Top 39 Entertainment Apps Like I Like it List - Best Alternatives

I Like it List Alternatives

Do you want to find the best I Like it List alternatives for iOS? We have listed 39 Entertainment apps that are similar to I Like it List. Pick one from this list to be your new I Like it List app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to I Like it List on your iOS devices.

Top 39 Apps Like I Like it List - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid I Like it List alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 39 similar apps like I Like it List 2025.

Jul i Dragør

Jul i Dragør

Denne app er udgivet af Nexus Kommunikation A/S i samarbejde med Dragør Kommune og kan gratis hentes på App Store og bruges af alle interesserede. App’en er optimeret til iOS 8.0 og senere versioner. App’en er første gang taget...

Price: Free Developer: Nexus Kommunikation A/S
Easy Crossword Puzzle Pro I

Easy Crossword Puzzle Pro I

Easy Crossword Puzzle Pro I is an ultimate classic crossword application. It is easy, simple and entertaining. Easy Crossword Puzzle Pro I is the second set of the Easy Crossword Puzzle Pro series. Features: •Easy and simple puzzles with easy...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Vaanathi C
I Magma

I Magma

I Magma by Jenna Sutela in collaboration with Memo Akten and Allison Parrish is a machine oracle performing divinations on our collective futures. The decentralised intelligence meditates on live video footage from inside head-shaped lava lamps, while weaving constellations...

Price: Free Developer: The Serpentine Galleries
My real intention - I will ascertain the true feelings of the opposite sex!

My real intention - I will ascertain the true feelings of the opposite sex!

Love diagnostic app !! to be in "full view" the men and women of the real intention Unrequited love, love does not last long, I want to know more about the opponent. . Love is, let's start from the fact that...

Price: Free Developer: flyzion
Never Have I Ever: Party Game New Fun Questions

Never Have I Ever: Party Game New Fun Questions

some funny questions from your friends and discover the truth! Download “Never Have I Ever : Party Game”, a popular party drinking or family get together game of all time. “Never have I Ever : Party Game” is a great...

Price: Free Developer: Kashyap Asavadiya
Celebrity - who do I look like

Celebrity - who do I look like

Let's be honest, every once in a while, we ask ourselves: "Which celebrity do I look like?" I want to be able to say I have a famous lookalike. But first, I need to find them. if they have a...

Price: Free Developer: Thumb Talk Co., Ltd
Bajki Polskie - Brzechwa, Tuwim, Fredro i inni

Bajki Polskie - Brzechwa, Tuwim, Fredro i inni

Brzechwa, Tuwim, Fredro, Jachowicz – klasyka wierszyków i bajek dla najmłodszych, które wszyscy dobrze pamiętamy. Pozwól swojemu dziecku poznać te historie dzięki pięknym książeczkom z profesjonalnym lektorem! Twój maluch może szukać okularów z panem Hilarym, poznać perypetie zapominalskiego Trąbalskiego,...

Price: Free Developer: PGS Software S.A.


