Top 20 Book Apps Like Ordbog DK GL - Best Alternatives

Ordbog DK GL Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Ordbog DK GL alternatives for iOS? We have listed 20 Book apps that are similar to Ordbog DK GL. Pick one from this list to be your new Ordbog DK GL app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Ordbog DK GL on your iOS devices.

Top 20 Apps Like Ordbog DK GL - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Ordbog DK GL alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 20 similar apps like Ordbog DK GL 2025.

Din Danske Ordbog

Din Danske Ordbog

Her er Dansk-Dansk-ordbogen, som ALLE kan bruge. Den er skrevet til dem, der hader besværlige forkortelser og indviklede ordforklaringer, som man kun kan forstå, hvis man slår 10 andre ord op. I denne ordbog er der kun brugt nogle få...

Price: USD 5.99 Developer: LET Software ApS
DK findout! Library

DK findout! Library

Access a library of DK findout! reference books for kids by downloading the DK findout! reading app to your device. With it, your child can find out more about their favorite topics, such as animals, dinosaurs, space, science, history,...

Price: Free Developer: Dorling Kindersley
DK Preschool Reader

DK Preschool Reader

Inspire your child to read with four free books for kids in the new DK Preschool app. With access to a library of more exciting early-learning ebooks for kids, there’s something for every child - from abc and animals,...

Price: Free Developer: Dorling Kindersley
Nota Bibliotek

Nota Bibliotek

Note: You have to be a member of Nota to use Nota Library. See how to become a member at Functionality: • Play audiobooks and full-text books from Nota Library • Discover and search within all Nota audiobooks • Stream audiobooks or download...

Price: Free Developer:
Monto and the Forest Pirates

Monto and the Forest Pirates

When the Forest Pirates attack The Knome Village, the Food Knome Monto must use his knowledge about the plants and fruits in the forest for something else than cooking… Monto and the Forest Pirates is an interactive illustrated storybook with...

Price: Free Developer: Character Publishing
Den Klare Koran - Koranen på dansk (tekst & tale)

Den Klare Koran - Koranen på dansk (tekst & tale)

'Den klare Koran' er den første fulde oversættelse med indtaling af Koranen på et skandinavisk sprog, og røg direkte til tops på den danske e-bestsellerliste, foran alle store og berømte udgivelser, hvilket skabte medie-overskrifter som: »Koran brager forbi store...

Price: Free Developer: TRONEN DK


The digital library of the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Slovenia DKMORS is a single entry point for access to electronic information resources from the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Slovenia. Our digital library offers...

Price: Free Developer: Milan Ojster?ek
Lasse Lakridskonfekt

Lasse Lakridskonfekt

Lasse Lakridskonfekt - Drengen der fik lakrids mellem tæerne En børnebog med livlige illustrationer og fantasifuld fortælling. Bogen indeholder desuden forskellige små aktiviteter som barnet og den voksne kan gå på opdagelse med i historien. I historien møder du drengen Lasse, som...

Price: Free Developer: Christoffer Hoel
Pixi børnebøger

Pixi børnebøger

Gå på opdagelse i det eventyrlige Pixi-univers, hvor du både kan læse klassiske og nye Pixi-bøger. Bøgerne indeholder oplæsning, og børnene lærer hurtigt, hvornår de selv skal bladre i siderne. Pixi er din garanti for børnebøger af allerhøjeste kvalitet....

Price: Free Developer: Lindhardt og Ringhof
Manta og Skovpiraterne

Manta og Skovpiraterne

Da Skovpiraterne angriber Nomerbyen, må mad-nomen Manta bruge sin viden om skovens planter og frugter til andet end at lave mad ... Manta og Skovpiraterne er en interaktiv billedbog med humor og overraskelser for de 4-7-årige. Læs selv eller lyt...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Character Publishing
Viel Glück - Glückwunschkarten & Grußkarten

Viel Glück - Glückwunschkarten & Grußkarten

Wünsche deinen Freunden oder der Familie: VIEL GLÜCK! Nie war es so einfach, seinen Lieben VIEL GLÜCK zu wünschen. Mit diesen Glückwunsch-Karten geht das schnell und unkompliziert, aber super originell. Für jeden Anlass und jeden Geschmack ist die passende Glückwunsch-Karte...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Mario Guenther-Bruns
Adventure @Burj Khalifa, HBZ

Adventure @Burj Khalifa, HBZ

Autism Awareness Project, 2018 A group of Grade 9 students at Hamdan bin Zayed School, wanted to participate in a project that would raise awareness of an issue that impacts on some of the younger students that they know in...

Price: Free Developer: KIWA Digital Middle East
Shamma and Friends, HBZ

Shamma and Friends, HBZ

Autism Awareness Project, 2018 A group of Grade 9 students at Hamdan bin Zayed School, wanted to participate in a project that would raise awareness of an issue that impacts on some of the younger students that they know in...

Price: Free Developer: KIWA Digital Middle East
Bibliotecas BA

Bibliotecas BA

Bibliotecas BA es la aplicación de la Dirección General del Libro, Bibliotecas y Promoción de la Lectura del Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires. Desde esta APP vas a poder descargar, y acceder en línea, a libros de...

Price: Free Developer: Odilo
Dreame - Read Best Romance

Dreame - Read Best Romance

Dreame – Reading Completes Me. Dreame is a dreamy community for female readers and writers providing captivating, serialized online fiction. It is a reading platform where readers can immerses themselves into the latest fascinating stories anywhere anytime; a dream land...

Price: Free Developer: STARY PTE. LTD.
Sherlock Holmes for the iPad

Sherlock Holmes for the iPad

Featured “New and Noteworthy” App in 20 countries. "iPad book app reinvented." - "Unique and interactive." - "Feels like a whole new way to read." - "Something of a cross between Edward Gorey and art nouveau." - "The artwork is...

Price: Free Developer: GUTENBERGZ


Lecturas dixitais para centros educativos de Galicia dentro do Proxecto ELBE.2.

Price: Free Developer: Odilo


Gracias a esta aplicación podrás tener en préstamo libros electrónicos disponibles en la plataforma de préstamo digital eBiblio, accediendo desde cualquier lugar las 24 horas del día, siete días a la semana. Para utilizar esta aplicación deberás disponer de un...

Price: Free Developer: Odilo


Con la aplicación leoCMN podrás tener en préstamo libros electrónicos disponibles en la plataforma de préstamo digital del Campus Mare Nostrum, accediendo desde cualquier lugar las 24 horas del día, siete días a la semana. Para utilizar esta aplicación deberásser usuario...

Price: Free Developer: Odilo

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