Top 39 Finance Apps Like S Broker CFD App - Best Alternatives

S Broker CFD App Alternatives

Do you want to find the best S Broker CFD App alternatives for iOS? We have listed 39 Finance apps that are similar to S Broker CFD App. Pick one from this list to be your new S Broker CFD App app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to S Broker CFD App on your iOS devices.

Top 39 Apps Like S Broker CFD App - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid S Broker CFD App alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 39 similar apps like S Broker CFD App 2025.



Mikä S-mobiili on? S-mobiili tuo yhteen sovellukseen kaupan, pankin ja varainhoidon palvelut sekä vakuutukset. Pysyt aina ajan tasalla bonustilanteestasi ja ostoistasi, saat juuri sinulle kohdennetut edut ja kuititkin ovat tallessa sähköisessä kuittiarkistossa. S-Pankin Säästäjä-palvelulla säästöjä karttuu miltei huomaamatta ja...

Price: Free Developer: S-Pankki Oy


Mehr erleben – mit der S-POOL App für junge Leute! Ab sofort die Mehrwerte von S-POOL immer dabei haben. Für alle Kunden gibt es attraktive Angebote, vergünstigte Konzert- und Musicaltickets, die schönsten Reiseziele. Alle Neuigkeiten zu den S-POOL Vorteilspartnern in...

Price: Free Developer: S-Markt & Mehrwert GmbH & Co. KG
S-Quin App SK Neuss

S-Quin App SK Neuss

Ab sofort haben Sie Ihr S-Quin Konto immer dabei. Rufen Sie über die S-Quin App alle wichtigen Informationen und Leistungen ab, die in Ihrem Konto enthalten sind. Hier finden Sie alle Angebote aus den Bereichen Sicherheit, Service, Reise und...

Price: Free Developer: S-Markt & Mehrwert GmbH & Co. KG
S&P Global Ratings

S&P Global Ratings

At S&P Global Ratings, our aim is to become the leading provider of global credit benchmarks and research across industries, asset classes, and geographies that investors, businesses, and markets use to foster economic development and growth around the world. ...

Price: Free Developer: Standard & Poor's
Group S Accounts Mobile

Group S Accounts Mobile

The AccountS Mobile application provides the customers of the social secretariat or their accountants with the following functions: - Consultation of the debts towards the social secretariat, the social services (NSSO, social funds), insurance bodies and the Ministry of Finance. -...

Price: Free Developer: Group S
M&S Banking

M&S Banking

Manage your banking on the go with the M&S Banking App that works seamlessly with your mobile operating system. The M&S Banking App includes the capability to:- • View balances on most M&S Bank accounts you hold • See transactions on any M&S current...

Price: Free Developer: M&S Bank
S&P Capital IQ for Tablets

S&P Capital IQ for Tablets

Important: There is no charge to download the application. However, it is only available to S&P Capital IQ clients. The S&P Capital IQ platform provides the most accurate and timely financial information to investment banks, asset management firms, private...

Price: Free Developer: S&P Global Market Intelligence LLC
U.S. Bancorp Investments

U.S. Bancorp Investments

Access your investments anytime, from anywhere with U.S. Bancorp Investments Mobile Brokerage. With the mobile app you can access your accounts, place trades, and get quotes and market news. Key features: - Review your account balances, holdings and transaction history -...

Price: Free Developer: U.S. Bancorp
U.S. Bank (TM)

U.S. Bank (TM)

The U.S. Bank Mobile App puts a complete set of banking tools at your fingertips. Easily, conveniently and securely manage your finances – anytime, anywhere. Our app is fully compatible with iOS 13. YOUR SECURITY IS OUR PRIORITY • Your private information...

Price: Free Developer: U.S. Bancorp
U.S. Bank Access® OnlineMobile

U.S. Bank Access® OnlineMobile

U.S. Bank Access Online Mobile is designed for commercial card customers who want secure, anytime access to their U.S. Bank Corporate Travel, Purchasing, or One Card accounts. NOTE: If you are a U.S. Bank customer with a personal or...

