Top 40 Games Apps Like Bamboo Dash (AR Runner) - Best Alternatives

Bamboo Dash (AR Runner) Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Bamboo Dash (AR Runner) alternatives for iOS? We have listed 40 Games apps that are similar to Bamboo Dash (AR Runner). Pick one from this list to be your new Bamboo Dash (AR Runner) app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Bamboo Dash (AR Runner) on your iOS devices.

Top 40 Games Like Bamboo Dash (AR Runner) - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Bamboo Dash (AR Runner) alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 40 similar games like Bamboo Dash (AR Runner) 2025.

Bamboo rat Rescue

Bamboo rat Rescue

Bamboo rats are so cute, how can you eat bamboo rats. In this game, you have to go deep into the bamboo rat farm to rescue a trapped bamboo rat, and you must avoid being discovered by the brothers of...

Price: Free Developer: 99key
Bamboo shoots vs Mushroom

Bamboo shoots vs Mushroom

~ Bamboo shoots vs Mushroom ~ First time bamboo shoots VS mushrooms , victory or defeat was victory bamboo shoot . Meanwhile , young mushrooms were cast agree to victory or defeat . " If can join us young people , victory...

Price: Free Developer: goog, k.k.
Bamboo Timber 100

Bamboo Timber 100

Bamboo 100 classic games Games hundred bamboo 100 stick with simple gameplay. The plot of the game is modeled by folklore. How to play bamboo 100: - Touch the screen left or right to control. - Avoiding the bamboo tree branch. -...

Price: Free Developer: KHOAT DUONG VAN
Cartoon Panda Run - Free Bamboo Jungle Pandas Racing Dash Game For Kids

Cartoon Panda Run - Free Bamboo Jungle Pandas Racing Dash Game For Kids

◉◉ Cartoon Panda Run ◉◉ ◉◉ Free Bamboo Jungle Pandas Racing Dash Game For Kids ◉◉ Escape through China with a Panda in the best available Panda game! There is less and less bamboo in the Chinese region of Bubble Pop! Almost everything...

Price: Free Developer: Lab Cave Apps S.L
Bamboo Ninja

Bamboo Ninja

Bamboo Ninja the new game designed and built by “Phoenix Studios”, brings you into a virtual Dojo where you can try and improve your concentration and precision’s skill The interesting proposal has been made by the “Phoenix Studios” team, a...

Price: Free Developer: Stairway Technology
Bamboo Blast

Bamboo Blast

This game is amazing for kids, adult or old. To blast bamboo using balls. Shoot the ball. Break the bamboo. Super simple. Instantly fun. Features: 1. Free to play 2. Endless, relaxed gameplay, perfect time killer 3. No wifi, no problem, you can play...

Price: Free Developer: PT Patel
Baby Panda Rope Escape - Fun Bamboo Swing

Baby Panda Rope Escape - Fun Bamboo Swing

Mama Panda is gone! You have to help the baby pandas get their favorite bamboo treats. Use your handy crane to lift the baby pandas up and swing them toward the bamboo. The baby pandas are vulnerable, so make sure...

