Top 22 Education Apps Like HT-digital - Medienregal - Best Alternatives

HT-digital - Medienregal Alternatives

Do you want to find the best HT-digital - Medienregal alternatives for iOS? We have listed 22 Education apps that are similar to HT-digital - Medienregal. Pick one from this list to be your new HT-digital - Medienregal app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to HT-digital - Medienregal on your iOS devices.

Top 22 Apps Like HT-digital - Medienregal - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid HT-digital - Medienregal alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 22 similar apps like HT-digital - Medienregal 2025.

DGK HT 2017

DGK HT 2017

Zur den DGK Herztagen 2017 vom 12. -14. Oktober 2017 in Berlin bietet die Deutsche Gesellschaft für Kardiologie – Herz- und Kreislaufforschung e.V. die DGK HT 2017 Kongress App an. In der App finden Sie das vollständige Kongressprogramm mit Suchfunktion,...

Price: Free Developer: DocumediaS GmbH
DGK HT 2019

DGK HT 2019

Zu den DGK Herztagen 2019 vom 10. -12. Oktober 2019 in Berlin bietet die Deutsche Gesellschaft für Kardiologie – Herz- und Kreislaufforschung e.V. die DGK HT 2019 Kongress App an. In der App finden Sie das vollständige Kongressprogramm mit Suchfunktion,...

Price: Free Developer: DGK e.V.
Hijab Tutorial (HT)

Hijab Tutorial (HT)

Download to watch Hijab tutorial. Hijab as fashion in a modest but stylish way to show the world that Muslims introduce their women as the flag of Islam in Hijab. This is a recognition of a Dignified , Confident &...

Price: Free Developer: Next Apps
HT Formazione primaria

HT Formazione primaria

Test di ammissione all’Università alle porte? Preparati al meglio con la nuovissima app gratuita Hoepli Test per la preparazione ai test di ammissione a tutti i corsi di laurea in Scienze della formazione primaria (Scienze dell’educazione – Scienze dell’infanzia...

Price: Free Developer: Edigeo S.r.l.
HT Professioni sanitarie

HT Professioni sanitarie

Test di ammissione all'Università alle porte? Preparati al meglio con la nuovissima app gratuita Hoepli Test per la preparazione ai test di ammissione a tutti i corsi di laurea nelle Professioni Sanitarie, comprendenti: scienze infermieristiche, fisioterapista, logopedista, dietista, ortottista,...

Price: Free Developer: Edigeo S.r.l.
HT Scienze della comunicazione

HT Scienze della comunicazione

Test di ammissione all'Università alle porte? Preparati al meglio con la nuovissima app gratuita Hoepli Test per la preparazione ai test di ammissione a tutti i corsi di laurea in Scienze della comunicazione. Le app Hoepli Test sono strumenti estremamente...

Price: Free Developer: Edigeo S.r.l.
CircusMath – Mathematics for the Elementary School from Grade 1 up to Grade 4

CircusMath – Mathematics for the Elementary School from Grade 1 up to Grade 4

CircusMath is an ideal companion for the mathematical learning in the Elementary School and provides lots of exercise sheets and calculating variations for practicing and deepening. *** LEARNING CONTROL: There is a password-protected student area. Here is a list of...

Price: Free Developer: tub KIDS-Edition
CircusMath – Mathematics Grade 4

CircusMath – Mathematics Grade 4

CircusMath is an ideal companion for the mathematical learning in the Elementary School and provides lots of exercise sheets and calculating variations for practicing and deepening. *** LEARNING CONTROL: There is a password-protected student area. Here is a list of...

Price: Free Developer: tub KIDS-Edition
Canvas Parent

Canvas Parent

Canvas Parent is designed to provide visibility into your child’s education at a glance. Canvas Parent allows parents to: View assignment descriptions and due dates Set reminders for assignments View assignment grades View course grades Set grade alerts View course announcements

Price: Free Developer: Instructure Inc.
Livros Digitais SAE Digital

Livros Digitais SAE Digital

Os alunos das escolas conveniadas ao SAE Digital tem acesso a um amplo conteúdo digital acessível com este aplicativo. São exercícios, vídeos e outros objetos digitais que aprimoram a experiência do aprendizado. Para mais informações, entre no site do SAE...

