Top 38 Productivity Apps Like Vocus IP-Tel Smart UC - Best Alternatives

Vocus IP-Tel Smart UC Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Vocus IP-Tel Smart UC alternatives for iOS? We have listed 38 Productivity apps that are similar to Vocus IP-Tel Smart UC. Pick one from this list to be your new Vocus IP-Tel Smart UC app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Vocus IP-Tel Smart UC on your iOS devices.

Top 38 Apps Like Vocus IP-Tel Smart UC - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Vocus IP-Tel Smart UC alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 38 similar apps like Vocus IP-Tel Smart UC 2025.

Buddycom(バディコム) - IPトランシーバーアプリ

Buddycom(バディコム) - IPトランシーバーアプリ

Buddycomは、iPhoneやiPadをトランシーバーや無線の代わりに使うIP無線クラウドサービスのアプリです。アプリをインストールするだけで、iPhoneやiPadが無線機に早変わり!! 会話の記録・再生機能があるので、メッセージの聞き逃しが許されないビジネスの現場に最適です。操作も簡単なので、サークルやイベントなどビジネス以外の分野でも誰でも簡単に利用できます。 <Buddycomの利用シーンは様々> エアライン、鉄道、金融、大手ショッピングモール、公共交通機関、BCP、物流、建築、土木、警備、ホテル、サービス業、不動産管理、病院、福祉、介護施設、店舗流通 、イベント、防災など ■1000名の同時グループ通話 ビジネス向けに1000名の同時グループ通話ができます。災害などで電話が繋がりにくいときの情報共有手段としても使えます。 ■導入・運用コスト削減 ライセンス購入後、アプリをインストールするだけで、すぐに使えます。専用アカウントでログインするだけでグループ会話を始められます。 ■業務用の周辺機器と連携してハンズフリー会話 Savox Communications社製のスピーカマイクを使用して、ハンズフリーでグループ通話ができます。 ■広範囲な通信エリア 3G,4G/LTE,WiFiエリアが通話エリア。世界中どこでもグループ通話ができます。インターネットが使える場所なら、どこでも利用できます。 ■ビジネス向けの高信頼性 グループ通話の範囲は、お客様のサイト内だけです。暗号化された通信により第三者による盗聴の心配はありません。当然、広告やスパムが送られてくることもありません ------------- ◆運営会社のご紹介 ------------- スマホIP無線「Buddycom」は株式会社サイエンスアーツが運営しております。 社会に貢献できるサービスを提供し、世界中の人々が美しくつながることを目指しています。 ------------- ◆ご注意 ------------- Buddycomをご利用いただくためには、お申し込みが必要です。Buddycomアプリをダウンロードするだけではご利用できませんので、ご了承ください。 個人情報保護方針:

Price: Free Developer: 株式会社サイエンスアーツ
ipCalc - The IP Calculator

ipCalc - The IP Calculator

This is a simple and useful app for calulating the range of the host part of a subnet mask within an IPv4 network very quickly. You can (optionally) enter your client IP. Jumping between the fields of the 4...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Thomas Mitschke
EU IP Codes

EU IP Codes

“EU IP Codes” is the first available iPhone/iPad application to consult and search all the European Regulations on Industrial Property in one app. The application contains the following IP laws: - Italian Code of Industrial Property, Updated version of Legislative...

Price: Free Developer: GLP


Formula Calculator does not imitate a pocket calculator - type mathematical expressions directly in and Formula Calculator evaluates them on the go. You can assign parameter names to results and use them in all subsequent expressions, just like working...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Timothy John Davis
Intuition Pro

Intuition Pro

World's first neuroscience device and mobile app that allows you to measure, experience and enhance your intuition. Intuition Training: Intuition Pro offers you unlimited and free access to training quizzes to improve your predictive anticipatory skills. The more...

Price: Free Developer: Intuitive Predictive Trading Pty Ltd.


Unlimited and free access to training quizzes to improve your predictive anticipatory skills. The more training you do, the more aware you become of your subconscious body reactions, and the more you enhance your ability to anticipate future events. The...

