Top 22 Education Apps Like PequeApp Zona 16 - Best Alternatives

PequeApp Zona 16 Alternatives

Do you want to find the best PequeApp Zona 16 alternatives for iOS? We have listed 22 Education apps that are similar to PequeApp Zona 16. Pick one from this list to be your new PequeApp Zona 16 app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to PequeApp Zona 16 on your iOS devices.

Top 22 Apps Like PequeApp Zona 16 - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid PequeApp Zona 16 alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 22 similar apps like PequeApp Zona 16 2025.

PequeApp Las Charcas

PequeApp Las Charcas

Es un sistema de control escolar donde los Profesores, Autoridades Educativas y Padres de familia, interactúan por medio de una comunicación activa, compartiendo información del colegio, avisos, calendario de eventos, reportes y tareas; podemos seguir detalladamente el desempeño del...

Price: Free Developer: Inversiones Digitales S.A.
PequeApp Las Luces

PequeApp Las Luces

Es un sistema de control escolar donde los Profesores, Autoridades Educativas y Padres de familia, interactúan por medio de una comunicación activa, compartiendo información del colegio, avisos, calendario de eventos, reportes y tareas; podemos seguir detalladamente el desempeño del...

Price: Free Developer: Inversiones Digitales S.A.
CEI Zona Sul

CEI Zona Sul

Aplicativo para pais e alunos do CEI Zona Sul, que leva os serviços online para a palma da mão.

Price: Free Developer: Interativa Publicidade Digital Ltda
Zona Escolar PUCP

Zona Escolar PUCP

Zona Escolar PUCP es un espacio informativo para escolares de todo el país. Encuentra aquí la más completa y variada información de la Universidad Católica. Conoce nuestras más de 50 carreras a través de pdfs informativos y videos de nuestros...

Price: Free Developer: PUCP


Con la App #Soyvisual puedes trabajar diferentes actividades interactivas para el desarrollo del lenguaje, permitiendo un aprendizaje autónomo, adaptado al propio ritmo del niño. Inicialmente, se pueden descargar tres paquetes de ejercicios para trabajar la morfosintaxis y construcción de frases...

Price: Free Developer: Tropical S.C.


Educativia facilitează procesul de învățare a limbii române și autonomia utilizatorilor de la cele mai mici vârste, având un conținut axat pe dezvoltarea vocabularului, într-o manieră interactivă, modernă și atractivă, la nivel de funcționalitate și design. Zona START se adresează...

Price: Free Developer: Mobile OUTLOOK
Ifá Tradicional Pro

Ifá Tradicional Pro

Ifá Tradicional Pro es la primera APP sobre la práctica Yorùbá con los audios en Yorùbá de los versos de Ifá, realizados por auténticos Babalawo Yorùbá. Ifá Tradicional Pro no solo les ayudará a corregir la pronunciación Yorùbá sino...

Price: USD 69.99 Developer: Michel Odreman


Este Manual fue pensado como una herramienta tanto para ser aplicada en el cumplimiento de las normativas exigidas por la Ley 13059 de la Provincia de Buenos Aires de Acondicionamiento Térmico de Edificios1, como en el de otras leyes...

Price: Free Developer: Asociacion Argentina del Poliestireno Expandido


250 bolets de la nostra terra fa d'aquesta app, la guia per boletaires més completa per iPhone (creada per gent del berguedà) #Aprofita el GPS del teu iphone per marcar sobre el mapa els llocs on has trobat bolets: - Els...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Marc Canet
Dribo – Tu autoescuela online

Dribo – Tu autoescuela online

Dribo es la primera autoescuela app que ya ha formado a más de 150.000 futuros conductores y conductoras. Únete a la nueva generación de Dribers que han probado el método Dribo, con el que sacarse el carnet de conducir...

