Top 48 Education Apps Like Kapabel Matematikk 3-4 klasse - Best Alternatives

Kapabel Matematikk 3-4 klasse Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Kapabel Matematikk 3-4 klasse alternatives for iOS? We have listed 48 Education apps that are similar to Kapabel Matematikk 3-4 klasse. Pick one from this list to be your new Kapabel Matematikk 3-4 klasse app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Kapabel Matematikk 3-4 klasse on your iOS devices.

Top 48 Apps Like Kapabel Matematikk 3-4 klasse - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Kapabel Matematikk 3-4 klasse alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 48 similar apps like Kapabel Matematikk 3-4 klasse 2025.

Kapabel - For Students, Parents and Teachers

Kapabel - For Students, Parents and Teachers

This app is used to log in with Kapabel in Educational apps and show your progress. You can also use this app check your skill levels, experience, and rankings on the Kapabel high score lists. PARENTS: - Create accounts for your...

Price: Free Developer: Kvanes AS
Kapabel Mathematics 1-2 grade

Kapabel Mathematics 1-2 grade

Kapabel Mathematics 1-2 is a large collection of games and exercises for kids in first and second grade. The idea behind the app is to cover the majority of the curriculum of the two first years of primary school...

Price: USD 6.99 Developer: Kvanes AS
Learn Geography Picture Quiz

Learn Geography Picture Quiz

Geography Quiz game with pictures from all over the world! Try to recognise where the photos are from. The game has lots of exciting levels and is integrated with Kapabel so you can compete with other people from all over...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Kvanes AS
First Grade Math - Addition game

First Grade Math - Addition game

This is a collection of exciting mini games that teaches students addition. This game has tons of exciting content with over 20 different levels! Students start out with small numbers addition and move on to larger numbers and more difficult...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Kvanes AS
Kids History Quiz

Kids History Quiz

Test your History knowledge in this fun new quiz game. Exciting new game that teaches kids how to spell new words! This app makes learning fun and entertaining. This game lets children create their own Kapabel character. They level up and...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Kvanes AS
Math Zombie - Addition

Math Zombie - Addition

In this game you control a Zombie who is trying to solve math problems. The game has 24 fun levels where you solve basic addition problems. The game is suitable for children in first, second and third grade. Get better and...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Kvanes AS
Math Zombie - Division

Math Zombie - Division

In this fun game kids learn how to divide numbers. Division can be challenging to learn, but this game makes it fun! In the game you take control of a zombie who is running away from an old lady. On...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Kvanes AS
Math Zombie - Multiplication

Math Zombie - Multiplication

This is the third math Zombie game we are releasing, this time the focus is on multiplication! In this fun game you take control of a zombie who is running around solving multiplication problems. You have to watch out however,...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Kvanes AS
Math Zombie - Subtraction

Math Zombie - Subtraction

This is the second release of the Mathematics Zombie series. In this app you learn subtraction. You take the role of a cute Zombie running around solving subtraction problems. The game is well suited for kids in first and second...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Kvanes AS
Matematikk MET 29102 Step By Step

Matematikk MET 29102 Step By Step

Forbedre din karakter i matematikk for økonomer MET 2910! Med MET 29102 Step By Step kan du enkelt forbedre din karakter i faget! Appen tilbyr tidligere eksamensoppgaver med løsningsveiledning. Last ned og prøv selv!

Price: Free Developer: Kristoffer Bjoernvik
Matemagisk BRØK

Matemagisk BRØK

«Aschehoug har definitivt fått til mye på læringsfronten med de tre siste appene sine. Og nylanseringene er både underholdende og kreativt anlagt.» Anbefales av Velkommen til Matemagisk – BRØK Bli med Pi, Luringen og Flagre og lær om brøk. Pi...

Price: Free Developer: Aschehoug Forlag
AstroMatte nynorsk

AstroMatte nynorsk

Hovudbry i verdsrommet. Nynorsk utgåve. Forsvar verda mot asteroidane og tren matematikk samtidig. AstroMatte øver hovudrekning i talområdet 0-20 og gangetabellen på ein spanande måte. Vel oppgåvetype og svaralternativ og fyr laus. Treff dei rette svara og samla poeng til...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Geir Larsen


Med FlipClass har du tilgang til over 2000 undervisningsvideoer med matematikk og fysikk 24 timer i døgnet! FlipClass inneholder alle matematikk- og fysikkursene på videregående skole: 1P, 2P, S1, S2, 1T, R1, R2, Fysikk 1 og Fysikk 2. For deg som...

