Top 41 Utilities Apps Like Notation converter bin/dec/hex - Best Alternatives

Notation converter bin/dec/hex Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Notation converter bin/dec/hex alternatives for iOS? We have listed 41 Utilities apps that are similar to Notation converter bin/dec/hex. Pick one from this list to be your new Notation converter bin/dec/hex app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Notation converter bin/dec/hex on your iOS devices.

Top 41 Apps Like Notation converter bin/dec/hex - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Notation converter bin/dec/hex alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 41 similar apps like Notation converter bin/dec/hex 2025.



A gift to all engineers, scientists and financial advisors: This advanced scientific calculator is full of features and capabilities. Now Nasa engineers will no longer miss landing on mars because of foot-millimeter conversions and astronomers will get the right...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: ahmj


iJuggle is a siteswap generator and animator (Siteswap is a mathematical notation for representing juggling patterns). For more information on siteswap notation, check out The generator is based off of Jack Boyce's J2 program and allows you to...

Price: Free Developer:
PCalc Lite

PCalc Lite

PCalc is the powerful choice for scientists, engineers, students, programmers, or indeed anybody looking for a feature rich calculator. It includes an optional RPN mode and multi-line display, a choice of button layouts, an extensive set of unit conversions...

Price: Free Developer: TLA Systems Ltd.
PhySyCalc - Units Calculator

PhySyCalc - Units Calculator

How is PhySyCalc different from other calculators? It allows you to include unit symbols in your calculations, obtaining the answer in the desired unit without those extra unit conversion steps. On top of this great simplification, PhySyCalc...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: PhySy Ltd
Scientific Calculator SC-323PU

Scientific Calculator SC-323PU

The SC-323PU is a multi functional calculator. It is designed in a way, that it simulates the visual and operational aspects of a true pocket calculator, such that the user will be immediately familiar with its interface. A complete...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Thomas Öllinger
11C Scientific Calculator

11C Scientific Calculator

11C Scientific Calculator is the most accurate and precise emulator of the HP 11C RPN scientific programmable calculator available for iPhone and iPod touch. It uses the same RPN (Reverse Polish Notation) entry system and supports the same...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Vicinno Soft LLC


CheSScan is a document scanning utility to help retrieve chess game moves in Portable Game Notation (PGN) format from a chess tournament scoresheet which is written using Standard Algebraic Notation (SAN). As of current version, following features are supported by...

Price: Free Developer: Alok Nagdev


Calculator is a simple yet efficient calculator for iPhone or iPad that works in both simple and scientific format. In the portrait orientation the calculator works just like a simple desktop electronic calculator. Normal operations + - * / are supported...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: superllanboy


CalcX is a string-input scientific calculator enabling user-defined functions. Main features: ・Allows equations to be entered directly as they are written (text string input). ・Supports many kinds of general elementary functions. ・User-defined functions can be entered, loaded and saved. ・Allows the adding of a...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: GEOCHELONE
Times Converter

Times Converter

Times Converter is a simple though usful application that allows you to convert 4 units of time in all combinations: seconds (sec), minutes (min), hours (h) and day (dd). Convert in all combinations: seconds, minutes, hours and days. Send your...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Elton Nallbati
Units & Currency Converter

Units & Currency Converter

The most complete Units and Currency converter of App Store!!! See below the categories you can convert with this App: -> CHEMISTRY 1. Density: 21 units 2. Dynamic Viscosity: 13 units 3. Kinematic Viscosity: 7 units 4. Molar Mass: 13 Units -> DIMENSION 5. Area: 28 Units 6....

Price: Free Developer: Eduardo Almeida
Aadhi PDF Converter Pro

Aadhi PDF Converter Pro

Aadhi PDF Converter Pro is an ideal tool to convert PDF files with two clicks! Select PDF file and Press Convert PDF menu. Below are the main features of Aadhi PDF Converter: - An easy to use PDF Converter App...

