Top 28 Lifestyle Apps Like VI OVER 60 eMagasin - Best Alternatives

VI OVER 60 eMagasin Alternatives

Do you want to find the best VI OVER 60 eMagasin alternatives for iOS? We have listed 28 Lifestyle apps that are similar to VI OVER 60 eMagasin. Pick one from this list to be your new VI OVER 60 eMagasin app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to VI OVER 60 eMagasin on your iOS devices.

Top 28 Apps Like VI OVER 60 eMagasin - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid VI OVER 60 eMagasin alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 28 similar apps like VI OVER 60 eMagasin 2025.

Xem Tử Vi 12 cung hoàng đạo - Tử vi Horoscope

Xem Tử Vi 12 cung hoàng đạo - Tử vi Horoscope

Ứng dụng Bí mật Cung Hoàng Đạo cung cấp cho bạn thông tin về 12 cung hoàng đạo, tư vấn về tử vi, tình yêu, tiền bạc, may mắn, công việc hằng ngày của từng cung. Thông tin được...

Price: Free Developer: Ngoc Thanh Pham
Vi Menn +

Vi Menn +

Vimennpluss - 65 år med Vi Menn På Vimennpluss får du tilgang til alle utgavene av Vi Menn helt tilbake til 1951. Alle utgaver er tilgjengelige og søkbare. I tillegg til det historiske arkivet får du hver uke tilgang til...

Price: Free Developer: Egmont Publishing AS
Vi Unge – VIPige

Vi Unge – VIPige

I VIPige får du gode råd til alt, du har brug for i dit teenageliv. Test dig selv, læs de pinligste historier, se sjove videoer og hør spændende podcasts. 3 GRUNDE TIL AT DOWNLOADE VIPige: • Du kommer aldrig til at...

Price: Free Developer: Aller Media A/S
Tử Vi 12 Chòm Sao - Cung Hoàng Đạo

Tử Vi 12 Chòm Sao - Cung Hoàng Đạo

Ứng dụng Tử Vi 12 Chòm Sao - Cung Hoàng Đạo cung cấp cho bạn thông tin về 12 cung hoàng đạo, tư vấn về tử vi, tình yêu, tiền bạc, may mắn, công việc hằng ngày. Thông tin...

Price: Free Developer: Tran Khanh
Tử vi - Phong thuỷ

Tử vi - Phong thuỷ

Tử vi - Phong thuỷ mang đến cho bạn những kiến thức cực kỳ bổ ích, giúp bạn rất nhiều trong cuộc sống gia đình và xã hội + Xem tử vi tướng số + Xem phong thuỷ nhà đất + Xem...

Price: Free Developer: Van Bang Tran
Thế Giới Vi Tính

Thế Giới Vi Tính

Với sự hỗ trợ của công nghệ định vị toàn cầu GPS cùng các hệ thống thông tin địa lý (GIS) ngày càng hoàn thiện, các ứng dụng và dịch vụ dựa trên địa điểm ngày càng phong phú,...

Price: Free Developer: Magzter Inc.
Tử vi Cung hoàng đạo hàng ngày

Tử vi Cung hoàng đạo hàng ngày

Tử vi 12 Cung hoàng đạo Hàng ngày Tốt nhất - Ứng dụng xem tử vi 12 Cung Hoang Dao Hang Ngay sẽ đưa ra dự đoán chính xác ngày hôm nay của 12 cung hoàng đạo. Bạn có thể...

Price: Free Developer: Hai Nam Trinh


Go2Joy là ứng dụng trên điện thoại di động giúp người dùng đặt phòng theo giờ một cách nhanh chóng, thuận tiện, riêng tư. Không cần phải mất nhiều thời gian tìm kiếm nữa, với Go2Joy, chỉ cần vài...

Price: Free Developer: Appro Mobile Co., Ltd.


Easyworld có gì đặc biệt - Nhận mã khuyến mãi tại nơi mua hàng - Hệ thống nhận thưởng trải rộng trên nhiều lĩnh vực - Ứng dụng giúp liên kết nhãn hàng và người dung thông qua các chương trình khuyễn mãi - Phần thưởng...