Price: Free Developer: SAE Digital
Questões ENEM - SAE Digital

Questões ENEM - SAE Digital

PENSADO PARA VOCÊ Através do App de Questões ENEM - SAE Digital, desenvolvido pelo SAE Digital você tem acesso a diversas ferramentas de estudo através do seu smartphone. É útil. É simples. É grátis! RESPONDA QUESTÕES • Encontre...

Price: Free Developer: SAE Digital
Editora Geração Digital

Editora Geração Digital

Coleção de livros didáticos em formato digital para as escolas de ensino médio no Brasil, disponível para tablets iOS. Abrange todo o conteúdo desse nível nas disciplinas Filosofia, Geografia, História, Sociologia, Biologia, Química, Física, Matemática, Artes Cênicas, Artes Visuais,...

Price: Free Developer: Curso e Editora Geracao Digital LTDA- EPP
Aplicativo Peper Digital

Aplicativo Peper Digital

Este aplicativo permite o download e a habilitação da Carteirinha Peper Digital, um documento de identificação escolar importante e que também vai facilitar o acesso à utilização dos diferenciais e serviços adicionais proporcionados pelo Peper Proteção Escolar Permanente, sempre...

Price: Free Developer: Plataforma Digital Tecnologia e Informatica Ltda.
Digital Citizenship Curriculum (Digital Literacy)

Digital Citizenship Curriculum (Digital Literacy)

App will help students use devices and technology appropriately and responsibly. Digital Citizenship Curriculum is a fun and easy-to-use app built on a framework of learn through informative chapters, assess through quizzes and improve score and earn badges. Lessons include...

Price: Free Developer: ToNewDigital
Digital Cookie Mobile App

Digital Cookie Mobile App

Free to use and designed for Little Brownie Baker Councils participating in the Digital Cookie Platform's Digital Order Card, this app guides the girl along as she takes a customers cookie order. Remember, use of the app may require...

Price: Free Developer: Girl Scouts of the USA
Digital House

Digital House

Digital House nace de la pasión por formar talento en tecnología y disciplinas digitales. Y creemos que estas nuevas habilidades se aprenden practicando, haciendo y experimentando. Nos proponemos desarrollar las nuevas generaciones de coders y profesionales del mundo tecnológico, para...

Price: Free Developer: Digital House
Avatar - JoinMax Digital

Avatar - JoinMax Digital

Avatar - JoinMax Digital, developed by Guangzhou JoinMax Digital Technology Co., Ltd, you can use mobile phone control network equipment. After installing the software, connect to the specified network via mobile phone WIFI, click the connection button at the...

Price: Free Developer: JoinMax Digital Technology Co.,Ltd.
Stepping Stones Digital Books

Stepping Stones Digital Books

Digital version of the printed student workbooks to accompany the ORIGO Stepping Stones core mathematics program. This student book app allows students to complete their school work on iPad, save and submit electronically to the teacher. The student Journals...

Price: Free Developer: ORIGO Education
Pentrepoeth Digital Leaders

Pentrepoeth Digital Leaders

Pentrepoeth Primary School is the home of the South East Wales Apple Regional Training Centre. Find out more about the Digital Leaders who help with Apple technology across the school. Watch the videos the pupils have created on iPad...

Price: Free Developer: martin jones


EUROPATHEK, das neue virtuelle Medienregal des Verlags Europa-Lehrmittel, ist die mobile Lösung für digitale Bücher sowie interaktive Wissens- und Lerneinheiten. Stellen Sie sich Ihre Bibliothek zusammen und nutzen Sie exklusive digitale Zusatzinhalte zu Ihren Büchern. Durch ein verlinktes...

Price: Free Developer: Verlag Europa-Lehrmittel


BILDUNGSLOGIN bietet Zugang zu einer Vielzahl von Bildungsmedien: zum Beispiel zu E-Books, Online-Portalen und vielen weiteren Unterrichtsmaterialien für Lehrende und Lernende – für die allgemeinbildende Schule, die berufliche Bildung und die Erwachsenenbildung. Aus einem verlagsübergreifenden Medienregal heraus können Sie...

Price: Free Developer: VBM Service GmbH

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