Price: Free Developer: Sin4U AS
Lær fargene med Miniklubb

Lær fargene med Miniklubb

Gi barnet ditt muligheten for å lære seg om fargene og utforske tentakeldyrets morsomme malebok i interaktiv og kreativ lek. OM SPILLET “Lær fargene med Miniklubb” er en enkel og moro app designet til barn (4-7 år). Dit barn kan...

Price: Free Developer: Northmice ApS
Lær å regne med Miniklubb

Lær å regne med Miniklubb

Ta på fisketur med pelikanen Peter og tell hvor mange fete fisker dere klarer å fange – og spise! OM SPILLET ‘Lær å regne med Miniklubb’ er en enkel og gøy app designet for barn (4-7 år). Ditt barn introduseres til...

Price: Free Developer: Northmice ApS


Mattetrinn er matematikk for ungdomsskolen, laget for deg som ønsker å mestre matte-faget. Inneholder 780 oppgaver og 60 figurer. Den er bygget opp slik at du kan velge tema på lista. Først finnes litt innledende teori, så kommer det eksempler...

Price: USD 17.99 Developer: Elisabet Rimeid Amundsen
Mattetrinn Lite

Mattetrinn Lite

I Mattetrinn Lite vises noen eksempler og info om hvordan appen fungerer. Hele versjonen med ungdomsskole-matematikk er en betalende versjon på norsk som gir deg 780 oppgaver med spørsmål, svar og forklaringer. Det er figurer på 60 av oppgavene. Du...

Price: Free Developer: Elisabet Rimeid Amundsen


Moro og nytte for alle pengene! Pengelek trener håndtering av mynter og sedler gjennom tre morsomme aktiviteter. -Telle sedler og mynter. -Betale varer med penger fra lommeboken din. -Spare penger på sparegrisen. Velg vanskegrad og tidsramme. Topplister lagres for alle aktiviteter hvis du velger...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Geir Larsen
See and Learn Phrases 3

See and Learn Phrases 3

See and Learn Phrases 3 is designed to teach children with Down syndrome to progress from using single words to using two words together when they talk. See and Learn Phrases 3 teaches two-keyword phrases illustrated in themed books using...

Price: USD 35.99 Developer: Down Syndrome Education Enterprises C.I.C.
See and Learn Vocabulary 3

See and Learn Vocabulary 3

See and Learn Vocabulary 3 provides activities and step-by-step guidance to help parents and educators teach young children to understand and say 60 common early words. It is part of See and Learn Language and Reading – a structured...

Price: USD 23.99 Developer: Down Syndrome Education Enterprises C.I.C.
See and Learn Saying Words 3

See and Learn Saying Words 3

See and Learn Saying Words 3 offers activities to encourage the imitation and repetition of spoken words. It aims to help children with Down syndrome learn to say whole words clearly. See and Learn Saying Words 3 includes six sets...

Price: USD 16.99 Developer: Down Syndrome Education Enterprises C.I.C.
Leren lezen in groep 3 - Juf Jannie leer me lezen

Leren lezen in groep 3 - Juf Jannie leer me lezen

** Genomineerd voor IPON awards 2014. ** Na het succes van Juf Jannie - Letters leren lezen lanceer ik nu een vervolg op de app, dit keer om woorden en zinnen te leren lezen.
 De app is speciaal ontwikkeld met...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Juf Jannie
français 3.0

français 3.0

Entraînez-vous au TEF, testez votre niveau de français général et renforcez votre français professionnel. Découvrez français 3.0, l'application officielle du Centre de langue française de la CCI Paris Île-de-France. Avec cette application : 1/ Testez votre niveau de français général • Entraînez-vous au...

Price: Free Developer: Chambre de Commerce et d'Industrie de région Paris Ile de France
Dr. Panda Restaurant 3

Dr. Panda Restaurant 3

Be the world's best chef! Get cooking and serve delicious dishes! Show off your culinary creativity to impress your hungry diners, get rewarded and progress to become a real master chef! UNLEASH YOUR CULINARY GENIUS!   Put on your apron and...

