Top 32 Music Apps Like Ringtunes - Yêu phút đợi chờ - Best Alternatives

Ringtunes - Yêu phút đợi chờ Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Ringtunes - Yêu phút đợi chờ alternatives for iOS? We have listed 32 Music apps that are similar to Ringtunes - Yêu phút đợi chờ. Pick one from this list to be your new Ringtunes - Yêu phút đợi chờ app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Ringtunes - Yêu phút đợi chờ on your iOS devices.

Top 32 Apps Like Ringtunes - Yêu phút đợi chờ - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Ringtunes - Yêu phút đợi chờ alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 32 similar apps like Ringtunes - Yêu phút đợi chờ 2025.

Most Popular Ringtones for iPhone Free – Custom Music Text Tones, Alarm Sounds and Alerts

Most Popular Ringtones for iPhone Free – Custom Music Text Tones, Alarm Sounds and Alerts

Enjoy every time your phone rings with the Most Popular Ringtones for iPhone Free! You can have the best ringing melodies and notification sounds just if you want it. Get your phone some refreshment and you will love our...

Price: Free Developer: Verica Mijajlovic
YU Poprock Radio

YU Poprock Radio

Best Pop-Rock music of performers from former Yugoslavia. Best bands and singers on radio, 24/7.

Price: Free Developer: Multima d.o.o.
Chinese Classic Music

Chinese Classic Music

Nearly All the famous Chinese Classic Music are included in the App: 1# Top 10 Classic Music High Mountains and Flowing Water Plum Blossom Melodies Flutes and Drums at Dusk Han Gong Qiu Yue White Snow in Early Spring Yu Qiao Wen Da Hu Jia Shi Ba...

Price: Free Developer: Ping Wang
Slovenski radijske postaje - glasba / novice

Slovenski radijske postaje - glasba / novice

///***Best Radio APP for free***/// *Full background play *Add stations to Favourite page *Search Station option *Notification bar with play/stop button *Listen to the best Slovenia Radio Stations on your device. Music, News, Sports etc... ***Channel list: 1. Radio Rogla 89.4 FM 2. Radio NULA 3. GratefuleD Radio 4....

Price: Free Developer: Vigan Visar Haliti
Polymnia: The Music Visualizer

Polymnia: The Music Visualizer

Let's enjoy music with beautiful visual effects. Features: - Contains 5 kinds (and some variations) of visualizers. - Easy to use like a (previous) built-in music app. - Supports full screen mode. - Playing songs in the background. - Adjusting...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: YU HASHIZUME
Zorro Tunes

Zorro Tunes

ZorroTunes! Is the first streaming platform launched in Croatia for Ex Yu region. Built for Croatian music fans to share and stream their favorite music in one click. With the largest base of local music, Zorro Tunes will satisfy...

Price: Free Developer: Zorrotunes d.o.o
Global Music

Global Music

Naši slušaoci, poreklom sa Balkana, koji žive i rade širom sveta, imaju medij koji 24 sata dnevno brine o njihovom dobrom raspoloženju. Global Music nudi stare i nove pop-rock numere sa EX YU prostora, „filovane“ najbržim informacijama i zanimljivostima, uz...

Price: Free Developer: Tehnicom Computers
Scales Lexicon

Scales Lexicon

Over 100 scales notated and played for you. Transposition for instruments in Ab, Eb, Bb, F, C, G, D, A, and E. Play along! Create a pdf of the notation and piano key markings for sharing or printing. Listen...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Patrick Q. Kelly
Scales Lexicon for iPhone

Scales Lexicon for iPhone

Over 100 scales notated and played for you. Transposition for instruments in Ab, Eb, Bb, F, C, G, D, A, and E. Play along! Create a pdf of the notation and piano key markings for sharing or printing. Listen...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Patrick Q. Kelly
Balkan Radio Stanice

Balkan Radio Stanice

Slušajte radio stanice uživo sa Balkana iz bivše Jugoslavije (Ex YU). Veliki izbor radio stanica uživo iz svih bivših Jugoslovenskih republika: Srbija, Bosna i Hercegovina (BiH), Hrvatska, Slovenija, Makedonija, Crna Gora (Montenegro), kao i radio stanice iz dijaspore. Trudimo se da na...

