Top 20 Productivity Apps Like FIT BOX - Best Alternatives

FIT BOX Alternatives

Do you want to find the best FIT BOX alternatives for iOS? We have listed 20 Productivity apps that are similar to FIT BOX. Pick one from this list to be your new FIT BOX app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to FIT BOX on your iOS devices.

Top 20 Apps Like FIT BOX - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid FIT BOX alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 20 similar apps like FIT BOX 2025.



This is the FIT-Basic version, free of charge. You will find a pro version called FIT-System in the App Store. The basic version provides all functionality but restricts the number of event categories to five. In analysis of human or...

Price: Free Developer: Juergen Held


In analysis of human or animal behavior you often have to record diverse activities. For example in field studies of Human Factors, Ergonomics, Psychology or in Biology you have to observe activities like tasks, interactions, states, postures, positions, locations,...

Price: USD 45.99 Developer: Juergen Held
FIT Deploy

FIT Deploy

FIT - Empowering humans to create cutting edge disaster solutions! Field Innovation Team volunteers, the FIT Deploy app is now available! The mobile app is available for existing and future volunteers of the FIT team. Conveniently, regional team leaders will be...

Price: Free Developer: RallyEngine


DataAnalysis is a general purpose iPad App for the plotting and fitting of all types of data that can be formulated as x, y pairs. The program can be used easily by both students and professionals. It is particularly...

Price: Free Developer: Data Evaluation Systems


DataAnalysisLite is the iPhone version of the DataAnalysis iPad App. DataAnalysisLite is a general purpose App for the plotting and fitting of all types of data that can be formulated as x, y pairs. The program can be...

Price: Free Developer: Data Evaluation Systems
ezPDF Reader: PDF Reader, Annotator & Form Filler

ezPDF Reader: PDF Reader, Annotator & Form Filler

ezPDF Reader is the world's first and only PDF viewer with the embedded multimedia (audio & video) playing capability. Easy annotations and PDF form-filling features are widely used. For iPad Users, please download the iPad version in AppStore. For the business...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Unidocs Inc.
iXVL Player

iXVL Player

iXVL Player is a 3D model viewer for the iPad / iPhone to show XVL files and contents output from iXVL Publisher. It enables viewing and interrogation of 3D models using rotate, pan and zoom, assembly tree display, part...

Price: Free Developer: Lattice Technology Co.,Ltd.
myOffice - Microsoft Office Edition, Office Viewer, Word Processor and PDF Maker

myOffice - Microsoft Office Edition, Office Viewer, Word Processor and PDF Maker

Microsoft Office Documents Viewer, Open source Document & Spreadsheets Editor, PDF Maker, Voice Recorder, Document Scanner and File Manager, all features in a single app. THE BEST DOCUMENT EDITING AND MANAGEMENT SUITE FOR IPHONE AND IPAD. Look at what some...

Price: USD 8.99 Developer: Masalasoft (Pvt) Limited
Air Cargo Loadability

Air Cargo Loadability

When offering cargo for air transport, sooner or later the question appears: –will it fit in the aircraft?! This tool shall give you a reference platform to quicker know if the piece is loadable in the commonly used aircrafts on...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: KAI MUELLER
Box Events

Box Events

Explore event agendas, access session information, create personalized schedules, interact with other attendees and expand your network to get the most out of each Box event. Features: * Update: share photos, leave comments and ask questions in real time * Activity feed:...

Price: Free Developer: Box, Inc.
Tasks in a Box

Tasks in a Box

Tasks in a Box is the perfect tool for teams to get results. Work together on your projects, start and share tasks, join team conversations and move things forward. You can now work seamlessly together on your projects from...

Price: Free Developer: Tasks in a Box


With M-Box’s comprehensive production monitoring system you automatically boost your organization to new heights with improved efficiency and energy savings. The factory data collection and monitoring system is built around external sensors and smart cards. All operator-machine-product combinations are...

