Top 39 Education Apps Like Rosario italiano audio offline - Best Alternatives

Rosario italiano audio offline Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Rosario italiano audio offline alternatives for iOS? We have listed 39 Education apps that are similar to Rosario italiano audio offline. Pick one from this list to be your new Rosario italiano audio offline app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Rosario italiano audio offline on your iOS devices.

Top 39 Apps Like Rosario italiano audio offline - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Rosario italiano audio offline alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 39 similar apps like Rosario italiano audio offline 2025.



CASAUR virtual es un canal de atención en línea, que permite desde cualquier lugar obtener una atención personalizada por un agente virtual a través de video conferencia y chat. CASAUR virtual en su primera versión permite contactarse con un...

Price: Free Developer: Universidad del Rosario
Cara Berdoa Rosario

Cara Berdoa Rosario

Dalam kepercayaan iman Katolik Roma, doa Rosario adalah salah satu doa yang paling indah, penuh kuasa, dan kudus. Doa Rosario adalah devosi kepada Tuhan melalui devosi kepada Perawan Maria. Doa Rosario bersifat injili, berpusat pada Kristus, dan kedua puluh...

Price: Free Developer: CEM YOLOGLU
Recitare il Rosario

Recitare il Rosario

Nella fede cattolica romana il rosario è una delle più belle, potenti e sacre preghiere. Si tratta di una devozione a Dio attraverso l’intercessione della Vergine Maria. Il rosario si basa su Cristo e sulle scritture e i venti...

Price: Free Developer: CEM YOLOGLU
CEIP Ntra. Sra. del Rosario

CEIP Ntra. Sra. del Rosario

Aplicación de notificaciones para el alumnado y profesorado del CEIP Nuestra Señora del Rosario. A partir de este momento podrás utilizar nuestra APP para recibir notificaciones personalizadas de tu colegio. Además tienes la información y localización del centro.

Price: Free Developer: Programación Sostenible Sociedad Limitada
Instituto ICR

Instituto ICR

El Instituto de Capacitación Rosario, es una institución pensada y organizada para brindar la capacitación adecuada, a las exigencias del mercado laboral actual.

Price: Free Developer: INFOBIT ROSARIO S.R.L.
Radio Transformación 90.3

Radio Transformación 90.3

Bienvenido a la aplicación oficial de Radio Transformacion 90.3 FM, el cual digire los Pastores Julián Del Rosario y Alma Ramírez. Con esta aplicación tendrás la oportunidad de escuchar Radio Transformacion y también podrás escuchar nuestra programacion en vivo,...

Price: Free Developer: Julian Del Rosario


This Program is for Italian only. Il programma il Santo Rosario permette: La Recita del Rosario giornaliero oppure Ascoltarlo La Lettura del Vangelo del giorno La Recita di preghiere Francescane La Lettura e l'Ascolto del Cantico delle Creature La Lettura del Mattutino del giorno La Lettura...

Price: Free Developer: G-Mobile
Siete Dolores de María

Siete Dolores de María

El orden de los siervos de María, o los siervos de María, fue fundado por siete hombres mercaderos florentinos en 1233 bajo la inspiración de Nuestra Senora de los Dolores. Durante siglos, la orden ha predicado sus penas. Una...

Price: Free Developer: HyperDo Media
47° Congreso AAMR

47° Congreso AAMR

La edición del 47° Congreso Argentino de Medicina Respiratoria, tendrá como sede la ciudad de Rosario. Se realizará del 31 de octubre al 3 de noviembre 2019 en el centro de convenciones Puerto Norte. El programa científico, con la...

Price: Free Developer: Eduardo Valverde
Dizionario Inglese-Italiano

Dizionario Inglese-Italiano

rio e frasario Italiano - Inglese più completo del mondo! Oltre 700.000 traduzioni • Coniuga migliaia di verbi italiano e inglesi • Centinaia di note ed esempi sull'uso della lingua • Connessione a Internet non necessaria! Dizionario bilingue per studenti,...

Price: Free Developer: Tao Tuan Linh
قاموس عربي-إيطالي Dizionario Arabo-Italiano

قاموس عربي-إيطالي Dizionario Arabo-Italiano

هذا قاموس عربي إيطالي و إيطالي عربي; Arabic - Italian and Italian - Arabic dictionary / Dizionario Arabo - Italiano e Italiano - Arabo. تطبيق يعمل قائماً بذاته ولايحتاج للتوصل على الإنترنت. قاعد سيتم إنزالها عند تشغيل البرنامج لمرته الأولى....

