Top 32 Business Apps Like U HLA TUN Hospice - Best Alternatives

U HLA TUN Hospice Alternatives

Do you want to find the best U HLA TUN Hospice alternatives for iOS? We have listed 32 Business apps that are similar to U HLA TUN Hospice. Pick one from this list to be your new U HLA TUN Hospice app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to U HLA TUN Hospice on your iOS devices.

Top 32 Apps Like U HLA TUN Hospice - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid U HLA TUN Hospice alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 32 similar apps like U HLA TUN Hospice 2025.



The R-U-ON application gives you quick access to your R-U-ON Alarms, Agent Status and Tickets. Get an instant overview of your network health directly from your iPhone or iPod Touch. R-U-ON is a SaaS IT management platform delivering a...

Price: Free Developer: R-U-ON


U-RYD is an approach to redefine transportation of people, be it their daily commute or occasional ride, across India. We have fused technology and transport, for bringing to you U-RYD mobile app and website for you. We present to...

Price: Free Developer: U-RYD


Planning on enhancing or updating your Home? Is there a repair or maintenance task that needs done at your home or business? No problem! U-Bidit is the perfect platform to handle all of your Home Improvement Needs! Homeowner's can...

Price: Free Developer: Surfside Web, LLC
U Messenger, Meeting, Webinar

U Messenger, Meeting, Webinar

U is designed not for enterprises, but for the individuals who work in them. Build you remote workforce, business partnerships and customer engagement with free instant messaging, online meeting and webinar presentation tools. U is fast, fun to use...

Price: Free Developer: CyberLink
U-NOTE / ビジネスパーソンの仕事を楽しくするアプリ [ユーノート]

U-NOTE / ビジネスパーソンの仕事を楽しくするアプリ [ユーノート]

400万人のビジネスパーソンが使う、仕事を楽しくするメディア「U-NOTE 」の無料アプリです。 U-NOTE編集部による「ビジネス」「本」「ファッション」「ライフスタイル」「イベント」「インタビュー」に関する、ビジネスパーソンの毎日の仕事を楽しくする情報をお届け。 朝の出勤時間やお昼休み、休日にU-NOTEをチェックして、仕事を楽しく、毎日をかっこよく。 ◆U-NOTEの3つの特徴◆ 1.毎日の仕事が楽しくなる情報ばかり ビジネス、本、ファッション、ライフスタイル、イベント、インタビューのカテゴリごとに、ビジネス力をあげて、かっこいいビジネスパーソンになれる情報を厳選 2.スキマ時間にちょい読みできる 電車での移動時間やお昼休み、夜の寝る前など、忙しいビジネスパーソンがスマホでちょい読みするのに適したボリューム 3.仕事に使えそうな記事はお気に入りに登録 今度使いたい!と思うビジネスノウハウ記事やちょっと気になる家電やファッション雑貨が載っている記事は、お気に入りで保存! ◆U-NOTEはこんなビジネスパーソンにおすすめ◆ ・仕事をやりがいにして、生き生きしたい ・かっこいい大人になりたい ・ファッション誌やライフスタイル誌をよく読む ・最新の家電やファッション雑貨を知りたい ・将来、起業・転職をしたい ・経済誌、ビジネス誌を読んでいるけど、難しいし、役に立たない人 ◆U-NOTE の人気記事◆ ・どう違うの?「了解しました」「承知しました」「了承しました」「かしこまりました」 ・正直教えたくない、東京の感動した旨い食 10選 ・高級イヤホン並みの音質を6000円以下で。コスパ最強のイヤホン3選 ・【1万円以下】お手頃価格なのに高品質、長く着られるワイシャツブランドまとめ ・ホリエモン「絶対正社員にならない方がいいよ」―堀江貴文が今後の安定した働き方を語り尽くす ・「300年後は平均寿命が200歳に」:【全文】ソフトバンク孫正義が予測する“テクノロジーの進化” ・「私を小栗旬だと思って!」電話のみで100件超をサポートする営業マンの4つの電話術 ・千原ジュニア、若者に物申す!「年取ったときに恥ずかしいと思うくらい、何でもフルスイングで」 ◆U-NOTE に込めた思い◆ U-NOTEのビジョンは「仕事を楽しく、毎日をかっこ良く」することです。 人は1日8時間、約40年間という時間を仕事に費やします。 単に“やらなければならないこと”として仕事を捉え、人生の多くの時間を費やすのはもったいない。 世の中にはたくさんの働き方があり、多様なキャリアを築く人々がいます。 また、ファッションやライフスタイルなど、仕事を楽しく彩る要素はたくさんあります。 それを知っているか知らないかで、「仕事」の捉え方や、人生の歩み方が変わってくるのではないでしょうか? 仕事であなたの可能性を最大化するため、楽しんで人生を味わい尽くすため、U-NOTEが少しでも役に立つと嬉しいです。 ◆Facebook◆ ◆Twitter◆ @u_note より良いアプリを作るため、ご要望・ご質問・不具合は下記のアドレスまで気軽にお問い合わせください。

Price: Free Developer: U-NOTE Inc.


