Top 30 Food & Drink Apps Like Smile To Go - Best Alternatives

Smile To Go Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Smile To Go alternatives for iOS? We have listed 30 Food & Drink apps that are similar to Smile To Go. Pick one from this list to be your new Smile To Go app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Smile To Go on your iOS devices.

Top 30 Apps Like Smile To Go - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Smile To Go alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 30 similar apps like Smile To Go 2025.

Smile | Воронеж

Smile | Воронеж

"Smile | Воронеж" - мобильное приложение для наших клиентов. Теперь можно подобрать любимые блюда японской кухни или пиццу в своем телефоне и заказать их доставку домой, в офис или в качестве подарка другу. И всё это возможно в городе...

Price: Free Developer: Anton Nuzhdin
Thai Smile Palm Springs

Thai Smile Palm Springs

Thai Smile restaurant has been recognized as a Thai restaurant that constantly offers healthy, high quality, and flavorful Thai Cuisines to the residents and visitors of Palm Springs since 1993. Thai Smile restaurant was created by Yim, Priddey Prayongyam. “Yim”...

Price: Free Developer: Zaino Mizani
DyDo Smile STAND

DyDo Smile STAND

【Smile STANDとは】​ Smile STANDは、対応自販機と通信し、飲料を購入するたびにポイントがたまる、お得なサービスです。​ ためたポイントは、「楽天スーパーポイント」や「LINEポイントコード」など各種提携サービスのポイントやクーポンに必ず交換できる!​ さらにポイントがザクザクたまる新機能「スクラッチ」を追加! 商品購入ごとにもらえるスタンプを5つ集めてスクラッチにチャレンジすると、最大500ポイント取得のチャンス! ​ これまでの飲料を買うだけの自販機をもっと楽しく、もっとワクワクできるものに。DyDoは、自販機をご利用いただく全てのお客様に対し「毎日、明日が楽しみになる。」をコンセプトとした、自販機サービス「Smile STAND」を提供しております。いつもの飲料購入後、自販機にスマホをかざしてポイントゲット!ポイントをためると、様々なサービスや賞品がもらえるチャンス!!限定キャンペーンも随時開催!​ 毎日、明日が楽しみになる、「DyDo Smile STANDアプリ」を是非ご体験ください! ​ 【利用方法】​ 「DyDo Smile STAND アプリ」のご利用は簡単です。アプリダウンロード後、自販機で商品を購入、スマホを自販機にかざして「ポイントをためる」ボタンをタップするだけ。 ためたポイントは、「楽天スーパーポイント」や「LINEポイントコード」など、様々なコンテンツで交換できます。​ ​ 主な機能​ (1)ポイント機能​ ・Smile STAND対応自販機で商品を購入。スマホをかざしてポイントゲット。いつもの自販機体験がちょっと楽しくなります。​ (2)キャンペーン機能​ ・アプリを利用して飲料を購入するだけで、Smile STAND限定のキャンペーンに参加できる!開催されているキャンペーン情報は、アプリ内で順次お知らせします。​ (3)コンテンツ機能​ ・ためたポイントは、下記コンテンツ等で利用できます。​  -【楽天スーパーポイント】交換​  -【LINEポイントコード】交換​  -【Amazonギフト券】交換​  -【nanacoポイント】交換​  -【プチギフトクーポン】交換​ 今後も随時サービスを拡大します!!​ (4)Smile STAND対応自販機検索機能​ ・Smile STAND対応自販機を簡単検索!ご自宅でも、職場でも、旅行先でも、最寄りの自販機を検索して、Smile STANDをお楽しみください。​ ※「自販機検索」で最寄りのSmile STAND対応自販機を表示する為に位置情報サービスを利用しております。​ 位置情報サービスを継続して利用される場合、バッテリーの消耗が早くなる可能性があります。​

Price: Free Developer: DyDo DRINCO, INC.
manma Smile

manma Smile

manma Smileの公式アプリをリリースしました! このアプリでは、manma Smileの最新情報の受け取りや便利な機能を使う事ができます。 【アプリで出来ること】 本アプリを利用して以下のことが行えます。 1.最新情報をチェック!  manma Smileのサービス内容が確認できます。  また、お店からメッセージが届くので、いつでも最新の情報がご確認いただけます。 2.マイページで情報を確認!  manma Smileのご利用状況が確認できます。 3.友達に紹介!  manma SmileのアプリをSNSを通じてお友達に紹介する事ができます。 4.他にも便利な機能満載!