Domaza - Property Search, Real Estate All Over The World, Holiday Rentals, News, Analyses

Domaza - Property Search, Real Estate All Over The World, Holiday Rentals, News, Analyses

Looking for a property to rent, let, buy or sell in your own country or abroad? The intuitive Domaza real estate App for iOS and Android offers the biggest property database nationwide and all over the world. Domaza...

Price: Free Developer: Domaza


App Game over Game Over es una aplicación interactiva para adolescentes y jóvenes que les brinda información para que puedan reflexionar y desnaturalizar la violencia contra las mujeres. Además permite que se pongan la camiseta por un mundo libre de...

Price: Free Developer: Addsoft-Tech
Fart Button - Epic Rip Edition with Over 100 Epic Rips

Fart Button - Epic Rip Edition with Over 100 Epic Rips

Loaded with OVER 100 of the nastiest, wettest, epic farts ever. More than any other fart app! Bring endless enjoyment to you and your friends with these epic rips. Easy to navigate and simple to activate! Awesome design with...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Rocket Splash Games
Hero Fingers - Put hero masks over your fingers!

Hero Fingers - Put hero masks over your fingers!

Use Hero Fingers app to create super hero frames with your fingers! Just take a photo of your hand (or any other stuff?) and place super hero masks over the photo! We have Storm Troopers, Darth Vader, Transformers, and much more!...

Price: Free Developer: Manoel Franklin Costa
Baby names all over the world

Baby names all over the world

A simple and convenient application for choosing a name for your child. There is a choice of countries, more than 35 countries to choose from. Saving liked and constant access to them

Price: Free Developer: Dmitry Koliush
CamRoll - Laugh over Memories with Friends

CamRoll - Laugh over Memories with Friends

Are you feeling lucky? Do you want to laugh? Camera Rollette is a game to play with friends...They could see any random picture from your phone's camera roll! 1. Find a friend 2. Hand them your phone 3. They spin to a...

Price: Free Developer: Redcup, Inc
Sailfish Wallpapers-Live Photo

Sailfish Wallpapers-Live Photo

Came in #1 on the list of Lifestyle Apps for Canada! Ultra HD personal Live Wallpapers! Daily Update! Specially optimized for iPhone XR/ 11/ 11 Pro/ 11 Pro Max. You can download and create ultra HD personal Live Wallpapers with a...

Price: Free Developer: Apps Innova Limited
HowUdish: Food, Friends, Dates

HowUdish: Food, Friends, Dates

Get CASH BACK when you date or meet friends who are food lovers at nearby restaurants! How It Works > Build Your Profile - Tell HowUdish about yourself, your favorite foods, and your lifestyle. > Get Swiping! - Swipe through potential friends,...

Price: Free Developer: Felix Culpa Publishing, LLC
Torqvita Vouch365

Torqvita Vouch365

Unbeatable value from thousands of Buy One Get One Free offer(s). Unveil 1000’s of Buy One Get One Free offer(s) in one app! On the off chance that you are a noteworthy foodie, an extraordinary shopaholic, or a traveling freak...

Price: Free Developer: entertainerAsia
60 Seconds to Peace

60 Seconds to Peace

60 Seconds to Peace is an app that allows you to take a 60 second break from your day to envision peace. We track your meditations concurrently with those around the world. Whether you choose to meditate...

