Top 30 Games Apps Like I Love Hue! - Best Alternatives

I Love Hue! Alternatives

Do you want to find the best I Love Hue! alternatives for iOS? We have listed 30 Games apps that are similar to I Love Hue!. Pick one from this list to be your new I Love Hue! app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to I Love Hue! on your iOS devices.

Top 30 Games Like I Love Hue! - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid I Love Hue! alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 30 similar games like I Love Hue! 2025.

I Am President!

I Am President!

== I Am President == Decide the fate of your people by swiping with your Almighty (and Totally Not Small) Fingers to make Super Important Decisions! "You are the commander-in-chief of the world's greatest country, and your people need you to...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: FredBear Games LTD
iトレ2 - バーチャル株取引ゲーム

iトレ2 - バーチャル株取引ゲーム

前作40万ダウンロードを記録したiトレが大幅にバージョンアップ!! 本格的なバーチャルトレードが体験出来るゲームアプリです。 100万円を元手に様々な種類の株を売買し、大富豪を目指して下さい。 チャット、クラン機能搭載で全国のユーザーと駆け引きや協力しながら楽しむ事が出来ます。 【iトレシリーズ最新作】 現実のFXレートを使用したバーチャルトレードアプリ「iトレFX」をリリースしました。 【チュートリアル】 ・現実の1週間=ゲーム内の1年間となります。 ・株は24時間365日リアルタイムで動き続けます。 ・取引手数料は、購入・売却時に2.16%かかります。 ・取得平均は手数料込の金額が表示されます。 ・アプリ内に動画によるチュートリアルも用意しております。 【メディア掲載】 2016/3/3(木)の 日本経済新聞に「株式投資を学ぶうえで役立つアプリ」として紹介されました。 幻冬舎 GINGER 2016年1月号「AmebaGG×GINGERコラボ連載 月間30際流行白書」に掲載されました。 【お客様からの評価】 まやまや様 難しそうな株取引を楽しみながら体験できるこのアプリはなかなかいいです。 Dixzvkor様 投資の練習に最適かと思います。 ゲームとは思えないほどの精度なので、一見してみるのも良いかと。 流エアリアル様 シビアで勉強になるし株の厳しさもわかる。 【機能】 ・リアルタイムなチャート機能 ・IPO(新規上場株)機能 ・チャット機能で全国のユーザーと情報交換が出来ます 【取引メニュー】 ・現物株 ・信用株 ・投資信託(購入はもちろんファンドマネージャーになって運用することもできます。) ・バイナリーオプション 【 前作との違い】 ・10秒に1回以上株価が変動し、よりリアルになりました。 ・チャット機能搭載!他のユーザーと情報交換しながら勝利をつかもう! ・チャートを見ながら注文が可能になりました。 ・バイナリーオプションが実装されました。 ・受給バランスに応じて株価が変動します。 【ご注意】 ・このゲームは常にサーバーとの通信を行います。電波状況のよい場所でお楽しみ下さい。 ・約定通知のためPush通知を行います。 ・このアプリはあくまでゲームです。現実の株とはかけ離れた値動きをしますので、現実の投資への判断材料等に利用しないようお願いします。 ・バーチャルトレードですので現実のお金は増減しません。 ・利用料金は無料ですが、一部有料のアイテムがございます。

Price: Free Developer: LinkagePlus Inc
Never Have I Ever: Dirty

Never Have I Ever: Dirty

Never Have I Ever is a fun drinking game for adults that can be used in all alcohol fueled gathering. The party starting formula goes like this: More people = More fun Rules are simple: 1. Sit in a circle (or stand, or...

Price: Free Developer: Boris Mikic


The rules are simple. Swipe the bars as instructed to make gaps and complete the letters. ■ Time Attack We compete for the time to answer 10 questions correctly. The score will be posted on the ranking when you register. When...

Price: Free Developer: Hiroyasu Hirai
What am I? Riddles and Answers

What am I? Riddles and Answers

WHAT AM I? RIDDLES WITH ANSWERS YOUR BRAIN EMPLOY AND BRING ALONG LOTS OF JOY. Get guess the word game, solve clever riddles for kids and adults and enjoy! ◊ RIDDLE GAMES = MENTAL WORKOUT ◊ Riddle me this: "I can...

Price: Free Developer: Peaksel
I Am Circle - The Shapes Uprise

I Am Circle - The Shapes Uprise

Challenge yourself in I am Circle and try to beat every level of this complex and minimalistic game. You will face simple but amazingly hard missions. Lead your own way towards victory and have infinite fun! Discover all the...

Price: Free Developer: Free Games For Fun
I Am Hexagon - The Shapes Uprise

I Am Hexagon - The Shapes Uprise

Challenge yourself in I am Hexagon and try to beat every level of this complex and minimalistic game. You will face simple but amazingly hard missions. Lead your own way towards victory and have infinite fun! Discover all the...

Price: Free Developer: Free Games For Fun
I Am Pentagon - The Shapes Uprise

I Am Pentagon - The Shapes Uprise

Challenge yourself in I am Pentagon and try to beat every level of this complex and minimalistic game. You will face simple but amazingly hard missions. Lead your own way towards victory and have infinite fun! Discover all the...

Price: Free Developer: Free Games For Fun
I Am Rectangle - The Shapes Uprise

I Am Rectangle - The Shapes Uprise

Challenge yourself in I am Rectangle and try to beat every level of this complex and minimalistic game. You will face simple but amazingly hard missions. Lead your own way towards victory and have infinite fun! Discover all the...

