Top 30 Education Apps Like Học cắt tóc - Best Alternatives

Học cắt tóc Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Học cắt tóc alternatives for iOS? We have listed 30 Education apps that are similar to Học cắt tóc. Pick one from this list to be your new Học cắt tóc app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Học cắt tóc on your iOS devices.

Top 30 Apps Like Học cắt tóc - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Học cắt tóc alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 30 similar apps like Học cắt tóc 2025.

HC And - Allergi

HC And - Allergi

”HC And - Allergi” er udviklet i et samarbejde mellem H.C. Andersen Børnehospital, Odense Universitetshospital, indlagte børn og deres familier og 10:30 Visuel Kommunikation. HC And er patientinformation for børn i alderen 4-7 år og har til...

Price: Free Developer: 10:30.DK ApS
HC And - Astma

HC And - Astma

”HC And - Astma” er udviklet i et samarbejde mellem H.C. Andersen Børnehospital, Odense Universitetshospital, indlagte børn og deres familier og 10:30 Visuel Kommunikation. HC And er patientinformation for børn i alderen 4-7 år og har til formål at...

Price: Free Developer: 10:30.DK ApS
HC And - Blodprøve

HC And - Blodprøve

”HC And - Blodprøve” er udviklet i et samarbejde mellem H.C. Andersen Børnehospital, Odense Universitetshospital, indlagte børn og deres familier og 10:30 Visuel Kommunikation. HC And er patientinformation for børn i alderen 4-7 år og har til formål at forberede...

Price: Free Developer: 10:30.DK ApS
HC And - Del 1

HC And - Del 1

”HC And - Del 1” er udviklet i et samarbejde mellem H.C. Andersen Børne- og Ungehospital, Odense Universitetshospital, indlagte børn og deres familier og 10:30 Visuel Kommunikation. HC And er patientinformation for børn i alderen 4-7 år og...

Price: Free Developer: 10:30.DK ApS
HC And - Del 2

HC And - Del 2

”HC And - Del 2” om dagligdagen på børnehospitalet, er udviklet i et samarbejde mellem H.C. Andersen Børnehospital, Odense Universitetshospital, indlagte børn og deres familier og 10:30 Visuel Kommunikation. HC And er patientinformation for børn i alderen 4-7 år...

Price: Free Developer: 10:30.DK ApS
HC And - Diabetes type 1

HC And - Diabetes type 1

Denne app ”HC And - Diabetes type 1” er udviklet i et samarbejde mellem H.C. Andersen Børnehospital, Odense Universitetshospital, indlagte børn og deres familier og 10:30 Visuel Kommunikation. HC And er patientinformation for børn i alderen 4-7 år og har...

Price: Free Developer: 10:30.DK ApS
HC And - Kræft

HC And - Kræft

Denne app, ”HC And - Kræft”, er udviklet i et samarbejde mellem H.C. Andersen Børnehospital, Odense Universitetshospital, indlagte børn og deres familier og 10:30 Visuel Kommunikation. "HC And" er patientinformation for børn i alderen 4-7 år, og...

Price: Free Developer: 10:30.DK ApS
HC And - Nyrebørn

HC And - Nyrebørn

”HC And - Nyrebørn” er udviklet i et samarbejde mellem H.C. Andersen Børne-hospital, Odense Universitetshospital, indlagte børn og deres familier og 10:30 Visuel Kommunikation. HC And er patientinformation for børn i alderen 4-7 år, og har til...

Price: Free Developer: 10:30.DK ApS
HC And - Røntgenafdelingen

HC And - Røntgenafdelingen

Denne app ”HC And - Røntgenafdelingen” er udviklet i samarbejde mellem H.C. Andersen Børnehospital, Odense Universitetshospital, indlagte børn og deres familier og 10:30 Visuel Kommunikation. HC And er patientinformation for børn i alderen 4-7 år og har...

Price: Free Developer: 10:30.DK ApS
HC And - Høretab

HC And - Høretab

Denne app "HC And - Høretab" er udviklet i samarbejde mellem H.C. Andersen Børnehospital, Odense Universitetshospital, indlagte børn og deres familier og 10:30 Visuel Kommunikation. HC And er patientinformation for børn i alderen 4-7 år og har til formål at...

Price: Free Developer: 10:30.DK ApS
ClassLink Fairfield Schools CT

ClassLink Fairfield Schools CT

ClassLink Fairfield Schools CT is your personalized cloud desktop giving access to school from anywhere. Accessible from any device, ClassLink Fairfield Schools CT is ideal for BYOD initiatives. ClassLink Fairfield Schools CT's multiple views include an innovatively simple virtual...

Price: Free Developer: ClassLink, Inc
CT Abdomen

CT Abdomen

Interpretation of Radiographs - CT Abdomen will help you to follow a systematic approach towards the reading and interpretation of abdominal CT scans. - A reference to help you to read a “normal” CT scan, learn specific types of anatomy...

Price: Free Developer: Alex Yung
Helios CT - English Part 1

Helios CT - English Part 1

Helios CT - "Talking Thru the Christian Faith" "The most serious need of churches in economically-challenged countries is the need to train their untrained pastors and Christian leaders" - Woodrow Kroll HELIOS CT features 200 sessions of 20-22 minutes each covering...

Price: USD 59.99 Developer: The Psalm 119 Association Inc
Helios CT - English Part 2

Helios CT - English Part 2

Helios CT - "Talking Thru the Christian Faith" "The most serious need of churches in economically-challenged countries is the need to train their untrained pastors and Christian leaders" - Woodrow Kroll HELIOS CT features 200 sessions of 20-22 minutes each covering...