Price: Free Developer: RIKA HOSOI


YUMMY SMILEの公式アプリをリリースしました! このアプリでは、YUMMY SMILEの最新情報の受け取りや便利な機能を使う事ができます。 【アプリで出来ること】 本アプリを利用して以下のことが行えます。 1.最新情報をチェック!  YUMMY SMILEのサービス内容が確認できます。  また、お店からメッセージが届くので、いつでも最新の情報がご確認いただけます。 2.マイページで情報を確認!  YUMMY SMILEのご利用状況が確認できます。 3.友達に紹介!  YUMMY SMILEのアプリをSNSを通じてお友達に紹介する事ができます。 4.他にも便利な機能満載!

Price: Free Developer: MIYO NAKAMURA


HAPPY&SMILEの公式アプリをリリースしました! このアプリでは、HAPPY&SMILEの最新情報の受け取りや便利な機能を使う事ができます。 【アプリで出来ること】 本アプリを利用して以下のことが行えます。 1.最新情報をチェック!  HAPPY&SMILEのサービス内容が確認できます。  また、お店からメッセージが届くので、いつでも最新の情報がご確認いただけます。 2.マイページで情報を確認!  HAPPY&SMILEのご利用状況が確認できます。 3.友達に紹介!  HAPPY&SMILEのアプリをSNSを通じてお友達に紹介する事ができます。 4.他にも便利な機能満載!

Price: Free Developer: AKIRA KAMOCHI
Smile Coffee & Food

Smile Coffee & Food

Scopri il nostro menù, i prodotti, i servizi, resta costantemente informato su offerte ed eventi, accumula punti fedeltà. Smile Coffee & Food è Caffetteria: usiamo chicchi certificati, attentamente selezionati per qualità, sostenibilità e tracciabilità. Tè: le pregiate miscele, costituite da vere foglie...

Price: Free Developer: NeaLogic
Smile Food & Bar

Smile Food & Bar

Smile Food & Bar Neuss - Fleisch-Freund oder Vegetarier, ob herzhaft oder mild - wählen Sie aus unserem umfangreichen kulinarischen Angebot an köstlichen Speisen. Unsere Gerichte und Spezialitäten werden mit den besten Zutaten frisch zubereitet. Bei uns ist für...

Price: Free Developer: Shanmuganathan Soothilingam
Smile Markets

Smile Markets

Η εφαρμογή των Smilemarkets είναι διαθέσιμη και μπορείτε να την εγκαταστήσετε στη συσκευή σας! Με την εφαρμογή έχετε συνέχεια όλα τα Smilemarkets μαζί σας. ΦΥΛΛΑΔΙA ΠΡΟΣΦΟΡΩΝ Δείτε τα τρέχοντα φυλλάδια κι ενημερωθείτε για όλες τις προσφορές στα καταστήματα Smilemarkets, ώστε να...

Price: Free Developer: George Syropoulos
Oxford to you

Oxford to you

We are a restaurant delivery service partnering with local restaurants to do delivery for them. One website several food choices. Easy to use and navigate. We can deliver to your Campus, dorms, hotels. residence, office and more. We are...

Price: Free Developer: Oxford to you
Plan to Eat - Meal Planner

Plan to Eat - Meal Planner

30-day free trial: Start today and see how Plan to Eat helps you get healthy dinners on the table. Collect and organize your recipes, add those recipes to your meal planning calendar, and Plan to Eat will make your...

Price: Free Developer: Plan To Eat, LLC
Time to Roast

Time to Roast

Calculate the cooking time for your Thanksgiving turkey by simply entering the weight of the meat. Quickly see the temperature and cooking time or read the easy to follow instructions. Includes information for traditional roasts such as beef and...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: The Boffin Lab Limited
To Your Health Loyalty

To Your Health Loyalty

Earn points on every purchase with the To Your Health loyalty program!

Price: Free Developer: To Your Health, LLC
5 to go

5 to go

5 to go este cel mai mare lanț de cafenele din România iar acum ai toate informaţiile și noutăţile doar la un click distanţă. Bucură-te de cele mai cool oferte din app şi descoperă toate beneficiile pregătite...

