Top 19 Social Networking Apps Like Kenect - Matching & Networking - Best Alternatives

Kenect - Matching & Networking Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Kenect - Matching & Networking alternatives for iOS? We have listed 19 Social Networking apps that are similar to Kenect - Matching & Networking. Pick one from this list to be your new Kenect - Matching & Networking app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Kenect - Matching & Networking on your iOS devices.

Top 19 Apps Like Kenect - Matching & Networking - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Kenect - Matching & Networking alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 19 similar apps like Kenect - Matching & Networking 2025.

AllDate - Best way to meet new people

AllDate - Best way to meet new people

AllDate app, every day from friends in their teens to 40 generations or more of single men and women up to the ideal, is a free joint party (social dating) app that will match a lot of people around...

Price: Free Developer: Bok il Chu
DUET : singles voice dating

DUET : singles voice dating

WE are proud to announce Duet’s first ever world wide active voice date matching app . Duet runs the worlds most advanced matching algorithm using machine learning , statistical and behavior analysis to increase the percentage of finding...

Price: Free Developer: ahram majod
Secret Angel

Secret Angel

Secret Angel is developed by Rapport Laboratory Company Limited which is an admitted Social Enterprise by SEBC. We are working for bringing people back into their groups with healthier relationship. This is why we’ve turned Secret Angel into an...

Price: Free Developer: Rapport Lab. Ltd


Diese erste Version der BirdieMatch-App enthält wesentliche Basis-Funktionalitäten von BirdieMatch. Wir freuen uns über Ihr Feedback. BirdieMatch ist das Job-Matching-Portal der Logistik. Statt hunderte von Stellenangeboten / Bewerbungen in Deutschlands drittgrößter Branche durchsuchen zu müssen, finden Sie mit BirdieMatch auf...

Price: Free Developer: BirdieMatch GmbH


SAY Hi! You want to get to know new people, or you want to make new friends? You want to get into conversation with somebody, but you don’t know how to begin? Then SAY Hi! is the right App for you....

Price: Free Developer: Oliver Klemenz


關於我們 模(香港)有限公司創立於2015年,Mo Model是一個全港首創為企業與模特兒/藝人/司儀提供工作配對服務的手機應用平台。本程式集模特兒搜索、專人配對、工作展示、市場推廣於一身,發掘新臉孔同時協助商戶尋找合適的人選以配合各類型的活動或製作,包括:電視廣告、短片、平面硬照、宣傳推廣、貓步、司儀、時裝表演、私人宴會、車模、報章及雜誌廣告、Cosplay、私影等。免試鏡及中介費,實現夢想,隨時可以! 


 - 免開戶費
 - 免中介費 
- 免手續費
 - 免試鏡
 - 隨時搜尋工作 
- 可直接聯絡客戶

 - 享優先排名 
- 成為焦點
 - 添加更多相片 
- 添加更多影片 
- 宣傳自己

 - 免開戶費 
- 免中介費 
- 免手續費
 - 隨時搜索模特
 - 直接發起新工作及招募 

- 進階搜尋模特 
- 享專人配對服務
 - 瀏覽個別模特兒或藝人聯絡 MoModel is a mobile application. It connects talent with reputable enterprises around the globe. Allow anyone with a passion...

Price: Free Developer: MoModel
AlumniMatch for College Alumni

AlumniMatch for College Alumni

AlumniMatch is the first and only app matching college alumni together for dating, career development, spiritual companionship, friendship, and more! It is 100% Free and there are no extra charges for any premium accounts. With AlumniMatch, it is now...

Price: Free Developer: Alumni Match LLC


Social, mobile, collaborative. tolktoo digitizes the penpal system to practice speaking skills matching on similar interests. How does it work? 1. Match: Soccer fan, fashion addict or comic enthusiast? Our matching algorithm based on languages and similar interets connects you with the buddies...

Price: Free Developer: Tolktoo
Tootle for Mastodon

Tootle for Mastodon

Appearance setting. Saving drafts. Regular expression matching for all timeline. Streaming. Tootle is a multifunctional Mastodon client, and above are examples of its features. Features === * Multiple Account Support - Support both accounts in the same instance and accounts in different...

Price: Free Developer: Moortz
Lattice - Networking Assistant

Lattice - Networking Assistant

Lattice - The Smart Way to Network. Lattice is the natural evolution of the business card. We have harnessed the power of AI and Machine Learning to deliver the best possible networking experience. Managing and sharing your contact information,...

Price: Free Developer: Acquaint LLC
Ro - Social Networking

Ro - Social Networking

CRM for everyone. Contacts with context. The easiest way to keep in touch. Just open the app and scan your QR code to connect instantly. Making social networking easy. Leverage your phone's contacts and create your...

Price: Free Developer: Ro Network LLC
eTing - Professional Event Networking

eTing - Professional Event Networking

EXPAND YOUR PROFESSIONAL NETWORK! eTing is the new event networking app which makes expanding your professional network easy, accessible and fun again. eTing brings people back to face-to-face meetings. Whether it is a casual business conversation or the beginning of...

Price: Free Developer: Mobil Macher GmbH
iNK Digital Networking

iNK Digital Networking

‘Network easier, faster and more efficiently’ iNK Digital Networking is a web based and mobile app that makes networking today easy and meaningful! iNK Digital Networking morphs your contact information into a digital tool making it easy to find, build...

Price: Free Developer: iNK Digital Technologies Corporation
GRID - Real Networking. Real Fun.

GRID - Real Networking. Real Fun.

Grid is a Social and Professional Networking app that makes sure you can always find something you want to do! Scroll through the list or fly around on the map to see what your friends are doing around you!...

Price: Free Developer: Grid 801, LLC
PEERS - Event Networking

PEERS - Event Networking

Discover the attendee list at any event you are in. Look on PEERS for the event you're attending using a code shared by the organizer or using your location. If you can't find the event, you can...

Price: Free Developer: Ruben Lopez
Selam Networking

Selam Networking

Meet like minded people in your area and grow your network. Build a community of friends or simply start dating. We have developed Selam with you in mind. We, at Selam, believe in fostering real world relationships. Our Selam...

Price: Free Developer: Selam Networking
Lunchzeit Business Networking

Lunchzeit Business Networking

Discover new & interesting colleagues from your company and invite them for lunch. Create new, valuable and exciting connections and make more out of your working life. With “Lunchzeit” you can easily find new and interesting coworkers from your company....

Price: Free Developer: Damien Antipa
NAO: Networking Across Olympus

NAO: Networking Across Olympus

Networking Across Olympus is an application for all the Olympus product buyer that aims to encourage people to explore new connections across the world. In this app, users can build profiles, send invites to members who are part of...

Price: Free Developer: Olympus Imaging America Inc.

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