Top 28 Social Networking Apps Like U-Star Music - Best Alternatives

U-Star Music Alternatives

Do you want to find the best U-Star Music alternatives for iOS? We have listed 28 Social Networking apps that are similar to U-Star Music. Pick one from this list to be your new U-Star Music app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to U-Star Music on your iOS devices.

Top 28 Apps Like U-Star Music - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid U-Star Music alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 28 similar apps like U-Star Music 2025.

Freshmen U App

Freshmen U App

Freshmen U is a new social network where college freshmen can meet and connect with others from the same campus. Why wait to get on campus to meet people when you have all summer to do it? Bring your campus...

Price: Free Developer: Flying Eye Reality, Inc.
U.S. Alumni (Armenia)

U.S. Alumni (Armenia)

Welcome to join the community! The mobile application “U.S. Alumni” is a social platform created only for the USG program alumni. It connects the U.S. Alumni from Armenia of over 25 exchange programs! The mobile app is a platform for easy...

Price: Free Developer: U.S. Embassy in Armenia
Schedule Social Posting Lite- Help U to engage with social media

Schedule Social Posting Lite- Help U to engage with social media

Set your schedule for post. No need to daily add and post one by one. First time in the app store without server. You can handle posting timer for your post no need to post every day … Create listing for...

Price: Free Developer: nectarbits


O U-APP é uma ferramenta de comunicação exclusiva para os colaboradores que estejam atualmente trabalhando na Unilever. O U-App permite que você crie o seu perfil individual e compartilhe conteúdos e experiências com os colaboradores da Unilever, em um...

Price: Free Developer: Critical Mass
U掌大 - 校园必备互联服务平台

U掌大 - 校园必备互联服务平台

好不容易上了大学,这样玩才不亏... 大学四年才认识3个舍友?3步教你认识TA 每月就这点生活费,装备皮肤还能买买买? 别人打游戏都不卡顿?秘诀是... 学校都断网了,这个寝室还能开黑! 下载U掌大,立即获得: 1、免费极速校园WiFi:熄灯后也能用哦; 2、免费100M带宽提速服务:游戏极速体验,大片只看超清; 3、领淘宝优惠券:真正返现金; 4、最真实的校园社交:没有微商、家长、同学、老师,只有最自在的自己; 5、精选优质内容:潮搭美食、就是爱玩; 【应用简介】 U掌大是为年轻人打造的综合校园互联网服务平台。围绕优质的宽带基础服务,打造了一系列网络延伸服务体系。专为年轻人打造的内容与话题板块,内容涵盖吃喝玩乐各个领域,引领校园生活潮流,提升校园生活品质。优秀的内容社交体验,为年轻人创造专属的、自在的、真实的社交空间。针对校园购物特点,设计了优质的电商板块,结合优质内容板块,形成了内容-社交-电商的消费闭环。

Price: Free Developer: NanJing Real Cloud Computing Technology Co.,Ltd.
U LINK - พลังแห่งการเชื่อมโยง

U LINK - พลังแห่งการเชื่อมโยง

U LINK เป็นเครือข่ายสังคมออนไลน์สำหรับศิษย์เก่าของสถาบันการศึกษาในประเทศไทย โดยสมาชิกผู้ใช้สามารถรับทราบความเคลื่อนไหวจากสถาบันการศึกษา คณะ สมาคมศิษย์เก่า หรือหน่วยงานที่เกี่ยวข้อง สมาชิกสามารถโพสความเคลื่อนไหวให้กับเพื่อนร่วมสถาบันได้ นอกจากนี้ยังสามารถเรียกดูและค้นหาเพื่อนเพื่อติดต่อผ่านระบบแชท นอกจากยังมีสิทธิพิเศษสำหรับสมาชิกในการใช้บริการด้านต่างๆ เพื่อเป็นการประชาสัมพันธ์สินค้าและบริการของศิษย์ของแต่ละสถาบันอีกช่องทางหนึ่ง แอปนี้ใช้ร่วมกันในหลายสถาบันและหลักสูตร กรุณาดูรายละเอียดเพิ่มเติมได้ที่เว็บไซต์ของเรา หากมีข้อสงสัยในการเข้าใช้งาน

Price: Free Developer: DinsorAdvertising
MeQuiz: How Well Do U Know Me?

