Top 18 Education Apps Like Carlsen Weltraum VR - Best Alternatives

Carlsen Weltraum VR Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Carlsen Weltraum VR alternatives for iOS? We have listed 18 Education apps that are similar to Carlsen Weltraum VR. Pick one from this list to be your new Carlsen Weltraum VR app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Carlsen Weltraum VR on your iOS devices.

Top 18 Apps Like Carlsen Weltraum VR - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Carlsen Weltraum VR alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 18 similar apps like Carlsen Weltraum VR 2025.

Clever Programmieren

Clever Programmieren

Programmieren lehrt logisches Denken und hilft Kindern dabei, in einer zunehmend digitalen Welt erfolgreich zu sein! Mit dieser App und dem dazugehörigen Buch "Einfach Programmieren" lernen Mädchen und Jungs spielerisch und innovativ Programmieren: Unterschiedlichste Übungen bilden ein tiefes und grundlegendes...

Price: Free Developer: Carlsen Verlag GmbH
Math Games 1st Grade

Math Games 1st Grade

Connie lets your child experience plenty of great adventures in the Knight's Castle while practicing all of the important math problems taught during the first year at school. The app was developed in cooperation with educationalists and designed specifically...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Carlsen Verlag GmbH
Teach Yourself To Play Chess

Teach Yourself To Play Chess

Teach Yourself To Play Chess with this superb collection of 440 tuitional lessons. All aspects of chess are covered including opening, midgame and end game strategies. Lessons include Winning Chess Tutorial Lesson 1 Beginner A Legendary...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Anthony Walsh
Magnus Kingdom of Chess

Magnus Kingdom of Chess

"Magnus' Kingdom of Chess" is the fun way for children from 5 years old to learn chess and unleash their cognitive potential. This groundbreaking game is the result of a collaboration between World Champion Magnus Carlsen and his team of...

Price: USD 7.99 Developer: WeWantToKnow AS
Chess For Beginners

Chess For Beginners

Learn How To Play Chess with this easy to follow collection of 74 training video lessons. Lessons: How to Set Up the Board Chess How to Use the Pawn Chess How to Use the Knight Chess How to Use the Bishop...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Douglas Sturman
Flashcards for Kids in German PRO - Lernkarten für Kinder

Flashcards for Kids in German PRO - Lernkarten für Kinder

Die App umfasst über 1500 Lernkarten mit Geräuschen und heiteren Bildern, welche in verschiedene Themen und "Finde ein Bild"-Lernspiele aufgeteilt werden. Karteikarten stellen eine einfache und interessante Methode dar, mit der Ihr Kind die Welt um sich herum begreifen...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: VLADIMIR KRUCHININ
Plus und minus trainieren

Plus und minus trainieren

Das Plus-und-Minus-Training ist für alle Kinder ab Mitte des ersten Schuljahres geeignet. Spielerisch werden auf drei unterschiedlichen Schwierigkeitsstufen Plus- und Minus-Aufgaben wahlweise im Zahlenraum von 0 bis 10 oder im Zahlenraum von 0 bis 20 trainiert. Das sichere Beherrschen von...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Westermann Digital GmbH
AR VR Molecules Editor

AR VR Molecules Editor

AR VR Molecules Editor allows one to build and manipulate 3D molecules models of organic and inorganic compounds in a smartphone VR headset. This is a valuable tool for chemistry students for learning about molecular bonding with the aid...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Virtual Space OOO
AR VR Molecules Editor Lite

AR VR Molecules Editor Lite

AR VR Molecules Editor allows one to build and manipulate 3D molecules models of organic and inorganic compounds in a smartphone VR headset. This is a valuable tool for chemistry students for learning about molecular bonding with the aid...

Price: Free Developer: Virtual Space OOO
Athens in VR

Athens in VR

Please note that a VR headset is required for this experience. Purchase yours here: For the first time ever, you can use your iPhone to take a self-guided on site tour of Athens, Greece, the greatest tourist destination of...

Price: Free Developer: Lithodomos VR
Croatia in VR – Ancient Pula

Croatia in VR – Ancient Pula

Please note that a VR headset is required for this experience. Purchase yours here: Experience Croatia in a way that has not been possible for 2,000 years. Step into the shoes of a Roman, and see Pula exactly as...

Price: Free Developer: Lithodomos VR
Hyperloop VR

Hyperloop VR

Download the VR app now to discover the technological breakthroughs from the Delft Hyperloop team. Use your mobile VR headset or Google Cardboard to bring the Hyperloop concept to life. Features: · Sit...

Price: Free Developer: INDG
VR Classroom

VR Classroom

Assistant app to VIRTUAL CLASSROOM: ATOMS AND ORBITALS - the first of a kind educational virtual reality experience designed for group visits to location-based virtual reality venues from schools, summer camps, education centers, and for everyone else who wants...

Price: Free Developer: Abelana VR Productions Inc
ID College VR

ID College VR

De ID College VR app is een co-creatie onder leiding van EMansion, i.s.m. DutchVR, Rabobank en ID College. Het maakt het voor toekomstige studenten makkelijk een virtuele kijk in de klas te kunnen nemen, het gebouw te kunnen ervaren en interviews met...

Price: Free Developer: DUTCH VR BV
Metro VR Store

Metro VR Store

Welcome to your METRO VR store! Experience first-hand how to keep a store running! Restock, take care of quality and presentation, and make sure everything is nice and customer friendly. In three exciting games you will boost the customer experience and...

Price: Free Developer: VR Owl
MLU VR Führung

MLU VR Führung

Fast wie live vor Ort! Unsere VR-App bietet mit 360-Grad-Videos und interaktiven 360-Grad-Panoramen Eindrücke von den Studienbedingungen an der Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg (MLU) sowie der attraktiven Studentenstadt Halle (Saale) die zugleich Kulturhauptstadt des Landes Sachsen-Anhalt ist. Die optimale Wirkung der vollsphärischen...

Price: Free Developer: Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg
VR Karbala 360°

VR Karbala 360°

VR Karbala is an innovative project that is aiming to bring the tragic incident of Karbala to life. Through virtual reality, VR Karbala is aiming to allow its user to walk among the companions of Imam (as), praying behind...

Price: Free Developer: VMA Nordic IVS

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