Price: Free Developer: Free Games For Fun
I Am Square - The Shapes Uprise

I Am Square - The Shapes Uprise

Challenge yourself in I am Square and try to beat every level of this complex and minimalistic game. You will face simple but amazingly hard missions. Lead your own way towards victory and have infinite fun! Discover all the...

Price: Free Developer: Free Games For Fun
My Crazy Love Story

My Crazy Love Story

Steve is a very Handsome young guy has fallen in love with a beautiful lady called Dory. This Crazy Game is all about their love story. Steve and Dory knows each other from a very long period of time, Dory...

Price: Free Developer: Waqas Pitafi
Where's My Love?

Where's My Love?

Where's My Love? is the game that brings you the inspiration of love and happiness! Move the characters, avoid baddies, use various items, and help the bears to find their love! It's a peaceful, fun, and lovely game that...

Price: Free Developer: Hyper Artisan Inc.
Regency Love

Regency Love

With Regency Love, you can create your own story and interact with the world around you. Would you dance, practise the piano, or perhaps embroider a handkerchief? Take tea with your mother, visit an old friend, or ask after...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Tea For Three Studios
Love Potion: Eternal Devotion

Love Potion: Eternal Devotion

Love has been avoiding you? Your attempts to win Mr./Ms. Right’s heart and soul (along with a fancy triplex penthouse) have gone down the flames? With February 14th just around the corner, your only ‘romantic’ attachment is TV and...

Price: Free Developer: zGames
Dream Day: True Love

Dream Day: True Love

For Bill & Helen, true love began during World War II, and blossomed into a lifetime of romance. Sift through seven decades of actual photographs, letters and keepsakes, as you discover their story filled with special moments, family and...

Price: Free Developer: Hullabu, Inc.
Dream Day: True Love Full

Dream Day: True Love Full

For Bill & Helen, true love began during World War II, and blossomed into a lifetime of romance. Sift through seven decades of actual photographs, letters and keepsakes, as you discover their story filled with special moments, family and...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Hullabu, Inc.
Destiny Ball Draw For Love

Destiny Ball Draw For Love

Destiny Ball Draw For Love Puzzle Game - The draw line is a puzzle game that requires logic to think. In the game there is a level of play from easy to hard. Which challenge the player. Games are...

Price: Free Developer: Angrisa Leungtanapolkul
Love Cards - Cartes Coquines

Love Cards - Cartes Coquines

Love cards is a little game where there are no winners or losers: chance dictates your movements, but you make the rules. It is very easy to play: pick a card and reveal an action that you have to carry...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Midi Moins Une
Puzzles Kids Love

Puzzles Kids Love

Fun animated puzzles featuring characters kids love. These puzzles keeps little ones entertained while sharpening their minds and developing coordination. Features: ◉ Beautiful animated artwork ◉ Princesses, cars, trucks, dinosaurs and more ◉ Universal for iPhone, iPod and iPad ◉ 98 Picture Perfect Jigsaw puzzles...

Price: Free Developer: Apps Kids Love - LLC
Love stories & Otome Games LOG

Love stories & Otome Games LOG

"L.O.G." is an app created for women to experience all kinds of love. Every day, you are able to read all 5 stories at no charge! Titles are constantly added! Choose the stories you want from a myriad of titles and read them every...

Price: Free Developer: ISMEDIA
Hue Game - Color Jump

Hue Game - Color Jump

It’s time to use your Philips Hue lights to the max! In this interactive game your lights will take over control and determine your overall game play experience. Pay attention to the state of the light(s) in your room,...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Lidwien Veugen
HUE - I Love Wooden puzzle

HUE - I Love Wooden puzzle

HUE - I Love Wooden puzzle is a Hue color game in style of wooden puzzle game. If you love Hue color game and also you love the game style of wooden puzzle, "HUE - I Love Wooden puzzle...

Price: Free Developer: Ratchanee Noparat
Color Hue Puzzle

Color Hue Puzzle

Color Hue Puzzle is a puzzle based on a palette of hues. You need to distribute harmoniously the multicolored cells to the places where they should be. After the start of the level, you will be shown the...

Price: Free Developer: Ruslan Goncharenko
Cryptolor - Hue & Chroma Puzzle Game

Cryptolor - Hue & Chroma Puzzle Game

ARE YOU READY to the new Hue & Chroma challenge? CRYPTOLOR - the new exciting color matching puzzle game! It’s soothing and relaxing game…. BUT it makes you keep your eyes wide open! Rules are simple: 1. Join the tiles of the...

Price: Free Developer: Dear Labs GmbH
Guess Hue?

Guess Hue?

How about a trivia game where you probably know all the answers? Well, we can't guarantee that, but in Guess Hue - we CAN guarantee the answer will always be a color: In the Peanuts cartoon and comics, what color...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: John Miller
Ability Screen - Mastercard Hue Clever Sherlock 2

Ability Screen - Mastercard Hue Clever Sherlock 2

The color quiz games. And will have to click. And has easy, medium and hard to play as you like. In answer to the question must race against time with speed.

Price: Free Developer: Jintana Intawong
Amazing Color Master Hue Lover

Amazing Color Master Hue Lover

Lovingly made for players who enjoy beautifully crafted puzzle games - or anyone who needs a few moments of visual tranquility. KEY FEATURES: - Mesmerizing color-based gameplay - a puzzle of perception, not logic - A minimal, modernist aesthetic - a playable...

Price: Free Developer: Ali Azhar


Find the tile in different color.

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Serkan Binici
Hue Square

Hue Square

A minimalist color mixing puzzle game that is deceptively simple. Move your tile in whatever direction you want, to mix colors with it. However, your goal is to reach the tile with the diamond inside, and have your tile...

Price: Free Developer: Jeffrey Luong

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