Top 43 Education Apps Like TI-84 Graph. Calculator Manual - Best Alternatives

TI-84 Graph. Calculator Manual Alternatives

Do you want to find the best TI-84 Graph. Calculator Manual alternatives for iOS? We have listed 43 Education apps that are similar to TI-84 Graph. Calculator Manual. Pick one from this list to be your new TI-84 Graph. Calculator Manual app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to TI-84 Graph. Calculator Manual on your iOS devices.

Top 43 Apps Like TI-84 Graph. Calculator Manual - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid TI-84 Graph. Calculator Manual alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 43 similar apps like TI-84 Graph. Calculator Manual 2025.



Texas Instruments, the No. 1 recommended brand of graphing calculators in the U.S., has optimized its most powerful handheld technology for an all-in-one iPad app that makes teaching and learning math more engaging, meaningful and … fun! ONE APP. ALL...

Price: USD 29.99 Developer: Texas Instruments
TI-Nspire™ CAS

TI-Nspire™ CAS

Texas Instruments, the No. 1 recommended brand of graphing calculators in the U.S., has optimized its most powerful Computer Algebra System (CAS) math engine for an all-in-one iPad app that makes teaching and learning math more engaging, meaningful and...

Price: USD 29.99 Developer: Texas Instruments
BFH TI Campus

BFH TI Campus

Was gibt es heute in der Mensa? Hat die Bibliothek eigentlich noch offen? Wie war nochmal die E-Mail-Adresse meines Dozierenden? Wo im Gebäude bin ich überhaupt, und wo ist dieser Hörsaal N.421? Noch schnell einen Verantwortlichen an der BFH...

Price: Free Developer: BFH-TI Berner Fachhochschule Technik und Informatik
TI SensorTag Dashboard

TI SensorTag Dashboard

Connect your Apple TV to a TI SensorTag. Readings from the SensorTag's various sensors are displayed. The strength of the bluetooth low energy signal from the Sensor Tag as measured by the Apple TV is displayed as a blue...

Price: Free Developer: Andre Muis
TI 84 Graphing Calculator Man.

TI 84 Graphing Calculator Man.

The TI-84 Graphing Calculator Manual app is ranked TOP 25 Education USA! How this app makes math so much easier: • This manual shows all important functions of the graphing calculator TI-84 Plus, which are very useful for high school and...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Graphing Calculator Apps UG (haftungsbeschrankt)


注意点 本アプリは作成した試験の保存、読み込み、検査結果の解析はできません。 詳しくは、http://ryohei-komatsubara.comをご覧ください。 TIは、正式にはTime Intensityといいますが、その頭文字を取ってTIと呼ばれます。例え ば、食物を口にした時に、食物が口の中に留まる時間が長くなると、味が変化して感じら れる時があります。例えば、飴を口にした時、最初はあまり甘さを感じなかったのが、時 間が経過すると甘味が強まってきますが、さらに時間が経過すると今度は甘味に慣れてし まって、甘味をだんだん感じなくなるということがあると思います。このような感覚の強 さの時間的な変化過程を測定する手法の一つがTIです。食品や化粧品をはじめとする様々 な製品に対する感覚の強さの時間的変化を知りたい人にぜひ使っていただきたい手法です 。 感覚の強さの時間的な変化過程を調べる方法には、この他にTDSがありますが、TDSの 場合は、すべての感覚の時間的な強度変化を同時に測定することができるのに対し、TIで は、複数の感覚を調べたい時には、感覚ごとに別々に測定しなくてはなりません。例えば 、甘味と塩味の強さの時間的変化過程を調べたい時は、甘味と塩味を別々に測定する必要 があります。 J-SEMS:TIでは、iPadの画面に感覚の強度を測定するための縦線もしくは横線からなる スケールを表示します。食物を口にした時から測定終了時まで、その食物の味覚の強さ( 例えば、甘味の強さ)に応じて、ターゲットをスケールの直線上に沿って、指で移動させ ることにより、瞬間瞬間の味覚(甘味)の強さの変化を表現することができます。例えば 、横線のスケールの場合は、感覚が強まった時には、ターゲットを右方向にスライドさせ 、弱まった時には左方向にスライドさせます。そのターゲットの位置を連続して記録する ことにより、感覚強度の時間的変化をグラフに表示し、その形から、感覚強度の変化過程 がわかる仕組みになっています。また、このようにグラフに示された曲線をTI曲線といい ますが、J-SEMS:TIでは、様々な強度の上昇直線の傾きや下降直線の傾きなどの様々なパ ラメータの計算を行うことにより、この曲線の形を表現することができます。 TIは、味覚の強さの変化だけでなく、香りに対する強さの変化や、触覚や視覚の強さの 時間的変化なども測定することができます。

