Top 40 Entertainment Apps Like Red Wing Cinema 8 - Best Alternatives

Red Wing Cinema 8 Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Red Wing Cinema 8 alternatives for iOS? We have listed 40 Entertainment apps that are similar to Red Wing Cinema 8. Pick one from this list to be your new Red Wing Cinema 8 app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Red Wing Cinema 8 on your iOS devices.

Top 40 Apps Like Red Wing Cinema 8 - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Red Wing Cinema 8 alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 40 similar apps like Red Wing Cinema 8 2025.

Big Red Keno

Big Red Keno

Big Red Keno is the biggest operator of live ball draw keno in the US. Big Red Keno offers live ball draws at four main locations located in Omaha, NE, Lincoln, NE, Fremont, NE, and Norfolk, NE and are...

Price: Free Developer: Big Red Keno
Red FM India

Red FM India

Ab Bajaao XXXtreme swag se! We bring to you curated content that is not just quirky but absolutely entertaining from your city’s Red FM station, extremely humorous videos starring your favourite RJs, pranks, interviews with the B-Town celebs, exclusive event...

Price: Free Developer: Digital Radio Delhi Broadcasting Limited
Don't Press the Red Button You Moron

Don't Press the Red Button You Moron

This may not be the first Red Button App out for the iPhone but it is unequivocally the most feature-rich, useful and fun. And for the total, all-in cost -- including tax -- of FREE, why not...

Price: Free Developer: The App Company
Red Alert!

Red Alert!

Red Alert! is the most versatile general-purpose alarm and warning fun device available for the iPhone. Convey vital information and keep your friends fully informed in any situation - from an everyday Hipster Warning to a full-blown Beer Crisis! And...

Price: Free Developer: Lee Dowthwaite
Red FM Radio

Red FM Radio

Get today's best music from Red FM online radio! Red FM app streams audio musics from the Malaysia best radio station - Red FM. Get more Red FM web updates, make phone calls and SMS to Red FM via...

Price: Free Developer: Hung Hing Wong
Little Red Riding Hood eBook by SmartGames

Little Red Riding Hood eBook by SmartGames

Once upon a time... Swipe through the story of Little Red Riding Hood by SmartGames, and discover the beautifully illustrated pages and accompanying audio. Kids will be amazed with every new page turn. This app is the digital version of...

Price: Free Developer: SmartGames LIVE Inc.
My Big Red Button

My Big Red Button

My Big Red Button Have you asked a question (maybe during a trivia or party game) and need to know who first raised their hand? If so, this automated button is for you. For iOS and macOS devices. Standalone Mode - Press...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: MoozX Internet Ventures Inc.
Slap With Red Hands

Slap With Red Hands

Slap with Red Hands is a challenging two-player game for all age groups. Be quick to hit on the red hot hand and avoid the slap back from your opponent. Challenge your opponent and start unarmed hand fight without any...

Price: Free Developer: Mobitsolutions
StoryToys Red Riding Hood

StoryToys Red Riding Hood

Once upon a time, Little Red Riding Hood went into the deep dark woods... Based on the classic Grimm’s book, explore this humorous, interactive version of the beloved fairytale about a young girl and a Big Bad Wolf. Experience this...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: StoryToys Entertainment Limited
Amazing FX - Night Vision & Infra Red Ray Free Edition

Amazing FX - Night Vision & Infra Red Ray Free Edition

Disclaimer - *This app is for entertainment purposes only - how you use it is up to you!* Create your own imitation X-Ray Filter Photographs, Night Vision Filter*, Infra-Red* and See-Through* Vision Filter Simulated FX using your iPhone & iPad...

Price: Free Developer: Fragranze Apps Limited
Dials for X-Wing

Dials for X-Wing

Dials for X-Wing is an application to complement the experience of gaming to the miniatures game. This application has the aim of being a complement when you are playing to the miniatures game to control in way more efficient and...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Ivan Colodro Sabell


La radio è il teatro della mente diceva Steve Allen. E nella mente di chi ha pensato, ideato, realizzato questa radio va in scena un’opera stravagante e bizzarra dal titolo “ Vade retro Mainstream”! Popolare è bello, ma popolare...

