Top 20 Education Apps Like Match Mates - Best Alternatives

Match Mates Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Match Mates alternatives for iOS? We have listed 20 Education apps that are similar to Match Mates. Pick one from this list to be your new Match Mates app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Match Mates on your iOS devices.

Top 20 Apps Like Match Mates - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Match Mates alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 20 similar apps like Match Mates 2025.

Preschool Memory Match

Preschool Memory Match

You will love this playful educational app packed with reward buttons that your child will love! - Does your heart melt when your little one learns while having fun? Introducing the classic game of concentration specifically designed to...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Murtha Design Inc.
Count, Sort and Match

Count, Sort and Match

****Featured in Kids Best iPad Apps – “Count, Sort and Match” simplifies key math concepts for preschool kids up to age 6. The app helps kids to count to 20, spell numbers, and sort by color, shape and size...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Ripple Digital Publishing
Easter Word Match and Coloring

Easter Word Match and Coloring

***Awarded KID SAFE – no annoying ads or links to the internet. Quality educational content. *** Easter is here, so come on kids, let’s play! It is spring in our bug world and all the bugs are buzzing with excitement....

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Ace Edutainment Apps
Froggy Match-it Phonics FREE

Froggy Match-it Phonics FREE

Froggy Match-it will help your child to develop good reading and spelling skills. Try out this FREE version. It has all the features of the full Froggy Match-it app, but covers the first level only. This...

Price: Free Developer: Easylearn
Phonics Match

Phonics Match

Available in British, American and Australian English. Match the different phonics pairs and learn the 42 different phonetic sounds. Phonics Match is designed to help children get familiar with the 42 sounds of the English language, rather than the alphabet. By...

Price: Free Developer: Bram Van Damme
Phonics Match Premium

Phonics Match Premium

Available in British, American and Australian English. Match the different phonics pairs and learn the 42 different phonetic sounds. Phonics Match is designed to help children get familiar with the 42 sounds of the English language, rather than the alphabet. By...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Bram Van Damme
Froggy Match-it Phonics

Froggy Match-it Phonics

Froggy Match-it will help your child to develop good reading and spelling skills. It is an educational, interactive phonics game for children just learning to read and is ideal for use in school and at home. The...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Easylearn
Match & Find

Match & Find

Award-winning app helping children build confidence though activities designed to improve working memory, language and fine motor skills. The child friendly activities put them in control of their learning and provide an educational tool adaptable to their abilities. Working memory...

Price: USD 19.99 Developer: Special iApps C.I.C.
Match & Learn Greek Gods Lite

Match & Learn Greek Gods Lite

*** Winner of a Parents’ Choice Approved Award *** *** Winner of a W³ Silver Award by the Academy of Interactive and Visual Arts NY *** *** Finalist in the Made for Mums Toy Awards 2016 *** "Appearance wise, the app is...

Price: Free Developer: Petita Demas Ltd
Match & Learn The Greek Gods

Match & Learn The Greek Gods

*** Winner of a Parents’ Choice Approved Award *** *** Winner of a W³ Silver Award by the Academy of Interactive and Visual Arts NY *** *** Finalist in the Made for Mums Toy Awards 2016 *** "Appearance wise, the app is...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Petita Demas Ltd
Centro Educativo Educa Mates

Centro Educativo Educa Mates

Aplicación escolar del Centro Educativo Educa Mates, para recibir información como mensajes de pagos, tareas, circulares , seguimientos académicos , calificaciones graficadas y más.

Price: Free Developer: Airefon Movil S. DE R.L. DE C.V.
Critter Mates

Critter Mates

Critter Mates is a collection of puzzles where the object is to move each of the critters next to a mate. A critter is moved by placing a marker next to it and then pushing the critter to a...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Ventura Educational Systems