Price: Free Developer: RYOHEI KOMATSUBARA
TI Nspire Calculator Manual

TI Nspire Calculator Manual

How this app makes math so much easier: • This manual shows all important functions of the new graphing calculator TI-Nspire CX (and CAS), which are very useful for high school and college. Actual calculator not included! • The app shows...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Graphing Calculator Apps UG (haftungsbeschrankt)
TI-84 Plus Ce Manual

TI-84 Plus Ce Manual

The TI 84 Plus Graphing Calculator TI 84 Plus Elite Manual is the best scientific calculator + app on the digital app stores in our opinion. This app is very easy to navigate and will teach you what you...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Chris Goinks


Wann habe ich wo Unterricht? Was gibt es heute in der Mensa? Hat die Bibliothek eigentlich noch offen? Wie war nochmal die E-Mail-Adresse meines Dozierenden? Die Antworten auf all diese Fragen und noch viel mehr können Studierende und Dozierende...

Price: Free Developer: BFH-TI Berner Fachhochschule Technik und Informatik


DPS Gurgaon Sector 84 School App is bridge between school and parents. It keeps parents up to date with all the information like news, attendance, assignments, notices and lot more.

Price: Free Developer: Pentaminds Technologies Private Limited
84 Cấu Trúc Câu Thông Dụng

84 Cấu Trúc Câu Thông Dụng

Ứng dụng 84 cấu trúc câu thông dụng cung cấp cho bạn những mẫu câu thông dụng thường được sử dụng trong giao tiếp hàng ngày. Giúp bạn tự tin giao tiếp và cải thiện kĩ năng nói rất...

Price: Free Developer: Nguyen Luan


建议使用wifi下载,或用itunes下载到电脑然后同步到您的苹果设备,以加快下载速度和节约您的手机流量。 选择网趣童谣的理由: 1, 每一首童谣是flash动漫制作,人物场景随曲而变,诙谐有趣。网络早教领导品牌,品质的保证! 2, 每一首童谣都包含了字幕、配音和音乐,语言简短易懂,由专业的幼儿老师朗读配音。非常适合各年龄段的宝宝跟读,是不可多得的原创精品。 3, 创新提出童谣的分龄化概念,产品设计蕴含了丰富的早教理念,针对宝宝语言发展的不同阶段,童谣长短有别,由简入繁,循序渐进,完全切合宝宝语言发展的需要。 4, 内容强大,0-3岁每个年龄段全覆盖,一个网趣童谣在手,陪伴宝宝快乐成长1000天。 宝贝咿呀学语,简短、优美、充满想象力的童谣是培养他们语言能力的最佳选择。我们根据不同月龄段宝贝的语言发展需求,我们把0-3岁宝宝适龄的儿歌童谣精选出来,并配以充满童趣、可爱诙谐的原创小动漫。语言和动画的结合,不仅能使宝贝的语言能力有很大提高,更能使他们的小头脑思维活跃、充满想象,是宝宝语言发展时期的最佳学习工具。 儿歌童谣明细: 1岁儿歌童谣: 1, 宝宝爱洗澡 2, 花蝴蝶 3, 小鸭和小鸡 4, 小板凳 5, 睡觉 6, 小金鱼 7, 红苹果黄香蕉 8, 小松鼠 9, 小玉米 10, 两只小象 11, 五官歌 12, 跷跷板 13, ...

