Top 20 Education Apps Like Beertje Anders musical - Best Alternatives

Beertje Anders musical Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Beertje Anders musical alternatives for iOS? We have listed 20 Education apps that are similar to Beertje Anders musical. Pick one from this list to be your new Beertje Anders musical app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Beertje Anders musical on your iOS devices.

Top 20 Apps Like Beertje Anders musical - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Beertje Anders musical alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 20 similar apps like Beertje Anders musical 2025.

Beertje Anders voorkom pesten

Beertje Anders voorkom pesten

Met deze app geeft jonge kinderen informatie over pesten en over het voorkomen van pesten.

Price: Free Developer: DMS educatief


LAMMPS on your phone/tablet! Learn about atomic physics or show your research to other people. Gain intuitive visual understanding of how atoms behave in liquids, solids and gases. With Atomify, your phone/tablet is transformed into a physics simulator allowing you...

Price: Free Developer: Anders Hafreager
Wildes Deutsch

Wildes Deutsch

Wildes Deutsch. Oft verpönt und darum nicht gelehrt Schimpfwörter und Fluchworte sind gemeinhin verpönt und tabu. Und dennoch: ¤ Warum sind sie so beliebt und so kreativ? ¤ Warum lernen Kinder sie so früh und so gern? Hier geht es darum, was wir...

Price: Free Developer: Heringer
factoris.sozial Jugendhilfe

factoris.sozial Jugendhilfe

factoris.sozial Jugendhilfe und Eingliederungshilfe Vernetzt dokumentieren • Fachdokumentation und Tagesberichte • Hilfeplanziele und Maßnahmeplanung • Partizipation von Beteiligten • Vernetzt arbeiten • Dokumentationen einsprechen • Übersichtlich • Die papierlose Akte • Entwicklungen grafisch aufbereitet Die vielfältigen Dokumentationsmöglichkeiten sind insbesondere für die ambulante und stationäre Arbeit entwickelt worden. Wir haben uns mit den Problemlagen vieler...

Price: Free Developer: factoris GmbH
VVN Praktisch Verkeersexamen

VVN Praktisch Verkeersexamen

Deze app is er voor ouders en kinderen om zich voor te bereiden op het VVN praktisch Verkeersexamen. Met de app kun je diverse routes oefenen, je theorie bijspijkeren en je fiets checken. Uit onderzoek blijkt dat een groot...

Price: Free Developer: Veilig Verkeer Nederland
Zorn Museum

Zorn Museum

Learn more about some of the most famous works of the Swedish artist Anders Zorn. The app can be downloaded at no cost via the Zorn Museum’s free onsite Wi-Fi and can be used throughout the museum’s...

Price: Free Developer: Zornsamlingarna
SVG-Akademie (e-learning)

SVG-Akademie (e-learning)

Die SVG-Akademie ist das E-Learning-Portal der Straßenverkehrsgenossenschaften in Deutschland. Erleben Sie jetzt E-Learning mal anders! Tutorials, Coaching, Knowledge, Creativity und Education, alles in Einem. Nutzen Sie unser Lernportal und sparen Sie somit sich und Ihrem Unternehmen unnötige Kosten. So geht's: App...

Price: Free Developer: SVG-Akademie GmbH


koptischekerkeindhoven كنيسة الملاك ميخائيل والانبا أنطونيوس أيندهوفن - هولندا Church of the Archangel Mikhail and St. Antony HOLLAND +++ This App was developed by Ashraf Philip, deacon in de Coptic Orthodox Church of the Archangel Mikhail and St. Antonius the Great.,...

Price: Free Developer: Ashraf Philip
Chinesisch mit Spaß

Chinesisch mit Spaß

Chinesisch mit Spaß lässt Kinder ihre ersten Wörter und Sätze in Chinesisch entdecken, durch Geschichten, Spiele und Lieder. Unsere App wurde von mehrsprachigen Eltern sowie professionellen Erziehern, die leidenschaftlich gerne Kinder inspirieren, neue Sprachen zu lernen, entwickelt und getestet. Wir...

