Do you want to find the best DM Teacher's Portal alternatives for iOS? We have listed 30 Education apps that are similar to DM Teacher's Portal. Pick one from this list to be your new DM Teacher's Portal app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to DM Teacher's Portal on your iOS devices.
The best free and paid DM Teacher's Portal alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 30 similar apps like DM Teacher's Portal 2025.
Oficiální mobilní aplikace dm Software pro učitele, žáky a zákonné zástupce. Aplikace představuje snadný přístup k vybraným funkcím aplikace dm Software, kterými jsou například rozvrh, žákovská knížka, omlouvání absence,… Mobilní aplikace obsahuje spoustu užitečných funkcí, které jsou vždy přizpůsobené uživateli,...
There is a call to every believer to not only be a disciple but to make disciples. The call has never changed and He is still calling. Disciples were made from relationship and time spent with the One Creator,...
O aplicativo DM 2017 é gratuito e permite o acesso a todos os resumos/trabalhos do “Congresso Internacional Design & Materiais 2017”, que acontecerá em Joinville durante os dias 11 e 14 de Junho. Você ainda pode favoritar e montar...
Datametric Technologies LLC is a one stop solution for advanced GPS Tracking solutions. We exclusively work for development of all kinds of high end GPS software solutions for all sectors. We are specialised in GPS solution provider with high quality,...
应用简介: DM是一款科学自助式评价体系、一款记录学生成长的手机应用,多样化的功能:课程表、教育新闻、小组学习,成绩统计和分析、积分商城,让老师管理班级、学生更容易!老师工作更轻松!家校沟通更有效!
Servizi professionali dedicati al tuo amico a 4 zampe! Educazione base ed avanzata, Corsi di gruppo ed individuali, Eventi cinofili, Dog Walking, Dog Sitter, Consulenza Personalizzata, Percorso Cuccioli e molto altro. Dai il meglio al tuo amico peloso...
Rule The School Roger Pen FM Bingo is based on the Roger Pen FM by Phonak. Students with hearing loss that use the latest technology of Phonak’s Roger Pen personal FM system will learn the parts and functions of...
简介:怀教云平台是服务于教育管理单位和学校之间的平台,主要用户面向:教育管理者、学校、教师、学生、家长;平台涵盖了管理、教学、教务、德育等多方面的业务,通过平台建设,可消除现有信息化形成的信息孤岛,减少重复投资,实现统一建设、统一维护、共享使用。 一句话简介:服务于教育管理单位和学校
Helping you take more control of your classroom organization The classroom can be a very busy place. The Birdhouse student documentation app was designed to help you stay organized, be more efficient, and free you up to have time...
Plan your schedule, organize your classes and share with students. - Simplest way to organize your classes In minutes, have your course up and running. Our teacher focused design is the easiest way to organize your syllabus, assignments, tests, lessons, and...
Entirely Teachers is a Teacher recruitment app.The app will allow schools and colleges to search for cover teachers in a specific geographic area for short and long-term placement for different subjects. Entirely Teachers has a database of qualified and...
Stay up to date on latest news from the Denver Classroom Teachers Association. DCTA believes public education is the gateway to opportunity. The following six core values guide our work, define our mission and inform everything we do together: Equal Opportunity...
MusiQuest Lesson Composer allows teachers (and enthusiasts!) to create their own lessons and daily songs that contribute to children's learning experience with MusiQuest. No individual educator, or even team of educators, has the expertise to create effective lesson plans covering...
The INTO guide to teachers leave is a quick guide for primary teachers in the Republic of Ireland outlining their leave from work entitlements. It includes information regarding family leave, brief absences, extended leave and sick leave.
The Illinois Federation of Teachers app is a valuable resource to help members and supporters stay informed and advocate for public education and services. Key features: • Stay up-to-date on the latest IFT news and receive notifications on urgent matters • Contact...
Xin chào các gia sư Song Nhi ! Sau thời gian beta thành công, Gia sư Song Nhi đã trở lại với nhiều thay đổi về chức năng cùng hệ thống phần thưởng cực kì hấp dẫn cho các gia...
Official Application for Teachers Syndicate in Lebanon.
Join the over 1 million people who love learning English using OKpanda. When you use OKpanda you will have access to an entire language school, right on your phone! We give you everything you need to become fluent in English...
Create virtual rooms filled with information about key terms and concepts from the middle school and high school algebra curriculum. Explore algebra in a new way with the Algebra Portal AR. Use the camera view on your iPad to detect...
Learn geometry in a new way with the Geometry Portal AR. Use the camera view on your iPad to detect a flat surface and then tap the screen. Instantly a portal opens to a world filled with...
Create virtual rooms filled with information about key terms and concepts from the high school trigonometry curriculum. Explore trigonometry in a new way with the Trigonometry Portal AR. Use the camera view on your iPad to detect a flat surface...
This is the only GT app you’ll ever need. Here's your Georgia Tech toolbox, giving you easy access to everything Tech. GT Portal is a popular third party app used by thousands of Georgia Tech students. All information stored...
A positive link between teachers, pupils and parents can be invaluable in a child's education. We wanted to make this link even more accessible for teachers and visible for parents. Our new Parent Portal allows parents to be updated...
University to Work Portal Application is the easiest way to check your training courses status and updates. ****** Features ****** - Follow-up on your enrollment and registration status - Check your program schedule - Check your assignments and grades - Evaluate sessions and instructors -...
Durham Academy ClassLink Portal is your personalized cloud desktop giving access to school from anywhere. Accessible from any device, Durham Academy ClassLink Portal is ideal for BYOD initiatives. Durham Academy ClassLink Portal's multiple views include an innovatively simple virtual...
GASD Single Sign-On Portal is your personalized cloud desktop giving access to school from anywhere. Accessible from any device, GASD Single Sign-On Portal is ideal for BYOD initiatives. GASD Single Sign-On Portal's multiple views include an innovatively simple virtual...
GISD ClassLink Portal is your personalized cloud desktop giving access to school from anywhere. Accessible from any device, GISD ClassLink Portal is ideal for BYOD initiatives. GISD ClassLink Portal's multiple views include an innovatively simple virtual desktop and an...
Independence School District Portal is your personalized cloud desktop giving access to school from anywhere. Accessible from any device, Independence School District Portal is ideal for BYOD initiatives. Independence School District Portal's multiple views include an innovatively simple virtual...
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