Top 24 Education Apps Like Riad El Saleheen Schools - Best Alternatives

Riad El Saleheen Schools Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Riad El Saleheen Schools alternatives for iOS? We have listed 24 Education apps that are similar to Riad El Saleheen Schools. Pick one from this list to be your new Riad El Saleheen Schools app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Riad El Saleheen Schools on your iOS devices.

Top 24 Apps Like Riad El Saleheen Schools - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Riad El Saleheen Schools alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 24 similar apps like Riad El Saleheen Schools 2025.



Cette application outil de communication numérique orienté de l’établissement scolaire vers les parents. Le contact avec les parents devient plus rapide que jamais. L’espace Parent est très facile d’accès et sa prise en main est simple. On y trouve : - Le...

Price: Free Developer: MALCON S.A.R.L
G.S Riad les Nobles casa

G.S Riad les Nobles casa

Cette application outil de communication numérique orienté de l’établissement scolaire vers les parents. Le contact avec les parents devient plus rapide que jamais. L’espace Parent est très facile d’accès et sa prise en main est simple. On y trouve : - Le «...

Price: Free Developer: MALCON S.A.R.L


KARRINI est une innovation inédite de compétences 100% Algérienne. Le principe de KARRINI est que chaque personne qui détient un savoir peut le partager aux membres dans tous les domaines. KARRINI, notre philosophie ... L’échange, le partage, la transmission du savoir...

Price: Free Developer: RIAD MATI
Iglesia El Camino Queens

Iglesia El Camino Queens

The El Camino Queens app features content from Pastor Víctor Rodríguez, who leads  the El Camino Queens Church in Queens, New York Iglesia El Camino Queens  exists to connect people with God and others in a meaningful relationship through Jesus. To help...

Price: Free Developer: Iglesia Pentecostal El Camino
UTEC El Salvador

UTEC El Salvador

La Universidad Tecnológica de El Salvador está comprometida en brindar innovadores servicios educativos y es así como ha desarrollado una aplicación móvil que busca ayudar a toda su población estudiantil entregando respuestas inmediatas y en cualquier lugar, el alumno...

Price: Free Developer: Mobile El Salvador S.A. de C.V.
MED-EL Academy

MED-EL Academy

The MED-EL Academy App provides easy access to all your MED-EL courses. You can - Browse course content, even if you are offline - Receive messages for news and events - Contact other people in your courses (depending on the settings in...

Price: Free Developer: MED-EL
Papás 360 - Para el Desarrollo

Papás 360 - Para el Desarrollo

¿QUE ES PAPÁS 360? Una plataforma digital para el bienestar familiar y personal. Está orientada a ayudar los #papásdehoy y #mamásdehoy, con hijos entre cero y 18 años de edad. Toca diversos temas relacionados a las nuevas tendencias de la...

Price: Free Developer: Papas 360, S. de R.L. de C.V.
Bibliojuga amb el Genius

Bibliojuga amb el Genius

Bibliojuga amb el Gènius és una aplicació desenvolupada per la Diputació de Barcelona que ofereix 8 jocs infantils on els protagonistes són els personatges del Gènius, portal infantil de la Xarxa de Biblioteques Municipals. Ofereix dos jocs...

Price: Free Developer: Diputacio de Barcelona
Aprende a Leer con el Profesor Pipe

Aprende a Leer con el Profesor Pipe

Tomichlabs presenta “Aprende a leer con el Profesor Pipe”. “Aprende a leer con el Profesor Pipe” es una aplicación educativa e interactiva cuyo principal objetivo es fomentar el desarrollo escolar y las habilidades psicomotrices en la iniciación y repaso...

Price: Free Developer: Tomas Raul Malpica
El Elefante

El Elefante

- Marcador Partitura: Al ser detectado el marcador, arranca el audio y, de acuerdo al compás que suene, aparecerá un rectángulo de color sobre el compás correspondiente hasta que se acabe el clip del audio. Al final, toda la...