Price: Free Developer: Dr. Panda Ltd
Engelsk 0-3

Engelsk 0-3

Denne app giver børn i 1.-3. klasse mulighed for at træne og repetere udvalgte engelskfærdigheder. Indholdet er tilknyttet Gyldendals fagportal, og der er gratis adgang til appen med unilogin, hvis barnets skole har købt abonnement til fagportalen. Appens træningsopgaver...

Price: Free Developer: Gyldendal
Math Vocab 3

Math Vocab 3

** Happy Frog Apps is a Mom’s Choice Award Winner! Also featured on,, and more! ** Math Vocab 3 teaches the most important words needed to succeed in Grade 3 math. Fun activities step the user through the...

Price: Free Developer: Janine Toole
3.Selim İlkokulu

3.Selim İlkokulu

iPhone cihazlar için özel olarak hazırlanan iPhone uygulaması ile 3. Selim İlkokulu artık mobil dünyada. 3.Selim İlkokulu iPhone uygulaması ile veliler okulumuz hakkında bilgilere kolaylıkla ulaşabilir, günlük ders etkinliklerini takip edebilirler. Anlık iletiler ile velilerin bilgilendirilmeleri sağlanır.

Price: Free Developer: 3.Selim İlkokulu
Anderson School District 3, SC

Anderson School District 3, SC

The official app for Anderson School District 3, SC allows users direct access to the most recent news, announcements and event calendars. Customize the app to display information relevant to a specific campus and to receive important notifications from...

Price: Free Developer: Anderson County SD #3
Eldorado CUSD 4

Eldorado CUSD 4

With the Eldorado CUSD 4 mobile app, your school district comes alive with the touch of a button. Easily navigate through current news and events or check out the latest updates with social media like Facebook and Twitter. Quickly...

Price: Free Developer: Eldorado Unit School District 4
Element Collision 4

Element Collision 4

Element Collision 4 is an educational game that helps beginners learn about basic chemical reactions between Acid, Base, Oxide, Salt, and Elementary Substances.

Price: Free Developer: Shengyuan Lu
New York 4-H

New York 4-H

The official app of New York 4-H, featuring: - Event Schedules - Year-Round Calendars - Projects - FAQs - Ways to Get Connected - Fun Games - Including Scavenger Hunts - Photo Filters

Price: Free Developer: New York State 4-H Foundation
Oklahoma 4-H

Oklahoma 4-H

The official app of Oklahoma 4-H with year-round updates, calendars, and much more. Check out daily schedules for Roundup, plus information on: - Workshops - Contests - Live Polls and Much More!

Price: Free Developer: The Oklahoma 4-H Foundation
Ticketing 4 Schools

Ticketing 4 Schools

Scan your student ID cards or swipe a student name to check students in and out of your events. Sell your tickets using our application and then check them in using a computer or our free mobile app. ...

Price: Free Developer: Software 4 Schools
TUS: Tutoring U 4 Success

TUS: Tutoring U 4 Success

TUS is a tutoring app that allows you to get tutored whenever, and wherever without geographic boundaries. The app allows you to find a tutor based on class level and subject. Tutors can be anyone that can show proof...

Price: Free Developer: Tutoring U 4 Success LLC
Swift County MN 4-H

Swift County MN 4-H

In this app you can find: Contact Us, Facebook, MN 4-H Online, Swift County FairEntry, Events, Swift County 4-H Premium Book, Livestock Show Books, County Fair Forms, Swift County Fair, YQCA - LQA&E, 4-H Agronomy, Summer Adventures, Swift County...

Price: Free Developer: Swift County 4-H Federation
4 Dice a Fractions Game

4 Dice a Fractions Game

Multiplayer Fraction Game! Use two devices and play competitively or cooperatively with your classmates or parents. 4 Dice: Fraction Games hones the many concepts of fractions that include adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing through a series of game mode options....

Price: Free Developer: Justin Holladay
Baby games for 2,3,4 year olds

Baby games for 2,3,4 year olds

- Educational games for toddlers and kids of 2 – 4 years old - Games for kids on sorting and classifying objects by shape, size, color and quantity - Games for girls and boys that were developed in close cooperation...

Price: Free Developer: Bimi Boo Kids - Games for boys and girls LLC
Learn English Vocabulary Lesson 4 : Learning Education games for kids and beginner Free

Learn English Vocabulary Lesson 4 : Learning Education games for kids and beginner Free

Learn English Vocabulary Lesson 4 is Learn the vocabulary about Reptiles. There are pictures and sound, make the child easy to understand.