最智能、最丰富的美剧播出提醒、追剧管理、美剧新闻阅读与个性化推荐体验。 - 网易2014大学生移动应用开发大赛第1名 - 奇虎360大学生应用开发大赛第2名 超过10万美剧迷的共同选择(网页版用户数量),i看累计发布美剧播出提醒超过700万条,应用原创美剧新闻月均阅读量超过3000万次。 【产品介绍】 i看是一款集美剧播出智能美剧播出提醒、个性化美剧追剧管理、个性化美剧新闻、可解释美剧推荐,以及美剧社交于一体的智能美剧应用。 【产品特色】 - 完美设计 应用界面采用原创的屡获大奖的卡片式设计与创新化手势操作,赏心悦目享受极致体验,轻松一划标注美剧关注进度。 - 个性化的美剧管理 只需关注您感兴趣的美剧,我们智能为您管理追剧计划,提供智能美剧播出时刻表。美剧播出、资源更新实时推送提醒。 - 最高质量原创美剧新闻 依托月均阅读量超过3000万次的美剧贩原创新闻,提供业界最高质量的原创美剧资讯。更首创提供个性化新闻阅读、个性化新闻推送。 【产品详细功能】 - 个性化美剧时刻表 - 个性化美剧播出倒计时 - 个性化追剧进度管理 - 个性化美剧在线资源提醒(实时收录优酷、搜狐、乐视、奇艺、腾讯等主流视频网站美剧资源) - 美剧播出、在线资源更新、重要美剧新闻,个性化推送提醒 - 原创美剧新闻与个性化新闻阅读体验 - 可解释的个性化美剧推荐 - 美剧社交,查看社交网络好友都在追什么,查看身边的人都怎么评价某部剧 - 美剧百科,提供所有剧集、所有集的简介、剧照、预告片、收视率、在线观看资源等内容 ………… 近百项功能 【我们的优势】 1、i看依托于全国最大规模的美剧数据库 - 3万多集美剧收录 - 4万张美剧海报 - 10万张美剧剧照 - 17万条版权原创美剧新闻(超300万字,折合5本红楼梦的容量) - 基于10万用户、100多万部美剧偏好所产生的精准美剧推荐 2、i看带来全平台的美剧追剧体验 您在手机上的i看账户,将于i看美剧应用网页版、i看微信美剧智能机器人、i看美剧应用浏览器插件、i看美剧应用webapp全面打通,一处修改,全平台受益 3、广大用户推荐 作为一个大学生团队在课余时间开发的作品,i看美剧应用得到了大量用户的支持,我们的用户群不仅包括超过10万国内资深美剧迷,还包括名人、业内视频网站资深美剧编辑。i看凭借优异的表现,还先后获得过网易总裁丁磊先生,360总裁齐向东先生的大力称赞。 版权推广与合作: [email protected] 应用反馈与建议: 请使用应用内置建议反馈功能,或微博私信作者 @美剧贩

Price: Free Developer: Beidou Wang
I Never Party

I Never Party

* Never Have I Ever - The Classic Drinking Game * You may know this drinking game as I Never, Never Have I Ever or Ten Fingers... With this game you will find out the interesting, outrageous and somewhat strange...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Sirob OU
Konstrundan i Majorna

Konstrundan i Majorna

Våren är här och det är dags för Konstrundan i Majorna, ett stadigt inslag i Göteborgs kulturliv sen mer än 20 år. Detta är årets höjdpunkt för oss konstnärer och konsthantverkare, då vi får chansen att öppna våra ateljéer...

Price: Free Developer: Kicksort
Baby looks like... Mom or Dad?

Baby looks like... Mom or Dad?

The application with the facial recognition and comparison technology within 5 seconds will determine “Baby looks like...” Mom or Dad with a certainty of 95% and you will finally leave this question. Even our ancestors wondered who does baby looks...

Price: Free Developer: Artur Zakiev
Look like-Celebrity look alike

Look like-Celebrity look alike

What celebrity do you look like? Take a photo and Face Compare will find your celebrity match in dozens of categories. Do you want to understand deeply about yourself and get your life forecasting ? Now just start a...

Price: Free Developer: Arescrowd Co., Ltd
Like FM

Like FM

Like FM แอพพลิเคชั่น ที่จะพาคุณทุกคนสัมผัสประสบการณ์การฟังเพลงเพราะตลอด24ชั่วโมง โดยมีDJ.ที่น่าLike หมุนเวียนทำหน้าที่เสิร์ฟเพลงเพราะให้คุณถึงที่ ในทุกวันจันทร์ถึงวันศุกร์ รวมถึงช่วงพิเศษในทุกวันเสาร์-อาทิตย์ เพลงเพราะๆจะอยู่เป็นเพื่อนคุณทั้งวัน แบบฟังกันสบายๆ กับ “Like Music สบาย Day” โหลดเลย ฟังเพลงเพราะที่ Like FM ชอบ Like กด Like คุณสมบัติเด่น - ฟังวิทยุออนไลน์สดๆจากสถานี 103 Like FM - หน้า Schedule แสดงช่วงเวลาการจัดรายการของดีเจ - หน้า Facebook และ Instagram เพื่อให้คุณได้ติดตามความเคลื่อนไหวจาก Like FM

Price: Free Developer: Smile Interactive Co.,Ltd.
Like me! - 8th grade syndrome version

Like me! - 8th grade syndrome version

◆◆◆The popular portrait app among Japanese fashion models and celebrities “Like me!” 【7th series】◆◆◆ You can make american pop and super cool portraits!『Odd version』 Let’s make the portrait you made into an icon for SNS like LINE or Facebook....