Price: USD 8.99 Developer: Vinod M
Mila's Tools PRO Converter

Mila's Tools PRO Converter

Mila’s Tools is an elegant, no frills, fast, easy to use, unit conversion calculator. Included converters: Area, Bits & Bytes, Capacitance, Fraction, Fuel, Length, Liquid(Volume), Numbers, Pressure, Temperature, Time, Torque, Velocity and Weight. All built exclusively for the Apple...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Scott DeSapio
Mila's Tools Unit Converter

Mila's Tools Unit Converter

Mila’s Tools is a free, elegant, no frills, fast, easy to use, unit conversion calculator. Included converters: Area, Bits & Bytes, Capacitance, Fraction, Fuel, Length, Liquid(Volume), Numbers, Pressure, Temperature, Time, Torque, Velocity and Weight. All built exclusively for the...

Price: Free Developer: Scott DeSapio
File Converter

File Converter

File Converter will convert from and to almost every file format while saving you time and battery! The File Converter can convert files to Archives, Audio, Documents, E-books, Images, Presentations, Hashes or Videos. And we're continuously adding more conversions. Online convert...

Price: Free Developer: Ice Cold Apps
File Converter Free

File Converter Free

★ ★ TOP 100 UTILITY APP IN 73 COUNTRIES! ★ ★ With File Converter for iOS you can convert almost all your files! Convert files to Archives, Audio, Documents, Ebooks, Images or Videos! ★ Note ★ This is the free version of...

Price: Free Developer: Ice Cold Apps
Converter Plus [paid]

Converter Plus [paid]

Converter+ is a unit converter with the most extensive list of currencies and units in hundreds of categories. Converter Plus also comes with many calculators like mortgage, loan, tip, fuel consumption and many others for everyday problems. You can...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: TranCreative Software
Units Converter Plus - Units Plus & Imperial Conversion Free

Units Converter Plus - Units Plus & Imperial Conversion Free

Unit Converter is a simple, smart and elegant tool with more than 12 categories of units that are used in daily life. This is the only Unit Converter App in itune store that has such a wide range of...

Price: Free Developer: Red Stonz Technologies Private Limited
Gas Unit Converter

Gas Unit Converter

Ever wondered how much fuel your car burns? Gas Unit Converter gives users the ability to easily calculate the kilometres per litre, miles per gallon and much more. With Gas Unit Converter you only need to enter information for one...

Price: Free Developer: Nicolaus Lawson


BIN-SENSE® Direct Device Required – Sold Separately BIN-SENSE® Direct works with BIN-SENSE® Direct device and grain monitoring sensors to give you the ability to plug into your grain monitoring cables and view the data at an instant. Monitor your...

Price: Free Developer: IntraGrain Technologies Inc
Bin Dec Hex Text Converter with Calculator

Bin Dec Hex Text Converter with Calculator

Bin Dec Hex Converter with Calculator allows you to effortlessly convert between Binary, Decimal, Hexadecimal and Text entries. Applications highlights: - instant access to all four formats (Bin, Dec, Hex and Text): No scrolling or picking from a list involved....

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: HEFESOFT
Mein Baby - Ich bin schwanger

Mein Baby - Ich bin schwanger

Diese praktische "Mein Baby - Ich bin schwanger" App ist der ideale Begleiter durch die Schwangerschaft. Der voraussichtliche Geburtstermin kann entweder direkt eingegeben werden, oder durch Angaben zu Zeitpunkt und Dauer der letztzen Periode errechnet werden. Der Baby Countdown zeigt...

Price: Free Developer: Kulana Media Productions LLC
Digital Logic And Calculator

Digital Logic And Calculator

Digital Engineering Calculator Digital Electronics And Logic Design App. In this app contain Important chapter . 1 > --- Logic Gates 2 > --- Flip Flop 3 > --- list Of theorems 4 > ---- Basic Operation 5 > ----- Adder , Full Adder , Substractor...

Price: Free Developer: Sunnykumar Mavani


Mulleadys Wheelie Bin App - Check you bin lifts, view your account balance, check you next bin collection. Pay your bill or Top Up your Wheelie Bin Account online from your App. If you don't remember your PIN, you...

Price: Free Developer: PS IT Solutions Ltd.


Wilton Wheelie Bin App - Check you bin lifts, view your account balance, check you next bin collection. Pay your bill or Top Up your Wheelie Bin Account online from your App. If you don't remember your PIN, you...

Price: Free Developer: PS IT Solutions Ltd.
Ambiq OTA

Ambiq OTA

Ambiq OTA is an application which be used for Ambiq BLE device Over The Air firmware upgrading through iOS device. The major functionality of this application is: 1. Find and connect Ambiq BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) device; 2. Load bin...