Price: Free Developer: Intuitive Predictive Trading Pty Ltd.
Minha Camera IP

Minha Camera IP

Alta compatibilidade! Plataforma compatível com os principais fabricantes de câmeras e DVRs do mercado. Acesso aos dispositivos via RTSP e ONVIF. Time line e Multiview. Crie mosaicos inteligentes para visualização das múltiplas câmeras e faça busca rápida das gravações com time line...

West IP MobileConnect

West IP MobileConnect

For VoiceMaxx customers who need to extend the reach of their corporate communications to mobile employees, Mobile Connect delivers a powerful set of features that converges the services of desktop handset service with a user’s mobile phone, allowing for...

Price: Free Developer: Smoothstone
CloudPhone Biz

CloudPhone Biz

CloudPhone BizはiPhoneを会社の内線電話機として利用するためのソフトフォンです。 外出先でも3G/4G回線(携帯回線網)を使って内線電話として利用できます。 CloudPhone Bizは弊社のPBX専用のソフトウェアです。 ■機能一覧 ・弊社のPBXを経由してひかり電話や050番号での発着信 ・弊社のPBXがサポートする内線電話機との発着信 ・電話帳(iPhone標準アプリ「連絡先」との連携) ・通話履歴表示 ・保留、取り次ぎ転送、パーク保留 ・ワンタッチキーダイヤル(短縮ダイヤル) ・リダイヤル(発信ボタンの長押し) ・Bluetoothヘッドセットに対応 (音声入出力のみ) ・マルチドメイン(2つのSIPサーバに登録可能) ・チャット機能 ■注意事項 ・対応端末はiPhone6以降の端末です。iOSのバージョンはiOS10以降に対応しています。 ・iPhone6未満の端末、iPadやiPod touchには対応しておりません。(インストールできても動作保証は致しません) ・着信音はCloudPhone Biz専用です。(9種類から選択可能)。 ・発着信の履歴は、携帯電話の履歴と別になります。 ・IP通話中に携帯電話の着信があった場合、キャリアごとに動作が異なりますのでご注意下さい。(CallKit未使用時)  SoftBank、docomoの場合:   IP通話中に携帯電話に着信すると、IP通話を保留して携帯番号側の通話を行う事が出来ます。(強制的にIP通話は保留となりガイダンスが再生されます)  auの場合:   IP通話中に携帯電話に着信すると、パケット通信が遮断される仕様の為、IP電話の通話相手が切断されます。 ・au版iPhoneの場合、電波状況が良好でも着信に時間がかかる場合があります。 ・CloudPhone Bizをインストールし起動しておくことで、電池の消費が今までよりも早くなりますのでご注意下さい。 ・他のVoIPアプリやメディアプレーヤーの動作状況や設定内容により、音声が聞こえないなどの不具合が発生する場合があります。 ・携帯通信網のパケット通信料が定額のプランでご利用ください。 ・Wi-Fi接続時、スリープ状態になるとiOSがWiFi通信を切断する時があり、着信できない場合があります。 ・本アプリの改善を目的として、本アプリから弊社のPBXへのアクセスログをサーバに保存します。その際、個人を特定する情報を取得することはありません。

Price: Free Developer: ADJUSTONE, INC.


I will provide a new representation of the useful address book. You enter the company name of the contact the customer shops. App realize the group by the company on its own. When displayed separately in the "company /...

Price: Free Developer: Shinichi Aokawa


I will provide a new representation of the useful address book. You enter the company name of the contact the customer shops. App realize the group by the company on its own. When displayed separately in the "company / people", It...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Shinichi Aokawa
ADSO Timer

ADSO Timer

ADSO timer - Mon Journal de bord d'Architecte. "Ça, il faudra que j'y pense pour la prochaine fois !" Qui ne s'est pas fait cette réflexion… et n'y a plus jamais repensé ! Vidéo TUTO : ADSO timer vous offre l'occasion à...

