Top 40 Music Apps Like I Love Choice FM - Best Alternatives

I Love Choice FM Alternatives

Do you want to find the best I Love Choice FM alternatives for iOS? We have listed 40 Music apps that are similar to I Love Choice FM. Pick one from this list to be your new I Love Choice FM app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to I Love Choice FM on your iOS devices.

Top 40 Apps Like I Love Choice FM - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid I Love Choice FM alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 40 similar apps like I Love Choice FM 2025.

I Learn Guitar Pro - interactive guitar course for beginners

I Learn Guitar Pro - interactive guitar course for beginners

△ △ △ △ △ I LEARN GUITAR PRO △ △ △ △ △ I Learn Guitar Pro is a new course for iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch of Guitar for Beginners. With I Learn Guitar Pro you will be...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Massimiliano Borrelli
Live I-5 Radio

Live I-5 Radio

Live I-5 Radio, the best adult contemporary new, throwback, multi-genre streaming radio station. LI5R host great informative, empowering, and educational shows and live mini workshops. Tune in, to the Soul Folks Station. Giving the people what they want.

Price: Free Developer: Live I-5 Radio
I n I Caribbean Radio

I n I Caribbean Radio

I n I Caribbean Radio is a Internet radio station dedicated to providing a diverse programmed experience for all our listeners. We are dedicated to our international audience and the Caribbean community near or far. I n I Caribbean...

Price: Free Developer: Nobex Technologies
Tuba.FM - Muzyka i Radio Internetowe

Tuba.FM - Muzyka i Radio Internetowe

Tuba to tysiące stacji radiowych z muzyką na każdą okazję oraz radio na żywo. Znajdziesz tu wszystkie gatunki i dekady muzyczne, popularne i alternatywne zespoły i wykonawców z Polski i ze świata, a także możliwość tworzenia własnych stacji radiowych...

Price: Free Developer: AGORA SA
Hooktheory I

Hooktheory I

There has never been a music book like this. Hooktheory I is a smart, fun, skill-building journey that concretely teaches you how to craft melodies and chord progressions like professional musicians and gain a deep understanding and intuition for...

Price: USD 14.99 Developer: Hooktheory
Genesis – I Know What I Like

Genesis – I Know What I Like

Armando Gallo, Genesis’ Photographer and Biographer, turns his Classic “I Know What I Like” book into an amazing, comprehensive and highly interactive app with exclusive photos and music. Since 1970 Armando Gallo started to follow the career of a then...

Price: USD 9.99 Developer: Arga Zentric
Beethoven: Piano Sonatas I Nos. 1-8

Beethoven: Piano Sonatas I Nos. 1-8

The app is developed specifically for serious music students and musicians. Besides accessing music scores, users can also annotate their own fingerings that are specifically tailored to fit their very scenario. Additionally, different devices can pair with each other to...

Price: Free Developer: WEI JEN TU
Mozart: Piano Sonatas I

Mozart: Piano Sonatas I

The app is developed specifically for serious music students and musicians. Besides accessing music scores, users can also annotate their own fingerings that are specifically tailored to fit their very scenario. Additionally, different devices can pair with each other to...

Price: Free Developer: WEI JEN TU
i-XyloPhone II HD - FULL FREE Version

i-XyloPhone II HD - FULL FREE Version

Play along i-Xylophone II for "kids" of all ages! It’s a FREE and FULL version app! i-Xylophone II is powered by "MyTAPFORCE" technology for detecting touch force! Hit harder for a louder sound! It's really FUN!!! Try it now!!!...

