Top 19 Education Apps Like NAI Conference - Best Alternatives

NAI Conference Alternatives

Do you want to find the best NAI Conference alternatives for iOS? We have listed 19 Education apps that are similar to NAI Conference. Pick one from this list to be your new NAI Conference app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to NAI Conference on your iOS devices.

Top 19 Apps Like NAI Conference - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid NAI Conference alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 19 similar apps like NAI Conference 2025.

Po Leung Kuk Tong Nai Kan

Po Leung Kuk Tong Nai Kan

Po Leung Kuk Tong Nai Kan Junior Secondary College m.TNKJSC – the mobile campus guide for Po Leung Kuk Tong Nai Kan Junior Secondary College (TNKJSC) – is a communication platform that links all stake-holders of TNKJSC together. Developed and designed...

Price: Free Developer: EDVATAR LIMITED
St.Patrick’s School, Nai Abadi

St.Patrick’s School, Nai Abadi

Edisapp Mobile provides institutions and all its stakeholders with a highly customizable, easy-to-implement mobile solution designed specifically for schools. This cross-platform app provides parents and students with an intuitive experience and bridge the communication gap between the school and...

Price: Free Developer: Eloit Innovations Private Limited
Learn Visually - Python 3 Programming Tutorial

Learn Visually - Python 3 Programming Tutorial

Learn Visually Python 3.0 is an interactive app that makes learning programming more intuitive, easier, and fun. Using the most basic approach to learning that we all inherently know from childhood, "Learn Visually Python 3.0" solves the comprehension problem...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Nai inc.


ÖLL MÁLHLJÓÐIN í íslensku eru æfð í Froskaleikurinn - Skólameistarinn. Þar segir frá froskinum Hoppa sem missir málið eftir að galdrakarl lagði á hann álög. Í skemmtilegum hljóðgreiningarleik þarf Hoppi að leysa ýmsar þrautir til að komast í galdrakastalann...

Price: USD 5.99 Developer: Raddlist
Froskaleikur 1 - Listin að lesa

Froskaleikur 1 - Listin að lesa

FYRSTU HLJÓÐIN í máltöku íslenskra barna eru æfð í Froskaleik 1. Í þessum fyrsta leik af þremur um froskinn Hoppa, hjálpa börnin Hoppa að finna galdrabókina sem geymir uppskriftina að galdraseyðinu sem þarf að gefa Hoppa svo hann...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Raddlist
Froskaleikur 2 - Listin að lesa

Froskaleikur 2 - Listin að lesa

NÆSTU HLJÓÐ sem flest börn tileinka sér í framhaldi af fyrstu hljóðunum í máltökunni eru æfð í Froskaleik 2 sem er annar í röðinni af þriggja leikja seríu. Í þessum leik hjálpa börnin froskinum Hoppa að finna töfrasprotann og...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Raddlist
Froskaleikur 3

Froskaleikur 3

SÍÐUSTU HLJÓÐIN í máltökunni eru æfð í Froskaleik 3 sem er þriðji í röðinni um Hoppa frosk. Hér hjálpa börnin Hoppa að finna lykillinn að galdrakastalanum. Þetta er síðasta þrautin sem þarf að leysa til að komast inn í...

Price: Free Developer: Raddlist
Lærum og leikum með hljóðin - Allt efnið

Lærum og leikum með hljóðin - Allt efnið

Öll íslensku málhljóðin eru kennd á lifandi og skemmtilegan hátt með fyrirmynd fyrir hvert og eitt hljóð. Heiti bókstafanna og hljóð þeirra eru kennd með íslenska fingrastafrófinu um leið og lestrarferlið er undirbúið. Á sama tíma er réttur framburður...

Price: Free Developer: Raddlist
Lærum og leikum með hljóðin -D

Lærum og leikum með hljóðin -D

D bókstafurinn og hljóðið hans er kennt á lifandi og skemmtilegan hátt með íslenska fingrastafrófinu um leið og lestrarferlið er undirbúið. Á sama tíma er réttur framburður D - hljóðsins kenndur. Aðferðin byggir á áratuga reynslu talmeinafræðings með áherslu...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Raddlist
Conference Attendee

Conference Attendee

Conference Attendee will optimize your conference experience. Connect with other attendees, speakers, and exhibitors. Find sessions of interest, take notes, rate sessions, view announcements, check out the exhibitors, see your own attendance records, and much more! ...

Price: Free Developer: Engineerica Systems Inc.
Intl JavaScript Conference

Intl JavaScript Conference

JavaScript is everywhere: today, not only web developers, but virtually every business trusts in the power of high-level frameworks like Angular, React, and NodeJS. At the International JavaScript Conference you will meet internationally known JavaScript experts who share their...

Price: Free Developer: Software & Support Media GmbH
Adore Conference 2019

Adore Conference 2019

Adore Conference is the only Middle East Regional Conference dedicated to Retina and Uveitis. The conference provides a comprehensive review across the full spectrum of subspecialties in ophthalmology focusing in one specialty each and every year. Abu Dhabi Ophthalmology Review...

Price: Free Developer: Wisoft Solutions
ESW Conference 2017

ESW Conference 2017

Engineers for a Sustainable World Annual Conferences bring together students and professionals from around the country to learn design and leadership skills, hear from researchers and professionals about the state of sustainable design, collaborate on design challenges, and meet...

Price: Free Developer: BuildFire
YA Conference 2019

YA Conference 2019

Official conference app for Young Audiences Arts for Learning's 2019 National Conference, No Limits: Supporting Children with Learning Differences. Includes conference agenda, hotel information, session descriptions, presenter bios, and Houston highlights to help you make the most of your...

Price: Free Developer: Young Audiences, Inc.
2019 AHEPPP Conference

2019 AHEPPP Conference

Welcome to the official app for the 2019 AHEPPP Conference. Check out the key features of the conference app below: Calendar: - Keep track of education sessions and activities that are relevant to you. - Get personalized notifications reminding you about events...

Price: Free Developer: Aheppp
Apologetics Canada Conference

Apologetics Canada Conference

This app features a schedule of conference events, information about keynote speakers and breakout sessions, maps of the conference venue and surrounding areas, information on food options, as well as links to related resources.

Price: Free Developer: Andy Steiger
Cannon Beach Conference Center

Cannon Beach Conference Center

Welcome to the official Cannon Beach Conference Center app! The best and quickest way to stay connected to CBCC. Check out all kinds of interesting content and share it with friends via Facebook, Twitter, or email. For more information...

Price: Free Developer: Cannon Beach Conference Center
GIFS Conference

GIFS Conference

The Global Institute for Food Security (GIFS) was founded to perform research that will help deliver transformative innovation to agriculture in both the developed and the developing world. In order to meet the world’s food needs, agricultural productivity in developed...

Price: Free Developer: Push Interactions, Inc.

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