Price: Free Developer: xiangyu chen
AR สสวท. คณิต มัธยม

AR สสวท. คณิต มัธยม

สถาบันส่งเสริมการสอนวิทยาศาสตร์และเทคโนโลยี (สสวท.) โดยสาขาคณิตศาสตร์ภาคบังคับได้พัฒนาสื่อคณิตศาสตร์แบบสื่อดิจิทัลแสดงผลเสมือนจริง หรือสื่อ AR 3 มิติ (Augmented Reality) เพื่อเป็นสื่อประกอบหนังสือเรียนรายวิชาพื้นฐานคณิตศาสตร์ ระดับมัธยมศึกษา ที่เน้นการคิด วิเคราะห์ แก้ปัญหา และการนำไปใช้ โดยมุ่งเน้นให้ครูผู้สอนคณิตศาสตร์และนักเรียน ระดับมัธยมศึกษาตอนต้น ได้ใช้ประกอบหนังสือเรียนเพื่อเพิ่มศักยภาพของผู้เรียน อันจะส่งผลต่อการยกระดับคุณภาพการเรียนรู้วิชาคณิตศาสตร์

Price: Free Developer: The Institute for the Promotion of Teaching Science and Technology (IPST)


ITパスポート国家資格、試験対策、過去問題集、無料アプリ ・豆知識から雑学まで学習できる無料アプリです。 ・電車やバスなどの公共の場所で使用出来るように音声を無しにしてあります。 ・ITパスポート試験は、出題されるパターンがある程度決まっています。 ・過去問題をしっかり勉強すれば十分に合格することが可能です。 ・不正解肢についてもしっかり学習することが大事です。 ・過去問題を繰り返し勉強することをお勧めします。  ITパスポート試験 ・試験事務を行うのは、独立行政法人情報処理推進機構 情報処理技術者試験センター。 ・試験はCBT方式にて行われており、受験者はコンピュータに表示された試験問題に対して、マウスやキーボードを用いて解答する。 ・試験は四肢択一の問題が100問。 ・出題形式は、小問形式が84問、中問形式が16問(1中問につき4小問)。 ・出題内訳は、ストラテジ系(経営全般)35問程度、マネジメント系(IT管理)25問程度、テクノロジ系(IT技術)40問程度。 ・総合得点の満点の60%以上、かつ、各分野別得点の満点の30%以上の条件を両方を満たすと合格になる。

Price: Free Developer: shigendo aoyagi
Sectec 84

Sectec 84

LA CREDENCIAL INTELIGENTE ES UN SISTEMA DE CONTROL DE ACCESO, ASISTENCIAS Y NOTIFICACIONES. El cual les brindará los siguientes beneficios, para los padres de familia o tutores. 1. Registro de la hora de entrada y salida de las instalaciones educativas. 2....

Price: Free Developer: Cristobal Chacon


本应用由“宝宝书”儿童应用平台推荐 链接地址 宝宝书,为你找到最适合的儿童应用 本版本已兼容IOS6.0 网趣童谣自从上线以来获得了爸爸妈妈的持续追捧,半年来下载已突破1,000万。为了持续改进用户体验,我们进行了技术攻关,把原来460兆的产品缩小到90多兆,同时清晰度也有所提高。希望能带给宝宝更好的体验。 特别注意,原来下载过“网趣宝贝”0-3岁百首儿歌童谣的爸爸妈妈,经过对比,您可以选择保留一个,因为这两个产品的表现形式基本相同。 宝贝咿呀学语, 简短、优美、充满想象力的童谣是培养他们语言能力的最佳选择。我们根据不同月龄段宝贝的语言发展需求, 把0-3岁宝宝适龄的儿歌童谣精选出100首, 并配以充满童趣、可爱诙谐的原创小动漫。语言和动画的结合, 不仅能使宝贝的语言能力有很大提高, 更能使他们的小头脑思维活跃、充满想象。 网趣童谣: 1,每一首童谣均为flash动漫制作,人物场景随曲而变,诙谐有趣。 2,每一首童谣都包含了字幕、配音和音乐,语言简短易懂,由专业的幼儿老师朗读配音,非常适合各年龄段的宝宝跟读。 3,网趣宝贝创新提出童谣的分龄化概念,产品设计蕴含了丰富的早教理念,针对宝宝语言发展的不同阶段,童谣长短有别,由简入繁,循序渐进,完全切合宝宝语言发展的需要。 4,内容强大,0-3岁每个年龄段全覆盖,陪伴宝宝快乐成长1000天。 使用小贴士: 可将单首播放切换成连续播放模式,连续播放本岁中的童谣。 儿歌童谣明细: 1岁儿歌童谣: 1, 梦 2, 花蝴蝶 3, 手指歌 4, 小板凳 5,...