Price: Free Developer: Roby Brandolini


三重県・岐阜県・和歌山県・千葉県・宮城県エリアにて アミューズメントホールを展開する「WINGグループ」の公式アプリです。 永和商事が運営する各店舗のパチンコやスロットの最新チラシや新台入替情報、 設置機種情報、機種の遊び方など、店舗の色々な情報を簡単にご覧いただけるアプリです。 このアプリは、当社のアミューズメント施設サービスに関する、 最新情報や楽しみ方をユーザ様にご紹介するアプリです。 これまで、ユーザ様が当店の情報を調べる際には、 インターネットで検索を行い沢山の情報の中から、情報を探し出さなければなりませんでした。 ユーザ様はこのアプリをダウンロードすれば、 1クリックで見たい情報ページにアクセス出来るようになります。 iOSバージョンは6.0以上を推奨しています。 (5.0以上へインストール可能ですが、動作保証外とさせていただきます)

Price: Free Developer: 永和商事


Preview maneuvers for the X-Wing Miniatures Game directly in augmented reality on your iOS device. See which maneuver to use to avoid collisions. Visualize a ship's firing range and where it will be positioned after executing the selected maneuver,...

Price: Free Developer: Melissa Ludowise
Learn To Tap Dance

Learn To Tap Dance

Learn To Tap Dance with this app that contains some 340 instructional and tuitional video lessons. There are lessons for the absolute beginner and right up to intermediate and advanced levels. Lessons are too numerous to mention but include: Tap Dancing For...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: JS900
Aurora Squad Builder

Aurora Squad Builder

Aurora Squad Builder lets you quickly and easily create lists for the X-wing Miniatures Game directly on your iPhone or iPad. Includes all ships, pilots and upgrades from all released waves as well as previews of all currently...

Price: Free Developer: Risi Apps
1st VFW

1st VFW

1st Virtual Fighter Wing mobile app. With the 1st Virtual Fighter Wing app you can * Follow topics and share with like-minded people * Post ideas/pics/videos & get feedback from fellow experts * Chat with other members just like you Install today to...

Price: Free Developer: Blake Perdue
Cricket Sounds!

Cricket Sounds!

Hear cricket sounds just like you would in nature! Nothing says summer like the melodious chirping of crickets in the grass on a warm evening! Unlike notoriously loud and annoying insects such as cicadas, crickets play their song in...

Price: Free Developer: Leafgreen
Hunting Horn Signals (Marches)

Hunting Horn Signals (Marches)

Get the more than 60 Hunting Signals, Marks, Horn Signals as a ringtone on your mobile phone (including free Vorhören function). Bring the hunting tradition on your phone! NEW: Hunting Signals membership: Enjoy all the benefits now: no ads, free...

Price: Free Developer: NCN-NetConsulting GesmbH
SF Cinema

SF Cinema

The most convenience application to book/buy/check showtimes for the SF Cinema. A simple app that can help you to check the showtimes, closest location, most recent showtimes, order popcorn or combo-set, and much more! You can also check out new...

Price: Free Developer: SF Cinema City Co.,Ltd.
Smart Cinema USA

Smart Cinema USA

Watch the latest theatrical Chinese movies here! Feature: -Authentic film experience with 2K projection -Movies on Smart Cinema USA have English and Chinese subtitles. -Sync commentary version to provide professional comments for specific audience. -Airplay is available. Smart Cinema USA, a direct-to-consumer mobile...

Price: Free Developer: Smart Cinema USA Inc.
Celebration! Cinema

Celebration! Cinema

“Something that, conveniently enough, lies in your pocket.” – Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone, 2001 It’s the official free Celebration! Cinema app! Features: C! Rewards are available on the App! You can now log in or create a C!...

Price: Free Developer: Celebration Cinema
Christian Cinema

Christian Cinema

With easy access to your library of rented and purchased movies across multiple devices, watch anywhere and anytime. With new films added every week, find new releases and new discoveries; dramas, documentaries, short films, educational and more. Chosen from...

Price: Free Developer: Christian Cinema, LLC
Inspire Cinema

Inspire Cinema

Afiseaza programul filmelor din cinematograful Inspire Cinema din Craiova. Permite rezervarea si cumpararea de locuri pentru spectacolele din program direct de pe telefonul mobil. Prezinta detalii despre filmele care ruleaza in cinematograf, ofera posibilitatea de a vizualiza tarilere si...

Cinema City 9

Cinema City 9

The Cinema City 9 app features daily showtimes and coming soon attractions. The app provides instant access to available showtimes, tickets, and theatre information. Get the latest showtime information and promotional notifications. Never miss another show!

Price: Free Developer: Cinema City 9
Cinema La Plata

Cinema La Plata

Aplicación oficial de la cadena de complejos de cine "Cinema La Plata". Podrás consultar la cartelera cinematográfica, y obtener información detallada y actualizada de todas las películas que estamos proyectando en nuestros complejos. También podrás comprar tu entrada online, abonando en...

