaez -دکتر واعظ

Dr. Vaez -دکتر واعظ

دکتر علیرضا واعظ شوشتری متخصص پوست ،مو وزیبایی دارای بورد تخصصی پوست،زیبایی و لیزر میباشد.ایشان عضو انجمن متخصصین پوست اروپا نیز هستند.نرم افزار حاضر یک راه ارتباطی برای آشنایی با نمونه کارها و خدمات ارایه شده توسط ایشان...

Price: Free Developer: alireza vaez
Dr.Douyon's BrainFit

Dr.Douyon's BrainFit

You’re healthier when you know what it takes to be BrainFit! Learn what it takes to keep your brain healthy. Learn about the impact that eating healthy and regular exercise has on your brain; how they can help prevent...

Price: Free Developer: Philippe Douyon
Making Your Mind Matter

Making Your Mind Matter

This is the official app for Dr. Joe Dispenza with information and access to event-specific materials.

Price: Free Developer: Dr. Joe Dispenza
Dr Yum Meal-o-Matic

Dr Yum Meal-o-Matic

Here at the Doctor Yum Project we believe that cooking does not have to be complicated in order to be healthy and delicious. That's why we have designed Meal Maker Machine to help you make a few basic recipes...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Doctor Yum
Mix Protein

Mix Protein

Mix Protein by Luciano Bruno e Bella Falconi Agora Você pode saber se o perfil de aminoácidos de sua refeição ou sua bebida, está adequado para manutenção e síntese de proteínas corporais. É rápido, simples, seguro e eficiente! Use o...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Smartdata - Solucoes Inteligentes Ltda.


O mundo do TMO (Transplante de Medula Óssea) em um aplicativo. De maneira interativa e informativa, com uma linguagem acessível, TMO-App é um aplicativo sobre transplante de células-tronco hematopoiéticas, popularmente conhecido como transplante de medula óssea (TMO), para ser...

Price: Free Developer: Bruno Xavier
Choi Kwang Do

Choi Kwang Do

Choi Kwang Do is a health studio specializing for Beginner, Intermediate and Advance. You will find videos on strengthening workouts, injury prevention, release work, basics, tutorials, and health. App Features & Benefits: -Videos of all required materials for each...

Price: Free Developer: Kinetic Application Technologies LLC
Cooperado Unimed VTRP

Cooperado Unimed VTRP

O aplicativo Cooperado Unimed VTRP é uma ferramenta exclusiva para os médicos cooperados da Unimed Vales do Taquari e Rio Pardo, com recursos ágeis para facilitar o acesso às suas informações e da Cooperativa. Confira quais são os recursos disponíveis: •...

Price: Free Developer: Unimed Cooperativa de Serviços de Saúde dos Vales do Taquari e Rio Pardo Ltda


Acompanhe a alimentação dos seus filhos na cantina escolar com a Nutrebem, o aplicativo de alimentação escolar mais completo do Brasil! Veja os consumos analisados nutricionalmente em tempo real, faça recargas online e consulte a classificação nutricional dos produtos vendidos...

Price: Free Developer: EASY FOOD DO BRASIL S.A.
Calorific - What do calories look like?

Calorific - What do calories look like?

Calorific shows you exactly what 200 calories look like with beautiful photography. IN THE NEWS: “A giant truth bomb that pours its radioactive reality down on all the food lies we tell ourselves” - The Atlantic “Instead of tracking your daily calorie...

Price: Free Developer: Nic Mulvaney Ltd
SweatDiets - Fitness & Health

SweatDiets - Fitness & Health

Sweat Diet - Description Whether you want to lose weight, track the exercise activities, maintain a meal plan to reach your healthy goal or make your life easy in creating shopping lists, managing shopping receipts and cookbooks, you’ll love...

Price: Free Developer: Pinslots Online Services Private Ltd
Mountain Trek’s Health Guide

Mountain Trek’s Health Guide

Healthy Lifestyle Support Tool Reset, rebalance and reclaim your life. Discover the award winning Mountain Trek program to get back on track and unleash the strongest and healthiest version of yourself. Mountain Trek, named the world’s #1 International Destination Spa by...

Price: Free Developer: Basecamp Global
Fitness Tips !

Fitness Tips !

If you are looking for effective ways to get a fit and healthy body and to lose weight, then you have come to the right place. Health and Fitness has now become one of the major concerns. Earlier humans...

Price: Free Developer: Mobyi Apps
Drink Water Tracker Reminder

Drink Water Tracker Reminder

Do you drink enough water everyday? Do you often forget to drink water during the day? You do not have enough time to count the amount of water you are drinking? Do you drink the amount of water you need every day? If...

Price: Free Developer: Roman Nikolaev
Water Time Gold

Water Time Gold

Do you drink enough water everyday? Do you often forget to drink water during the day? You do not have enough time to count the amount of water you are drinking? Do you drink the amount of water you need every day? If...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Roman Nikolaev

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