Price: Free Developer: 3 Bees Online


iColl est un service en ligne dédié aux professionnels du secteur des énergies renouvelables. L'accès à iColl mobile nécessite des codes d'accès personnels attribués lors de la création d'un compte préalable. Pour toute question, merci de contacter le service client...

Price: Free Developer: LogiColl

Simply buy & sell second-hand machines with the app of the leading marketplace for used machinery – More than 150,000 listings from over 2,000 categories such as woodworking and metal processing machinery, forklifts and medical technology are immediately...

Price: Free Developer: Machineseeker Group GmbH
Menestrina Bitumen 1895

Menestrina Bitumen 1895

APP Start essential information Menestrina Srl Bitumen 1895 machinery and equipment for bitumen: bitumens modified bitumen, modified asphalt, asphalt, blown bitumen, oxidized bitumen, history of bitumen. Functionality: - New feature sends whatsapp customer service ticket. - News equipment for bitumen - essential info tel...

Price: Free Developer: Mauro Maria Tarolli
Mobile GPS Zeiterfassung

Mobile GPS Zeiterfassung

Bitte beachten: Die Nutzung dieser Anwendung setzt den Einsatz von ATOSS Time Control 7 oder höher sowie den Webservice voraus. Sie können ohne ATOSS Time Control die App kostenlos testen. Mobile Erfassung von Arbeitszeiten und Tätigkeiten auf Projekte, Kostenstellen,...

Price: Free Developer: gmbh
My Trusted Shops

My Trusted Shops

Your Trusted Shops customer review management in your pocket. The My Trusted Shops Mobile App makes review management much faster and easier for you. Read, keep an eye on and reply to your reviews whilst on the go. Features: - See...

Price: Free Developer: Trusted Shops GmbH
Organilog Pointage

Organilog Pointage

Organilog Pointage est une application de type pointeuse permettant d'effectuer des pointages d'un simple clic en sélectionnant un type de pointage ou en scannant un QR code. L'utilisation est simple et ergonomique. Les données sont envoyées par internet sur...

Price: Free Developer: ADALGO


For those who love the immediacy and expression of pen and paper, SMART InkScan converts handwritten artifacts into digital SMART ink™. Users can begin brainstorming on the back of a napkin and seamlessly continue working from their mobile device,...

Price: Free Developer: SMART Technologies
Smart PDF/A Scanner

Smart PDF/A Scanner

Smart PDF/A Scanner turns your iPhone or iPad into a full-fledged scanner. Just take a picture of your document and this application will convert it to a high-quality, compressed PDF/A document. The Smart PDF/A Scanner is built on top...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Smart Engines Limited
SMART Managed Service Providers

SMART Managed Service Providers

SMART MSP - Managed Services Software solution, has out of the box integrated modules such as Customer Account Management, Incident Management, Service Level Management, Customer Asset Management, Knowledge Base, Procurement, Contract Management& has ability to be customized to support...

Price: Free Developer: SMART Service Desk
Smart Time Card

Smart Time Card

This is the mobile app of the time tracking website - Smart Time Card - This app provides interface for the user to track their time. - The user has to register through the website. - This app is provided as a...

Price: Free Developer: Abraham Pannikottu
Smart Trucker App

Smart Trucker App

The SmartTruckerApp combines scanning, emailing, invoicing, organizing all into one app in the palm of your hand, on your smart device. Anyone can simply download the app, then scan, invoice, and email their documents. Keep track of your paid...

Price: Free Developer: Smart Trucker LLC
Bluink Smart Card

Bluink Smart Card

Bluink Smart Card is a smartphone-based implementation of smart card functions that allows employee smartphones to be used as a smart card with existing middleware. Bluink Smart Card is compliant with industry standards PIV (Personal Identity and Verification) and...