Price: Free Developer: Dragisa Grujovic


Fatih YILDIRIM'ın cep telefonu uygulaması. - Uygulama üzerinden canlı yayını oylayabilir, - Fatih YILDIRIM'ın internet radyosu olan FLUE'yu dinleyebilir, - Hazırladığı REMIX'leri ve BEST OF'ları takip edebilir, - Sosyal medya hesaplarına erişebilir, - Duygu ve düşüncelerinizi duvara yazarak Fatih ile paylaşabilirsiniz. Ayrıca diğer üyeler...

Price: Free Developer: JesMob
I Learn Guitar Pro - interactive guitar course for beginners

I Learn Guitar Pro - interactive guitar course for beginners

△ △ △ △ △ I LEARN GUITAR PRO △ △ △ △ △ I Learn Guitar Pro is a new course for iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch of Guitar for Beginners. With I Learn Guitar Pro you will be...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Massimiliano Borrelli
Live I-5 Radio

Live I-5 Radio

Live I-5 Radio, the best adult contemporary new, throwback, multi-genre streaming radio station. LI5R host great informative, empowering, and educational shows and live mini workshops. Tune in, to the Soul Folks Station. Giving the people what they want.

Price: Free Developer: Live I-5 Radio
I n I Caribbean Radio

I n I Caribbean Radio

I n I Caribbean Radio is a Internet radio station dedicated to providing a diverse programmed experience for all our listeners. We are dedicated to our international audience and the Caribbean community near or far. I n I Caribbean...

Price: Free Developer: Nobex Technologies
Tuba.FM - Muzyka i Radio Internetowe

Tuba.FM - Muzyka i Radio Internetowe

Tuba to tysiące stacji radiowych z muzyką na każdą okazję oraz radio na żywo. Znajdziesz tu wszystkie gatunki i dekady muzyczne, popularne i alternatywne zespoły i wykonawców z Polski i ze świata, a także możliwość tworzenia własnych stacji radiowych...

Price: Free Developer: AGORA SA
Hooktheory I

Hooktheory I

There has never been a music book like this. Hooktheory I is a smart, fun, skill-building journey that concretely teaches you how to craft melodies and chord progressions like professional musicians and gain a deep understanding and intuition for...

Price: USD 14.99 Developer: Hooktheory
Genesis – I Know What I Like

Genesis – I Know What I Like

Armando Gallo, Genesis’ Photographer and Biographer, turns his Classic “I Know What I Like” book into an amazing, comprehensive and highly interactive app with exclusive photos and music. Since 1970 Armando Gallo started to follow the career of a then...

Price: USD 9.99 Developer: Arga Zentric
Beethoven: Piano Sonatas I Nos. 1-8

Beethoven: Piano Sonatas I Nos. 1-8

The app is developed specifically for serious music students and musicians. Besides accessing music scores, users can also annotate their own fingerings that are specifically tailored to fit their very scenario. Additionally, different devices can pair with each other to...

Price: Free Developer: WEI JEN TU
Mozart: Piano Sonatas I

Mozart: Piano Sonatas I

The app is developed specifically for serious music students and musicians. Besides accessing music scores, users can also annotate their own fingerings that are specifically tailored to fit their very scenario. Additionally, different devices can pair with each other to...

Price: Free Developer: WEI JEN TU
i-XyloPhone II HD - FULL FREE Version

i-XyloPhone II HD - FULL FREE Version

Play along i-Xylophone II for "kids" of all ages! It’s a FREE and FULL version app! i-Xylophone II is powered by "MyTAPFORCE" technology for detecting touch force! Hit harder for a louder sound! It's really FUN!!! Try it now!!!...

