Top 20 Finance Apps Like Forex digest - Best Alternatives

Forex digest Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Forex digest alternatives for iOS? We have listed 20 Finance apps that are similar to Forex digest. Pick one from this list to be your new Forex digest app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Forex digest on your iOS devices.

Top 20 Apps Like Forex digest - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Forex digest alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 20 similar apps like Forex digest 2025. Forex Trading Forex Trading

Trade with the No. 1 Forex Broker in the US* Harness the power of’s currency trading app – seize the market from anywhere. Trade across 80+ forex pairs, plus gold and silver with’s powerful forex trading app. Take advantage...

Price: Free Developer: GAIN Capital Group LLC
Forex Trading Signals & News

Forex Trading Signals & News

Stay connected to the Forex market from anywhere with regular updates about major currency pairs. Traders at all levels can benefit from free Forex signals, news, professional technical and fundamental analysis. has been covering the Forex world since 2006...

Price: Free Developer: Daily Forex LTD.
Go Forex Signals

Go Forex Signals

Go Forex Signals provides a complete Forex trading solution, allocating traders with real time Forex signals straight to their mobile device by our Forex trading experts. With Go Forex Signals, trading is much easier thanks to the easy to use...

Price: Free Developer: Forex Tech
Forex Live Signals

Forex Live Signals

A must have Forex Signals App for every Forex Trader! Our Free Forex Signals mobile application brings you the best buy/sell Forex available to traders for FREE. It includes buy/sell signals, live quotes and real time market updates, all in...

Price: Free Developer: Forex Tech
Aussie Forex & Finance

Aussie Forex & Finance

Aussie Forex & Finance is established with the aim of becoming an efficient financial service provider with a commitment to offer financial expertise to our clients The Company is a leading online money transfer company based in Australia. Sending...

Price: Free Developer: Aussie Forex and Finance Pty Ltd
Forex Signals Guru

Forex Signals Guru

It’s an open secret and a bitter truth. The most Forex traders learn the hard way and waste too much time and money. Try the new way of forex trading and move up to the exclusive group of really...

Price: Free Developer: Optimo IT
StartFX - forex terminal, cfd, exchange rates and news for traders

StartFX - forex terminal, cfd, exchange rates and news for traders

StartFX is no longer accepting new users but available for existing customers of Forex Club International Limited. Please download our new app Forex Club Libertex to register and start trading with Forex Club. To install the app just type Forex...

Price: Free Developer: Forex Club International Limited
Forex Strength Meter

Forex Strength Meter

This Currency Strength Meter is a Forex trading tool that displays currency strength for several currencies on multiple time-frames. What is Currency Strength? Currency strength is a unique way to assess price action in the Forex market. Instead of watching individual...

Price: USD 9.99 Developer: QM4 Designs
Forex Signal

Forex Signal

Forex Signals is FREE app which offers you top trading signals by using most advanced and popular technical indicators. The signal periods are in 5 min – 30 min – 4 Hours – daily and monthly. It includes buy/sell...

Price: Free Developer: burhan capak
Agape Forex Live

Agape Forex Live

Agape Forex Live app is a forex trading based platform, our customers are provided with a master trade signal which consist of a entry and stop loss price. The User will copy the information that is provided to them...

Price: Free Developer: Agape Forex Live


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 註:要使用「自訂投資組合」及「個人化專業推介」功能,須預先成為《經濟一週》訂戶及登記成為會員。 《經濟一週》試閱版 : 精選即期內容供免費試閱。
如有任何關於iPad版的查詢,請於辦公時間致電2960 9865 / 29609861 或電郵到[email protected]。 "Economic Digest" - Two booklets in one magazine title, publishes every Saturday "Economic Digest" main book : provides...

Price: Free Developer: Media Publishing Limited
Personal Finance Investing - News, quotes, and advice on the stock market, mutual funds, and more

Personal Finance Investing - News, quotes, and advice on the stock market, mutual funds, and more

Personal Finance is your source for market-beating investment advice delivered straight to your iPad. Chief Strategist Philip Springer and our team of a dozen analysts scour the world for the best investments — stocks, bonds, funds, MLPs, and commodities...

Price: Free Developer: Investing Daily
Engage by BGL

Engage by BGL

With a growing demand for improved SMSF investment reporting, transparency and simple to use mobile interaction, BGL has launched our first mobile application for Simple Fund 360. Benefits Improve communication with your SMSF clients. Simplify and remove pain points wtih client queries. Help...

Price: Free Developer: BGL Corporate Solutions Pty Ltd
Titan Bitcoin Crazyness

Titan Bitcoin Crazyness

• BitcoinCrazYness is one of the most advanced alerting and portfolio management (coin tracking) apps for cryptocurrency. • Providing advanced interactive candlestick charts with indicators such as MACD, RSI, EMA, and SMA for mobile technical analysis on Bitcoin and...

Price: Free Developer: Titan AI Studios, Inc


Avibra is a 100% free-to-use app that rewards your good habits with life insurance coverage. We use data science and machine learning to track your everyday habits and let you know what you are doing well in areas that...

Price: Free Developer: Avibra Inc


With CoinSent you can see the thoughts and opinions of people instantly on your phone. Its clever use of artificial intelligence and big data capabilities will provide complex statistical information in simple, easy to digest formats. Since cryptocurrencies have no...

Price: Free Developer: SMART CODE d.o.o.
Impact Education

Impact Education

Trade like a pro by learning how they do it. Our Trading Education app gives you all the information top traders use to stay up-to-date about the markets in one easy-to-use app. Every essential resource is just a tap away and...

Price: Free Developer: ImpacTech


Are you pondering about when you would be able to retire? Are you confused when those who are approaching retirement give you advice to start investing early? What is so special about compound interest anyway and its...

Price: Free Developer: David Shi
Stock Alarm - Market Alerts

Stock Alarm - Market Alerts

Never again settle for setting limit orders before going to bed and hoping for the best. Stop checking your phone during work to find yet another lost opportunity. Developed by traders for traders, Stock Alarm allows day/swing traders from...

Price: Free Developer: Morgan Howell

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