Price: USD 59.99 Developer: The Psalm 119 Association Inc
easyHAC - Westport, CT

easyHAC - Westport, CT

Free for Westport, CT! easyHAC is the cheaper, more advanced alternative to other existing Home Access Center Apps. It allows both students and parents to view the Home Access Center, which contains information pertaining to things such as grades and...

Price: Free Developer: Gary Perelberg
Cromwell Public Schools, CT

Cromwell Public Schools, CT

The official app for Cromwell Public Schools, CT allows users direct access to the most recent news, announcements and event calendars. Don't miss out on any important notifications. Users may also access the directory of district faculty and staff,...

Price: Free Developer: Cromwell Public Schools
Hebron Public Schools, CT

Hebron Public Schools, CT

The official app for Hebron Public Schools, CT allows users direct access to the most recent news, announcements and event calendars. Don't miss out on any important notifications. Users may also access the directory of district faculty and staff,...

Price: Free Developer: Apptegy
Lebanon Public Schools, CT

Lebanon Public Schools, CT

The official app for Lebanon Public Schools, CT allows users direct access to the most recent news, announcements and event calendars. Don't miss out on any important notifications. Users may also access the directory of district faculty and staff,...

Price: Free Developer: Apptegy
Watertown Public Schools - CT

Watertown Public Schools - CT

The official app for Watertown Public Schools - CT allows users direct access to the most recent news, announcements and event calendars. Customize the app to display information relevant to a specific campus and to receive important notifications from...

Price: Free Developer: Watertown Public Schools
Woodstock Schools, CT

Woodstock Schools, CT

The official app for Woodstock Schools, CT allows users direct access to the most recent news, announcements and event calendars. Don't miss out on any important notifications. Users may also access the directory of district faculty and staff, find...

Price: Free Developer: Woodstock Public Schools


TC-Stats is a complete data analysis application for the iPad. The application performs the following functions: Summary Statistics, Histograms, Box-and-Whisker Plot, Normal Probability Plot, Scatter Plot, Frequency Distribution Table, Probability calculations based on the binomial, standard and non-standard normal,...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Taft College
Classic TC with WordPower

Classic TC with WordPower

TC is a full-featured communication solution for individuals who have difficulty using their natural voice. TC is designed for individuals with Autism, Down Syndrome, ALS, apraxia, stroke, or other conditions that affect a person's ability to use natural speech. ...

Price: USD 299.99 Developer: Prentke Romich Company
Classic TC

Classic TC

TC is a full-featured communication solution for individuals who have difficulty using their natural voice. TC is designed for individuals with Autism, Down Syndrome, ALS, apraxia, stroke, or other conditions that affect a person's ability to use natural speech. ...

Price: USD 149.99 Developer: Prentke Romich Company
Classic TC - Lite

Classic TC - Lite

TC Lite is a non-communicative configuration of TC that allows for the user interface experience but does not include speech synthesis or any type of audio playback capabilities. TC Lite does not include the ability to transfer page sets...

Price: USD 9.99 Developer: Prentke Romich Company


高阶版是Fancy Robot TC系列产品为9岁以上儿童专门设计的可视化编程学习工具。针对9-10岁儿童的认知能力和思维特点,使用谷歌Blockly编辑编程指令选项,在基础版的基础上,去掉了图形,使编程体验更纯粹,帮助孩子应用TC硬件产品开发创造力,深入学习逻辑、变量、数学和算法等编程思维的高阶内容。 本程序免费使用,无广告。 本程序需要有Fancy Robot TC系列产品,以及具有蓝牙通讯功能的设备。

Price: Free Developer: 同翼时代教育科技有限公司 Ebook Ebook

Introducing Ebooks from Textile and Fashion Industry Training Centre, the first Continuing Education and Training Centre (CET) for the textile and fashion industry in Singapore, with the vision of becoming a global fashion school without boundaries. The Ebook...

Price: Free Developer: Andre The


启蒙版是Fancy Robot TC系列产品为5-6岁儿童专门设计的编程入门学习工具,不使用文字,用全图形的表达方式,让孩子在拖拖拽拽的操作中,初步接触计算思维,体会创造与编程的乐趣。 本程序免费使用,无广告。 本程序需要有Fancy Robot TC系列产品,以及具有蓝牙通讯功能的设备。

Price: Free Developer: 同翼时代教育科技有限公司


基础版是Fancy Robot TC系列产品为7岁以上儿童专门设计的可视化编程学习工具。针对7-8岁儿童的认知能力,使用谷歌Blockly编辑编程指令选项,结合图形与简单语言,帮助孩子理解控制器、端口、输入、输出等硬件概念,学习排序、事件、循环、嵌套、条件等编程思维的基础概念和应用。 本程序免费使用,无广告。 本程序需要有Fancy Robot TC系列产品,以及具有蓝牙通讯功能的设备。

Price: Free Developer: 同翼时代教育科技有限公司
City Church TC

City Church TC

Welcome to the weekly podcast of City Church led by Pastor Jody Carsten. To learn more visit our website at or download the City Church App.

Price: Free Developer: City Church TC
TC HappyFeet Soccer

TC HappyFeet Soccer

Twin Cities HappyFeet is pleased to offer a customized app to help you engage with your child’s school. Receive news, alerts and updates from Twin Cities HappyFeet so you never miss an announcement or newsletter again. The Twin Cities HappyFeet...

Price: Free Developer: SimInsights Inc.

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