Price: Free Developer: PROTO Solution Co.,Ltd.
Like me! Let's create a portrait - Comic version

Like me! Let's create a portrait - Comic version

◆◆◆The popular portrait app among Japanese fashion models and celebrities “Like me!” 【4th series】◆◆◆ You can make american pop and super cool portraits!『Comic book version』 Let’s make the portrait you made into an icon for SNS like LINE or Facebook. It is...

Price: Free Developer: PROTO Solution Co.,Ltd.
Like me! Let's create a portrait - Odd version

Like me! Let's create a portrait - Odd version

◆◆◆The popular portrait app among Japanese fashion models and celebrities “Like me!” 【6th series】◆◆◆ You can make american pop and super cool portraits!『Odd version』 Let’s make the portrait you made into an icon for SNS like LINE or Facebook....

Price: Free Developer: PROTO Solution Co.,Ltd.
Like me! Let's create a portrait - Street art version

Like me! Let's create a portrait - Street art version

◆◆◆The popular portrait app among Japanese fashion models and celebrities “Like me!” 【5th series】◆◆◆ You can make funky fresh portraits with Street art Version! Let's make portraits and use them as icons for LINE or Facebook! It would be a great...

Price: Free Developer: PROTO Solution Co.,Ltd.
Wheel of Musical Impression - Sing Video Karaoke Like Jimmy Fallon

Wheel of Musical Impression - Sing Video Karaoke Like Jimmy Fallon

Play this new fun game like you have seen it on TV. Spin the Wheel of Musical Impression and have a blast. Record yourself while singing and impersonating famous stars. Play The Wheel of Musical Impression like you have seen it...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Appsonite AS

【2Look-Like.comの特長】 2Look-Like.comは、そっくり、ものまね、似顔絵を投稿してコミュニケーションを楽しむサイトです。 【特長その1】 誰でも気軽に、似ている人(物)の2つの写真(動画)をならべて投稿、掲載して楽しむことができます。 投稿した写真の説明やメッセージを記入することができます。 ジャンルは有名人、動物、芸術品、漫画・イラスト、ものまね、似顔絵、その他から選べます。 似てる!と思う投稿には ハートのLikeボタンを押してください。 Likeボタンを押したLike数による各ジャンルの投稿ランキングを見ることができます。 【特長その2】 自分のパフォーマンスをどんどん投稿することができます! 私は有名人のあの人に似ている!ものまねが得意なので見て欲しい! ものまねメイクをしたらそっくりになった! ものまね動画を自分で作ったのでぜひ見てもらいたい!(YouTubeのみ対応) 有名人の似顔絵を描いてみたので見てもらいたい! などなど、使い方は自由です。 投稿したら、どんどんTwitter、 Facebook、 LINE(モバイルのみ)で友達に紹介して拡散できます。 【特長その3】 ユーザーの登録をして、マイページで自分の投稿のLIKE総数や月間順位の確認、投稿の管理や他のユーザーのフォロー、フォロワーのチェックができます。 QRコード読み取りを搭載していますので、その場で簡単にユーザー間のフォローをすることができます。 商用利用もOKですので、ものまねタレントの方や似顔絵を描いているプロの方も利用できます。コメント機能で反響を確認することもできます。 また、ユーザーページに自分のホームページやブログ、TwitterなどのURLを入れることもできるので、PRしてページへの誘導も可能です。 投稿は『』の公式Facebookと公認キャラクターの『かものまね』がTwitterでつぶやきます。

Price: Free Developer: i2R Corporation

Simply put, uSaveit is a software platform that allows you to record and archive streaming radio broadcasts as they happen so you can listen to them later. Think of it like a DVR for radio.

Price: Free Developer:

Con l’App potrai accumulare punti direttamente con il tuo smartphone. Inoltre potrai verificare in ogni momento quanti punti hai accumulato, consultare il catalogo a premi e controllare quanto ti manca per raggiungere il tuo premio dei desideri, essere...

Price: Free Developer: NexusCom
Am I in love?: is it passion? or just friendship!

Am I in love?: is it passion? or just friendship!

* MILLIONS of people have already downloaded this app. Get it now too!!!* Test to eliminate your doubts. With this very fun test, you will be able to verify how hard you have fallen for someone, how much you have in...

Price: Free Developer: Zed Worldwide
Crit It or Quit It Forum

Crit It or Quit It Forum

Mobile App for the Crit It or Quit It D&D gaming group! With the Crit It or Quit It app you can * Follow topics and share with like-minded people * Post ideas/pics/videos & get feedback from fellow experts * Chat with...