Price: Free Developer: Punch Zip
Bamboo Child 〜たけのこの逆襲〜

Bamboo Child 〜たけのこの逆襲〜

TOKYO GAME SHOW 2015に出展させていただきました! プレイしていただいた方々、どうもありがとうございました!! ------------------------------------------------------------ 【このゲームは?】  Bamboo Childは今までにない、全く新しい「対戦型のシューティングゲーム」です。 【このゲームのセールスポイント】 ① シューティングゲームのステージを自分で作ることが出来る!   「きのこモード」で、あなただけのオリジナルステージを作れます。  ボスキャラクターを操作することも出来ます。 ② きのこモード VS たけのこモードで通信対戦が出来る   GameCenterなどの通信機能を使って、2人で対戦をすることが出来ます!! 【このゲームについて】  このゲームには2つの遊びがあります。 1つは縦スクロールシューティングの「たけのこモード」、 1つはたけのこモード用のステージ製作ができる「きのこモード」です。  「たけのこモード」は、主人公のたけのこに次々に襲い掛かってくるきのこを倒しつつ、ステージの最後にいるボスを倒すのが目的のオーソドックスなシューティングゲームです。  「きのこモード」は、きのこや弾幕を配置して、あなたのオリジナルステージを作ることができるゲームです。最後にはプレイヤーがたけのこモードで登場するボスになって敵のたけのこを攻撃するボス戦も存在します。敵か自分の体力が0になるとゲーム終了です。  ゲームが終わると、作ったステージを保存して、後にたけのこモードで遊ぶことも出来ます。保存したステージは、友達と通信交換で共有することが出来ます。  また、たけのこモード VS きのこモードで通信対戦をすることも出来ます。 基本的には一人プレイ時と同じ遊び方ですが、きのこモードで配置した敵がリアルタイムにたけのこモードの画面に流れて行くという通信対戦ならではの楽しみ方もあります。 【今後のバージョンアップで実装予定の機能】 ・作った譜面(ステージ)の難しさによって、ランク分けができるようになる予定です。現在は、作った譜面すべてが「Dランク」として判定されます。 ・ステージランクによって、使用できるボスの種類が変わるようになる予定です。例えば、Cランクの譜面を作ると、その後のボス戦で操作できるボスはCランク用のボスキャラクターになります。 ・Bluetoothでの通信に対応させる予定です。iPod touchやWi-FiモデルのiPadなど、外でインターネットに繋げないデバイスでも通信対戦ができるようになる予定です。 ・譜面をファイルとして書き出し/読み込みする機能に対応する予定です。 現在は直接他ユーザーと交換するしか譜面を共有することが出来ませんが、この機能が追加されると、他のユーザーに譜面をWebなどで配布することが出来るようになります。 ・その他、多数の機能を実装予定です。作者はまだまだ満足していないので・・・

Price: Free Developer: ilksoftware Ltd.
Bamboo Jump

Bamboo Jump

Bend the bamboo enough to reach the next one. Difficulty and obstacles may occur. How far can you go?

Price: Free Developer: Alija Sirbic
Boulder Dash 30th Ann. Premium

Boulder Dash 30th Ann. Premium

Recently featured in the App Store as a "Best New Game" and "Best New Update" in more than 75 countries worldwide! Boulder Dash®-30th Anniversary™ is getting great reviews! " action-puzzler that remains true to the original classic gameplay, with added features...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: BBG Entertainment GmbH
Boulder Dash® 30th Anniversary

Boulder Dash® 30th Anniversary

Now on version 2.0! “Boulder Dash-30th Anniversary” featured as a "Best New Game" and "Best New Update" in more than 75 countries worldwide and still getting great reviews! • "This new version of Boulder Dash both looks and plays really well......

Price: Free Developer: BBG Entertainment GmbH
Diamond Dash: Gem Puzzle Game

Diamond Dash: Gem Puzzle Game

PANDA-POWERED PUZZLE PERFECTION! Tap groups of three or more gems and hit the awesome dash time to supercharge your score. Amazingly simple and wonderfully addictive, you won’t believe how much fun you can have in a minute! Play alone or get...

Price: Free Developer: wooga
Dash Quest Heroes

Dash Quest Heroes

Become a Legendary Hero and explore a vast world of fantasy adventure in Dash Quest Heroes! The Kingdom of Solas has fallen prey to the fiendish Zaru and it's up to the Heroes of the world to defeat him....

Price: Free Developer: Tiny Titan Studios
Dash Quest

Dash Quest

Fantasy action and endless runner collide with exciting RPG elements in this incredibly addictive, retro-inspired adventure game! Dash through hordes of enemies to reach epic boss battles! Customize and upgrade your character with Gear, Spells, Skills, Items and Pets!...

Price: Free Developer: Tiny Titan Studios
Fruits Dash Epic

Fruits Dash Epic

Long awaited new match 3 game is coming again. Fruits are very juicy and Ninjas really hate fruits. Act yourself as a ninja and slash the matching fruits as much as you can to get highest scores among-st your...