Price: Free Developer: Nikolay Sidorenko
Nuovo Progetto italiano 1

Nuovo Progetto italiano 1

Questa è l’innovativa applicazione per iPad di Nuovo Progetto italiano 1 (Libro dello studente), il corso di lingua e civiltà italiana più venduto al mondo! Nuovo Progetto italiano 1 per iOS è un prodotto garantito dalla professionalità di Edizioni...

Italiano<->russo dizionario

Italiano<->russo dizionario

L’applicazione comprende: 1. Un dizionario offline Italiano-russo e russo-Italiano 2. Un dizionario online Italiano-russo e russo-Italiano 3. Un traduttore online Italiano-russo e russo-Italiano Possibilità: • 493,592 parole e frasi • Il dizionario funziona in tempo reale • Ricerca di parole • Ricerca di frasi • Input vocale • Riproduzione...

Price: Free Developer: Ian Lipliavyi
Parliamo Italiano Insieme 1

Parliamo Italiano Insieme 1

Buongiorno! Want to build your Italian vocabulary? The Parliamo italiano insieme 1 Vocab Quiz is a quick and fun way to learn and practice Italian vocabulary and phrases. Take the quiz, listen to a native Italian speaker pronouncing each...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Cengage Learning Australia
Dizionario Italiano/Inglese LITE

Dizionario Italiano/Inglese LITE

Dizionario di ITALIANO->INGLESE ed INGLESE->ITALIANO offline !! Italiano->Inglese : 73.000 Lemmi Inglese->Italiano: 50.000 Lemmi - Possibilità di ascoltare la pronuncia corretta di una parola o frase (sia italiana che inglese) da attori madrelingua. n.b. per questa funzione serve una connessione dati) -...

Price: Free Developer: Gino Sarnieri
Dizionario di ITALIANO ™

Dizionario di ITALIANO ™

Dizionario COMPLETO di ITALIANO™ in offerta 50% off per questa settimana ! Guarda il video su youtube: E' lo strumento che aspettavi! Buchi di memoria su vocaboli da comprendere al volo? Hai poca padronanza con la lingua e ti serve un manuale...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Gino Sarnieri
Dizionario Italiano completo FREE

Dizionario Italiano completo FREE

Dizionario COMPLETO di ITALIANO™ gratis per questa settimana ! Guarda il video su youtube: E' lo strumento che aspettavi! Buchi di memoria su vocaboli da comprendere al volo? Hai poca padronanza con la lingua e ti serve un manuale di sopravvivenza quando...

Price: Free Developer: Gino Sarnieri
Frasario Italiano Inglese - Impara l'inglese

Frasario Italiano Inglese - Impara l'inglese

Manuale di conversazione italiano-inglese - studio della lingua inglese. Il manuale di conversazione italiano- inglese è un’applicazione pensata per persone che vogliono conoscere le basi della lingua inglese. Comprende domande, risposte, termini ed espressioni che permettono di comunicare...

Price: Free Developer: RosApp Ltd
Niní aprende a contar Italiano

Niní aprende a contar Italiano

Disfruta momentos de calidad con tus peques convirtiéndote en un cuenta cuentos jugando juntos aprendiendo los números básicos. Niní aprende a contar, premiada dentro del Festival de Comunicación El Chupete | Top Ten App for kids made in Spain 2016 'Esta...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Tangible Fun, S.L.
Course For Final Cut Pro X - Working With Audio

Course For Final Cut Pro X - Working With Audio

With Final Cut Pro X, video editors now have the powerful combination of audio tools and bundled plug-ins that can make your audio sound like it went to a $450/hour Post Production studio. Let Michael Wohl show you how...

Price: USD 6.99 Developer: Nonlinear Educating Inc.
Mars Hill Audio

Mars Hill Audio

TWENTY-FIVE YEARS OF AUDIO More than 10 years before the term “podcast” was ever used, MARS HILL AUDIO launched an audio magazine. First distributed on cassette tapes, then CDs, then MP3 downloads, then streaming from a website, the MARS HILL...

Price: Free Developer: Mars Hill Audio
App Guide for Belajar Iqro dengan Audio

App Guide for Belajar Iqro dengan Audio

Overall rating of apk of Belajar Iqro dengan Audio is 4.6.Please note that these are cumulative ratings since the app was listed on google play store. Generally most of the top apps on IOS store have rating of 4+....

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Tuyet Nhung
Audio Eyes

Audio Eyes

The Info-Age Audio Eyes app has been designed with and for blind and partially sighted visitors. It unlocks audio descriptions of the Information Age gallery at the Science Museum in London, and describes the environment, key objects and tactile...