Price: Free Developer: Gramercy Consultants


進むボタン」を押すだけで、「テンポ良く」どんどん進みます。 現役内科医師が「アニメ風パラパラ漫画付き早押しクイズ形式」で授業を展開。前作の心臓学習アプリの好評(*****五つ星くださったかた、感謝です*****)を受け、続編としてリリースします。(参考app:Study Heart(英語版なので英語で勉強したい人向け),Drアニメ心臓講座(一夜漬けテストの山クイズ):両方とも画面が似ていますが盗作ではありません->developer名ご参照下さい.) アプリのポイント   _____________________________________ 【1】授業についていけない人むけ 【2】タイマー付き(成長が自分で実感できる.トータル消費時間を毎日出席簿などに書き込めば教員の皆様が小テストがわりに使える) 【3】資格試験などへの自信の基礎作り(丸暗記でなく、一生忘れないよう) 【4】3秒ルール: 3秒以内に正解した問題は、2度と表示されないようにしてあり、残りを反復することで効率アップ。 ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー 【【 まとめ 】】 医師が経験を活かし、学生がつまづきやすいポイントを重点的に入門講座を作成。プログラミングは独学なので芸術性より実用性でご評価下さい^^; _____________________________________ 学生の皆様へメッセージ】期末テストなど試験前日でも10〜20分見るだけで得点率アップできうる内容です。また国家試験合格などのお役にも立てれば幸いです。 他のクラス、他の学校のお友達とタイマー時間対決し、SNSなどでスクリーンショット見せ合いし「今日はトータル消費何秒差で私の勝ちだね」などと切磋琢磨して下さい。自然と実力アップするでしょう。ぜひ「勉強はしんどいけど(一歩一歩きちんとやれば)面白い!しかも将来役に立つ!」と言い周りながら1分1秒を大事に使い「勉強の本質」を実感してください。皆さんで将来生まれる子供たちの為にもっといい日本にして下さい。 ===================== 教員の皆様へ】トータル消費時間を出席簿(または学内掲示板)に毎回書き込むことで、誰が努力したか、誰がサボったかが一目瞭然です。小テストがわり、眠い時間帯の授業での班対抗iPadリレー対決などに使えるよう工夫しました。日本に一人でもいい医療人が増えるような授業のお役に立てれば幸いです。    制作者より。 ___________________________ iPhone6以上推奨。 iPhoneXにも対応。 iPad Pro(12.9 inch) 2nd generationにも対応(たて横注意) ==問題が枯渇した場合は再度アップ下さい。(またはapp storeへ)

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Chie Yada


DeciTime - Time for the 21st century DeciTime stands for "decimal time", i.e. a representation of the time of day based on decimal units. Since the old times we are used to the somewhat odd counting with 24/60/60 - the time...

Price: Free Developer: tin:b Software


Singapore's first truly On-Demand Dry Cleaning & Laundry App that Delivers to your Door! With Piing! Say hello to a smarter life, where Dry cleaning and Laundry never eats into your precious time. Enjoy the convenience of free pick-up...

Price: Free Developer: Piing (Pte.) Ltd.
Puppr - Dog Training & Tricks

Puppr - Dog Training & Tricks

Meet your new dog trainer! Puppr includes step-by-step video instructions and a built-in clicker to help teach your dog tricks from basic obedience like “sit” and “stay” to advanced tricks like “fetch leash” and “sit pretty”. Great for both...

Price: Free Developer: Chin and Cheeks LLC
Ancient Wisdom Oracle Cards

Ancient Wisdom Oracle Cards

This deck includes 60 fully-illustrated cards featuring Tiffany's goddess, fairy, witch, and mermaid art. Based on the major arcana and expanded from there, this deck is designed to guide you through your daily life in matters of love,...

Price: Free Developer: Frederic Calendini
Motivation Manifesto Cards

Motivation Manifesto Cards

After spending more than a dozen weeks on the New York Times bestseller list, The Motivation Manifesto now delivers its inspiration through this beautifully designed deck of 60 cards that collects the most invigorating quotes from the book. "We...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Hay House, Incorporated
Puppy Calmer

Puppy Calmer

***Calmed puppies for 136 nights last month!*** This App was originally developed to help sooth newborns, and slowly ween them from the need to have a noise maker. After a few months on the App Store, I started getting...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: JoelPro
Soko Glam Sticker Pack - Korean Beauty

Soko Glam Sticker Pack - Korean Beauty

SOKO GLAM K-Beauty Sticker pack is for all Korean Beauty lovers and K-Beauty fanatics. Features over 60 brand new emoji and gifs you won’t find anywhere else. Chat with your friend about spa days or beauty routines -- or...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Denitria Lewis

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