Price: Free Developer: Dribo Ventures S.L.
Liceo Espigas

Liceo Espigas

Inaugurado en 2016, el Liceo Espigas incorpora en 2018 su tercer grupo, totalizando 225 estudiantes y completando así el Ciclo Básico de Secundaria (primero a tercer año). Se trata de un liceo de tiempo completo y gratuito, gestionado por...

Price: Free Developer: Virginia Mendez


VIDEONALE.16 is a festival and exhibition, organised by Videonale e.V. Place: Kunstmuseum Bonn Dates: February 16th – April 2nd 2017 Opening: Thursday, February 16th 2017, 8 pm Videonale Founded in 1984, the biennial Videonale strenghtened its position as one of the most important and...

Price: Free Developer: Ivo Wessel
ESU 16

ESU 16

The official app for ESU 16 allows users direct access to the most recent news, announcements and event calendars. Customize the app to display information relevant to a specific campus and to receive important notifications from the district. Users...

Price: Free Developer: ESU 16
Olympia CUSD #16, IL

Olympia CUSD #16, IL

The official app for Olympia CUSD #16, IL allows users direct access to the most recent news, announcements and event calendars. Don't miss out on any important notifications. Users may also access the directory of district faculty and staff,...

Price: Free Developer: Olympia School District 16, INC
Queen Bee School District 16

Queen Bee School District 16

The official Queen Bee School District 16 app gives you a personalized window into what is happening at the district and schools. Get the news and information that you care about and get involved. Anyone can: -View...

Price: Free Developer: QUEEN BEE SCHOOL DISTRICT 16 (INC)
RSU 16

RSU 16

With the RSU 16 mobile app, your school district comes alive with the touch of a button. Easily navigate through current news and events or check out the latest updates with social media like Facebook and Twitter. Quickly retrieve...

Price: Free Developer: Regional School Unit 16
[16,17기 오픈!] 또봇 - 어린이 유아 대상 변신 자동차 로봇 VOD 콘텐츠

[16,17기 오픈!] 또봇 - 어린이 유아 대상 변신 자동차 로봇 VOD 콘텐츠

시즌 16기, 17기 추가 오픈! 업데이트 기념 전편 특가 할인중! 우리아이와 재미있게 감상하세요~ - 또봇 소개 아이들이 너~~무나 좋아하는 또봇! 변신자동차 또봇 시즌이 업데이트 되었어요! 지금 업데이트 하시고 신규 시즌에서 볼 수있는 또봇 제로를 만나보세요~ 또봇을 보며 어린이들은 즐거움뿐만이 아니라...

Price: Free Developer: UANGEL Corp.
CPA FAR Practice Test 2017 Ed

CPA FAR Practice Test 2017 Ed

Do you really want to pass CPA FAR exam and/or expand your knowledge & expertise effortlessly? This best mobile app help you archive your goal easily by the following unique features: - Break learning materials into small sets of practice questions...

Price: Free Developer: Lieu Phan
Learn React 16.9 Pro

Learn React 16.9 Pro

Learn React + JSX + Javascript + Typescript + ES6 + Redux + React Native + Webpack + GraphQL + D3.js + babel + React Quick Guide + React Glossary + Projects and more without ADS and completely offline....

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Shahbaz Khan
Spanish 16: Study & Learn Spanish Words, Verbs & Vocabulary!

Spanish 16: Study & Learn Spanish Words, Verbs & Vocabulary!

Introducing "Spanish 16" from Addictive Spanish ( - a Spanish language learning app featuring a smart dictionary and a fun vocabulary learning tool! “Spanish 16” helps you learn more than 2,000 popular and commonly-used words using a unique teaching strategy...

Price: Free Developer: 13apps


Welcome to the i.d.9:16 app! We exist to form young adults into intentional disciples of Jesus Christ. This app will connect you with powerful content to help you 'Grow' in holiness and 'Go' make disciples. Watch excerpts from Disciples' Nights,...

Price: Free Developer: Subsplash Inc

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