Price: Free Developer: Bluink Ltd
Group Text and Email: List, Group and Smart Group Manager

Group Text and Email: List, Group and Smart Group Manager

Smart Group helps you manage groups and smart groups directly from your iPhone. With just a ‘Tap’, you can send SMS / Email to all your group members at once. There is no need to type! Feature list: Send...

Price: Free Developer: Appiplayer
24me Smart Personal Assistant

24me Smart Personal Assistant

"Best of App Store to manage your calendar, to-do list, notes and personal accounts" - Apple. 24me is a Smart Personal Assistant - The award-winning app that helps millions of people all over the world to boost their productivity. It’s...

Price: Free Developer: 24me
Smart Roam

Smart Roam

Smart Roam is the most accurate and reliable data usage tracking app. Smart Roam can be used all the time, with any carrier, whether you are at home(local) or roaming. Smart Roam is simple and easy-to-use, has intuitive, user friendly...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Cellimagine
Smart Decisions - choice making for any decision

Smart Decisions - choice making for any decision

Buying new MacBook? Wondering which house is best for your family? Choosing holidays: tropical beach or a spirited trip through Asia? Always take the Smart Decision! Smart Decisions is an extremely easy choice-making analytics app. It will tell you...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Daniel Witte


​HGC UC Anywhere is an integrated, feature-rich, cloud-based unified communications (UC) solution to suit corporations of any size, serving your everyday business communication needs and allowing your employees to communicate anywhere and at any time while maintaining high fidelity...

Price: Free Developer: Deltapath, Inc.
UC Emergency

UC Emergency

In an emergency, information is power. The University of Calgary is committed to creating a safe and healthy living and learning environment. The UC Emergency app provides students, faculty, staff and visitors with information to stay safe in the event...

Price: Free Developer: RallyEngine
FusionWorks UC One

FusionWorks UC One

FusionWorks UC One Unified Communications is an add-on to FusionWorks. FusionWorks UC One transforms any of your devices into your business phone, with the added convenience of real-time conferencing and collaboration tools. Improve productivity and mobility with features like...

Price: Free Developer: Fusion Telecom
Placetel UC-One für iPad

Placetel UC-One für iPad

Die kostenlose Placetel UC-One Communicator App für Ihr iPad vereint vielfältige Funktionen aus dem Bereich Unified Communications und erleichtert dadurch Ihren Geschäfts- und Arbeitsalltag enorm. Mit der mobilen App für Ihr iPad können Sie jederzeit Audio- oder Video-Anrufe tätigen,...

Price: Free Developer: BroadSoft Germany GmbH
UC Pad

UC Pad

L’UC Pad est l’outil indispensable pour faciliter la gestion de vos lignes téléphoniques, que ce soit au bureau ou à distance. Il vous permet de paramétrer toutes les fonctionnalités du standard et de convergence de votre ligne fixe et/ou...

Price: Free Developer: U C
UC-One Carrier Mobile

UC-One Carrier Mobile

*********************************************************** Note: The application will only work in conjunction of a service provided by your service provider. Please contact your service provider for details. *********************************************************** UC-One Communicator provides end-users with a unified communications experience across mainstream mobile and desktop platforms....

Price: Free Developer: BroadSoft Adaption
Premium - UC

Premium - UC

Premium - UC - Your VoIP SIP Softphone for Everyday Business Communication Stay connected wherever you go with high-quality audio and instant messaging Powered by Bria, an award-winning softphone that increases your business productivity by streamlining business communication across teams...

Price: Free Developer: Telcoinabox
MegaPath UC

MegaPath UC

MegaPath UC is an add-on to MegaPath Hosted Voice that integrates voice telephony with other communication technologies. Softphone client for desktop, tablet and mobile platforms with an intuitive user interface across multiple devices. Features include: •Presence and IM: Shows which contacts are...

Price: Free Developer: Fusion Telecom
UC Office

UC Office

UC Office is a Unified Communications application that allows you to make and receive calls, use Instant Messaging & Presence, control your features and more using your HIPCOM partnered Service Provider. PLEASE NOTE: An active account with appropriate features...

Price: Free Developer:

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