Price: Free Developer: 网趣宝贝
Hands-On Math Graph Cubes

Hands-On Math Graph Cubes

Hands-On Math Graph Cubes simulates the use of a set of cubes to build bar graphs. While using the cubes students are given feedback so that they can see logical relationships. Visualization is an effective way to...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Ventura Educational Systems
2D Math Graph

2D Math Graph

Learn about simple linear equation, y=mx+c. Draw, add 2d vectors automatically. This app will help beginners in graphical methods understand the linear equation, y=mx+c. Learn about cartesian plane, linear graphs and vectors simply by just a swipe. Find the relationship between...

Price: Free Developer: Harun Kimani
Curve Fit Graph Calc Lite

Curve Fit Graph Calc Lite

iCurve Fitter & iMulti Fitter, are of the best graph applications available in the App Store, yet easy to use. they are handy tools essential for doctors, engineers, students and laboratories. Used to derive the mathematical equation that fits...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Amran AlQasmi
Curve Fit Graph Calculator

Curve Fit Graph Calculator

iCurve Fitter & iMulti Fitter, are of the best graph applications available in the App Store, yet easy to use. they are handy tools essential for doctors, engineers, students and laboratories. Used to derive the mathematical equation that fits...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Amran AlQasmi
Curve Plot Graph Calc Lite

Curve Plot Graph Calc Lite

iCurve Plotter & iMulti Plotter, are of the best graph applications available in the App Store, yet easy to use. they are handy tools essential for doctors, engineers, students and laboratories. Used to plot the mathematical equations, it uses...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Amran AlQasmi
Curve Plot Graph Calculator

Curve Plot Graph Calculator

iCurve Plotter & iMulti Plotter, are of the best graph applications available in the App Store, yet easy to use. they are handy tools essential for doctors, engineers, students and laboratories. Used to plot the mathematical equations, it uses...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Amran AlQasmi
Multi Fit Graph Calculator

Multi Fit Graph Calculator

iCurve Fitter & iMulti Fitter, are of the best graph applications available in the App Store, yet easy to use. they are handy tools essential for doctors, engineers, students and laboratories. Used to derive the mathematical equation that fits...

Price: USD 9.99 Developer: Amran AlQasmi
Multi Plot Graph Calculator

Multi Plot Graph Calculator

iCurve Plotter & iMulti Plotter, are of the best graph applications available in the App Store, yet easy to use. they are handy tools essential for doctors, engineers, students and laboratories. Used to plot the mathematical equations, it uses...

Price: USD 9.99 Developer: Amran AlQasmi
Choreo Graph

Choreo Graph

Turn photos into animations and explore math concepts as you go with a powerful and fun animation studio. Choreo Graph - one of a suite of five Noticing Tools(™) from the New York Hall of Science - was...

Price: Free Developer: New York Hall of Science
Quick Graph+

Quick Graph+

"The app you need to survive the next semester" -- Gizmodo Quick Graph+ is the best graphing calculator available on the AppStore! Top 10 Education app in over 100 countries! Featured on the App Store in more than 130 countries. It is a...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: KZ Labs
CASIO Graph Calculator Manual

CASIO Graph Calculator Manual

• This app shows all important functions of the graphing calculator CASIO fx-9860GII, which are very useful for final secondary-school examinations (also suited for fx-9860G and CFX-9850G). • The apps shows exactly which buttons you have to press on your...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Graphing Calculator Apps UG (haftungsbeschrankt)
Calculator for iPad

Calculator for iPad

The new free Calculator for iPad is THE Basic Calculator and everything you need on a daily base. Easy and powerful with big buttons to master in a matter of seconds. Enjoy using a simple calculator for basic calculations or...

