Top 27 Lifestyle Apps Like EventKingdom - QR Code Reader - Best Alternatives

EventKingdom - QR Code Reader Alternatives

Do you want to find the best EventKingdom - QR Code Reader alternatives for iOS? We have listed 27 Lifestyle apps that are similar to EventKingdom - QR Code Reader. Pick one from this list to be your new EventKingdom - QR Code Reader app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to EventKingdom - QR Code Reader on your iOS devices.

Top 27 Apps Like EventKingdom - QR Code Reader - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid EventKingdom - QR Code Reader alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 27 similar apps like EventKingdom - QR Code Reader 2025.

EventKingdom Online Post

EventKingdom Online Post

The EventKingdom App enables you to easily access and manage your EventKingdom events conveniently on your mobile device: * view and change your recipient list * Easily send invitations to your guests The app additionally offers an easy way to design and...

Price: Free Developer: EventKingdom GmbH
EventKingdom - Check In

EventKingdom - Check In

This app is for easy check-in of your guests using EventKingdom. Check-in can be done either by manual selection or by using an integrated QR code scanner. Name badges with name and company name of your guests can be...

Price: Free Developer: EventKingdom GmbH
QRJOY(큐알조이)-QR코드 인식

QRJOY(큐알조이)-QR코드 인식

쉽고! 빠르게! QR코드를 인식할 수 있습니다. 앱에 장착되어 있는 전용 카메라(QR리더기)를 사용하여 언제 어디서든 원하는 QR코드를 인식할 수 있습니다. 앱을 켜고 버튼을 통해 카메라를 켠 후 인식하고자 하는 QR코드를 화면에 맞추기만 하면 끝입니다. 자주 인식하는 QR코드의 경우 휴대폰 사진첩에...

Price: Free Developer: CK&B
QR Code Reader-Open Tap and Go

QR Code Reader-Open Tap and Go

World's simplest QR Code Reader and Scanner. 100% FREE and simplest to use with one single click. Simple open the app, tap the QR Code and you are ready to go. Features: -- Scan web url -- Scan QR Code in social network --...

Price: Free Developer: TAN TAN

With QRCode. me for iPhone and iPod touch you can create your own QR codes within seconds. With your own pictures, which you can embed into the QR codes, they become unique and you give them an individual style! With...

Price: Free Developer: Ronald Schmieder
Fext Scanner

Fext Scanner

One QR code - any language! this is the FEXT Looking for a simple and fast QR code scanner or barcode reader that supports all the major formats? Fext is the perfect app for You. Fext is a fast and easy...

Price: Free Developer: Vladislav Kvitchatyy
ScanHit Joy (스캔힛 조이)

ScanHit Joy (스캔힛 조이)

이미지 검색 종결자가 나타났다! 이미지 인식부터, 이미지QR, QR코드 인식까지 한번에 되는 이미지 검색 종결자 스캔힛! 나의 이미지를 직접 등록하여 이미지에 정보를 담는 기능까지! 세상을 보는 새로운 방법! 간편하게 이미지에 숨겨진 이야기를 보자! - 스캔힛조이는 아주 쉽습니다. 스캔힛조이를 실행하고, 이미지에...

Price: Free Developer: CK&B


이미지 검색 종결자가 나타났다! 이미지 인식부터, 이미지QR, QR코드 인식까지 한번에 되는 이미지 검색 종결자 스캔힛! 나의 이미지를 직접 등록하여 이미지에 정보를 담는 기능까지! 세상을 보는 새로운 방법! 간편하게 이미지에 숨겨진 이야기를 보자! - 스캔힛은 아주 쉽습니다. 스캔힛을 실행하고, 이미지에...

Price: Free Developer: CK&B
Sailfish Wallpapers-Live Photo

Sailfish Wallpapers-Live Photo

Came in #1 on the list of Lifestyle Apps for Canada! Ultra HD personal Live Wallpapers! Daily Update! Specially optimized for iPhone XR/ 11/ 11 Pro/ 11 Pro Max. You can download and create ultra HD personal Live Wallpapers with a...