Mit der G.U.T.-APP im Bereich der Gebäude- und Umwelttechnik immer auf dem neuesten Stand. Bequem bestellen, einfach informieren: An jedem Ort und zu jeder Zeit können Fachhandwerker unseren Webshop G.U.T. ONLINE PLUS geräteübergreifend nutzen. Unser Offline-Service ermöglicht es, auch...

Price: Free Developer: G.U.T.
[verify-U] Video-Ident

[verify-U] Video-Ident

For the customers of who have received an Ident-Token for video identification during their registration with a financial service provider who has chosen for legal identity validation. This video telephony app provides the image quality of your...

Price: Free Developer: verify-U AG
revital U

revital U

With the Revital U app, you can easily share your way to success with tools that create word-of-mouth buzz and complement belly-to-belly efforts! Connect with new contacts and interact with your team by sharing exclusive, corporate-approved tools. You’ll have a vast...

Price: Free Developer: Revital U International, LLC.
App 2 U

App 2 U

The App 2 U App allows businesses who have built an app using the App 2 U Business App CMS, a simple way to manage customer App actions, send and schedule Push Notifications and review App Download Stats.Features Include: +Login...

Price: Free Developer: App 2 U


U-HOP Driver App is completely dynamic and with a single tap, a driver can respond to the passenger. Individual login credentials will be given to all drivers. With the help of GPS U-HOP can easily track the Driver's movements....

Price: Free Developer: Raissa Queri
HLA360° app by HLA

HLA360° app by HLA

With HLA360°, you can access with biometric & face ID login to your policy information, e-medical and perform self-service online transactions anytime & anywhere. Even complete your premium payments easily with just a few clicks & swipes. In fact, this...

Price: Free Developer: Hong Leong Assurance Berhad
HLA Mobile

HLA Mobile

HLA brings the power of mobile order management conveniently and vibrantly into your hands. Customers can now experience a feature-rich and media-rich order management system that delivers the capabilities you need on any of your Apple devices.

Price: Free Developer: Retalix Ltd.
One Lambda Event App

One Lambda Event App

This event app allows you to follow One Lambda educational events throughout the year. This includes workshops, symposia, social events, and webinars, plan sessions, poster attendance, register, receive up to the minute information and add selected events...

Price: Free Developer: One Lambda Inc.


Free mobile app for TUN(Trucker United Network) customers and truck owner operator clients. Trucker friendly app that works in conjunction with backend office software. Easy to read load information. Link to Rate Confirmation. One touch live agent connect. POD...

Price: Free Developer: Trucker Assist Services, LLC


„myWKS“. Eine Anwendung der Wirtschaftskammer Salzburg, die das Know-how der WKS-Experten auch für unterwegs verfügbar macht. Die App bietet zahlreiche Funktionen, die für Unternehmer hilfreich sind. Unter anderem die Suche nach den WKS-Experten im digitalen Servicehandbuch und die Suche...

Price: Free Developer: silbergrau Consulting & Software GmbH


Das Congressforum Frankenthal ist eines der schönsten Kongresszentren in der Pfalz und der perfekte Ort für Veranstaltungen. Wer einmal zu Gast war, kommt gerne immer wieder. Das liegt nicht zuletzt daran, dass wir das, was wir tun, mit Leidenschaft...

Price: Free Developer: iTouring GmbH


Der Senat der Wirtschaft ist eine Wertegemeinschaft und zugleich Denkfabrik auf nationaler, europäischer und internationaler Ebene. Er wirkt aktiv an Lösungen von Zukunftsfragen im Interesse des Gemeinwohls mit. Die Senatorinnen und Senatoren im Senat der Wirtschaft sind sich ihrer nationalen...