Price: Free Developer: International Travel Weather Calculator
Fraction Converter Calculator

Fraction Converter Calculator

Everything you need to convert, calculate, simplify and compare fractions in one app! Fraction Converter and Calculator is perfect for engineers, carpenters, builders, students and anyone who needs a comprehensive fraction app. ► FRACTION CONVERTER - Converts fractions to decimals and vice...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Intemodino Group s.r.o.
Prime Factorization Calculator

Prime Factorization Calculator

A handy Prime Factor Calculator to find prime factors of any number. Prime factorization of any number (up to 7 digits). With the Prime Factor Calculator you can factor up to four numbers at once. For prime numbers the calculator...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Intemodino Group s.r.o.
RPN Memory Calculator

RPN Memory Calculator

RPN Memory Calculator is a simple to use reverse polish notation calculator with five functions and memory operations including a memory value display and three visible registers. This is not intended to be a full scientific function calculator, it...

Price: Free Developer: Neverest Limited
OoO Calc: Order of Operations Calculator

OoO Calc: Order of Operations Calculator

Order of Operations Calculator is a calculator that shows you the solution step-by-step so you can learn while actually using a calculator. Can You Solve this Question? 2 + 2 x 2 + 2 x 2 – 2 x 2 = a....

Price: Free Developer: Justin Holladay
Inequality Calculator

Inequality Calculator

A handy calculator with steps that solves linear and quadratic inequalities. Inequality Calculator can handle a wide range of linear and quadratic inequalities, including inequalities with fractions and parentheses. It's intuitive and easy to use. Just type in an inequality...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Intemodino Group s.r.o.
Geometry Calculator

Geometry Calculator

Geometry Calculator allows you to calculate the Area, Surface Area, Volume and Perimeter of shapes. All you have to do is enter the required values into the fields. Geometry Calculator can calculate the following: Area: - Circle - Triangle - Rectangle - Ellipse - Square -...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: loay setrak
Manual em Família

Manual em Família

Agora o Manual em Família cabe no seu celular! Fique por dentro das novidades, dos diários, das vivências e das próximas ações. O aplicativo do Manual em Família foi desenvolvido para facilitar a comunicação entre os participantes e a...

Price: Free Developer: Manual da Família
Manual Pet Food - 9ª  Edicão

Manual Pet Food - 9ª Edicão

O Manual Pet Food é uma iniciativa da ABINPET que, por meio da integração do comitê técnico e dos grupos de trabalho, composto por representantes da comunidade científica e do setor privado desenvolveu um material que é tido como...

Price: Free Developer: Maven Inventing
Learn R - Course, Manual, Package

Learn R - Course, Manual, Package

Learn R covers course and tutorial for R from basic, intermediate, to advance. You can search tutorials, packages, references, and manuals. You can bookmark for offline reading Latest + This page shows all latest R course. Tutorials will be update frequently...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Yuda Prama Djunaedi
Manual de Redação Acadêmica

Manual de Redação Acadêmica

Aqui está o Manual para Redação Acadêmica que estamos disponibilizando gratuitamente para todos os interessados. Ele é dirigido principalmente ao mundo acadêmico, mas será útil a todos que estejam redigindo um texto mais longo. Na vida acadêmica, enfrentamos os problemas...

Price: Free Developer: Rodrigo Denubila
Emergency Preparedness Manual

Emergency Preparedness Manual

Know what to do in the event a disaster or emergency situation occurs.  - How to survive earthquakes, tsunamis, tornadoes & hurricanes  - Finding safe drinking water & complete water purification guide  - Building robust, safe temporary shelters & making fire  - Rescue...

Price: Free Developer: Mijeong Kim
Nurse Executive Review Manual

Nurse Executive Review Manual

Need a reliable and credible reference resource? No matter where you are in the process, make sure you have the most valuable review and resource tool at your disposal. The ANA’s Nurse Executive Review Manual is a must-have tool...

Price: Free Developer: American Nurses Association
Manual Boas Práticas Monsanto

Manual Boas Práticas Monsanto

A Monsanto do Brasil lança o seu Manual de Boas Práticas Socioambientais para o Agronegócio, publicado para apoiar a melhoria dos aspectos ambientais e sociais no negócio rural brasileiro. Elaborado com o auxílio de especialistas, o manual está dividido...

Price: Free Developer: Brasil Sistemas Ltda
Manual de Urgencias Obstétrica

Manual de Urgencias Obstétrica

El manual de urgencias obstétricas es la publicación del CEDIP de mayor distribución latinoamericana de los últimos años. Como consecuencia de la gran demanda y la necesidad de mantener una obra actualizada, decidimos que los contenidos del Manual -en...

Price: Free Developer: Europapress

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