Top 22 Productivity Apps Like LW E-speak - Best Alternatives

LW E-speak Alternatives

Do you want to find the best LW E-speak alternatives for iOS? We have listed 22 Productivity apps that are similar to LW E-speak. Pick one from this list to be your new LW E-speak app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to LW E-speak on your iOS devices.

Top 22 Apps Like LW E-speak - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid LW E-speak alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 22 similar apps like LW E-speak 2025.

LW Kiosk

LW Kiosk

Now you can start conversations with your customers even when device is offline and it sync's when online.

Price: Free Developer: Litmus World Marketing Technologies Private Ltd
LW Pulse

LW Pulse

This App allows you to view your brand/group/shop's overall summary and real time feeds. It sends you real time push notifications whenever someone rates your store. You can also respond to customers on the GO.

Price: Free Developer: Litmus World Marketing Technologies Private Ltd


e-pocket permite controlar los accesos de los trabajadores de las contratas cuya documentación requerida para la Coordinación de Actividades Empresariales es gestionada a través de la aplicación web La aplicación móvil permite consultar la documentación en regla, pendiente, así...

Price: Free Developer: E-Coordina Gestion Documental S.L.


A primeira versão do nosso aplicativo é focada na agilidade do credenciamento do seu evento! Realize o controle de entrada dos participantes de forma simples e rápida com o e-inscrição. Basta fazer seu login, clicar no evento e pronto. O...

Price: Free Developer: Raise Sistemas
E-POST Briefe

E-POST Briefe

Einfacher Zugriff von zuhause oder unterwegs. Erleben Sie auch die Vorteile digitaler Post und erleichtern Sie sich den Alltag mit bequemen Services. Digitaler Briefkasten - Ihre Post jederzeit und von überall erreichbar Greifen Sie immer und überall auf Ihren digitalen Briefkasten...

Price: Free Developer: Deutsche Post IT Services (Berlin) GmbH


Smart client app for the e-Data Cloud service. Businesses can easily create Forms, Docs, Lists and Tasks on the e-Data Cloud, then access and collect data on Apple devices.  Sign-up on our website to trial e-Data Software Mobile for...

Price: Free Developer: Oscar Perez


e-Share lets you protect your personal and business cloud data with enterprise level encryption. Securely share and manage your files with advanced auditing, remote wipe capabilities, and access control.

Price: Free Developer: nCrypted Cloud LLC
E/CRM Mobile

E/CRM Mobile

L’applicazione CRM mette a disposizione i seguenti moduli funzionali per l'operatività del personale in mobilità. Ogni modulo è richiamato dal menù a sinistra ed è collegato agli altri tramite menù contestuali che permettono di passare agevolmente da una funzione...

Price: Free Developer: Siseco
Moki Checklist e Trade

Moki Checklist e Trade

O Moki Checklist e Trade Marketing ajuda sua rede a tornar o processo de controle de inventário e comercialização de pontos extras mais eficiente. Uma versão totalmente nova do Moki Checklist que há anos auxilia empresas a controlar os...

Price: Free Developer: CallNet
Staff F.E.A.

Staff F.E.A.

Staff F.E.A. è l’App di Staff S.p.A. Agenzia per il Lavoro che consente di leggere, firmare e consultare i tuoi contratti e proroghe con Staff, ovunque ti trovi ed in qualsiasi momento. I contratti firmati con Staff F.E.A. hanno piena...

Price: Free Developer: STAFF S.P.A.
Consulte CPF e CNPJ

Consulte CPF e CNPJ

Utilize o Consulte CPF E CNPJ para realizar consultas de CPF e CNPJ e saiba a situação cadastral de cada documento. O aplicativo possui máscaras na digitação para facilitar a visualização e até mesmo a digitação do CPF e...

Price: Free Developer: Cleanderson Lobo
e-Sign for Government

e-Sign for Government

e-Sign for Government by eSignLive is a mobile e-signature application designed specifically with government users in mind. The app supports government employees and military personnel that routinely need to e-sign forms and documents using digital certificates stored on their...

Price: Free Developer: OneSpan Inc.
Speak Efik and Ibibio

Speak Efik and Ibibio

Speak Efik/Ibibio mobile app is designed to teach you how to speak Efik and Ibibio language. The app design is structured to enable you to listen to the pronunciation and text transcription of each word or sentence. It can...

Price: Free Developer: Usen Etim
Interpreter Voice Translator

Interpreter Voice Translator

Traveling abroad? Worried about the local language? Voice translator Instant will speak for you! And speak out loud! So, You can call it as itranslator. With Interpreter: Instant Voice & Text Translator you can: • Instantly speak 57 languages • No...

Speeko - Public Speaking Coach

Speeko - Public Speaking Coach

Speak with confidence. Public speaking practice and instant feedback. Have you dreamed of giving your own "I Have a Dream" speech? Ever feel like anxiety has gotten the best of you when you were on stage? Speeko will teach...

Price: Free Developer: SPEEKO Tech, LLC
Translator : English - Spanish

Translator : English - Spanish

English to Spanish & Spanish to English free translator • Voice Translation Speak to translate. Speak anything you want to translate and get immediate translation. Voice translation is very helpful for travel around the world and easily communicate in any country •...

Price: Free Developer: Minh Nhat Tran
TelepaText - editor, speech

TelepaText - editor, speech

TelepaText provides essential text document editing, with extensive actions for text, research, speaking, sharing and viewing, built for iPad, iPhone, macOS and iCloud. Text-to-speech, dictation, speech commands and speech feedback are featured in TelepaText. Documents are automatically synced between...

Price: USD 5.99 Developer: Imaja
Avocado, Add A Meeting

Avocado, Add A Meeting

Add meetings and events to your Google Calendar — by voice! Avocado creates perfect calendar entries because Avocado understands dates, times and contact's names. Use AirPods, headphones or just your iOS device and speak normally. "Add a meeting for Friday at...

Price: Free Developer: Sidekicks Inc.
CalReader - Calender logs

CalReader - Calender logs

CalReader provides calendar readability, TEXT/CSV/TSV export, and time calculations. Choose your favorite font and size for maximum readability. Filter event listings by date range, calendar, and search text, and export listings and time calculations at TEXT, CSV, or...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Imaja
Fantastical 2 for iPad

Fantastical 2 for iPad

Fantastical 2 is the award-winning calendar app with features such as natural language parsing, reminders, a beautiful week view, and much more! With the convenient Fantastical Dashboard, you’ll add, view, and interact with your events and reminders with ease. "For...

Price: USD 7.99 Developer: Flexibits Inc.
Fantastical 2 for iPhone

Fantastical 2 for iPhone

Fantastical 2 is the award-winning calendar app with features such as natural language parsing, reminders, a beautiful week view, and much more! "Great iOS update to my favorite iPhone calendar app. Looks great, works great, and now integrates iOS reminders."...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Flexibits Inc.

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