Price: Free Developer: Apps Innova Limited
Ticket scanner for

Ticket scanner for

FREE QR code scan for tickets, bought on the platform. Now there is useless to buy expensive QR code scanners or to bring laptops. For every iOS smartphone. Also works for tickets bought on Eventbrite and Timepad sites. Firstly, it`s necessary to...

Price: Free Developer: Yaroslav Maxymovych


おトクで便利なTLCポイントアプリでTLCポイントが貯まる!ポイント交換が手軽にできる! アプリ起動でログインボーナスポイントがもらえる! 「TLCポイント」はTOKAIグループのTLCポイントサイト公式アプリです。 ※本アプリのご利用には、TLC会員サービスへのご入会とアカウント登録が必要です。 ------------------ <機能紹介> ■ログインボーナス 日々のログインでポイントゲット! アプリを起動するだけで1日1個もらえるスタンプを貯めると、ログインボーナスポイントがもらえます! ■貯める・イベント イベントに参加してポイントゲット! 毎月のサービスご利用金額でもらえるポイントの他に、クイズ・アンケートなど、ポイントが貯まるイベントやゲームが盛りだくさん! 開催中のイベントはTOP画面の「貯める・イベント」ボタンから確認できます。 ※「ポイントが当たるイベント等」は(株)TOKAIホールディングスが独自に行うものであり、アップル社は関与しておりません。 ■ポイントを使う・交換する 貯まったポイントを使おう! 貯まったTLCポイントは、1TLCポイント=1円相当でWAONポイントや電子マネー、多彩な商品、ご利用中のサービスのお支払いなどに交換することができます。 便利な自動交換設定機能で、貯まったポイントを忘れることなく自動的に交換することもできます。 TOP画面の「使う・交換する」ボタンからポイントの交換ができます。 ■TLC Pay TLCポイントはお店でも使える! TLC Payの対象店舗に置いてあるQRコードを読み込むと、TLCポイントでお支払いができます。 スマートフォンがあればいつでも気軽にかんたん決済。1ポイントから交換できて、ムダなくおトクに使えます。 現在地からTLC Payが使えるお店を探すことができます。 TOP画面の「TLC Pay」ボタンからご利用ください。 ■ポイント履歴の閲覧 ポイント履歴や有効期限をチェック! 過去42ヶ月分のポイント履歴を確認することができます。 「ポイントの有効期限」「交換した提携先ポイントの受け取り可能日や受け取り期限」などもご確認いただけます。 その他、現在の「利用可能ポイント」「期間限定ポイント」「直近の失効ポイント」「直近のポイント失効日」なども確認することができます。 TOP画面の「ポイント履歴」ボタンから閲覧できます。 ■QRコード イベント会場でQRコードをかざして特典をゲット! 会場に専用端末が設置されているイベントがあります。 専用端末にQRコードをかざして、特典をもらうことができます。 TOP画面の「QRコード表示」ボタンでQRコードを表示できます。 専用端末が設置されているイベントは「貯める・イベント」の詳細をご確認ください。 ------------------ ●TLCポイントについてもっと詳しく知りたい方はこちら( )からご確認ください。

Price: Free Developer: TOKAIホールディングス
Code for Nerima

Code for Nerima

This is the official application of Code for Nerima. Code for Nerima is a one of the Civic Tech groups of Japan. We have many activities and relationship with Nerima-ward city office. If you come to our events, you install...

Le Code Bar Valenciennes

Le Code Bar Valenciennes

L'application Le Code Bar v vous présente son application afin d'ac bar à thème,club,Karaoké, soirée à valenciennes. Votre restaurant bar à thème,club,Karaoké, soirée à valenciennes. retrouver tous nos évènement et activité en temps réel

Price: Free Developer: DIGITAL AGENCY
Royo Agent

Royo Agent

JOIN US AND GROW YOUR BUSINESS If you are a: * salon * Plumber * cleaning * AC, Refrigerator, Tv repair * carpenter * pest control * or provide service in one of the category we help you in growing business JOIN ROYO Home service AS...