Price: Free Developer: U.S. Bancorp
GENO Broker

GENO Broker

Sie möchten unterwegs mal eben den Depotstand abrufen, Börseninformationen einholen und mobil handeln? Kein Problem mit der GENO Broker App. Besonders praktisch: legen Sie Ihre beliebtesten Funktionen als Favoriten an. Dabei haben sie nicht nur Ihre Depots beim GENO...

Price: Free Developer: GENO Broker GmbH
Karoll Broker

Karoll Broker

Апликацията на Karoll Broker Ви позволява да търгувате удобно на БФБ през мобилен телефон и/или таблет. Приложението е напълно синхронизирано с другите платформи на ИП Карол АД за търговия на БФБ - инсталационната версия на платформата Karoll Broker, както...

Price: Free Developer: Karoll
S Broker Mobile App

S Broker Mobile App

Mit der S Broker Mobile App können Sie auch unterwegs ganz einfach handeln. Sie haben Zugriff auf aktuelle Marktinformationen mit Details zu Kursen und Kennzahlen. Für einen grafischen Überblick stehen Ihnen Charts mit verschiedenen Linientypen und Indikatoren (auch...

Price: Free Developer: S Broker AG & Co. KG
Forex Broker - Best Online Forex Broker Guide

Forex Broker - Best Online Forex Broker Guide

Many of you must have seen glossy ads for Forex Trading claiming a great amount of profit & a high leverage. Although it would not be proper to say that all the claims are sham, one can safely say...

Price: Free Developer: SUNIL PRAJAPATI
Capital Shield Insurance Broker

Capital Shield Insurance Broker

Capital Shield Insurance Broker (CSIB) is a leading UAE firm of insurance brokers, CSIB is managed by industry professionals with considerable experience in the insurance business gained over several decades operating in the Middle East and GCC CSIB iPhone App...

Price: Free Developer: Capital Shield Insurance Brokers
Broker Bankinter

Broker Bankinter

Nueva versión de Broker Bankinter, que te permitirá operar y controlar tus inversiones con un nuevo diseño, moderno, adaptado a las últimas tendencias y con una mejor usabilidad. Broker de Bankinter pone a tu alcance las siguientes funcionalidades: -...

Price: Free Developer: Bankinter Broker - günstig Aktien handeln Broker - günstig Aktien handeln

Die Trading-App für Anleger und Börsianer, Ihr schneller Zugang zu Ihrem Brokerage-Depot. Greifen Sie über die Broker-App in Sekunden auf Ihr Brokerage-Depot zu. Handeln Sie Ihre Aktien und andere Wertpapiere auch mobil für nur 5 Euro Orderprovision*...

Price: Free Developer: GmbH
Firstmac Broker Tools

Firstmac Broker Tools

The key feature of this first version of Firstmac Broker Tools is our new, interactive serviceability calculator. To get an answer from the serviceability calculator, just enter your customer’s financial details. The app will do the rest for you, using...

Price: Free Developer: FirstMac
HashChing Broker

HashChing Broker

Hashching is a reliable online platform for mortgage brokers to manage and promote their own deals direct to consumers. HashChing’s broker partners are carefully selected and rewarded for their expert advice and guidance, through access to leads, technology and...

Price: Free Developer: HashChing Pty Ltd
ViTrade CFD

ViTrade CFD

CFD-Handel von unterwegs aus. Einfach und bequem mit der ViTrade CFD App. ViTrade CFD ist eine kostenlose CFD App, die es Ihnen ermöglicht, ganz bequem und von überall aus am CFD-Handel teilzunehmen. Die kostenlose CFD App bietet Ihnen folgende...

