Top 19 Education Apps Like Assemble VIP - Best Alternatives

Assemble VIP Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Assemble VIP alternatives for iOS? We have listed 19 Education apps that are similar to Assemble VIP. Pick one from this list to be your new Assemble VIP app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Assemble VIP on your iOS devices.

Top 19 Apps Like Assemble VIP - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Assemble VIP alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 19 similar apps like Assemble VIP 2025.

Assemble Check-in

Assemble Check-in

Assemble Check-in is a part of Assemble A/S´s daycare-solution. Assemble Check-in is a tool to register check-in and check-out when children arrive or leave the daycare institution. Parents, children and the employees can use Assemble Check-in on the daycare institutions iPads. Enjoy...

Price: Free Developer: Assemble A/S
Assemble Photo

Assemble Photo

Assemble Photo is part of Assemble A/S. Assemble Photo gives the employee the opportunity to publish photos directly from the iPhone or iPad to the solution. You can create multiple photo series that you can edit or change simultaneous, you...

Price: Free Developer: Assemble A/S
Assemble Team

Assemble Team

Assemble Team is a part of the Assemble’s daycare-solution. Assemble Team gives the daycare employees a tool for creating diaries, creating news, creating bulletins, see the children’s indexcards and much more from an iPad or iPhone

Price: Free Developer: Assemble A/S
Monsters Assemble 3D

Monsters Assemble 3D

Monsters Assemble 3D is a simple yet satisfying matching game designed to develop your child’s fine motor skills and color/shape recognition. Children use simple touch controls to assemble friendly monsters within a vibrant 3D environment. Features: - 10 unique 3D...

Price: Free Developer: Creative Bytes Studios
Børn i Holbæk

Børn i Holbæk

Børn i Holbæk gives parents of children in daycare access to follow their children's daily activities. Parents can read diaries from the institution, see activities, view pictures, videos and calendar, as well as send mails and much more. First time...

Price: Free Developer: Assemble A/S
Børn i Nordfyn

Børn i Nordfyn

Børn i Nordfyn gives parents of children in daycare access to follow their children's daily activities. Parents can read diaries from the institution, see activities, view pictures, videos and calendar, as well as send mails and much more. First time...

Price: Free Developer: Assemble A/S


MitGuld gives parents of children in daycare access to follow their children's daily activities. Parents can read diaries from the institution, see activities, view pictures, videos and calendar, as well as send mails and much more. First time you use...

Price: Free Developer: Assemble A/S
NemBørn Næstved

NemBørn Næstved

NemBørn Næstved gives parents of children in daycare access to follow their children's daily activities. Parents can read diaries from the institution, see activities, view pictures, videos and calendar, as well as send mails and much more. First time you...

Price: Free Developer: Assemble A/S


kiCheck-in is a part of kiClub's daycare-solution. kiCheck-in is a tool to register, check-in and check-out when children arrive or leave the daycare institution. Parents, children and the employees can use kiCheck-in on kiClub's iPads. Enjoy kiCheck-in. Best regards kiClub

Price: Free Developer: Assemble A/S


VIP陪练:专注于解决5—16岁琴童的练琴问题,提供钢琴、小提琴、大提琴、古筝、长笛、二胡、琵琶、手风琴八大乐器的一对一在线陪练服务。2018年11月,完成了由老虎环球基金领投,腾讯、兰馨亚洲、金沙江创投等跟投的1.5亿美金C轮融资,目前是全球范围素质教育领域最大的互联网公司。 2019年7月,VIP陪练正式签约国际钢琴大师郎朗为企业代言人,担任VIP陪练音乐大使。VIP陪练已累计服务全球超100万名琴童,线上陪练老师规模数万人,每天有超过500个城市的孩子,使用VIP陪练来提高他们的练琴效率。目前,VIP陪练的整体规模是音乐陪练行业2-5名总和的6倍以上,牢牢占据音乐陪练行业的龙头地位。 VIP陪练开创了音乐陪练这个赛道,并通过对优质音乐老师的整体培训,带给每一位孩子专业的陪练指导,让每一次练琴都有价值。 【VIP陪练优势】 真人陪练不枯燥:在线真人1对1针对性陪练,让孩子练琴更专注。 专业教师随心选:数万名陪练老师专业指导,真正做到高效提升技能。

Price: Free Developer: Miaoke Information Science and Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.