Price: Free Developer: Alessandro Benedettini
i.s. music

i.s. music

I.S. Song Hits หรือ บริษัทวงศ์สว่างพับลิชชิ่ง แอนด์ พริ้นติ้ง จำกัด ก่อตั้งในปี 2512 โดย คุณเล็ก วงศ์สว่าง อดีตนักจัดรายการวิทยุผู้โด่งดังเจ้าของรายการ “I.S. Song Hits” หรือ “รายการเพลงประทับใจ” ในยุคช่วงที่เพลงสากลมีบทบาทและมีอิทธิพลในหมู่วัยรุ่นไทย ด้วยบทบาทของผู้ก่อตั้ง-ปูชนียบุคคลที่มีอิทธิพลต่อวงการหนังสือเพลงไทย-สากล ผู้ริเริ่มหนังสือเพลงไทยใส่คอร์ดกีตาร์เป็นฉบับแรกของเมืองไทย โดยใช้ชื่อว่า “The Guitar” และหนังสือเพลงเล่มนี้ก็กลายเป็นต้นแบบของหนังสือเพลงในเมืองไทยมาจนถึงปัจจุบันมากกว่า 40 ปีในวงการสื่อสิ่งพิมพ์ ด้วยอุดมการณ์ที่ยึดมั่น …“ถ้าเราไม่ริแล้วใครจะเริ่ม เราคือผู้นำ ไม่ใช่ผู้ตาม” ปัจจุบันเรามีหนังสือเพลงและนิตยสารในเครือที่ขึ้นชื่อเป็นหนึ่งในเรื่องคอร์ดกีตาร์แม่นยำถูกต้องตามมาตรฐาน หนังสือรวมเพลงฉบับพิเศษภายใต้ LOGO คนถือกีตาร์ อาทิ The Guitar Mag...

Price: Free Developer: OOKBEE LIMITED
Magic Radio .ch

Magic Radio .ch - Montez le son ! Digital DAB+ radio ;) 24/7 Hits & Mix Live from Switzerland Cette application gratuite est le moyen le plus simple pour écouter Magic Radio .ch partout, à la maison comme en mobilité. Vous avez...

Price: Free Developer: Nicolas Kunzi
Vibration Radios

Vibration Radios

Ecoutez les webradios de Vibration : - Vibration 108 - Vibration Poprock - Vibration Vintage - Vibration GayRadio - Vibration Soft Hits - Vibration Zen Relax - Vibration Chanson Francaise - Vibracion Latina - Radio Vibration (CH-DE) - Radio Ouistiti - DJ Buzz Radio - Radio Net+ - Alpradio -

Price: Free Developer: Jonathan Ruppen
FrenchRadio Stations

FrenchRadio Stations

French radio and online stations, anytime, anywhere Discover this completely innovative version, a unique way to listen to your favourite stations. No more slow and hard-to-use applications with thousands of stations you'll never listen to. FrenchRadio allows you to...

Price: Free Developer: Atipik SA
German Radio Stations

German Radio Stations

Simple, attractive and effective, GermanRadio is a free application that enables you to listen to the sounds of your favourite German radio stations, regardless of where you are, via Wi-Fi, 3G and Edge. No more need for applications...

Price: Free Developer: Atipik SA
Radio Swiss FM - AM Radio CH

Radio Swiss FM - AM Radio CH

Radio Switzerland is the radio application you need, light and fast. Features: - Turn off radio timer, so you can just go to sleep and forget about the app. - Save your favourite radio stations. - Quick search for any radio. - Low internet...

Price: Free Developer: Carlos Martinez Vila mobile per iPhone mobile per iPhone

With this app you can listen to the RSI (Swiss radio) channels Rete Uno, Rete Due and Rete Tre, as well as Radio Svizzera Classica and Radio Rumantsch. Furthermore, you can tap into our online content (in italian), including news,...

Price: Free Developer: RSI - Radiotelevisione Svizzera
SRF Virus

SRF Virus

Die offizielle App von SRF Virus Neue Musik. Junge Popkultur. Urbane Lebensfreude. Das offene Netzwerk für wache, hungrige Menschen mitten im Leben. Ein multimediales Sprachrohr zum selbst mitgestalten. Für alle, denen der Durchschnitt einfach nicht genügt. Jetzt eintauchen und unverbrauchte...

Price: Free Developer: Schweizer Radio und Fernsehen (SRF)
Swissradio HD

Swissradio HD

Simple, attractive and effective, Swissradio is a free application that enables you to listen to the sounds of your favourite Swiss radio stations, regardless of where you are, via Wi-Fi, 3G and Edge.  No more need for applications with a...

Price: Free Developer: Atipik SA
iNS ÇM Radio

iNS ÇM Radio

The brand new iNS Ch.M. iOS app has arrived! Keep the Caucasus's First and No.1 Hit Music Station with you 24/7 with the official ANS Group of Company’s app. The station was named to honor Azerbaijan’s famous journalist and National...

Price: Free Developer: Mikro-it, Ooo
Learn Blues Piano

Learn Blues Piano

Learn to play the Blues on the piano and keyboards with this astonishing collection of over 160 tuitional lessons. Learn the basics, learn the licks and you will soon be having fun! Lessons include: Lesson 1 How To Play Awesome Blues and...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: GR8 Media

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