Price: Free Developer: flatex AG
CFDポケトラ for iPhone

CFDポケトラ for iPhone

CFDポケトラで、いつでも・どこでもお取引が可能に。 スマートフォンからお取引が行えるCFD専用トレードアプリ「CFDポケトラ」。 豊富な機能を備えた多機能ツールながらも、シンプルな操作性で直感的なお取引をサポートいたします。 ■レート・チャート画面から注文へ直結! ログイン後すぐに表示されるレート画面で取引したい通貨をタップすることで簡単に注文画面へ進めます。 チャートからも注文画面を表示することができ注文のタイミングを逃しません。 ■発注管理機能『トラップリピートイフダン®』も注文できる! マネースクエアグループが特許を持つ発注管理機能も搭載。 トラップリピートイフダン®(トラリピ®)やトラップトレード®もアプリから直感的に注文することが可能です。 ■クイック入金で素早く入金! お客様の入金手続きをスムーズに行うクイック入金にも対応。 簡単な操作でお客様の金融機関口座から24時間リアルタイムに入金が可能です。 ※当社提携金融機関にてインターネットバンキングのご契約をされているお客様がご利用いただけます。 マネースクエアが自信をもってお届けするCFDポケトラ。 M2J株価指数CFDでのお取引にご活用ください。 ※CFDポケトラのご利用にはM2J株価指数CFDに口座開設後、ログインが必要です。 ■動作環境 ・OS:iOS 10, 11 ・対応機種:上記OSが動作する端末 マネースクエア(M2J)は東京金融取引所の株価指数証拠金取引「くりっく株365」の取扱会社です。 ■お取引に関しての注意事項 ・取引開始にあたっては契約締結前書面をよくお読みになり、リスク・取引等の内容をご理解いただいた上で、ご自身の判断にてお願いいたします。 ・当社の取引所株価指数証拠金取引は、元本および収益が保証されているものではありません。また、取引総代金に比較して少額の資金で取引を行うため、取引の対象となる金融商品の価格変動により、多額の利益となることもありますが、お客様が差し入れた証拠金を上回る損失が生じるおそれもあります。また、各金融市場の閉鎖等、不可抗力と認められる事由により外国為替取引や株価指数取引が不能となるおそれがあります。 ・取引所株価指数証拠金取引における委託手数料は注文が成立した日の取引終了後の値洗い処理終了時に証拠金預託額より、新規および決済取引のそれぞれに徴収いたします。手数料額は、通常1枚あたり片道400〜600円に消費税を加えた金額です。 ・当社が提示するレートには、買値と売値に差(スプレッド)があります。流動性が低くなる場合や、天変地異または戦争等による相場の急激な変動が生じた場合、スプレッドが広がることがあります。 ・取引所株価指数証拠金取引に必要な証拠金額は、商品ごとに当社が定める1枚当たりの必要証拠金の額に建玉数量を乗じる一律方式により計算されますが、1枚当たりの必要証拠金額は変動いたします。 ・当社が提供する『トラップトレード®』『リピートイフダン®』『トラップリピートイフダン®』は取引の利益を保証するものではありません。投資判断はお客様ご自身にて行っていただきますようお願いいたします。 ■提供元 株式会社マネースクエア 金融商品取引業 関東財務局長(金商) 第2797号 【加入協会】日本証券業協会 一般社団法人 金融先物取引業協会

Price: Free Developer: MONEY SQUARE, INC.


CGS-CIMB CFD (Contracts for Difference) allows you to view real-time financial market news and pricing, and orders and tracks your portfolio and holdings directly from your iOS device.. Leverage proven IRESS infrastructure to stay connected with real-time market news and...

Price: Free Developer: CGS-CIMB Securities (Singapore) Pte. Ltd.


UTRADE. Online trading made easy. Know what's happening in the market at your finger tips! Stay ahead of the market in keeping track of your portfolio positions and place the "Stop Loss and Limit" CFD orders at the levels...

Price: Free Developer: UOB Kay Hian Pte Ltd
FXNOW Forex signals CFD guide

FXNOW Forex signals CFD guide

Want real-time Forex signals and CFD expert tips at your fingertips? You’ve got it. With notifications of important currency analyses delivered straight to your smartphone, all you need do is check out the indicators and start investing! Whether you’re...

Price: Free Developer: Agents 007
Tillhub CFD

Tillhub CFD

The Tillhub Customer Facing Display (CFD) is a companion application to our POS cashier system. Display current sales data and promotional content to your current customer.