Price: Free Developer: Code Brew Labs
Royo Home Agent

Royo Home Agent

JOIN US AND GROW YOUR BUSINESS If you are a: * salon * Plumber * cleaning * AC, Refrigerator, Tv repair * carpenter * pest control * or provide service in one of the category we help you in growing business JOIN ROYO Home service AS...

Price: Free Developer: Code Brew Labs
Safe Pins PRO

Safe Pins PRO

The purpose of this App is to help you keep your credit cards safe by providing an easy and safe way for you to memorize your pin codes. As we all get more and more credit cards, sim cards,...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Visual Data Sales ApS
Palm Reader - Scan Your Future

Palm Reader - Scan Your Future

Would you like to read the palm, but you don't know palmistry? Using Palm Reader give amazing character readings, and tell the fortune of your friends from their hands. Palm reading chart or palmistry scan hand reading, palm scan hand...

Price: Free Developer: Sudhirbhai Ubhada
Palm Reader : Scan Your Future

Palm Reader : Scan Your Future

Did a sage from India record your entire life thousand years ago? Your hand is a map reflecting your personality, your past, and your personal potential. For example, the shape and size of your hand can help you gain insight into your strengths...

Price: Free Developer: Mango Technologies
Eye Reader - Fortune Teller

Eye Reader - Fortune Teller

With Eye Reader you can find out more about your personality and character and what to expect in future. Be more confident when making important business decisions and know your strong and weak points. Eye Reader also includes accurate horoscope...

Price: Free Developer: Devroq Apps LLC
My Palm Reader & Horoscopes

My Palm Reader & Horoscopes

My Palm Reader & Horoscopes is a powerful astrological tool that will help you look into the future. All you will need to do is take a photo of your palm and the application will do the rest. Giving...

Price: Free Developer: HypedApp
PALM READER The Fortune Teller

PALM READER The Fortune Teller

Have you ever wondered what a palm reading can tell you about your fate? Explore your future and take right decisions by analysing the success line, life line, head line, heart line, marriage line, travel line, fate line. This...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: George Sebastian
Personality Reader

Personality Reader

Personality Reader is the best way to learn about yourself and the relations with your friends! What kind of a leader are you, are you introvert or extrovert and how well do you voice your need? Personality Reader will help you...

Price: Free Developer: Damjan Dimovski
Wisher Reader

Wisher Reader

English description bellow ---------------------- Wisher Reader to aplikacja umożliwiająca odczytanie ( przez syntezator mowy ) i odsłuchanie życzeń przygotowanych w aplikacji Wisher Christmas Edition. ---------------------- Wisher Reader allows you to read ( by voice synthesiser ) and listen to wishes that were created...

Price: Free Developer: Zbigniew Wydra
Fenopalm - palm reader

Fenopalm - palm reader

Fenopalm is the best palm reading app. It was designed by Watkins Books, and features their resident palm reader Swami Krishna. Using image recognition techniques, it scans your palm and generates an interactive video. Our palm reading master, Swami, will...

Price: Free Developer: Tendertheory Limited
Reader Perks

Reader Perks

Reader Perks Mobile Coupon Savings App brings you the best of over 365,000 local and national savings locations. You will enjoy up to 50% off savings at local restaurants, shops, attractions, golfing, travel destinations and more! Simply login to your membership...

Price: Free Developer: Sweet Rewards
Reader Perks HD

Reader Perks HD

READER Perks Mobile Coupon Savings App brings you the best of over 365,000 local and national savings locations. You will enjoy up to 50% off savings at local restaurants, shops, attractions, golfing, travel destinations and more! Simply login to your...

Price: Free Developer: Sweet Rewards

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