Top 19 Education Apps Like Kita USZ Foto - Best Alternatives

Kita USZ Foto Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Kita USZ Foto alternatives for iOS? We have listed 19 Education apps that are similar to Kita USZ Foto. Pick one from this list to be your new Kita USZ Foto app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Kita USZ Foto on your iOS devices.

Top 19 Apps Like Kita USZ Foto - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Kita USZ Foto alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 19 similar apps like Kita USZ Foto 2025.

Nikolai Kita

Nikolai Kita

This is the official app for the Nikolai Kita in Bad Essen, germany.

Price: Free Developer: Andreas Olbricht
Kita USZ Check-in

Kita USZ Check-in

Kita USZ Check-in is a part of USZ´s daycare-solution. Kita USZ Check-in is a tool to register check-in and check-out when children arrive or leave the daycare institution. Parents, children and the employees can use Kita USZ Check-in on the daycare...

Price: Free Developer: University Hospital Zurich
Kita Würzburg

Kita Würzburg

Die mehrsprachige und multimediale Kita-App bietet Eltern eine wertvolle Hilfe, in dem sie Antworten zu den häufigsten Fragen liefert, die mit einem Einstieg und Aufenthalt in einer Kindertageseinrichtung verbunden sind. Die aktuell enthaltenen Sprachen sind: - deutsch - english - français (französisch) - русский...

Price: Free Developer: Harald Wehnes
factoris.sozial Kita

factoris.sozial Kita

Die factoris.sozial Kita APP bildet pädagogische Prozesse ab und beinhaltet notwendigen Verwaltungselemente, die für Kitas und soziale Organisationen notwendig sind. Schnell und übersichtlich lässt sich jede Dokumentation auf jede Einrichtung und deren Gruppen anpassen. Für die pädagogische Arbeit wurden...

Price: Free Developer: factoris GmbH
DPR Kita

DPR Kita

Aplikasi “DPR KITA” adalah aplikasi dari Perludem (Perkumpulan untuk Pemilu dan Demokrasi) yang memiliki semangat dan tujuan untuk semakin mendekatkan hubungan antara anggota DPR dengan masyarakat di daerah pemilihannya melalui komunikasi dua arah. Melalui aplikasi ini masyarakat dapat berinteraksi...

Price: Free Developer: GITS Mobile Indonesia
Kita & Schule

Kita & Schule

Sie wohnen mit Kindern in Frankfurt am Main? Sie suchen eine Kita im Stadtteil, im Umkreis ihres Arbeitsplatzes oder eines bestimmten Trägers? Sie suchen eine öffentliche oder private Schule im Stadtteil oder nahe einer bestimmten U-Bahn Haltestelle?   Die Kita & Schulen App...

Price: Free Developer: Presse Verlagsgesellschaft mbH
Kita USZ Team

Kita USZ Team

Kita USZ Team is a part of USZ´s daycare-solution. Kita USZ Team gives the daycare employees a tool for creating diaries, creating news, creating bulletins, see the children’s indexcards and much more from an iPad or iPhone.

Price: Free Developer: University Hospital Zurich
BRK Kita Eltern

BRK Kita Eltern

BRK Kita Eltern gives parents of children in daycare access to follow their children's daily activities. Parents can read diaries from the institution, see activities, view pictures, videos and calendar, as well as send mails and much more.

Price: Free Developer: Bayrisches Rotes Kreuz
Kita USZ

Kita USZ

Kita USZ gives parents of children in daycare access to follow their children's daily activities. Parents can read diaries from the institution, see activities, view pictures, videos and calendar, as well as send mails and much more.

Price: Free Developer: University Hospital Zurich
Kantoo Foto Tradutor

Kantoo Foto Tradutor

Se uma imagem vale mais que mil palavras, então este aplicativo vale ainda mais! Basta tirar uma foto usando o Kantoo Foto Tradutor e, em segundos, você terá a palavra em inglês em mãos. Mais: Se você está aprendendo inglês...

Price: Free Developer: La-Mark
pme Foto

pme Foto

pme Foto is part of pme Familienservice. pme Foto gives the employee the opportunity to publish photos directly from the iPhone or iPad to the solution. You can create multiple photo series that you can edit or change simultaneous, you...

Price: Free Developer: pme Familienservice
Adelby 1 Foto

Adelby 1 Foto

Adelby 1 Foto is part of Adelby 1. Adelby 1 Foto gives the employee the opportunity to publish photos directly from the iPhone or iPad to the solution. You can create multiple photo series that you can edit or change...

Price: Free Developer: Adelby 1, Kinder- und Jugenddienste gGmbH
BMW Strolche Foto

BMW Strolche Foto

BMW Strolche Foto is part of BMW Strolche. BMW Strolche Foto gives the employee the opportunity to publish photos directly from the iPhone or iPad to the solution. You can create multiple photo series that you can edit or change...

Price: Free Developer: BMW Strolche


ES.foto is part of Elly & Stoffl. ES.foto gives the employee the opportunity to publish photos directly from the iPhone or iPad to the solution. You can create multiple photo series that you can edit or change simultaneous, you have...

Price: Free Developer: E&S Bildungs- und Betreuungskonzepte GmbH
Foto Chamada

Foto Chamada

Fazer a chamada de nomes na sala de aula é uma atividade que demanda tempo precioso de uma aula. Foi pensando em diminuir este tempo é que foi criado o "Foto Chamada". Com este app você apenas tira uma...

Price: Free Developer: HTS Consultoria em Informatica Ltda.
GSG Foto

GSG Foto

GSG Foto is part of Grossstadtgeschwister. GSG Foto gives the employee the opportunity to publish photos directly from the iPhone or iPad to the solution. You can create multiple photo series that you can edit or change simultaneous, you have...

Price: Free Developer: Grossstadtgeschwister GmbH
Humboldt Foto

Humboldt Foto

Humboldt Foto is part of Colegio Humboldt. Humboldt Foto gives the employee the opportunity to publish photos directly from the iPhone or iPad to the solution. You can create multiple photo series that you can edit or change simultaneous, you...

Price: Free Developer: Asociacion Institucion Cultural Germano Costarricense
Tamina Foto

Tamina Foto

Tamina Foto is part of Kinderwelt Tamina. Tamina Foto gives the employee the opportunity to publish photos directly from the iPhone or iPad to the solution. You can create multiple photo series that you can edit or change simultaneous, you...

Price: Free Developer: Kinderwelt Tamina

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