Price: Free Developer: Joy Dash Pte Ltd
Doctor Dash™

Doctor Dash™

Doctor Dash™ was inspired by the classic 1964 Milton Bradley game “Operation”, in which a player must perform a task without touching the sidewalls, or the attempt ends. The game was whimsical and engaging for a single player,...

Price: Free Developer: iCheckup, LLC
Buster Dash

Buster Dash

Mr Boss and Mr Caca have kidnapped Nina's friend to be Mr Boss's companion at the annual meeting of intergalactic villains. Help Nina to rescue him and live with her a thrilling adventure through different worlds, avoiding obstacles and...

Price: Free Developer: Juan manuel Bonet
Diver Dash

Diver Dash

'It uses a really easy to understand but difficult to master mechanic that gives it its own spot in the spectrum of twitchy high score chasers' - Jared Nelson, Diver Dash is a fast-paced scrolling arcade game where you...

Price: Free Developer:
Sashimi Dash - Retry Tap Action Game

Sashimi Dash - Retry Tap Action Game

Super hard game *** How to play *** - Tap screen to change directions of Sashimi dash - Avoid chopsticks - Check your world rank at Game Center --------------- Special Thanks --------------- ** Plan, Design ** NORANEKO DESIGN - Manami Inose ** Photo...

Price: Free Developer: Yusuke Ariyoshi
AR Tank Wars

AR Tank Wars

AR Tank Wars is the most addictive Augmented Reality War game ever. Turn your living room into a battlefield and start battling enemy tanks. Thanks to the latest ARKit technologies this game makes the best AR experience possible! The goal...

Price: Free Developer: Frank Slofstra
Hoop: AR Motion Game

Hoop: AR Motion Game

Hoop AR is the AR basketball game that other AR basketball games secretly wish they were! --- To shoot the ball, position yourself in front of the hoop and then flick your wrist. The harder you flick the faster it goes! It's...

Price: Free Developer: Gokhan Egri
AR Soccer Strike : ARKit Games

AR Soccer Strike : ARKit Games

Check out the first-ever AR Football game powered by ARKit. Augmented Reality brings football field to your room, house or garden and let you become a scorer anywhere, anytime.. Even if you are not the football lover, you will be...

Price: Free Developer: Vulcan Labs Company Limited
Ice Cream AR

Ice Cream AR

Ice Cream AR is something new. It brings the promise of AR to life with a fun single or multiplayer game that makes anywhere an Ice Cream Shop. You start the game with a mobile ice cream cart and an...

Price: Free Developer: Silicon Hanna Inc.
AR Shoot: Gun app in our world

AR Shoot: Gun app in our world

It’s ONE MORE THING in AR games. Defeat MONSTERS, win BOSSES and find PORTALS to another reality. iPhone SE, 6S or later required. ▪ Game futures: - AR Portals - Infinity mode - Level mode - Guns and charms shop - Bosses in dangerous locations -...

Price: Free Developer: Andrey Yakovlev
AR PingPong Rally

AR PingPong Rally

本格派ARピンポンゲーム「拡張現実的超級ラリー」が新登場! 自分の今いる場所で、超エキサイティングなARピンポンが楽しめる! ラケットは自分のスマートフォン本体! 回転をかけてカーブボールをマスターし、 角度をつけて敵を翻弄しよう! 最高得点をツイートして世界一を目指せ! ■推奨環境■ iOS 11.0以上 (iPhone 7 Plusで動作確認を行っております) ■公式サイト■

Price: Free Developer: ChronoJuvenile Inc.
AR Pony - Guns Reality Games

AR Pony - Guns Reality Games

Do you love Pony? Play with your pony in reality (real world). You can fun with your pixel pony on your room. Shoot your devil pixel pony today :) How to play * Following instruction to place portal * Shoot all pony...

Price: Free Developer: Pixel Favor Limited
Ball in AR

Ball in AR

Hey! You know about basket-ball and you’ve probably heard something about Augmented Reality (AR). BALL-IN AR is the mobile game that joins forces between basket-ball and AR ! To fully enjoy the game, please make sure you authorize the...