MeQuiz: How Well Do U Know Me?

The Trending Snapchat Challenge: 2019 Best Friend Challenge!! 1. Create a quiz about you 2. Share it with your friends on Snapchat 3. Your friends attempt the quiz 4. See the results on your Leaderboard 5. Find out which friend knows you...

Price: Free Developer: Vonvon, Inc. maakt het eenvoudig voor u om betrouwbare freelancers te vinden voor een groeiend aantal klussen in heel Nederland. U komt direct in contact met de beste invalklussers bij u in de buurt. Huur een invaller in, of u...

Price: Free Developer: R. Hoogervorst


Tired of following people you'll never meet in real life? Isn't it about time a social networking app actually enhanced your real-world social life? ​ That time is now! Welcome to Neibr. ​ Neibr (pronounced 'Neighbor') is a new twist on...

Price: Free Developer: Neibr, Inc.
Fanastar: social star gazer

Fanastar: social star gazer

Fanastar is a social network where you can become a real star and find your fans. Create your star and make it the largest and brightest in the whole starry sky! Fanastar is suitable for those who want more...

Price: Free Developer: Fanastar Inc
M Star Dialer

M Star Dialer

M Star Dialer for iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch let you make voice call worldwide with the finest voice quality.. App Benefits: •Works from all over the world •Uses iPhone contacts •Crystal Clear Quality •Lowest International Rates •Satisfaction guaranteed!...

Price: Free Developer: Jashid pk
Stargraph Star

Stargraph Star

Thanks to Stargraph each artist will have the opportunity to make more pleasant the session of autographs for him and for his own fans. The star will have available a blackboard that allows each star to take photos and insert...

Price: Free Developer: Stargraph SRL
SSUM -  K-POP Star


You can see the SNS contents of many K-POP stars in this app, It also has a chat and bulletin board function, which enables a variety of communication among multinational fans. 1. Provide SNS contents of K-POP star -You can...

Price: Free Developer: Byoung Seob Park


男性も女性も全てのユーザーの皆様に、もっと気軽に新しいマッチングSNSの場を提供する事をコンセプトに、当アプリをリリース致しました。 恋活・婚活・友達作りだけではなく暇つぶしや、とりあえずご飯を一緒に食べる人を探すみたいな使い方でも大歓迎! 新しい出会いを探したいなら、気軽に使えるスタービーチをご利用ください! 【スタービーチは気軽なのがオススメ】 ・考えるな、感じろ!! すぐに理想の相手が見つかるいいね機能! マッチング機能はお互いが響き合う好相性のバロメーターとしてご活用ください。 ・気になる相手には気軽にアタック! 従来のマッチングアプリのようにマッチングが成立しなくてもメッセージは送れるので、気になる相手にはどんどんアピールしましょう! 【気軽に使えるのに安心な理由】 ・身分証による本人確認 ・Facebookアカウント登録もOK ・ニックネーム制でSNS投稿も一切なし、身バレの心配もなく安心して ・公的証明書等による年齢認証が必要で、24時間有人監視体制なので安心・安全 ・通報やブロック機能で悪質ユーザーはシャットアウト 【注意事項】 当アプリをご利用する皆さまに、末永く楽しんでいただくため、スタービーチでは下記のご利用を 禁止させていただきます。 1.利用規約に対する背反行為、アダルト描写を含む投稿・写真の交換。見つけ次第、即該当データを消去致します。 2.未成年の利用(18歳未満の利用禁止) 3.公序良俗に違反する行為・その恐れがある利用の禁止。 4.誹謗中傷、メッセージの強要、業者行為、サクラ行為 監視体制の下に上記に該当する害悪ユーザーは見つけ次第、アカウントを凍結、利用禁止させていただきます。 【運営からのお願い】 ・登録前に利用規約を必ず確認のうえ、ご利用下さいませ。 ・迷惑なユーザーやサクラ行為、業者を発見しましたら、対象となる方のプロフィールページから通報ボタンを押してご連絡ください。 【許認可】 インターネット異性紹介事業 届出済み 受理番号:3019-00-27000 電気通信事業 届出済み 届出番号:A-30-16902