Price: Free Developer: 5 to go
Where To Tonight

Where To Tonight

Looking for your perfect night out at Melbourne Bars or Sydney Bars? Where To Tonight matches your nightlife interests and preferences with venue offerings in your current city! We've currently got a growing list of over 500+ Melbourne bars and Sydney...

Price: Free Developer: Where To Tonight Pty Ltd
Cocktail Recipes - To Go

Cocktail Recipes - To Go

Search for a special cocktail? Wanna try out a new random cocktail? Do you have Vodka and don't know which cocktail you can make? Then is "Cocktail Recipes - To Go" the right app for you! Search over 3100 cocktail...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Daniel Sogl
Where To: Tiebreaker

Where To: Tiebreaker

You're with a group of friends and nobody can make a decision about where to go next. There are too many choices and nobody wants to make the decision for everyone else. Can everyone at least agree on a general...

Price: Free Developer: Robert Li
Where to Eat - Food&Drink

Where to Eat - Food&Drink

What are you eating today? Sometimes, looking for the restaurant is the biggest problem in every society so we create this application for you to decrease that problem. This application recommends the restaurant that is nearly you where we...

Price: Free Developer: Kittitat Rodphotong
What to drink? - DrinkGenerate

What to drink? - DrinkGenerate

If you are unsure what to drink in the evening, What to drink app was invented for you. It generates mixes from your favorite drinks. On drink selection window you can choose what to generate. Soft drinks are also included. If...

Price: Free Developer: Kristof Jakab
Go Feed

Go Feed

يقدم تطبيق فيد مفهوم خدمة جديدة في مجال الاغذية من خلال خلق حلقة وصل بين المستهلك و المطاعم في اي وقت محدد في اليوم أو قبل الاغلاق للحصول على الخصومات. تركز فكرتنا المميزة على تمكين المطاعم ببيع المستهلك الفائض...

Price: Free Developer: Mohammed Badran


Go-N-Dutch is a restaurant mobile payment app, facilitating a new dining experience that reduces guest frustrations and increases convenience at every level. For diners, who like to go out to dinner in large groups, Go-N-Dutch is the perfect app...

Price: Free Developer: Mark Austin II
Order We Go - Food  Delivery

Order We Go - Food Delivery

Need local food and products? Order We Go is here to satisfy those needs. Order food and products from your favorite local restaurants or local business in the Cape Cod area. We offer a wide variety of local restaurants...

Price: Free Developer: Order We Go LLC
Go Burrito

Go Burrito

Your ideal meal is just a few taps away. Download the Go Burrito app free for iPhone today. With the Go Burrito mobile app, ordering food has never been easier. Whether you're looking for a quick snack or...

Price: Free Developer: GO VENTURES, INC.


SmallWorld Go is the fastest and easiest way to order your favourite SmallWorld food & drink for pickup or delivery to your Marbella door! Features: - Mobile Optimised - Easy Click Ordering - Delivery Address Save Feature - Last Order Save Feature - Real Time...

Price: Free Developer: SmallWorld Go
GO Box Reuse Systems

GO Box Reuse Systems

GO Box is a circular, zero waste system that makes it easy to choose reusable containers and cups that eliminate the need for single use plastics. GO Box has already helped avoid over two hundred thousand single use disposable...

Price: Free Developer: GO Box
Kum & Go

Kum & Go

The Kum & Go app is the easy way to earn rewards! Download today to see exclusive offers and track your points toward free drinks, fresh food, and fuel discounts. Easy-To-Earn Rewards Earn 5 &Rewards points per dollar on in-store purchases...

Price: Free Developer: Kum & Go
Kebabs To Go!

Kebabs To Go!

Welcome to #kebabheaven! Download the official Kebabs To Go! app and you'll have quick access to any Kebabs To Go! location! Features: - Online food ordering optimized for your mobile device. - The checkout details are pre-filled, so you can order...

Price: Free Developer: Kebabs To Go
Go Riley Delivery

Go Riley Delivery

Go Riley Delivery is a nationally affiliated grocery and food delivery service! We have recently established our branch in the Clovis, CA, area. We strive to offer the best delivery experience on the market today, surpassing all competitors with...

Price: Free Developer: GO RILEY DELIVERY LLC
Go-Wine Tasting

Go-Wine Tasting

Go-Wine Tasting’s App provides you with access to our network of over 140 participating wineries in San Diego and Riverside counties across Southern California. With our new App, you can now view all of our participating wineries anywhere, any...

Price: Free Developer: IDC Marketing, Inc.

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