Price: Free Developer: Alessandro Benedettini
i.s. music

i.s. music

I.S. Song Hits หรือ บริษัทวงศ์สว่างพับลิชชิ่ง แอนด์ พริ้นติ้ง จำกัด ก่อตั้งในปี 2512 โดย คุณเล็ก วงศ์สว่าง อดีตนักจัดรายการวิทยุผู้โด่งดังเจ้าของรายการ “I.S. Song Hits” หรือ “รายการเพลงประทับใจ” ในยุคช่วงที่เพลงสากลมีบทบาทและมีอิทธิพลในหมู่วัยรุ่นไทย ด้วยบทบาทของผู้ก่อตั้ง-ปูชนียบุคคลที่มีอิทธิพลต่อวงการหนังสือเพลงไทย-สากล ผู้ริเริ่มหนังสือเพลงไทยใส่คอร์ดกีตาร์เป็นฉบับแรกของเมืองไทย โดยใช้ชื่อว่า “The Guitar” และหนังสือเพลงเล่มนี้ก็กลายเป็นต้นแบบของหนังสือเพลงในเมืองไทยมาจนถึงปัจจุบันมากกว่า 40 ปีในวงการสื่อสิ่งพิมพ์ ด้วยอุดมการณ์ที่ยึดมั่น …“ถ้าเราไม่ริแล้วใครจะเริ่ม เราคือผู้นำ ไม่ใช่ผู้ตาม” ปัจจุบันเรามีหนังสือเพลงและนิตยสารในเครือที่ขึ้นชื่อเป็นหนึ่งในเรื่องคอร์ดกีตาร์แม่นยำถูกต้องตามมาตรฐาน หนังสือรวมเพลงฉบับพิเศษภายใต้ LOGO คนถือกีตาร์ อาทิ The Guitar Mag...

Price: Free Developer: OOKBEE LIMITED
Love Songs Romantic Music

Love Songs Romantic Music

The best love songs of romantic music from different countries of the world in english and spanish language. Transmitted from countries such as United States, Mexico, Colombia, United Kingdom, Chile, Argentina, Guatemala, Ecuador, Spain, Dominican Republic, Venezuela, Peru, among...

Price: Free Developer: Yonatan Roman
Best Love Ringtones: Romantic Melodies and Lovely Valentine’s Day Songs for iPhone

Best Love Ringtones: Romantic Melodies and Lovely Valentine’s Day Songs for iPhone

▶▶▶Are you looking for some cute love melodies app which will allow you to download some amazing free ringtones? ▶▶▶ If so, you are at the right place! We’ve prepared a collection of best romantic ringtones for you to...

Price: Free Developer: Predrag Kolarevic
Valentine's Love Radio

Valentine's Love Radio

The radio for special love moments offers 20+ radio stations with the best, most beautiful and hottest love music from all genres. You can play and enjoy music from your smartphone, tablet or PC anywhere in the world. As you play,...

Price: Free Developer: Johannes Blatz
Best Love Songs – Background Music Player for Saint Valentine with HD Love Wallpapers

Best Love Songs – Background Music Player for Saint Valentine with HD Love Wallpapers

Valentine's Day is approaching, and all of us are busy organizing what is sure to be a special evening with our loved ones. Are you still looking for the perfect romantic music to act as a background on this...

Price: Free Developer: Rehegoo
Music Love みゅーじっく人気おんがくアプリ

Music Love みゅーじっく人気おんがくアプリ

音楽を無料で聴くなら、人気おんがく無料の最強音楽アプリ、ミュージックLoveが人気です。 Music Loveに絶対欲しい機能、当然あります *バックグラウンド再生 *完全課金なし(無料,タダ,0円です) *通信量を超節約 *動画再生or音楽のみ再生 が選べる *登録、ログインなし 音楽アプリにあると便利なこんな機能も。 *10秒巻戻し&早送り  音楽のイントロをカット。  さらにもう1回聞きたい曲や音楽を簡単にリピートできます *アルバムも同じ音楽の曲順で聞けます  人気のアルバムも課金なしで、完全無料でアルバム通りの順番の音楽で聞けます。 *MixList(プレイリスト)ランキング  聞きたい曲が特にないけど、なんとかなくイイ感じの音楽を聞きたいという時にピッタリ。  あなた好みの曲がプレイリストになっているので、ワンタップで自由に音楽を楽しめます。 *操作性がダントツで良い!  使い勝手の悪い音楽アプリにサヨナラ。  ダントツに使いやすいMusicラブの操作性をお楽しみください。 *他のアプリを使っていても音楽(おんがく)が聞ける!  音楽を聞きながら他のアプリ、当然つかえます。 こんな音楽(ミュージック)アプリを使っている方にオススメ。 Spotify(スポティファイ,すぽてぃふぁい)/Music Box FM(みゅーじっく ぼっくす えふえむ)/AWA 音楽ストリーミングサービス/最新の音楽聞き放題!Music Tubee(みゅーじっく ちゅーびー)/Shazam(シャザム)/無料音楽-音楽プレーヤー/音楽聞き放題MP3(えむぴーすりー)/音楽聴き放題アプリ-musicbox(ミュージックボックス)/LINE MUSIC(らいん みゅーじっく)/MUSIC LIVE(ミュージックライブ)/AbemaTV(あべま てぃーびー)/youtube(ゆーちゅーぶ,ようつべ)/SoundHound/おんがく無料だうんろーど/FM Music/音楽おふらいん/おんがく無料 人気/ アイドルのミュージックビデオやプロモーションビデオはもちろん、ビジュアル系、J-pop(じぇーぽっぷ)、邦楽、洋楽、BillboardHits(ビルボードヒッツ)、k-pop(けーぽっぷ)、R&B(あーるあんどびー)、ヒップホップ、ダンス、アニメ、ジャズ、クラシック、ブルース、サウンドトラック、エレクトロニック、ワークアウト&フィットネス、カウントリー、レゲー、演歌、歌謡曲、60円代、70年代、80年代、90年代、1990年代、パラパラ、サイケ、キッズ、ワールドの音楽ジャンルにも幅広く対応した無料の音楽アプリです。 音楽、動画、PV、プロモ、MusicVideo、アルバム、CD、シングル、カラオケの練習などなど色々な用途に使いやすいMusicBox(みゅーじっく ぼっくす)! 音楽を無料で聴き放題!聞き放題!お楽しみください。完全無料です!