Price: Free Developer: MGC Group


『ARCHI Box』 は、ウェブ上で登録された設計図書等のお施主様のプランデータを 閲覧できるアプリです。 ただ閲覧するだけでなく、お施主様に分かりやすくプランを提供できるよう プレゼンアプリとしての機能も搭載しています。 ※本アプリを利用するには、ウェブサイト『ARCHI Box』(有料)もしくは『TREND Net』(有料)への登録が必要となります。 ■ アプリの主な機能 (1)ビルダーとして複数の施主のプランデータを閲覧 ・『ARCHI Box』『TREND Net』で登録された施主のプランデータを検索等で絞り込んで簡単に閲覧 ・閲覧できるデータは画像やpdf、動画等様々  『ARCHITREND Z』『VirtualHouse Planning』で作成したCADデータも閲覧出来ます ・『ARCHI Box』『TREND Net』と連携をしているため更新をかければ常に最新のデータを取得・閲覧可能 ・施主のプランデータとは別に登録された施工事例も閲覧が可能    (2)スライドショーやメール送信等様々な機能で施主へプレゼン ・『ieKuru』や『iePon』『リフォーム現況調査』アプリと連携しておりデータの移行や閲覧が容易に可能 ・プレゼンモードにすることで施主にスライドショーでプランデータを紹介できます ・プランデータを画像としてメールで送信することができます。 ・残しておきたいデータはフォトライブラリに保存も可能です (3)持ち出し機能でネットワークに繋がなくてもプランデータを閲覧可能 ・プランデータをダウンロードすることでオフラインでもネットワークに繋いでいる時と同じように  閲覧やスライドショーが実行できます    (4)施主が直接自分の住宅データをチェックできる ・『ARCHI Box』『TREND Net』から発行されたアカウントがあれば、施主も自由に自分のプランデータを  閲覧できます ・『ARCHI Box』『TREND Net』と連携しているため、掲示板機能を使って施主と密接に  コミュニケーションを図れます

Price: Free Developer: 福井コンピュータアーキテクト株式会社
Work Box Organizer

Work Box Organizer

Work Box allows you to keep track of tasks and organize them by priority. They can be set in any order. To complete one, just swipe left! Goals work the same way, quick, easy and simple. There are also reminders...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Luis Quezada
Throw That Box Away!

Throw That Box Away!

OK, maybe you shouldn't just throw the box out. Recycling would really be better! We keep boxes for all sorts of things, but the boxes are often a nuisance. For grocery items, it's cooking instructions and nutrition information....

Price: Free Developer: T4 Software, Inc.
Hybrid Cloud for Dropbox,Box,Onedrive,GoogleDrive

Hybrid Cloud for Dropbox,Box,Onedrive,GoogleDrive

Hybrid Cloud app have activated with Google drive, Dropbox, Box and Onedrive Cloud User can download/upload file from cloud and keep auto storage in iPhone/iPad/Cloud/iCloud. Hybrid Cloud Features: * Sync your files from your computer/mobile to your iPhone/iPad * Quickly access presentations...

Price: USD 14.99 Developer: Rakesh Bhardwaj
Slickard Box

Slickard Box

Slickard Box is a business card management app. It is designed to meet the most wanted features from our users, including: - Fast and accurate business card recognition using the cameras; - Easy business card share and exchange with other users; -...

Price: Free Developer: Application Technology Company Limited
W2P - Rigid Box (RBOD)

W2P - Rigid Box (RBOD)

W2P stands for Web to Print. This App, Rigid Box On Demand (RBOD) is the first and innovative tool for you to manage your BESPOKE printing products by smartphones or tablets. It targets on all types of...

Pencil Box

Pencil Box

Pencil Box is a useful drawing tool that allows you to display your artistic talent. You can: - choose your preferred tool - airbrush - pen - pencil ...

Price: Free Developer: Fays Lane Labs

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