Price: Free Developer: mixxt GmbH
360° Capgemini

360° Capgemini

Mit der Capgemini VR-App erhalten Sie einen 360°-Einblick in einen Arbeitstag bei Capgemini. Als talentierte, kreative Persönlichkeit sind Sie eine wertvolle Bereicherung für jedes Unternehmen, für das Sie sich entscheiden. Wir bei Capgemini sind stolz darauf, Sie als Teammitglied an...

Price: Free Developer: World of VR GmbH
Chan Furniture Sdn Bhd

Chan Furniture Sdn Bhd

Chan Furniture (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd is the leading furniture supplier company in Malaysia. Our premise is based in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. If we were to reflect on a well known proverb of "To sow before you harvest", one can only...

Price: Free Developer: Newpages Network Sdn Bhd


Eine einzige App für die ganze Fleischbranche! Die ganze Fleischbranche in einer App! Hier präsentieren sich führende Unternehmen, diskutieren Fachleute Branchenthemen, geben Ratschläge zu Fragen aus der Produktion und tauschen sich über ihre Erfahrungen im Berufsleben aus. Im Stellen- und...

Price: Free Developer: Fleischportal DACH GmbH


Users can use Monywa (Sagaing) Region to find information easily and accurately in a short period from ZeyarWiki Application . First Section ,Directory includes education, business, social, health , emergency such as address, phone number, email, and location. The...

Price: Free Developer: SoeNaing Tun


Liebe Kundinnen und Kunden, liebe Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter, die Nähe zum Kunden ist für uns ein wichtiger Trumpf im Wettbewerb. Unser Augel-Team ist bekannt für persönlichen Kontakt, höfliches Auftreten und sauberes Arbeiten in Verbindung mit hoher Sicherheit und Qualität. Das...

Price: Free Developer: opwoco GmbH
Hospice Tools TimeKeeper

Hospice Tools TimeKeeper

Smart timesheets & workforce tools built for hospice and palliative care pros. Timesheets that are integrated with our breakthrough clinical EHR/EMR for hospice and palliative care. Clinical visits and documentation are automatically linked and documentation flows directly into the timesheets...

Price: Free Developer: Hospice Tools
KanTime Hospice

KanTime Hospice

KanTime Hospice is a Comprehensive Point of Care solution for Home Healthcare Agencies, that acts as an extension to your office system,to assist your Clinicians to do all Clinical documentation from anywhere, connected or disconnected... This app can make...

OCHCH Annual Conference

OCHCH Annual Conference

Official app of the OCHCH Annual Conference & Tradeshow! The OCHCH Annual Conference & Tradeshow is the largest gathering of home care and hospice professionals in Ohio, attracting hundreds of attendees and exhibitors each year. The conference provides a...

Price: Free Developer: Ohio Council for Home Care and Hospice


The official App for the New Mexico Association for Home and Hospice Seasonal Events. Use this app to personalize your schedule, obtain materials, and to network with fellow attendees.

Price: Free Developer: New Mexico Association for Home & Hospice Car


OnePoint Patient Care is the nation's leading hospice pharmacy providing PBM services, local dispensing and same day delivery and mail order pharmacy services all under one service umbrella. OneConnectPoint is our electronic patient portal platform designed exclusively for...

Price: Free Developer: OnePoint Patient Care (OPPC)
SWHPN 2019 General Assembly

SWHPN 2019 General Assembly

JOIN US IN ORLANDO FOR OUR 7th ANNUAL CONFERENCE! Taking place March 17-19, 2019, our 7th annual SWHPN General Assembly will feature leading research, innovative practices, educational strategies, policy initiatives, and case narratives from leaders in the field of hospice...

Price: Free Developer: New Jersey Health Decisions, Inc
2019 NAHC Conference

2019 NAHC Conference

NAHC2019 is the official app of the 2019 Home Care and Hospice Conference and Expo, being held October 13-15 at the Washington State Convention Center in Seattle. The National Association for Home Care & Hospice’s conference is the industry’s...

Price: Free Developer: National Association for Home Care


Boombirds is an industry agnostic simple yet comprehensive Lean Business Process Management SaaS platform that empowers your business through effective collaboration, streamlined processes & an efficient field-force. It is very cost effective and increases your management efficiency by over 30%....

Price: Free Developer: Softborne
Enquire CRM

Enquire CRM

Enquire CRM is built exclusively for senior living and post-acute care and ties all of your business lines together in one place. Featuring a user-friendly interface, Enquire CRM is flexible enough to serve life plan communities, assisted living and...

Price: Free Developer: Enquire

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