Price: Free Developer: Cinema La Plata
Cinema Trivale

Cinema Trivale

Afiseaza programul filmelor din cinematograful Cinema Trivale din Pitesti. Permite rezervarea de locuri pentru spectacolele din program direct de pe telefonul mobil. Prezinta detalii despre filmele care ruleaza in cinematograf si ofera posibulitatea vizionarii trailer-ului. Rezervarile pot fi...

Oscar Cinema

Oscar Cinema

About Us COMPANY OVERVIEW Oscar Cinema LLC was established by Mr. M. M. Kabeer, Managing Director & Founder, at Al Ain, Abu Dhabi in 2004. “Club Cinema” (renamed later as Oscar Cinema), a Single screen movie hall with 800+ seats, was...

Price: Free Developer: MITE Solutions FZC
We Love Cinema

We Love Cinema

We Love Cinema è l’app per chi il cinema lo fa, lo segue e lo ama, punto di riferimento per tutti gli appassionati. Novità e approfondimenti sui film in uscita, le produzioni cinematografiche, i mestieri del cinema, con un occhio...

Price: Free Developer: BNL S.p.A.
BB-8™ Droid App by Sphero

BB-8™ Droid App by Sphero

Meet BB-8™ - your very own app-enabled Astromech Droid. Over the years, the experience of Star Wars™ has always lived on screen and in our imaginations. The characters, worlds, and adventures have become an unforgettable part of our lives,...

Price: Free Developer: Sphero, Inc.
Meme 8-Ball

Meme 8-Ball

A magic 8 ball generator of epic proportions. Now with iOS stain fighting power! Simply ask a yes or no question and tap the screen, or shake the phone to get the Meme 8 Ball's magical answer, both visually...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Sinime
Meme 8-Ball LT

Meme 8-Ball LT

A magic 8 ball generator of epic proportions. Now with iOS stain fighting power! Simply ask a yes or no question and tap the screen, or shake the phone to get the Meme 8 Ball's magical answer, both visually...

Price: Free Developer: Sinime


8MILE UNDERGROUND起源于2012年,发展到现在,已经成为了中国说唱年度盛典之一。如果说《RAP OF CHINA》是“说唱硬币”的正面,那么《地下8英里》就是这枚硬币的反面!8英里为每一位热爱说唱的朋友们提供了交流和展示的平台。 一直以来,8英里都致力于推动于 HIPHOP的长远发展。被誉为“ 优秀华语RAPPER的必经之路 ”。自2012年首办至今,从地下8英里走出来的高人气说唱歌手不计其数,时至今日,更是将华语地下说唱文化推到了全新的高度,实现了参赛地区与赛制上的全面升级,成为具有超强影响力的说唱比赛。 2019年,8英里团队正式开启线上版图,用8英里APP来连结世界各地喜爱说唱文化的你们,通过线上音乐的交流与切磋,共同推动HIPHOP文化走向更加良性的发展之路。

Price: Free Developer: 深圳年轻有为网络技术有限公司


L’expérience TV de la nouvelle BOX 8 TV est aussi maintenant sur smartphone et tablette en 3G, 4G et en Wifi ! Une expérience TV personnalisée et une continuité d'usage entre vos écrans (1). ACCUEIL : Retrouvez une proposition de CONTENUS...

Price: Free Developer: SFR
Magic 8 Ball: Ask me anything!

Magic 8 Ball: Ask me anything!

The Magic 8 Ball is a toy used for fortune-telling or seeking advice, developed in the 50s and people are still using it. Whenever a yes/no question pops into your mind, you can use it to look for an...

Price: Free Developer: Harshil Patel
Programmer Magic 8 Ball

Programmer Magic 8 Ball

A magic 8-ball for programmers. Have you ever been stuck on a coding problem, banging your head, and wish you could shake a magical 8-ball and it would just give you the right answer? We can not do that, but we...

Price: Free Developer: Fareed Quraishi


DM24.8 is a kind of APP program similar to 20.4Live,T20i Its operation object is the second generation digital mixer product which is researched and developed independently by SEIKAKU, and it controls the device through the way of network connection...

Price: Free Developer: SEIKAKU
Region 8 Connect

Region 8 Connect

Be the first to know about deals, contests, food and fun things to do near you! Great Things to Do Near You The Region 8 Connect App makes it easy to plan your perfect weekend. From food and drinks, to events...

Price: Free Developer: KAIT, LLC


While it’s over 4,500 miles from the lowest place on our planet, the shore of the Dead Sea, to its highest peak on Mount Everest, these iconic ends of the earth are separated by a mere 5.8 vertical miles....

Price: Free Developer: Sean Nielsen

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