Top 19 Education Apps Like ESA WIS - Best Alternatives

ESA WIS Alternatives

Do you want to find the best ESA WIS alternatives for iOS? We have listed 19 Education apps that are similar to ESA WIS. Pick one from this list to be your new ESA WIS app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to ESA WIS on your iOS devices.

Top 19 Apps Like ESA WIS - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid ESA WIS alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 19 similar apps like ESA WIS 2025.



ESA's two European Remote Sensing (ERS) satellites, ERS-1 and –2, were launched into the same orbit in 1991 and 1995 respectively. Their payloads included a synthetic aperture imaging radar, radar altimeter and instruments to measure ocean surface temperature and...

Price: Free Developer: ESA - European Space Agency
ESA cryosat

ESA cryosat

CryoSat is ESA’s (European Space Agency) first ice mission. Launched in April 2010, it provides multi-year elevation data at latitudes never reached before by a satellite altimeter. The satellite has sophisticated technologies to determine variations in the thickness of...

Price: Free Developer: ESA - European Space Agency
ESA Crowd Cover Classification

ESA Crowd Cover Classification

The 3C app (Crowd Cover Classification) is an experiment which started during the ESA Living Planet Symposium 2016 within the context of EO Open Science. The goal is to explore the potential of common technology (smartphones) for participatory land...

Price: Free Developer: ESA - European Space Agency
ESA My Vegetation

ESA My Vegetation

This mobile application serves to promote the ESA Proba-V mission and data by giving users access to vegetation information, as seen from space, and associating this information to pictures taken by the users. Pictures composed through the App can...

Price: Free Developer: ESA - European Space Agency
ESA Living Planet 2016

ESA Living Planet 2016

The 2016 European Space Agency Living Planet Symposium follows the previous successful symposium held in Edinburgh in 2013. The event will be held in Prague, Czech Republic from 9 to 13 May 2016 and is organised with the support of...

Price: Free Developer: ESA - European Space Agency


Aplicativo institucional da ESA.

Price: Free Developer: App5 Solutions


ESA阅卷是一款面向阅卷老师的移动端云端阅卷应用,让老师从繁琐的线下传统阅卷解脱出来,轻松批阅试卷。阅卷数据信息化,有助于老师把控阅卷质量。 产品优势: 1、随时随地轻松批阅试卷 2、实时统计阅卷进度及各个题块的阅卷分数情况 3、支持随时回评试卷修改分数 4、对考生试卷支持多种阅卷处理,包括试评、正评、仲裁卷处理

Price: Free Developer: 广东德诚大数据科技有限公司
ESA 2018

ESA 2018

Get the Euroanaesthesia 2018 Congress (2-4 June 2018, Copenhagen, Denmark) on your mobile.

The ESA 2018 application lets you review the scientific programme, search for specific sessions/speakers/topics, create your personal congress diary, find exhibitors, navigate the floor plan, and access...

Price: Free Developer: European Society of Anaesthesiology
ESA EO Handbook - COP21 edition

ESA EO Handbook - COP21 edition

The Earth Observation Handbook for climate information is a free science touch-book written by the European Space Agency and the Committee on Earth Observation Satellites. This digital publication, like its paper version, aims to provide a broad understanding of...

Price: Free Developer: ESA - European Space Agency
WIS Cambodia

WIS Cambodia

Welcome to the App World International School Cambodia. Here you can find all the information you need about becoming a Student at World International School. WISC is one of the Fastest Growing coeducational and multilingual school in the middle...

Price: Free Developer: Jones Ajayi
Washington Intl School

Washington Intl School

Washington International School App Description Washington International School (WIS) provides parents, students, and faculty/staff with useful information, conveniently accessed and formatted specifically for consumption on mobile devices. The app includes: ● News and announcements ● Calendar events ● Athletics practices and games ● Constituent directories ●...

Price: Free Developer: finalsite


ChordMixer is a simple but effective way for young musicians to quickly build triads and seventh chords. The quicker they become at "stacking" the sooner theory teachers can begin productive analysis discussions. Includes grand staff stacking.

Price: Free Developer: Brian Wis


IntervalMania is a music theory app for ear-training. IntervalMania is the only app that allows the user to identify intervals using four different methods: Interval names, piano, solfege, and name of note. If you are a college music major, you...

Price: Free Developer: Brian Wis


NoteNames+ tackles one of the most serious roadblocks for young musicians: The ability to instantly recognize the names of notes. Instantaneous note recognition allows students to process other important information, such as dynamics, articulation, phrasing, fingerings, and so on....

Price: Free Developer: Brian Wis
ProPilots Care

ProPilots Care

IHR DIGIT BEGINNT HEUTE Hiermit nehmen wir Sie mit auf den innovativen Weg der digitalisierten Schulung. Diese App bietet Ihnen einen schnellen, direkten und innovativen Einstieg auf Ihr Fortbildungs-Schulungs-Portal. Sie zeigt Funktionen und Prozesse viel leichter und automatisierter an, somit wird...

Price: Free Developer: ProPilots


RhythmReactor is a rhythmic dictation app that provides students with foundational experience in both 4/4 and 12/8. Students drag the tiles that correspond to what they hear. Rhythms become more complex (including tied notes) in the upper reactors.

Price: Free Developer: Brian Wis


RhythmTapper helps musicians develop their ability to accurately perform the various subdivisions of the quarter note in 4/4 meter.

Price: Free Developer: Brian Wis
RhythmTapper TURBO

RhythmTapper TURBO

RhythmTapper TURBO gives students the ability to be challenged at the highest levels of complexity within the standard subdivisions of the quarter note in 4/4 time. Responses are measured in milliseconds and taps must be extremely accurate. Teachers can use...

Price: Free Developer: Brian Wis

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