Price: Free Developer: Neijiang ViewTool virtual instrument Co., Ltd.


Are you like us? Do you have some half-built LEGOs in your house, and a bin of pieces that "one day" you'll rebuild? We'll you're in luck. SetMatch was designed for busy people who want to efficiently restore their LEGO...

Price: Free Developer: David Preiss


This application is for City Broadband installers. Installers do not need to use paper for installation anymore. All can be done using this mobile application. Installer can view work order that needs to be done. Once the work order...

Price: Free Developer: Yousri Bin Taibin
Glink VT

Glink VT

Glink VT for iPad/iPhone/iPod touch is an iOS-version of Gallagher & Robertson's best-selling terminal emulation program, Glink Professional Edition for Microsoft Windows. Glink VT is used to access applications running on UNIX, Linux and DEC host systems. Glink...

Price: USD 9.99 Developer: Gallagher & Robertson AS
HEX calc pro

HEX calc pro

HEX calc pro is a calculator for Developer . This APP can use not only 64Bit- HEX ,int(64Bit) DEC but olso Floating value . Other PRO calculator has HEX, DEC, Scientific ( float) MODE and function. But that need...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: sudoteck


Glink for iPad/iPhone/iPod touch is an iOS-version of Gallagher & Robertson's best-selling terminal emulation program, Glink Professional Edition for Microsoft Windows. Glink is used to access applications running on Bull, IBM, DEC, UNIX and Linux host systems. Glink...

Price: USD 39.99 Developer: Gallagher & Robertson AS


Dec 2014 - We're celebrating new investment in our App by making it Free again for the foreseeable future, with a new version planned for early 2015! Keep an eye out for updates. ====================================================== This application can cut your...

Price: Free Developer: Piccolo Picco Ltd
iTurbo Pascal

iTurbo Pascal

======================================== Special Discount 50% off first 5,000 units for Pascal Programmer ======================================== The classic Pascal programming language for iPad, iPhone and iPod touch. Programming language is a perfect tool for studying, complex mathematical calculation, entertainment and many other useful tasks. The application...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Seitee Pte Ltd
Programming Calculator

Programming Calculator

Enjoy one of the best programmer's calculators! You can calculate in four numeral systems and transfer numbers between them. Supports DEC(10x) HEX(16x) OCT(8x) and BIN(2x) numeral systems. If you need more you can use the numeral system converter, that...

Price: Free Developer: Mikhail Razin
Progwhiz Hex Editor

Progwhiz Hex Editor

This Hex Editor is versatile yet very powerful. Features ----------- 1. Text Search/Replace 2. Hex Search/Replace Text wildcard Search & Replace -------------------------------- e.g. HEL? would find all words that begin with "HEL" e.g. HE?P would find all words that begin with "HE" and...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Mark Raymond
Simple Hex Calc

Simple Hex Calc

Simple Hex Calc is a simple pocket calculator for IT programmers. Features: * Arithmetic operations. (add, subtract, multiply, divide, modulo) * Logical operations. (not, and, or, xor, '+', '-') * Logical operations. (bit shift/rotate, bit set/clear, flip bit/byte order) * Memory operations. (clear, save,...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Hiroki Ishiura
Decimal To Hex Converter

Decimal To Hex Converter

A simple, easy to use app to convert decimal numbers to hexadecimal and vice versa. Ideal for Programmers, Developers & Mathematicians Disclaimer This app is free for you to enjoy! The app is provided 'as is' and the Developer accepts no liability relating...

Price: Free Developer: Michael Jenkins
Hex Color Clock

Hex Color Clock

Nerd out and check the time with this simple, minimal hexadecimal color clock!

Price: Free Developer: Colin Drake
Perpenso Calc 4

Perpenso Calc 4

Perpenso® Calc 4 offers five calculators in one upgradable lite app: scientific, statistics, business, hex and bill/tip. Scientific mode is included and the other modes are optional. Perpenso Calc is a related fully paid app that includes all modes...

Price: Free Developer: Perpenso, LLC
Paper Calc for Coders

Paper Calc for Coders

Paper Calc for Coders is a decimal, hex, octal & binary conversion calculator that includes 25 trigonometric functions. Other features include a full screen view of the paper tape, two color schemes, 250 lines of EMAILable paper tape...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Richard Silverman

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