Price: Free Developer:
Musical Minds Online

Musical Minds Online

Musical Minds Online is an easy and fun way to learn piano! Take your lessons with you wherever you are. Learn pop-style songs written for your beginner ability and start playing right away. You’ll be playing like a pro...

Price: Free Developer: Centre For Musical Minds
Musical Minis Rhymes Puzzles

Musical Minis Rhymes Puzzles

Musical Minis Nursery Rhymes Puzzles is a fun puzzles app based on popular nursery rhymes. Solve the puzzle and unlock a Musical Minis singalong nursery rhyme complete with fun interactive actions. 3 puzzle levels each with the same 3...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Musical Minis Ltd
Musical Lands - Játékos Zenetanulás

Musical Lands - Játékos Zenetanulás

Legyen élmény a zenetanulás! Játékunk izgalmas kalanddá varázsolja a szolfézs órákat és az otthoni hangszeres gyakorlást. A táblagép mától a tanulás, a kreativitás és a memória fejlesztésének eszköze. Játékunk javítja az iskolai teljesítményt! Szülőknek Sikerélmény központú és szereplésre tanít Játékunk pozitív...

Price: Free Developer: Happy Musical Kids
BSB Musical: Escola de música

BSB Musical: Escola de música

O aplicativo BSB Musical é uma ótima maneira de enriquecer seus estudos musicais. Nele, você encontrará os métodos de ensino da escola, além de agendar suas aulas. - Controle sua frequência - Agende suas aulas - Acesse os métodos da escola - Encontre...

Price: Free Developer: BSB Musical
Musical Instruments Flashcards for Babies,Toddlers

Musical Instruments Flashcards for Babies,Toddlers

SOUNDS OF 60 DIFFERENT MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, VERBAL AND TEXT DESCRIPTION. 12 DIFFERENT LANGUAGES. EASY TO USE. 5 DIFFERENT CATEGORIES, SLIDESHOW FEATURE. Show your child what musical instrument makes what sound, what is the correct pronunciation of its name, how to...

Price: Free Developer: Open Solutions
Learn Musical Instruments

Learn Musical Instruments

Learn Series Musical Instruments is the toddler application developed by Ajax Media Tech. The Musical Instruments for Kids app helps toddlers and preschoolers to learn different types of musical instruments such as African drum, guitar, piano, violin, drums, veena,...

Price: Free Developer:
Mazaam - The Musical Genius

Mazaam - The Musical Genius

Mazaam is a new educational game that immerses children 4 to 6 years old in a world populated by funny animals. The challenge? Reunite sea lion families, feed eagles or help boisterous squirrels get to bed… While listening to...

Price: Free Developer: Mazaam Interactive Inc.
Musical Bear -Kids Songs Player

Musical Bear -Kids Songs Player

*** Featured on the App Store New & Noteworthy list for Education (2012.08) *** Musical Bear is every parent’s dream, which enables your little ones to enjoy their naptime, playtime and bedtime. Containing 169 classic kids’ song, Musical Bear...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: iAppsTeam
Musical Bear -Kids Songs Player (FREE)

Musical Bear -Kids Songs Player (FREE)

*** Featured on the App Store New & Noteworthy list for Education (2012.08) *** Musical Bear is every parent’s dream, which enables your little ones to enjoy their naptime, playtime and bedtime. Containing 169 classic kids’ song, Musical Bear can...

Price: Free Developer: iAppsTeam
Musical Theatre Workshop

Musical Theatre Workshop

MTW is an intensive workshop for young learners that aims to introduce and develop the triple threat skills required of professional musical theatre performers. During a very full week we focus on all things Musical Theatre including the integrating...

Price: Free Developer: Keiran van Vuuren

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