Price: Free Developer: Atomic Soom
AR - Tee

AR - Tee

AR-Tee will primarily for the T-Shirt and Posters as image target and shows things coming to life. AR-Tee has videos, interactive 3D and Game as image target content.

Price: Free Developer: Arik Bchiri
AR Zombie!

AR Zombie!

AR Zombie! is an ultimate augmented reality First Person Shooter game where you hold different kinds of weapons and obliterate zombies from the real world. Your goal is to defense Angel Statue as long as you can. NOTE: Requires a iPhone...

Price: Free Developer: Xiangchen Kong
Wushu Kung Fu Stick Craft Runner

Wushu Kung Fu Stick Craft Runner

Hero Stick Craft Runner Frenzy: Tired of the same old typical and boring run, run, run, and endlessly run type of games? Time to try the parkour inspired Kung Fu runner game ‘Hero Stick Craft Runner’; your free portal to...

Price: Free Developer: Phuong Nguyen
Space Infinity Runner

Space Infinity Runner

Space Infinity Runner is an endless runner game in which you have to avoid to collide with obstacles that come to your way in an exciting run. Swipe left or right to avoid planets and space rocks in this space...

Price: Free Developer: Giulio Mignemi
Tiny Knight Castle Runner Fun

Tiny Knight Castle Runner Fun

Tiny Knight Runner Castle Black - Knight Runner. knight warrior runner around castle to escape from danger flying dragon. help to knight to collection more coins to achieve to the mission. different challenges around castle and interesting to play

Price: Free Developer: Angrisa Leungtanapolkul
Chalk Runner

Chalk Runner

Chalk Runner is the addicting new game that offers fun and simple bounce physics in a 2D chalk environment. This game is all about timing and reflexes. Predict where the chalk rings will land and how they'll bounce to...

Price: Free Developer: Wisam Alhamad
Chop Chop Runner

Chop Chop Runner

Make sure you download NINJA NATIONS! It's our best game ever, it's brand new and it's free! ---------------------------------------------- RUN, JUMP, FIGHT! Over 2 million downloads! #1 downloaded action game in over 40 countries! Chop Chop Ninja will have its own TV animated series in...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Gamerizon
NJ Runner Super New

NJ Runner Super New

Play the most NJ Runner Super New Game on the Appstore Now with a NJ mode: Be a NINJA for a day and RACE through the city! Run away from a black tiger to save your life. Break, jump over, slide...

Price: Free Developer: Phan Cuong
Box Runner!

Box Runner!

Box Runner is a game for all ages; with no bullets, no bombs, no bazookas, and no bad guys, it is a classic style arcade game that challenges you and your trusty robot 'Mr. Doo-Dad' against the clock. Boxes come...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: John McElhaney
Real Robot Wild Runner

Real Robot Wild Runner

Real Robot Wild Runner: Adventure Game is easy to master but very interesting fun robot rush runner type game. You just need to slip screen in a marvelous way to dodge various meltdowns and tilt your mobile to change...

Price: Free Developer: Muhammad Jahangir Zafar
Arcade Kid Runner - Endless 3D Flying Action with War Plane - Free To Play for Kids

Arcade Kid Runner - Endless 3D Flying Action with War Plane - Free To Play for Kids

Arcade Kid Runner is the action packed 3D endless runner that takes you high into the sky piloting WW2 airplanes as a WW2 Air Agent! Perfect for boys or girls of any age, Arcade Kid 3D runner will strap you into...

Price: Free Developer: Cobra Corp
Retro Games X : Geometry Line Runner Arcade Game Free - ' Top Tap Impossible X Series ' by Cobalt Play

Retro Games X : Geometry Line Runner Arcade Game Free - ' Top Tap Impossible X Series ' by Cobalt Play

??? Can you score 4000 points ??? !!!! The world best record so far is 7200 !!!! So so easy to play. Drag your finger anywhere on the screen to move. Collect the greens and avoid the white squares. Last as...

Price: Free Developer: Martin Finch

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