Price: Free Developer: Ricky Stevens II
Snap It - Cap It Free

Snap It - Cap It Free

Snap It - Cap It Free is the free version of Snap It - Cap It. Add hilarious captions to your photos using Snap It - Cap It Free! Use our internal captions, or add your own! It's easy...

Price: Free Developer: Rocket Splash Games
Top Trump It

Top Trump It

Make your own Top Trumps cards! Take a photo, make up your cheeky stats, pick a card theme and share it! Turn your photos into custom Top Trumps e-cards instantly. Top Trump It! is available for iPhone, iPad and iPod...

Price: Free Developer: Winning Moves


The free VU-IT App for iOS is the ultimate entertainment app serving up control, discovery and a mobile place for viewing. Watch live or recorded TV via your TiVo, find shows, schedule recordings and browse content via the guide,...

Price: Free Developer: National Cable Television Cooperative
Decide It!

Decide It!

This app is made up for you who can't decide things readily. If you can't decide it, let's decide it by this app which is named "Decide it!". You configure things what you want to decide, and you just tap...

Price: Free Developer: Toroku Shimizu
Xperience It

Xperience It

Book special events, plan birthdays, anniversaries and Xperience much more with us! *WHAT'S NEW Download the latest update of the Xperience It app for a faster, smoother and better booking Xperience. Don't forget to rate the app and share your feedback...

Price: Free Developer: Xperience It
Be Heart of it

Be Heart of it

The "Be Heart of it" app is the ultimate opportunity for true fans to take part in their favorite Artist's projects by posting their own photo into a mosaic made of fans' pictures, that will recreate their idol's face...

Price: Free Developer: Be Heart Of It, LLC
Santa's Nice List

Santa's Nice List

Enter your name and use the fingerprint reader to access the list. Once your identity is verified, you will see how you're doing on Santa's list! These instructions are not included in the app so only you will know how...

Price: Free Developer: Michael Isasi
Sticker List

Sticker List

Sticker List showcases the most beautiful new sticker collections paired with great editorial content. Featuring helpful Articles, Resources and Tutorials for sticker artists and publishers. We help artists & brands design, publish and promote their own stickers. Check us...

Price: Free Developer: Sticker List
Santa's Christmas List

Santa's Christmas List

This is a fun app you can use to prank your family and friends into thinking that they are either on Santa’s Nice List or his Naughty one. Parents can use it to keep their children from misbehaving...

Price: Free Developer: Ichiban Mobile
Santa's Naughty or Nice List

Santa's Naughty or Nice List

This is a fun app you can use to prank your family and friends into thinking that they are either on Santa’s Nice List or his Naughty one. Parents can use it to keep their children from misbehaving...

Price: Free Developer: Ichiban Mobile
Movie List Free - Todo List for Movies, Wishlist for new best Movies and Hollywood movies list

Movie List Free - Todo List for Movies, Wishlist for new best Movies and Hollywood movies list

Movie List is simple and beautiful todo list for movies you want to watch. Never miss a movie again! It’s a much more fun way of keeping track of those still-need-to-watch films than a plain, boring list. FEATURES - Instant...

Price: Free Developer: Vitaliy Ampilogov
Movie List Pro - Todo List for Movies, Wishlist for new best Movies and Hollywood movies list

Movie List Pro - Todo List for Movies, Wishlist for new best Movies and Hollywood movies list

Movie List is simple and beautiful todo list for movies you want to watch. Never miss a movie again! It’s a much more fun way of keeping track of those still-need-to-watch films than a plain, boring list. FEATURES - Instant...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Vitaliy Ampilogov


The TJ Smart Song List is a multi-functional APP that helps you use and explore your TJ Media Karaoke easier and in a more enjoyable way. Experience a whole new level of innovation and supremacy with the TJ Smart Song...

Price: Free Developer: TJ MEDIA
Turn It Up! - Live Set List and Find Music Around You

Turn It Up! - Live Set List and Find Music Around You

Do you play live shows with a set list of songs? This app will get your audience engaged with you live! Perfect for bands and DJ's! Here's a list of features that you can offer through this app: - Audience...

Price: Free Developer: Psyance LLC
Collectors List - Boo's List

Collectors List - Boo's List

Unofficial Boos Collectors List. Use this app to keep track of your Boos collection. Scroll through the list and mark off the ones in your collection. Hunt for those you have missed and keep your collection growing. If you find any...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: A+ Apps

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