Price: Free Developer: CONNECT CO., Ltd.
Social Star - 소셜스타,SNS스타

Social Star - 소셜스타,SNS스타

- Share your precious things. - Meet new people. - A special bond is waiting for you.

Price: Free Developer: thx
DateLive: - Dating App

DateLive: - Dating App

The DateLive application is the perfect solution for all 18+ single men and women who are seeking a new dating experience, like-minded people, exciting online interactions, real dates, and serious, long-term relationships DateLive is a dating app that puts women...

Price: Free Developer: App Star LLC
LiveMe – Live Video Chat

LiveMe – Live Video Chat

LiveMe is one of the top live broadcasting apps - Make new friends in your area and around the world! - Chat with stars and celebrities like Roman Atwood, David Dobrick, Khalid, 2 Chainz and MORE! - Watch your favorite videos by...

Price: Free Developer: KS Mobile, Inc.


Be A STAR! Adorable Attitudes Club is a FUN SAFE Sharing Video and Picture community where you can become a STAR.Upload Fun Cool videos or photos and share them with your friends. Use Adorable Attitudes Club to: *Upload ANY Public...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Adorable Attitudes LLC
JAMM Music Messenger

JAMM Music Messenger

JAMM lets you share any song using any messaging app, and automatically remembers what music you have exchanged with each of your friends. Use the JAMM sharing option when sending links from YouTube with any messaging app you like. The...

Price: Free Developer: Jamm Music, Inc.
FoundSoundz - Social Music App

FoundSoundz - Social Music App

FoundSoundz is a social app for music lovers to connect with each other and manage their favorite music links via playlists to share with other friends. Users can create social profile, follow others and find favorite music on the web...

Price: Free Developer: ryan hartland
Charmy: Discover Music & Movie

Charmy: Discover Music & Movie

We can't even think of a day without music, but aren't you tired of listening to the same playlists? Discover the best and newest playlists. Whether you listen to songs with your Spotify account or listen to songs on...



You love socializing and meeting new people? Try Haiti’s #1 Social Network – “Ayiti Konekte – Social Network”. With Ayiti Konekte, you can socialize and meet new people around Haiti. All Haitians come together here to hangout, discuss business,...

Price: Free Developer: Ayiti Konekte, LLC


PartyTapper is a social media platform that allows users to share their event and party experiences. Users login and connect via Facebook or Twitter to keep their current social circles up-to-date on in-event activities. Posting event photos...

Price: Free Developer: PartyTapper Inc


Emenator’s powerful network and intuitive social platform is 100% FREE—Forever. • You will NEVER see advertisements populating your feeds or in any videos created on Emenator. That’s just not how we roll. • We will NEVER broker in user data, information,...

Price: Free Developer: DigiSocial, LLC
AImoji Gold - X Face Showtime

AImoji Gold - X Face Showtime

———————————— ARmoji X only supports iPhone X with a TrueDepth camera! Non-iPhone X users do not attempt to use to avoid a bad experience! ———— ● Want to fully feel the charm of the latest technology...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Feng Yue
Send Love • Greeting cards

Send Love • Greeting cards

With this app, you can create greeting cards with stickers to send love messages! - Select stickers from a large choice of 111 images. - Compose your own greetings. - Personalize your greeting cards by adding stickers, photos or emojis. - Choose gradient...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Ghislain Fortin


Unlock a new world of social networking with ViewChat application that engages users to discuss live and the most popular US TV shows. ViewChat allows users to join chat rooms divided by television channels in a format similar to...

Price: Free Developer: View Chat, LLC

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