Top 10 Education Apps Like HF+VUCFYN - Best Alternatives

HF+VUCFYN Alternatives

Do you want to find the best HF+VUCFYN alternatives for iOS? We have listed 10 Education apps that are similar to HF+VUCFYN. Pick one from this list to be your new HF+VUCFYN app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to HF+VUCFYN on your iOS devices.

Top 10 Apps Like HF+VUCFYN - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid HF+VUCFYN alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 10 similar apps like HF+VUCFYN 2025.

HF Beam Antenna Calculator

HF Beam Antenna Calculator

The Maidenhead & HF Beam Antenna is a useful utility to calculate the the Maidenhead LOCATION as well as HF Elements' size in Feet, Inches, and Meters for the Reflector, Driven Element, Director, and Spacing for two and three...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Verosocial Studio


VUC&hf Nordjylland app gør det muligt for dig at se det aktuelle skema, dine seneste karakterer samt eventuelle nyheder fra skolen. Bliv opdateret med skolens arrangementer, tiltag og andre nyheder. Et opdateret skema – lige ved hånden Dit skema vil altid...

Price: Free Developer: VUC&hf Nordjylland
HF&VUC Nordsjælland

HF&VUC Nordsjælland

HF&VUC Nordsjælland app gør at du altid har et opdateret skema – lige ved hånden Når du har logget på én gang, er dit skema kun to tryk væk. Dit skema vil altid være opdateret med aflysninger, ombyttede tider og ændringer...

Price: Free Developer: HF & VUC Nordsjælland
Tårnby Gymnasium & HF

Tårnby Gymnasium & HF

Tårnby Gymnasium & HF nye app gør det muligt for dig som studerende at se: et altid opdateret skema, dine seneste karakterer og nyheder fra skolen. Bliv opdateret med skolens arrangementer, tiltag og andre nyheder. Med informationerne om skolens arrangementer og...

Price: Free Developer: Tarnby Gymnasium and HF
Fight HPV

Fight HPV

Fight HPV is an educational game to teach the main concepts about the Human Papillomavirus (HPV) and to raise awareness about its prevention. Through its 60 levels, you will learn about epithelial cells, different types of HPV (cancerous and non-cancerous),...

Price: Free Developer: Oslo Universitetssykehus HF
HF Multiplication Trainer

HF Multiplication Trainer

Times Table Speed Listening The ultimate trick in memorising multiplication table, available in five speeds. Quiz Challenge: Practise any kind of multiplication with or without decimals. Detailed solution steps and Aural option are available. Step Demonstrator: Illustrate in step-by-step details to solve...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Hamster Force Multimedia Ltd.


HF & VUC København Syd's nye app gør det muligt for dig som studerende at se: et altid opdateret skema, dine seneste karakterer og nyheder fra skolen. Bliv opdateret med skolens arrangementer, tiltag og andre nyheder. Med informationerne om...

Price: Free Developer: Hf & Vuc København Syd
PhotoElectric Effect Simulator

PhotoElectric Effect Simulator

About An open source physics at Singapore simulation based on codes written by Fu-Kwun Hwang, Loo Kang WEE, Tze Kwang Leong. more resources can be found on the supporting URL Introduction The photoelectric effect or photoemission (given by Albert Einstein) is the...

Price: Free Developer: loo kang wee
Hotelfachschule Thun

Hotelfachschule Thun

Offizielle App der Hotelfachschule Thun für Studierende, Lehrerpersonen und Mitarbeitende. Die App informiert Sie über aktuelle Themen, Veranstaltungen sowie den Schulalltag. Die Hotelfachschule Thun ist seit fast 30 Jahren eine der führenden praxisorientierten Managementschulen für Hotellerie und Gastronomie in...

Price: Free Developer: AppYourself GmbH

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