Price: Free Developer: Tillhub GmbH
CFD Mobile Banking

CFD Mobile Banking

The FREE CFD Banking Services Mobile app gives registered online banking customers secure access to their bank accounts 24/7—all, at their fingertips, from the convenience of their iPhone®. • Quick and easy Passcode access • Check account activity and balances • Search transactions by date,...

Price: Free Developer: The Bancorp Inc.
CFD Mobile Banking for iPad

CFD Mobile Banking for iPad

The FREE CFD Banking Services Mobile app gives registered online banking customers secure and convenient access to their bank accounts 24/7—all, at their fingertips, from the convenience of their iPad®. • Check account activity and balances • Search transactions by date, amount or...

Price: Free Developer: The Bancorp Inc.
CFD Trade-Đầu tư vàng,bạc,USD

CFD Trade-Đầu tư vàng,bạc,USD

CFD Trade là một nền tảng giao dịch FX, kim loại, index, hàng hóa có tính năng nổi bật như mở tài khoản online, cập nhật tỷ giá ngoại tệ toàn cầu tức thời, công cụ phân tích đầy...

Price: Free Developer: CF Global UK Limited
Pluto: Money Saving App

Pluto: Money Saving App

Easily save & manage money in college. Anonymously compare finances with others. Apple's "App of the Day", loved by students at 1500+ colleges. 100% free, designed for the college lifestyle! "I love that it's catered to students and allows...

Price: Free Developer: Pluto Money, Inc.
Scripbox: Top Mutual Funds App

Scripbox: Top Mutual Funds App

Scripbox makes it super easy to invest in the best mutual funds that can help you achieve your financial goals in life. Invest in mutual funds using Scripbox app which is India’s trusted online investment platform. There is no...

Price: Free Developer: Scripbox
Nedbank App Suite

Nedbank App Suite

Nedbank is proud to bring you the Nedbank App Suite, which provides you with a one of a kind, customisable and accessible banking, financial services and lifestyle mobile experience. No matter where you are (on your life path, on the...

Price: Free Developer: Nedbank Limited
Nicholas Peters App

Nicholas Peters App

This powerful new free Finance & Tax App has been developed by the team at Nicholas Peters to give you key financial and tax information, tools, features and news at your fingertips, 24/7. The Nicholas Peters App is...

Price: Free Developer: My Firms App Limited
Sterling App

Sterling App

This powerful new free Finance & Tax App has been developed by the team at Sterling to give you key financial and tax information, tools, features and news at your fingertips, 24/7. The Sterling App is designed to...

Price: Free Developer: My Firms App Limited
Latitude App

Latitude App

Check out Latitude’s new mobile finance app. See all your Latitude and Gem cards and Personal Loans in one place. Credit card features currently include: • Access accounts with Touch ID or Face ID • Fast access to all balances • Check payment...

Price: Free Developer: Latitude Financial Services Australia Holdings Pty Ltd
Börse Stuttgart App

Börse Stuttgart App

Mit der App der Börse Stuttgart für dein iPhone und iPad bleibst du auch unterwegs immer auf dem Laufenden. Sehe auf einen Blick, was sich im Markt tut, wie sich die Werte auf deiner Watchlist verändert haben und wo...

Price: Free Developer: Börse Stuttgart

Get paid if you miss work due to a medical emergency! Get your paycheck in a account and you're automatically covered by our free built in insurance policy which pays for… Medical deductibles & out of pockets Everyday expenses like...

Price: Free Developer: Better Financial Corporation
easybank App

easybank App

e-banking with a clear overview and in a new design. modern. Mobile e-banking that offers security, practical functions and a good overview of your finances. Register once with disposer & PIN. secure. And set your personal login data for every other...

Price: Free Developer: easybank AG
App Protección

App Protección

En App Protección podrás realizar consultas y transacciones de todos los productos que tienes con Protección S.A. Consultar saldos, generar extractos, registrar retiros de Pensiones Voluntarias, ubicación con horarios de nuestras Oficinas de Servicio a nivel nacional, comunicarte con...

Price: Free Developer: Protección S. A.

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