Top 20 Education Apps Like iClassics: H.P. Lovecraft - Best Alternatives

iClassics: H.P. Lovecraft Alternatives

Do you want to find the best iClassics: H.P. Lovecraft alternatives for iOS? We have listed 20 Education apps that are similar to iClassics: H.P. Lovecraft. Pick one from this list to be your new iClassics: H.P. Lovecraft app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to iClassics: H.P. Lovecraft on your iOS devices.

Top 20 Apps Like iClassics: H.P. Lovecraft - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid iClassics: H.P. Lovecraft alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 20 similar apps like iClassics: H.P. Lovecraft 2025.

iClassics: Jack London

iClassics: Jack London

The iClassics: Jack London Collection is the most diverse app we have yet created, including a varied range of stories penned by lit legend Jack London, including Moon Face, Keesh and The Law of Life. Drama, black comedy...

Price: Free Developer: iClassics Productions, S.L.
iClassics: Edgar A. Poe Vol. 1

iClassics: Edgar A. Poe Vol. 1

iClassics unites the old and the new to create immersive experiences that inspire and move everyone. Through cutting-edge technology and sophisticated artwork, the iPoe Collection Vol. 1 served as iClassics Production's first Immersive Entertainment app, and went on to...

Price: Free Developer: iClassics Productions, S.L.
iClassics: Edgar A. Poe Vol. 2

iClassics: Edgar A. Poe Vol. 2

After the highly acclaimed and award-winning iPoe Collection Vol.1, iClassics unleashed the equally awe-inspiring iPoe Collection Vol.2. In this innovative Immersive Entertainment app, a fine selection of macabre tales is lovingly and artistically enhanced with interaction, illustration, animation, FX,...

Price: Free Developer: iClassics Productions, S.L.
iClassics: Oscar Wilde

iClassics: Oscar Wilde

In this moving creation, three of Oscar Wilde's most compelling short stories are made yet more magical by iClassics Education, which includes The Selfish Giant, The Nightingale and the Rose, and The Happy Prince. In this innovative Immersive Entertainment...

Price: Free Developer: iClassics Productions, S.L.
iClassics: Charles Dickens

iClassics: Charles Dickens

Charles Dickens is perhaps the most canonical of all writers from the Western literary tradition. iClassics Productions has become famous for its artistic and technological enhancements of great literature, and our collection of Immersive Entertainment apps would be woefully...

Price: Free Developer: iClassics Productions, S.L.
iClassics: Sherlock Holmes

iClassics: Sherlock Holmes

iClassics unites the old and the new to create immersive experiences that inspire and move everyone. This Immersive Entertainment app is a feature-length artistic and technological rendering of Arthur Conan Doyle's masterpiece, A Scandal in Bohemia. In this innovative Immersive...

Price: Free Developer: iClassics Productions, S.L.
iClassics: Edgar A. Poe Vol. 3

iClassics: Edgar A. Poe Vol. 3

In this innovative Immersive Entertainment app, a fine selection of macabre tales is lovingly and artistically enhanced with interaction, illustration, animation, FX, and OST. Following on from the previous two installments of the iPoe Collection (Vol.1 and 2), the...

Price: Free Developer: iClassics Productions, S.L.
iClassics: Sleepy Hollow

iClassics: Sleepy Hollow

And so how wrong would it be if we failed to include the classic and quintessentially American tale, The Legend of Sleepy Hollow. In this innovative and feature-length Immersive Entertainment app, Washington Irving's magnum opus is lovingly and artistically...

Price: Free Developer: iClassics Productions, S.L.
iClassics: Canterville Ghost

iClassics: Canterville Ghost

Reader, in your eager and clasping hands, you hold one of Oscar Wilde's most cherished works: The Canterville Ghost. This comic chiller has delighted many down the years, and you now have the possibility of reading it as nobody...

Price: Free Developer: iClassics Productions, S.L.
HP Prime Pro

HP Prime Pro

HP Prime Pro is an extensive and integrated graphing calculator app that enables students to solve problems, learn, and explore on their mobile device. Designed with the same layout and features as the College Board approved HP Prime Graphing Calculator,...

Price: USD 24.99 Developer: HP Inc.
Hola HP

Hola HP

Study Smart with ¡Hola HP!, bringing you Small Group Tutoring in the heart of Highland Park! Our goal is for our students to feel and see success in learning from Kindergarten to their Senior Year. Our small group environment creates...

Price: Free Developer: Hola HP, LLC
HP Kvantitativ Pro 2019

HP Kvantitativ Pro 2019

Av tekniska skäl innehåller den första versionen av HP Kvant PRO ej DTK-delen. Av den anledningen är priset för appen betydligt reducerat. När väl DTK-delen är tillgänglig i appen kommer alla existerande användare kunna ladda ner en ny version...

Price: USD 33.99 Developer: I.M.D. Publicacion C.A.
Kw to HP : Hp to Kw Converter

Kw to HP : Hp to Kw Converter

Welcome to our hp to kW and Kw to hp converter. Prefix or symbol for horsepower is: hp Prefix or symbol for kilowatt is: kW kW to Hp Conversion : Convert kilowatts to horsepower (kW to hp), please type the kilowatts value,...

Price: Free Developer: Chirag Bavda


Microcode-level HP-45 JavaScript Emulator. HP-45js is an authentic emulation of Hewlett-Packard's scientific hand-held calculator HP-45 original hardware, with internal registers display. All calculations are identical to the original one, and the Forensic Calc Test give the correct result = 9.004076644 Based on...

Price: Free Developer: Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne EPFL


Uppgifterna i MEK-provet består av kortare textstycken där ett, eller flera, ord har utelämnats och ersatts med en lucka ____. Efter varje textstycke presenteras fyra svarsförslag och du skall välja det svarsförslag som till betydelse, stil och form bäst...

Price: Free Developer: I.M.D. Publicacion C.A.


Uppgifterna i MEK-provet består av kortare textstycken där ett, eller flera, ord har utelämnats och ersatts med en lucka ____. Efter varje textstycke presenteras fyra svarsförslag och du skall välja det svarsförslag som till betydelse, stil och form bäst...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: I.M.D. Publicacion C.A.


Delprovet ORD prövar din förmåga att förstå ord och begrepp. Varje uppgift inleds med ett ord eller ett uttryck. Efter varje ord presenteras fem svarsförslag och du skall välja det svarsförslag som bäst motsvarar innebörden i det givna ordet...

Price: Free Developer: I.M.D. Publicacion C.A.


Delprovet ORD prövar din förmåga att förstå ord och begrepp. Varje uppgift inleds med ett ord eller ett uttryck. Efter varje ord presenteras fem svarsförslag och du skall välja det svarsförslag som bäst motsvarar innebörden i det givna ordet...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: I.M.D. Publicacion C.A.
Theory & HP

Theory & HP

DOWNLOAD our comprehensive, completely FREE and ACCURATE Theory and Hazard Perception Test app. UNLIMITED Theory Study, Practise and Mocks – with questions covering ALL the test categories. ACCURATE Hazard Perception test clips and scoring. ‘How to and Study videos’...

Price: Free Developer: SmartDriving

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