【强大的讲师阵容】 VIP微课拥有一支专业技术娴熟、教学经验丰富的讲师团队,包括知名钢琴演奏家、各大院校教授、专业乐理考级讲师等大咖级人才。截止到目前,已有30+位行业专家在VIP微课开设系列主题课程,其中包括备受欢迎的知名钢琴家-陈洁、英国皇家音乐教授-孔嘉宁、中国音乐学院副教授-康啸等。 【丰富的课程品类】 截止到目前,VIP微课已提供专业课程累计5000+分钟。其中包含教学技法、专项技术、曲目详解、教材解读、考级专题、作品赏析等多类型课程题材,满足所有爱学习的音乐老师多样化的学习需求。 【高效碎片化学习】 随时随地与音乐大师们零距离接触,您可以在上下班路上、休息间隙、睡觉前轻松学习,利用碎片化时间获得高浓度知识。不仅如此,VIP微课还能科学有效检验您的学习成果,若您通过结业考试,还能获得由VIP微课为您颁发的结业证书! 【互动交流平台】 我们通过“VIP微课”服务号和“钢琴早读课”订阅号及时提供行业热门资讯和行业干货知识;通过“VIP钢琴老师俱乐部”社群为广大音乐爱好者提供交流学习和资源共享的平台,为学员营造良好的学习氛围。如果您在学习过程中遇到任何问题,欢迎随时告诉我们。

Price: Free Developer: 上海兴陪信息科技有限公司
Mesa Vip

Mesa Vip

Kolsis Yazılım tarafından Mesa Vip için hazırlanan Mobil Uygulamadır. Uygulama içerisinde Mesa Vip in tanıtım bilgileri, sosyal medya linkleri ve Eğitim Kys Bilgi Sistemi yer almaktadır. Uygulama içerisindeki Bilgi Sistemi kurum ile öğrenci, veli arasında iletişim ve haberleşme sağlamaktadır....

Price: Free Developer: Kolsis Yazilim Donanim Hizmetleri


VIP陪练: 爱奇艺、炫动卡通《天才小琴童》节目官方指定在线教育品牌。 专注解决5—16岁年龄段琴童的练琴问题,提供钢琴、小提琴、大提琴、古筝、长笛、二胡、琵琶、手风琴八大乐器专业一对一陪练。 目前,VIP陪练拥有超过33个国家40万名琴童用户; 数万名陪练老师团队,覆盖全国80%的音乐类专业院校; 中、德、意、俄30所高校联合音乐教研研究。 2018年1月,获腾讯、兰馨亚洲双领投,完成数亿元B轮融资,成为素质教育领域领头羊。 2018年11月,完成老虎环球基金领投的C轮融资,创素质教育历史最高,共同致力于搭建中国音乐教育生态。 技术优势: 【全新鹰眼镜头】专利设计再升级,钢琴88键尽收其中,练琴手势更清晰。 【智能教室】通过动作记录与智能分析,孩子每一次练琴时的状态,错误纠正等课堂情况将数据化呈现。 【乐谱库】数十万乐谱等着你!智能识谱功能,拍照找谱so easy! 【Aha伴随宝贝成长】谁说练琴就该很枯燥?业内首款搭配动态卡通界面的APP全新上线,萌萌哒Aha小河马,陪伴萌萌哒宝贝,练琴也可以很有趣,向无聊乏味说BYE BYE! 服务保障: 【定制化服务】因材施教,专业班主任老师1对1,全程为孩子与家长服务,有效提升练琴效果。家长可根据实际情况灵活约课,把时间掌握在自己手中! 【随时退款】对课程不满意?对陪练老师不满意?对效果不满意?随时可以提出退款要求,让您的每一笔投入都有价值。

Price: Free Developer: Miaoke Information Science and Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.



Price: Free Developer: Xiaoyan Li
Autoescola Vip

Autoescola Vip

Estude agora o simulado da Autoescola Vip e acompanhe nossas novidades

Price: Free Developer: Soul Systems
Colégio VIP

Colégio VIP

Colégio VIP! Acesse as informações da escola através deste aplicativo. Com este aplicativo, os pais, responsáveis e professores poderão receber as últimas informações da escola, as notícias do dia a dia dos seus filhos e o calendário de atividades escolares. *...

Price: Free Developer: Colegio Técnico Nossa Senhora Das Graças Ltda
VIP International School

VIP International School

Dear Parents, this is an official Mobile application from VIP International School The application can showcase features such as Daily Attendance of your Ward. News and Activities Teacher’s Remarks of your Ward. Home work and assignments of your Ward. Exam Schedules Picture Galleries Annual Holiday listing Emergency news Directors...

Price: Free Developer: Gleam Technologies
VIP Selçuklu Koleji

VIP Selçuklu Koleji

VIP Selçuklu Koleji mobil uygulaması ile artık velilerimiz çocuklarının eğitim ile ilgili bilgilerine daha kolay ve hızlı ulaşabiliyor. Öğretmenler ve veliler işlemlerini mobil ortamda daha hızlı ve etkin yapabiliyor. Bu uygulama ile öğretmenler öğrencilerin ödevlerini ve ders durumlarını, Yapılan deneme...

Price: Free Developer: İmece Teknoloji Anonim Şirketi

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