Price: Free Developer: Yuma Okamura
Romantic Words Sayings & Phrases: Cute Love Quotations for Valentine’s Day

Romantic Words Sayings & Phrases: Cute Love Quotations for Valentine’s Day

Welcome to Inspirational Love Words, the only app that will satisfy your daily need of romantic love quotes! The pen is mightier than the sword, they say. But a pen can also be comforting, and provide a message of...

Price: Free Developer: Rehegoo
Electric Love Festival 2019

Electric Love Festival 2019

Download the official Electric Love Festival mobile app now so you can start exploring the festival Line Up, the area map or just check out our music playlist. Create a custom schedule of your favorite artists and be notified...

Price: Free Developer: Global Event Technologies
Love Live Music

Love Live Music

Discover new artists, find out touring info, and catch live music concerts at Stickyz Rock'n'Roll Chicken Shack and Revolution Music Room in Little Rock, Arkansas. Check out our podcast, song clips, artist info, and buy tickets to shows directly...

Price: Free Developer: Love Live Music
Love Radio Música

Love Radio Música

Love Radio, la música que amas. Enamórate. Love Radio is a romantic music station that will make you fall in love. This application is the official, exclusive application for Love Radio under an agreement between Love Radio and Nobex Technologies.

Price: Free Developer: Nobex Technologies
Love & Valentine Ringtones - Best Romantic Sounds

Love & Valentine Ringtones - Best Romantic Sounds

Love & Valentine Ringtones app for FREE !!! Welcome to the easiest-to-use ringtone personalization application on the iOS Market. You need just a few steps to import your favorite Ringtone: * Start the Love & Valentine Ringtones app * Press the...

Price: Free Developer: Nenad Stankovic
Music Choice: Ad-Free Music

Music Choice: Ad-Free Music

Did You Know? Music Choice is the most popular TV Network for On Demand music videos and expertly curated Music Channels. Love the facts on those music TV channels? Yep - that's Music Choice! LISTEN With 85 expertly curated Music...

Price: Free Developer: Music Choice
Choice Gospel Radioo

Choice Gospel Radioo

Choice Gospel Radio was established by the leading of The Holy Spirit Originally, the radio show was one of a worldly nature, but since Foster was transformed by the renewing of his carnal mind (Romans 12:2) he understood it was...

Price: Free Developer: Kyriakos Leivadas
Healthy Choice FM

Healthy Choice FM

DEDICATED HEALTH AND WELLNESS RADIO... Promoting positive lifestyles with a sustained delivery of relevant, reliable, support information and strategies embedded in an eclectic musical format comprising a core of easy-listening jazz and other genres. Celebrating uplifting aspects of Caribbean and world...

Price: Free Developer: Streann Media
Ear Training PRO

Ear Training PRO

This is the ad-free version. - It includes two sections: SECTION 1 has two levels: - Each level contains twenty rhythmic lessons and twenty melodic lessons. - Each lesson is integrated by fifteen exercises. ON LEVEL “A”: - You will hear a musical idea and...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Pablo Prieto
Ear Training.

Ear Training.

This is the free version. - It includes two sections: SECTION 1 has two levels: - Each level contains twenty rhythmic lessons and twenty melodic lessons. - Each lesson is integrated by fifteen exercises. ON LEVEL “A”: - You will hear a musical idea and...