Price: Free Developer: Science Museum
Audio Class Notes - Record, Share, and Tag School Lectures

Audio Class Notes - Record, Share, and Tag School Lectures

Audio Class Notes is the fastest, easiest way to record class lectures, and tag the important points. You can instantly jump to the important parts of the lesson and study in less time. Audio Class Notes lets you study anywhere...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: BlackMuse Software
LearnEnglish Audio & Video

LearnEnglish Audio & Video

Listen to and watch our most popular English learning podcasts and videos in LearnEnglish Audio & Video! The app is packed with lots of cool features like landscape video mode, an audioscript and glossary. Improve your listening...

Price: Free Developer: British Council
Black History Audio Book

Black History Audio Book

Black History Audio Book includes informative stories about famous black history people. The spoken words come directly out of this black history app on your device. No WIFI or internet connection is needed. You'll enjoy hearing these 30 specially...

Price: Free Developer: Quikthinking
English Offline Audio Topics

English Offline Audio Topics

Learning by Listening! With "English Offline Audio Topics" app you can read and write, listen, pass tests and learn faster, in result you will get fun and obtain more knowledge! Application "English Offline Audio Topics" include next themes and works offline: Topic...

Price: Free Developer: Yaroslav Palamar
YouTalk Audio

YouTalk Audio

YouTalk Audio is the revolutionary app made so our YouTalk students can listen to their classes any time and anywhere. Download the app to your phone and you'll have direct access to all your classes just a click away....

Price: Free Developer: francisco monaj


The goal of this study is to develop a database for researchers to access in order to evaluate existing and create new audio forensic algorithms. Forensic algorithms can help scientists and law enforcement officials identify instances of digital forgery....

Price: Free Developer: Khalid Mahmood
iWordBook Offline

iWordBook Offline

Are you a student ? Do you want to learn English ?Do you want to know the meaning in real Urdu font. Then "Offline English to Urdu Dictionary" is for you. A complete offline English to Urdu trainer and...

Price: Free Developer: wiky
Law Dictionary - Offline

Law Dictionary - Offline

This application provides a variety of vocabulary and terms in Law and legal.If you have trouble finding a term in the field of Law, please try this offline application.There are tens of thousands of words Law and its meaning. #...

Price: Free Developer: Donik Ariyanto
IELTS Test Listening Offline

IELTS Test Listening Offline

Learning by Listening! With "IELTS Test Listening Offline" app you can read and write, listen, pass tests and learn faster, in result you will get fun and obtain more knowledge! Application "IELTS Test Listening Offline" include next themes and works offline: Topic...

Price: Free Developer: Yaroslav Palamar
Offline Amharic to English Language Dictionary

Offline Amharic to English Language Dictionary

Our mission is to encourage our users to gain a fluent command of English and Amharic languages by using our Amharic to English Translation Dictionary. Being the most innovative and comprehensive dictionary our app provides its users with every knowledge...

Price: Free Developer: Naira Khalapyan
English Grammar Listen Offline

English Grammar Listen Offline

Learning by Listening! With "English Grammar" app you can read and write, listen, pass tests and learn faster, in result you will get fun and obtain more knowledge! Application "English Grammar" include next themes and works offline: Topic 1. List of English...

Price: Free Developer: Yaroslav Palamar
Afrikaans Dictionary Offline

Afrikaans Dictionary Offline


Price: Free Developer: Piyush Parsaniya
English Dictionary Offline Pre

English Dictionary Offline Pre

English Dictionary Offline One of the Best English Dictionary Offline in Appstore. you can learn English Language very quickly and easily from this utility application. English Dictionary Contains more than 1,50,000+ English words with more than one English...

Price: Free Developer: Piyush Parsaniya
Chemistry Dictionary : Offline

Chemistry Dictionary : Offline

**** Chemistry Dictionary Offline ***** Chemistry Dictionary contains thousands of the most frequent and used but however most tricky to find chemistry terms, puzzles, and idioms used for academic and professional purposes with clearly easy definitions, everywhere anytime...

Price: Free Developer: Puju Dekivadiya
Economics Dictionary Offline

Economics Dictionary Offline

**** Economics Dictionary Offline ***** Welcome to Economics Dictionary Offline - the easiest way to learn Economics Terms fastly within your iPhones and iPads. Business and Economics are the basic elementary for any nation and it is mandatory in...

Price: Free Developer: Puju Dekivadiya

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