Price: Free Developer: Fernando Garcia Jimenez
Moixent en el Temps

Moixent en el Temps

Íberos, romanos, musulmanes, cristianos, ... Muchas han sido las culturas que han poblado esta hermosa población de la provincia de Valencia. “Moixent en el Temps” es una herramienta educativa para dará a conocer a los escolares de 3 a...

San Lorenzo de El Escorial 360

San Lorenzo de El Escorial 360

En San Lorenzo de El Escorial VR podrás visitar El Escorial buscando en el mapa 4 sitios históricos, a través del GPS podrás llegar las ubicaciones y entonces viajarás al pasado en tiempo real. Disfruta de esta experiencia única...

Price: Free Developer: 6DLab
Se abre el telón

Se abre el telón

ComunicARTE es nuestro sistema de enseñanza-aprendizaje de Lengua Castellana y Literatura para Educación Primaria y Secundaria. A través del trabajo por proyectos de comprensión y de la integración de metodologías emergentes (aprendizaje cooperativo, cultura de pensamiento, inteligencias múltiples...), los...

Price: Free Developer: Polygon Education S.L
PenPal Schools

PenPal Schools

PenPal Schools connects children from around the world to learn together! Over 10,000 schools in 150 countries use PenPal Schools to increase engagement and learning through authentic global connections. And now, our award-winning program is available to parents! On PenPal...

Price: Free Developer: PenPal Schools
Smart Schools S2

Smart Schools S2

Smart Schools is a free mobile phone app that allows to digitalize the daily operations of schools and to realize all communications between teachers, non-teaching staff, families and students by means of push notifications. Smart Schools is: 100% FREE for...

Price: Free Developer: Ingeniería de Servicios para la Educación S.L.
iLearn Schools Connect

iLearn Schools Connect

iLearn Schools, Inc. (formerly North Jersey Arts and Science Charter Schools) is a non-profit Charter Management Organization (CMO) that provides specialized educational and management services to five separate public charter school districts. All iLearn-managed schools are public charter schools that...

Price: Free Developer: iLearn Schools, Inc.
Fun English for Schools

Fun English for Schools

The Fun English for Schools app is a supplementary learning tool for educational establishments that use the Fun English curriculum. It is an organized course of flashcards, games and quizzes divided into daily lessons for very young learners which...

Price: Free Developer: Studycat Limited
Grimmway Schools

Grimmway Schools

The Grimmway Schools app by SchoolInfoApp enables parents, students, teachers and administrators to quickly access the resources, tools, news and information to stay connected and informed! The Grimmway Schools app by SchoolInfoApp features: - Important school and class news and announcements -...

Price: Free Developer: Grimmway Schools
Kent County Public Schools

Kent County Public Schools

The Kent County Public Schools app by SchoolInfoApp enables parents, students, teachers and administrators to quickly access the resources, tools, news and information to stay connected and informed! The Kent County Public Schools app by SchoolInfoApp features: - Important school and...

Price: Free Developer: Kent County Public Schools
King Schools Companion

King Schools Companion

The KING Companion App enables you to download and take video lessons from any of our award winning online Ground School and Test Prep courses, Checkride courses and Single-Subject Flying courses -- anywhere, anytime. Even when not connected to...

Price: Free Developer: King Schools, Inc.
King's Schools.

King's Schools.

Welcome to the King's Schools’ mobile app! “Quality Education with a Vision!” The mission of King’s Schools is to provide a distinctively Christian education, in cooperation with the parents and the church, with God’s Word being central to an education emphasizing...

Murray County Schools

Murray County Schools

The Murray County Schools app by SchoolInfoApp enables parents, students, teachers and administrators to quickly access the resources, tools, news and information to stay connected and informed! The Murray County Schools app by SchoolInfoApp features: - Important school and class news...

Price: Free Developer: MURRAY COUNTY SCHOOLS
Pike County Schools

Pike County Schools

The Pike County Schools app by SchoolInfoApp enables parents, students, teachers and administrators to quickly access the resources, tools, news and information to stay connected and informed! The Pike County Schools app by SchoolInfoApp features: - Important school and class news...

Price: Free Developer: Pike County Schools

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