Price: Free Developer: Pablo Prieto


Gaana Pehchaana, music app is the perfect entertainment destination for all Hindi Film Music lovers. It is a free music app which offers you unlimited access to 1. A host of entertaining Bollywood Musical Games, seen nowhere ...

Price: Free Developer: Gaanap
MyMotif - #1 music maker

MyMotif - #1 music maker

Are you someone who enjoys spending time in doing creative things? Would you like to unleash your imagination adding exciting elements to your videos? Be you own DJ! Do you like to party? Are you a music lover? If...

Price: Free Developer: LÖVLUND INNOVATION AB
Rap Studio Lite

Rap Studio Lite

Rap Studio 2 Free is NOW AVAILABLE! Rap Studio Lite: Use flexible Pro HipHop Loops as your beats, then rap. Share with our Studio Community, friends via iMessage export, Facebook, YouTube and more. | Choose music loops | Set the...

Price: Free Developer: XME Inc.


BeatPad On Sale Today! Rap-Studio & BeatPad work together to allow you to make great mix tapes and songs. Rap Studio is the most incredible way to produce your rap album! We've made the beats, you choose the ones...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: XME Inc.
RauteMusik.FM Internetradio

RauteMusik.FM Internetradio

Welcome to the most incredible Webradio App in the world! RauteMusik offers dozens of different genre channels and interactive features: Listen to your favorite music and use the "Feed" to get all program informations like realtime track updates, chat...

Price: Free Developer: RauteMusik.FM
Hiper Fm

Hiper Fm

Finalmente, a mesma App para várias plataformas… Com a nova App da Hiper Fm para dispositivos móveis podes ouvir a tua rádio em todo o lado, descobrir a música, as notícias, e os vídeos. Podes ainda partilhar todo o conteúdo de...

Price: Free Developer: Rádio Hiper Fm
Team FM

Team FM

What makes our station special? Hand-picked music, twenty-four hours a day, divided into ten great genres, so there's something for everyone. Absolutely no commercials, just occasional promotional material to keep you in the loop. The weekend comes alive with...

Price: Free Developer: Team-FM


This application enables you to connect to the AH.FM live streams via Mobile. - High Quality, slick & fast interface. - Afterhours.FM Streaming Technology enabled for best possible quality. - Informational bar with (number of listeners currently listening, amount of time your...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Afterhours.FM Inc.
AH.FM Lite

AH.FM Lite

This application enables you to connect to the AH.FM live streams via Mobile. - High Quality, slick & fast interface. - Afterhours.FM Streaming Technology enabled for best possible quality. - Informational bar with (amount of time your streaming, what bit rate is...

Price: Free Developer: Afterhours.FM Inc.
DI.FM - Electronic Music Radio

DI.FM - Electronic Music Radio

Experience and discover electronic music a better way: DI.FM is a 100% human-curated electronic music platform, designed to satisfy all of your listening cravings.   With the abundance of the world’s music just a few taps away, finding the right...

Price: Free Developer: Digitally Imported, Inc.
Nepali FM - Radio Video News

Nepali FM - Radio Video News

Nepali FM Radio is one stop iOS app for all Nepali with more than 200 radios from Nepal and more than 100 audio books that you can download to listen offline. Nepali FM is the first Nepali iPhone app...

Price: Free Developer: Deepak Dhakal
1.FM - Internet Radio

1.FM - Internet Radio

1.FM AG is a Swiss based Music Streaming service, broadcasting a variety of internet radio channels covering various music genres, time period and styles. 1.FM Premium Service : Premium service is for logged in users and enable you to Enjoy ads...

Price: Free Developer: 1.FM AG - Discover a Brand New World of Music - Discover a Brand New World of Music 是一個專為獨立音樂而設的免費分享平台。 在,獨立音樂單位可以將自己製作的歌曲與廣大樂迷分享,而樂迷亦可透過此平台享受各式各樣精彩的音樂創作,過程完全免費!我們希望透過分享和交流,讓獨立音樂文化得以蓬勃發展。Together, we UNITE and SHARE! ----------------------------------------------------------------- is a free platform tailored for independent music sharing. On, indie players can share their music with large number of indie fans, users can also discover the amazing indie scene, and it's...

Price: Free Developer: Victor Chan - Stream & Buy - Stream & Buy

Do you like Jewish Music? This app is for you is the first ever free Jewish music streaming app and site You can also buy & download on our site all your favorite albums We also have a very sophisticated search...

Price: Free Developer: Yoel Steinmetz

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