◆◆◆すぐ手軽に教育現場で使える入退室アプリ!◆◆◆ ・教室にタブレット1台あれば導入可能! ・入退室日時、時間を保護者に自動でメール報告が出来る! ・保護者への報告頻度が上がり満足度UP! ・講師の勤務時間の管理もバッチリ! ・他塾との差別化・ブランディング強化! ◆アプリ紹介 『入退室アプリ』は実際にタブレットを用いて指導する講師の意見を取り入れて開発した、iPadにID入力するだけで入室・退室の記録ができるアプリです。 タブレットを、塾・教育現場の入り口に置いておくことで生徒自身で入室・退室をすることが可能となっており、講師が出席を取る手間が省けます。 また、講師も入退室アプリを使うことで勤務時間の確認も簡単に行うことが可能です。※弊社アプリ『reco』の導入必須 ◆塾の指導でこんな問題を抱えている方にオススメ ①~生徒の出欠確認に時間がかかる~ <入退室記録から出席記録> 生徒はiPadで自分のIDを入力して入室・退室の記録ができます。 講師の画面からどの生徒が何時何分に入室、退室しているかがひと目で分かります。 入退室記録は弊社オリジナルの指導アプリ『reco』と連携することでカレンダーにも反映されるので、講師が指導回数を数えたり、出席を取る手間が省けます。 ②~保護者への報告の時間がない~ <指導をメールで報告!安心をお届け!> 生徒が入退室すると自動的にメールが送信され、リアルタイムに保護者への報告ができ、保護者は安心して生徒を通塾させられます。 また講師による電話メール対応などの手間も減らすことができます。 ③~講師の給与計算に時間がかかる~ <勤務時間がすぐに分かる!給与の計算もスムーズに!> 講師も入退室アプリを使うことで、勤務時間が自動で計算されているので給与計算や勤務時間管理もスムーズに行うことが出来ます。 ◆ユーザーの声 ・きちんと塾に行っているか、寄り道をしていないかなど不安だったのですが、入退室の連絡がメールで届くので安心して塾に通わせることが出来ます!(入塾2年 保護者) ・電話やメールで報告する手間が減り、助かります。入退室がすぐに報告されるので保護者の方にも好評です。(講師歴5年 マネージャ―) ・今までは、アルバイト講師の月の勤務時間を計算するのにとても時間がかかっていたのですが、今は講師の勤務時間が一目で分かるので給与計算がスムーズになりました。(講師歴2年 室長) ・塾の入り口に1台iPadを置いておけば、生徒が自分で入退室を行なえるので生徒の把握がしやすくなりました。(講師歴3年 室長) ・講師の画面からどの生徒が何時何分に入室、退室しているかがひと目で分かるので、出席を取る手間がなくなり指導に集中できるようになりました。(講師歴2年 講師) ◆推奨環境 <推奨iPad> -iPad mini2,3,4 -iOS9.0.3以上 ※iPad Proの12.9インチの動作は保証していません。 -iPad Air1,2 -iOS9.0.3以上 -iPad Pro9.7インチ -iOS9.0.3以上 <推奨wifi> -IEEE802.11ac/n(又はいずれか)に対応 -通信速度(最大)1Gbps(1000Mbps)以上 ◆お問い合わせ ご質問・不具合報告などは下記アドレスまでお問い合わせください [email protected]

Price: Free Developer: Mates-Edu


Macademic App is a service that helps you to organize yourself and present all your achievements in education life, be it academic or extra-curricular, full-time or vocational at one place. Macademic App represents all the milestones a student has...

Price: Free Developer: Expedite Solutions


MySchoolApp is a service that helps you to organize yourself and present all your achievements in education life, be it academic or extra-curricular, full-time or vocational at one place. MySchoolApp represents all the milestones a student has passed through...

Price: Free Developer: Expedite Solutions


Vayuna is a service that helps you to organize yourself and present all your achievements in education life, be it academic or extra-curricular, full-time or vocational at one place. Vayuna represents all the milestones a student has passed through...

Price: Free Developer: Expedite Solutions
Green Light Safety

Green Light Safety

Calling all young drivers and passengers! Sticking to the rules of the road can keep you and your mates safe, keep those insurance premiums down and keep you out of trouble! Addictive and frustrating all at the same time, can...

Price: Free Developer: Ventutec Limited
Monster Math - Learning fun

Monster Math - Learning fun

A fast paced Monster Maths game for kids where they can compete with their friends and even class mates. Build confidence and speed with mental maths. Free the monsters from their cages - how many monsters can...

Price: Free Developer: Fehners Software LLP
Second Chances

Second Chances

Save the school. Change the world. Compete & challenge your mind in a tournament of 12 matches. We challenged young Indigenous Australians to help us develop a game. The result, no ordinary ball game. The **goal** was to develop...

Price: Free Developer: Mode Games Pty Ltd

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