Price: Free Developer: Wutichai Choomalaiwong
Mathe 1. Klasse 2. klasse 3. klasse rechenaufgaben

Mathe 1. Klasse 2. klasse 3. klasse rechenaufgaben

Sicher und mit Spaß Rechnen lernen und das Einmaleins üben für Grundschulkinder Klasse 1, 2 und 3. Zusammenzählen, Abziehen, Malnehmen und Teilen wird mit der Mathe Kinderspiele-App super einfach. Löse die Rechnungen, indem der richtige Antwortblock zur Rechnung gezogen...

Price: Free Developer: Bas van der Wilk
Mathe 4. 5. 6. Klasse

Mathe 4. 5. 6. Klasse

Sicher und mit Spaß Rechnen lernen und das Einmaleins üben für Grundschulkinder Klasse 4, 5 und 6. Zusammenzählen, Abziehen, Malnehmen und Teilen wird mit der Mathe Kinderspiele-App super einfach. Löse die Rechnungen, indem der richtige Antwortblock zur Rechnung gezogen...

Price: Free Developer: Bas van der Wilk
LÜK Schul-App 4. Klasse

LÜK Schul-App 4. Klasse

LÜK - Seit 45 Jahren erprobt und pädagogisch empfohlen – jetzt auch für den Grundschulunterricht der 4. Klasse! Das Lernsystem mit Spiel, Spaß und „eingebauter“ Lernkontrolle kennen viele noch als klassischen roten „Kasten“ mit bedruckten Aufgabenplättchen und unterschiedlichen Übungsheften aus...

Price: USD 17.99 Developer: Westermann Digital GmbH
Deutsch Fit 5. Klasse

Deutsch Fit 5. Klasse

Neue Schule – neues Lernen! Mit dieser Lernapp meisterst du das Lernen in der weiterführenden Schule ganz easy und bleibst in der 5. Klasse problemlos am Ball. In der Schule ist die Zeit manchmal zu knapp, um den Schulstoff zu...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: USM
LÜK Schul-App 1. Klasse

LÜK Schul-App 1. Klasse

LÜK - Seit 45 Jahren erprobt und pädagogisch empfohlen – jetzt auch für den Grundschulunterricht der 1. Klasse! Das Lernsystem mit Spiel, Spaß und „eingebauter“ Lernkontrolle kennen viele noch als klassischen roten „Kasten“ mit bedruckten Aufgabenplättchen und unterschiedlichen Übungsheften aus...

Price: USD 17.99 Developer: Westermann Digital GmbH
LÜK Schul-App 2. Klasse

LÜK Schul-App 2. Klasse

LÜK - Seit 45 Jahren erprobt und pädagogisch empfohlen – jetzt auch für den Grundschulunterricht der 2. Klasse! Das Lernsystem mit Spiel, Spaß und „eingebauter“ Lernkontrolle kennen viele noch als klassischen roten „Kasten“ mit bedruckten Aufgabenplättchen und unterschiedlichen Übungsheften aus...

Price: USD 17.99 Developer: Westermann Digital GmbH
LÜK Schul-App 3. Klasse

LÜK Schul-App 3. Klasse

LÜK - Seit 45 Jahren erprobt und pädagogisch empfohlen – jetzt auch für den Grundschulunterricht der 3. Klasse! Das Lernsystem mit Spiel, Spaß und „eingebauter“ Lernkontrolle kennen viele noch als klassischen roten „Kasten“ mit bedruckten Aufgabenplättchen und unterschiedlichen Übungsheften aus...

Price: USD 17.99 Developer: Westermann Digital GmbH
Mathe Fit 5. Klasse

Mathe Fit 5. Klasse

Neue Schule – neues Lernen! Mit dieser Lernapp meisterst du das Lernen in der weiterführenden Schule ganz easy und bleibst in der 5. Klasse problemlos am Ball. In der Schule ist die Zeit manchmal zu knapp, um den Schulstoff zu...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: USM
Amateurfunk Klasse A

Amateurfunk Klasse A

Bei dieser App geht es um die Amateurfunk Lizenzprüfung zur Klasse A ***** LERNEN SIE FÜR DIE AMATEURFUNKPRÜFUNG ***** Diese App ist für alle, ■ die demnächst die Prüfung ablegen wollen ■ die nicht sicher sind, ob sie 'sattelfest' genug sind ■ die sich...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Marcus Roskosch

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